
Why are Publishers Misleading Us With “Single Player” Modes?

OnlySP: There seems to be some strange goings on these days with the marketing campaigns of either primarily co-op or multiplayer games. As a matter of fact, some of the PR firms sound downright defensive when it comes to games being labeled multi-player only and insist there’s at least some single player content. While I’ve long argued that that multi-player-centric games aren’t worth full price, it seems the rest of the gaming community is just starting to agree, or at least are getting more vocal about it. The two most recent games that fall into this category are EA’s Star Wars: Battlefront, and Ubisoft’s Rainbow Six: Siege.

-Foxtrot3013d ago

More money

Take Destiny for example, the amount of times I heard before it came out something like (paraphrasing here) "Get sucked into the epic, Sci-Fi story which Single player gamers can enjoy" or "This a game where single players can be sucked into the games epic story".

In the end the game is terrible as a single player game and boring. You need to play with people, that is if you don't get bored with grinding.

Fact is developers try and trick an audience which isn't the focus of their new game because to them it's like "Well we may aswell try to lure them in, the more we can sucker into buying the game, the more money we'll get".

It's why I can't stand MMO's or multiplayer/co-op focused new IPs where developers try to spew out that the game is for everyone when it obviously isn't.

BlackPanther3013d ago

I think because many gamers claim they won't buy the games without a Single Player experience. I think the devs should just not tack on single player and if they want to make a multiplayer only game they should do so.

Every game doesn't need to have single player just like every game doesn't need multiplayer. But it's tough for devs because they need to try to entice as many people or they're out of a job.

The solution should be to just make the game they want, make it to the best of your ability, and the results should follow. No more tacked game modes. Easier said then done of course.

jb2273013d ago

I agree that devs should make the game they want...I think it's the publishers that push them to mislead sp gamers by making half measured attempts just so they can claim it can be played solo. Kinda getting tired of all of the misleading advertisements in gaming, it's getting out of hand...pretty bad when EA is a good example...at least they never claimed that Battlefront had anything to offer so gamers besides bot modes. If devs are just being pushed by publishers to get a bullet point on a box, it would be nice if they could just be allowed to focus on what they can achieve w/o splitting their focus into realms they have no intention on realizing.

rainslacker3013d ago

It's not that they claim they won't, it's that they often don't. People also claim they won't buy games without a MP mode, yet still SP games sell well. There are more SP gamers out there than MP gamers. The belief that MP has somehow taken over the market, and that the majority of players seek that included or exclusively is overblown by the media, and the publishers themselves because they can capitalize on the MP content more than the SP content.

Most varieties have a place in the market. SP only, MP only, SP w/ a MP campaign, MP focused with a SP campaign, some sort of hybrid, etc.

Developers should make the game they want, can't argue that. However, money has to be made, and if more money can be made off making a game that appeals to more people, then why not go after more markets. In the long run, it only helps strengthen an IP if more people play it.

I prefer not to see tacked on modes, but rather the ones where both modes are focused on equally, and are of equal quality...say UC2/3 and TLOU for example. I'm sure there are more, but those are the only one's I'm aware of, since I don't follow MP that much.

ManAnimalX3013d ago

disagree with the "Or their out of a job" part, no that's not true, the Publisher just wont get as much $$ from the game..

Brohan3013d ago (Edited 3013d ago )

I totally agree with this when it comes to lack of campaign for instence Titanfall was awesome at first but with a lack of campaign that seems to be mostly audio it doesn't give it enough life and I lost interest into the game. Same with destiny and the others that have came out recently I've avoided cause of that.

s45gr323013d ago

Is not the lack of single player campaign that got you bored per se. It's the lack of content in mp only games. An only mp game can exist without a single player campaign if it has these essential features:

Mod Support (it can be done on consoles insert Fallout 4/Unreal Tournament 3)

Map Editor regardless if is 4 maps or 10 maps.

Lan Support (it can be done on consoles
was a major feature for Xbox Original)

Offline multiplayer with bots or the forgotten split screen.

Full developed in depth online game modes not just your typical online game modes:

Team Deathmatch
👑 of the hill
Last Man Standing

or half-ass,underdeveloped game modes.

Without these features the online only game is dead in the water.

Second, what I mean by a fully developed online game mode. Is having say space battles on a space game that allowed the gamer to play stealthily, aggressive, or chill. Have gamers be weapon dealers or pilots or space miners/smugglers. Another online game mode for this space game would be space races with actual gambling where gamers can bet either their entire spaceship or parts of their spaceship; better yet, their logol/online clan, earn prizes/coal if the gamer loses. Complete with track editor, spaceship customization, clan system, etc. Then include the 5 typical online game modes.

That's an example of a worthy online only game. Right now online only games have the same business model as free to play. What I mean by that is a barebones game then sell tons and tons and tons of DLC/microtransanctions to beef up the game while the gamer spends and spends and spends 💰 till no end in sight.

3013d ago
Ruggadagod3013d ago

I will always prefer single player over multiplayer. It's just what I usually go for when I pick up a new game. I won't buy a game if it doesn't have a strong single player mode not just something tacked on unless it's an online focused game that I've really wanted to play.

Some people say single player is dying. I say to them that they are a fool. Millions around the world enjoy single player games. From the NES era until now. Lots of amazing single player experiences each generation. Just finished Bioshock infinite. Simply a great SP shooter too.

Single player games take more passion and effort to get right. Many publishers/devs use online gaming as a crutch for a weak single player mode. It doesn't work on me as I prefer single player besides a few exceptions.

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Screw that.
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UBI is SOFT - Crap company & game - no shadows on characters 😂

Garethvk45d ago (Edited 45d ago )

People have not liked some of the recent offerings but they can still make some good stuff but they need to focus a bit on what fans want to see.