
Final Fantasy IX Review: Viva La Vivi | Gamezebo

If you’re a fan of the game, a fan of the series who’s been wanting to try this particular entry, or an RPG fan in general, definitely consider giving it a try.

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Asuka3038d ago

really miss this game. i have been thinking about playing it again, but i was unaware of the new features on the mobile release (e.g. turning encounters off, etc.) I may have to consider getting the mobile port!

Pookandpie3038d ago

It's already been rated for Steam (it has a page and everything saying early 2016), so that may be an option if you don't want to play with touch controls, or deal with syncing a controller to your phone.

I'm also imagining it will make its way to the Playstation platforms with these enhancements, too.

Warshade3038d ago

I plan to pick this up when added to steam. Already have the PS3 and the physical ps1 copies but I look forward to see what the PC mod community does with it.


The 7 Best Female Antagonists in Video Games: Unveiling the Femme Fatales

You need a reason to fight the good fight. In video games, some of the best antagonists have been female perpetrators.

kevco3395d ago

Bowser's a girl?!

...maybe that wasn't enough said. ;)

The_Hooligan95d ago

One of the most memorable fights I ever played. I almost didn't want to pull the trigger at the end.

Cacabunga95d ago

Maaan.. oh maaaaan!!!! Forever Legendary


Final Fantasy XVI Learned The Best Lesson From FFIX

Final Fantasy 16 is taking the series in a new direction, but it still appears to be taking some effective inspiration from past games.

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megaleo009349d ago

I liked it a lot, I will not compare it with other final fantasy, But I hadn't felt that emotion for a long time playing since the final fantasy vll remake, it lacks some things, it's not my goty, but it deserves a place in my heart, with that I say everything.


Hironobu Sakaguchi Pays Homage to Final Fantasy IX in Final Fantasy XIV

Hironobu Sakaguchi loves Final Fantasy XIV and recently he's been using its creative features to pay homage to Final Fantasy IX.