
Capcom’s Betrayal: Why Street Fighter V breaks my heart as a long time fan of the franchise

Jonathan White of KnowTechie could complain about this game all day, because in truth it’s so mind-blowing that Capcom would drop the ball this hard on their cornerstone franchise.

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darthv723003d ago

I had been reading that the game was rushed to make the pro tour. A better thing for Capcom to have done was make the version for the Pro tour but continue to work on the retail release to be done either later in April or June.

But the way that it is leaves the door wide open for them to re-release it later in the year as a super or ultra edition.

BlackTar1873003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

what does release the pro tour version mean? Like release it free to everyone who click a box that says im part of the pro tour?

They made the verison of the pro tour that's what came out the rest comes soon. For people who pretend like they have a gun to their head that forces them not to wait 30 days to purchase are funny to me.

dirkdady3003d ago

It's all about scaling expectations. I think launching a pro tour version at $30 bucks and offering an upgrade later on while selling a full retail at $60 might have been the best approach.

Regardless it's not a bad game by any means sitting at 82 on metacritic with more content to come. It's an investment essentially some won't mind making while others will not.

darthv723003d ago

"what does release the pro tour version mean? Like release it free to everyone who click a box that says im part of the pro tour?"

No. They have their capcom pro tour that goes around for competitions. Capcom could have just did that without rushing the retail release. Thus making the retail release more complete and launch in late March/April or towards the summer.

At least by then it would have been a more complete version of the game.

freshslicepizza3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

so sony helps fund the project to get it to come out earlier but the game is rushed with little content. odd to say the least.

Dir_en_grey3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Yeah all people with these sob stories about SFV doesn't even own the game.
The servers are sorted out on Tuesday and then one more down time in the morning and that's it. Great online & getting so many matches.
Everything is running smoothly more than any other multiplayer game on launch.

Why does it get so much heat and hate? Well let's just say people who own the "other" system don't have games to play and nothing else to do then to cry about a game they will never get for their system, and all of a sudden they pretend to own an imaginary PS4 now... Pathetic.

shadowraiserx3002d ago

We want the disc with every mode inside and updates ,dlc characters and stages are another thing.They should release this game digital only and when they have everything working and modes complete in order sell the game for 60$. I don't understand how some people are pleased with the incomplete lunch of this game.The we fix this later BS is getting annoying.

donthate3002d ago


I don't understand why people give it SFV a pass, but not other games. It is disgusting practice to sell me a bare bones game, and drip feed me content that should have been there day-1 as if that is support.

In short, it is clear to me more and more that Capcom is hell bent on digging their own hole deeper and deeper.

I hope Capcom goes to bankruptcy and somebody will buy up some of their franchises and do it right by gamers instead of this BS!

ion6663002d ago

The online right now is lengthy between each match. Did en grey that's a bold faced bullshyt lie. The crashed on me in survival mode too. Plus the a.i. is garbage even on hell difficulty. Don't believe people who don't own a ps4

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3002d ago
XtraTrstrL3003d ago

Or only ask $20-$30 for the launch content.

BlackTar1873003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

i can get on board with that but the best thing and we'll never get to see it but bet if they released a 20-30 version all the comments towards the game would be why do i need to buy the rest i got the best part of SF already for 30.

Too bad we can't see that

it also it funny that the super pro Xbox guys are the loudest people on the WE'VE BEEN TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF CREW. Every SF5 comment section on bad reviews is like 5 people who spent most of their previous 12 months mostly talking crap about PS

XtraTrstrL3003d ago


Wow, you sound delusional. Go look at the review section on Steam dude. You really think those are all Xbox guys? The game doesn't even punish ragequitters yet. It's just today they made a vague comment about doing something about it.

From the more recent thing they said just after that, it seems they're just gonna allow you to block players on CFN, lmao. So, you still won't get FM/EXP when you're raged on, just possibly the ability to block that player for the future. It still doesn't answer the other issue of when they don't rage quite, and when it's about to tally up the points it says brings up a message that it failed to update the data or whatever, and same result as a ragequit, you get no FM/EXP. It's happened about 4 times to me, and I've only played 2 Casual matches and about 12 Ranked matches so far.

So, all this Xbox/PS4 war crap always going on in n4g has to stop when people are just stating facts. It's disgusting that people actually try to go to that still, like they're clever.

Oh, you saying something bad about this crap Xbox game, you must be a PS4 fanboy, I'm a genius. You sayin something bad about this abysmal PS4 game, you must be a Xbox fanboy, look how smart I am. Friggin' idiots, I swear.

The proof is in the puddin'.

BlackTar1873003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

Wow Xtra you seem a little to engaged in this.

I never said anything about steam or anything i specifically implied the bad reviews on N4g and i specifically said there is a rash of pro xbox people who have histories being extremely vocal. I think you're the one who needs to stp back. Im perfectly calm.

I'm not on Steam S5 page because i don't play fighters on PC and i never accused the 5 people im talking about being on steam doing the same thing. Step back breath dude. The only idiot here is you. Keep making leaps with your accusations all you want doens't deter from the fact you just blew a head gasket for no reason.

Are you saying that seeing the usual suspects( cough i called out 5 people not by name) isn't funny? And that by 5 i meant 100000 and by N4g i meant every review board this game has out there? Grow up crazy and calm your Tits.

Team_Litt3002d ago

That was really embarrassing for you BlackTar. This comment did more harm for you than Xtra's excellent reply. You should just stop. Go lie down and think of how you can avoid embarrassing yourself like this again.

gangsta_red3002d ago

"it also it funny that the super pro Xbox guys are the loudest people on the WE'VE BEEN TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF CREW."

So does this mean the super pro Sony guys are just waiting in the corner all quiet, bending over and giving this a pass?

I'm reading a lot of comments that are from a lot of Sony fans who are just as loud saying how they don't want this type of release to become a trend. It happened with Titanfall, Evolve, Battlefront, Driveclub and now SFV.

Time to stop turning everything into a console fanboy war.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3002d ago
BlackTar1873003d ago

Wait how do you relase a pro tour/evo verison?

I'm confused on how they release a pro tour version but don't release one just go around and do the pro tour?

How do they release a pro tour version to people exactly? What are you trying to say here im confused?

darthv723003d ago

Well, back in the day companies would make what is known as a competition version of a game. They would then take it on tour with them to various events for "competition" play. It would generally be a very basic version of the retail release and not be something that gets released to consumers.

All the while... the programmers at the company would keep working on the retail release. Adding in more levels and difficulty and other stuff you'd expect. It's not hard to fathom that Capcom basically made just one version of this game and released it earlier than expected for the sake of having it available for them to take on tour.

for more information you can check out their site: https://capcomprotour.com/

XtraTrstrL3003d ago


Yeah, basically, SFV is at the point SFIV was when it first went to arcades(16 characters, bare bones content, certain bugs/etc that need fixing. SFIV didn't arrive on consoles until extended time in the arcades, to where they were able to have 25 characters. SFV was rushed out way before it was ready, to get here in time for all the ambitious eSports plans.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I get to play SFV now, as a huge, long-time SF fan, that played SF1 in the arcades when it had the 2 pressure-sensitive whack-a-mole buttons. $60 is asking a lot though, when you expect lots of people to still dish out for Season Passes and Zenny down the line to keep the game alive. Cuz obviously they don't expect to survive off the initial purchase and everyone using only FM to unlock content. So, at the very least - the price should have been lower, and all the major issues surrounding network play should have been better put together at launch.

BlackTar1873003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

agree to disagree

I do think a cheaper version should have been released no issues with that here.

shadowraiserx3002d ago

When you register to compete in the pro tour they can print a code for ps4 or steam so they can downloaded and start practicing and used them as lab rats to get a better online experience when they finished everything of the offline single player experience release the physical version for 60$ and make the full version digital available to the masses,that was the correct way to do it.Not like they do it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3002d ago
Fin_The_Human3003d ago

If this was a MS/PC exclusive I think this game would have been crucified till no tomorrow but instead it gets a good meta score and people are defending it.

Killer Instincts got blasted for it pay model but this game gets a free pass.

Team_Litt3002d ago

I wish someone would make a Jake the dog account and follow you around.

On topic : Totally agree!

vegasgamerdawg3002d ago

You've no sense of reality, the code would be stolen and they would lose millions. Don't go into business, your not cut out for it.

vegasgamerdawg3002d ago

Disagree with reality? N4G, home of the fanBOY idiot.

showtimefolks3002d ago

please everyone calm down. why do you all act like this all the time? have we not learned our lessons?

season passes costing as much as games or launching a season pass for 30 to late charge 50

games not launching well tested(looking at your fallout 4)

severe online lag issues

huge day one patches(every game on next gen)

some games really never totally fixed(looking at your battlefield 4)

this is true next gen welcome abroad and have a seat. please have your wallets in your hands so we can take the money you are so willing to throw to screen

true next gen gaming experience

HawaiianDreads3002d ago

Sadly I have to agree with you.

showtimefolks3002d ago

it's truly sad that i am right though. when games like destiny set records for sales than publishers like UBI want to cash in on with the division

when dying light developers got away with raising prices for their dlc so bethesda said why not us and soon many more developers/publishers

see fanboys have this idea that their favorite company or brand isn't about money when bottom line was,is and always will be decided by money and money alone

if we ever and i do mean ever want to make an impact than truly not supporting something with our money is the best way to make an impact

but why do that. for the longest time battlefield 4 fanboys/fangirls didn't want to admit the issues

for the longest xbox defense force didn't want to admit to rrod being a multi billion dollar problem

we are stupid enough to defend these billion dollar corporations when to them we are nothing but dollar signs

zugdar3002d ago

I thought they said they were going to not have the multiple releases?

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3002d ago
Loktai3003d ago

Everyone seems to forget its street fighter. Expect half a dozen revisions in the next couple years. 4 was deeply hated on launch.

Hoffmann3003d ago

Over Dramatic Battle is Over Dramatic.

Bison wins.

DragonDDark3003d ago

R.Mika slaps A*s.

Oh wait...

Hoffmann3003d ago

She is doing it again and again in my fantasy, accompanied by Cammy.

<3 Dolls.

MoveTheGlow3003d ago (Edited 3003d ago )

Bison's right :P

I think this is overblown. While I can't stand crappy launches, give this a little time and we'll be watching it on Twitch, playing it locally w friends, and engaged in the community. At least they let us know this stuff wouldn't be available yet beforehand.

Granted, server BS on day one is both inevitable and stupid. It needs to stop.

Now, if we give it time and it sucks, then it's time to break out the handkerchiefs.

Articuno763002d ago

Keep in mind that the server issues shouldn't affect the offline single-player portion of the game in the first place (yet they do).

If the server times out why am I booted back to the title screen? Doesn't matter how good the server is, that's just a dumb decision.

I'm giving this game some time to get better: a whole year. In the meantime I'm happier with my money back in my wallet.

MoveTheGlow2999d ago (Edited 2999d ago )

Articuno, considering how the launch went, that's completely true. They bungled it. Most online games launch on fire, but they should have anticipated this and at least allowed the game to compensate for server failure.

The always-online single player seems like a way to prevent leaderboard/fight money hacking, which usually I'd get all angry about, but we haven't seen the store yet (also a problem!) so it may matter. This would be decently okay if the servers weren't on fire, but it happened. Dang it, servers, you had one job.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 2999d ago
Rachel_Alucard3003d ago

You all lose

Rachel Wins

Rebel 2


Hoffmann3003d ago

BlazBlue is so...yesterday.


corroios3003d ago

Give it a rest and go play the kardashian game!

Hoffmann3003d ago

That was the meanest comment I have ever seen.

I bow down to you. You are the new evil Dictator of this place.

GamePeace3003d ago

Give this and the kardashian game and every other greedy person or company a final rest!

HawaiianDreads3002d ago

Pretty sure that would be all companies then. Well at least the large ones anyway.

pompombrum3003d ago

I don't see what the problem is, fans have been asking for a new Alpha game for years now and we got the next best thing, a SF game in Alpha!

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Street Fighter 5: Analysing a Tarnished Legacy

Street Fighter 5 launched in 2016, and is widely considered a misstep for the hugely popular franchise. This article explains why that is.

Terry_B131d ago

Every Street Fighter is called a misstep of the series since Street Fighter III..and even the Alpha games were not liked by everyone.

SF V had a miserable start but later it did a lot things actually better than SFIV and SF6.

SF6 is the first SF since SFII Turbo for that I did not buy at launch. And today, around 6 months after its launch I still have no motivation to buy it.

kevco33130d ago

I've had every Street Fighter on launch since SFII on the SNES. SFV is definitely my least played of them all.

SF6 is very good. You should give it a second look.

Terry_B130d ago

Maybe in 2-3 years when there is a version that has characters I care for.

So far there is not one of the new characters I like..and my favourite 4 are not a part of it either. (Bison, Balrog, Sagat and Vega) + the whole hip hop style and the crappy music turned me totally off.

Looking forward a lot to Tekken 8.

Sano24130d ago

SF4 vanilla was loved by most and and not considered a misstep. It wasn't until they went revision crazy that people started turning on Capcom.

Terry_B130d ago

Don't remember the criticques it got for the big hands and feet, the sometimes weird looking faces, the lame boss (Seth) and that so many characters were shotos and yup..the many new versions. Just every SF got its haters no matter how good it was.

Nerdmaster129d ago

It was criticized for the first trailers having an interesting art style with those ink splashes, but the real game had none of that and people felt cheated. And Capcom decided to add some of those effects in the game later because of the backlash. But I don't remember any other big complaints about it.

EvertonFC130d ago

I grew out of fighting games, loved them as a kid but online you just get your ass kicked over and over leaving just the bare bones single player and also having no friends anymore who like fighting games either just makes me not want to buy or play them anymore.

CrimsonWing69130d ago

I dunno, I like Street Fighter 5 quite a bit. 🤷‍♂️

Shiro173129d ago

Sf6 is the best sf since sf4ae lol

129d ago Replies(1)
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Street Fighter Documentary Fights its Way to Blu-Ray

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The Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked

By Jason Monroe: Join me as I rank the best Street Fighter games of all time, taking into account their impact on the genre, gameplay mechanics, character rosters, and overall fun factor. Let’s get into it…

Round One: FIGHT!!

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