
Bravely Second: End Layer Review | GES

GES writes: "Bravely Second is the sequel of Bravely Default that was released in 2013/14. It takes place in the same world only 2 and a half years later but this time you will explore more of the land of Luxendarc.

The main character you start with is Yew, he is then later accompanied by Edea, Magnolia and Tiz. Your main objective in the game is to rescue Agnes. The game is a role playing game and as you build up your party you will become stronger.

The RPG elements reminded me a lot of Final Fantasy. You can choose a main “job” role for each character which they will level up in, and you also set up some secondary actions from other roles. You can also equip your characters with different items and use items in your inventory."

OngoBay3037d ago

Is it just me or does the writing level seem a bit...grade-school?

sdcard4gb3037d ago

No, not grade-school, more like as if author is a android who tries to pose as a human.

sdcard4gb3037d ago

Beep-bloop, I am writing a review.Beep-bloop.

Seriously, read it with a 50-60s style alien robot voice, you won't regret it.

LightofDarkness3037d ago

"Bravely Second: End Layer was interesting but I doubt that I will spend hours playing it, if you are into the JRPG genre and love these styled games then you might enjoy it."

This gives the impression you played it for a very short period of time. I'm not sure if you've really done your homework with this one, but I can understand that. Judging by the language used, homework is a relatively new thing to you and you just hate it, because it interrupts valuable time that could be spent watching cartoons and playing Minecraft with the other kids in your class.


5 Square Enix Games To Play Before Bravely Default 2

KeenGamer: "To prepare for the challenge of the upcoming JRPG, players might wish to practice with games similarly developed by Square Enix before Bravely Default 2. From game mechanics, story and overall tone, here is a list of 5 games that will prepare players for what awaits them."

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B68W1202d ago

I mean, those are games you should play period.


The Art of Bravely Second: End Layer gets release date and other details

The release date and other details have been revealed for The Art of Bravely Second: End Layer.

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Bravely Series Twitter Account Teases New Title

The official Twitter account for the Bravely series is teasing a new title announcement.