
Destiny Getting New Expansion in 2016 and Full Sequel in 2017; Activision Releases Financial Results

Activision Blizzard just released its financial results for the fourth quarter of calendar year 2015, ended on December 31st.

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-Foxtrot3002d ago

A sequel? Urgh...

Can't wait for the "We promise you guys, this is what Destiny should have been" PR lines.

Why don't they just continue updating the first one and get a small team of people to work on a brand new, single player focused IP with drop in/drop out co-op elements.

DarkOcelet3002d ago

I cant wait to see the amount of people who will make the same mistake again by falling into the hype of the marketing and buy it day 1.

The problem is not in Activision/Bungie, the problem is in the masses who will buy it.

-Foxtrot3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

I know right, it's going to be like Call of Duty

Which is funny as it's another game published by Activison.

People will get excited, be sucked in by PR, cool trailers, new features and then play the game only to be disappointed,

I think what I'm going to be more annoyed about is them trying to get single player gamers to buy this...the amount of PR on this is going to be insane. I've learnt now that despite what they say you can not enjoy this game as a single player game.

It's probably going to be another grind fest.

"In Destiny 2 you can now go to Jupiter, Saturn but not Uranus as we're too busy screwing it"

Chaosdreams3002d ago

The problem is with both. Activision/Bungie who pulled off a disgusting practice, and everyone who found out and then kept supporting it. (This isn't pointing fingers at those who enjoy the game, but at those who deny its faults and say everything is perfect).

Destiny 2, or whatever they call it, won't be anything special. It'll be addicting to the market that its focused on.

DarkOcelet3002d ago

"but not Uranus as we're too busy screwing it"

LOL! Good one mate XD

thekhurg3002d ago

Considering the massive success and huge continued number of players that Destiny has, I'm sure a ton of people will buy on day one and love the hell out of the game.

You aren't every gamer. Destiny fans far outnumber Destiny crybabies.

supraking9513002d ago

Its cute how wrong you are. This was a SUCCESSFUL new ip and it lasted more than a year, longer than a annual COD game. If its not for you then fine, but millions still play it and new content will shoot it back up the charts jist like Taken King.
K bye

KwietStorm_BLM3002d ago

Yep. Blame the people who bought a game they were interested in. Because of course buying a game at release is only because of marketing hype.

MAULxx3002d ago

I shall NOT BE MOVED! :)

Lord_Sloth3002d ago

Seriously. Where the hell do people get off buying things they enjoy? The nerve!

Pongwater3002d ago

I can't wait to see the amount of people pretending Destiny wasn't a success and isn't still heavily played.

Luckily I get to see that every time there's a Destiny article here.

OT - New expansion? I'm in! Sequel? I'm in!

IceKoldKilla3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

I'm sorry but you don't speak for the masses and it seems some people agree with me (your dislikes). I got Destiny day 1 and never regretted it. Yes the story sucked. No other way to say it. But man did it come at the perfect time. CoD is in my past now. I obssesed over it as a teen and have had the privilege to play and own every main title but it isn't for me anymore. Too much stress playing and I got bored of the game. So a FPS with RPG/MMO elements is what I needed but I didn't know at the time. I was very skeptical at first but I went and got the Collector's Edition. No regrets. The gameplay has had me hooked. I complain about things here and there but overall it's one of my favorite games of all time. If a game can continue to pull me in after over a year, it's in my list of favorite games of all time. I play less now but these little events, Trials and the occasional Raid bring me back a few days a week. It needs big changes and can do so much more and that's why I'm excited. Speak for yourself. I know many agree with you but not everyone. Not even most people. People with complaints always speak up more than those that are OK with the game. But if it wasn't for those people complaining we'd have a game with less changes and updates so thank you but don't go too far to insult them and talk shit. Constructive criticism/feedback is what they need.

wellard3002d ago

I don't care just as long as it has Ai fish

Orbilator3002d ago

Can't say I've been disappointed with Desting at all. Love it to bits! Play it every day, have immense fun.

Will buy all and any dlc that comes out for it.

You been panning destiny since launch DarkOcelet but just coz you hate it don't think your the masses.

Really looking forward to any follow up to! So much scope and places to go with the story line.

And what wrong with still enjoying playing the cod games ? Well unless you got no pals I suppose.

gums0073001d ago

You might be surprised but a lot of people like Destiny. We also like that people like you don't play it either which gives us just one more reason to enjoy. From all the fans of Destiny, we thank you for your click and comment on this article. It's people like you that help create more destiny articles as we appreciate your relentless support.


gums0073001d ago

DarkOcelet, I like to help people in need. The link below may help you.


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LAWSON723002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Can't you just leave the destiny fanbase alone and just go play a SP game/franchise you like rather than pretty much ask them to change the whole concept because you don't like it.

I am by no means a huge destiny fanboy I have not touched it because without expansions I see no point.

Bungie would be stupid if they made Destiny 2 not catered to the fanbase the game already has because it is huge.

Whoever wants to disagree and hates on this game on a regular basis just move on leave those that play this game and Activision/Bungie alone. Despite what you think you don't know what is the best decision for everyone

DarkOcelet3002d ago

The $hit we got was not even the concept of Destiny.

What we got was a shell of the game we were suppose to get. Read some old articles on the game was suppose to be.

Bungie really screwed us over with this one.

-Foxtrot3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

Lol. I don't like it. Just me? No one else?


They made out like single player games could play it. The PR made it out like it was going to be something like Mass Effect with planets to explore and huge RPG elements. In the end it wasn't.

I was hyped up to the max over this game, I don't usually get sucked into PR crap but this I did. I hate myself for it and I won't do it again.

But it still going to p*** me off seeing those who think they can change when they won't and then come away disappointed calling them all sorts of names when it's their own fault.

I'm sick of that cycle for COD

Knushwood Butt3002d ago

Nobody on my friend list plays it any more, and some of them were very heavy Destiny players.

I sold it.

Jaces3002d ago

"Destiny 2, with even more unwanted nerfs and recycled levels than before!"

Yea, no. Not falling for it again. Honestly, what killed it for me was the constant updates to weapons, armor, nightfall drops, light levels, etc. Bungie cannot keep themselves from screwing something up consistently every month. They literally made the game worse over the course of that year. Sometimes it's not always best to listen to pvp whiners, they made about 90% of our Legendaries and Exotics in pvp AND pve useless. Thanks guys, great community.

Suck it up and keep grinding or get good. Community in that game literally drove me away. It also didn't help that the two DLC raids were garbage and overshadowed by the spectacular VOG. Trials was awesome, then they nerfed some more, trials no longer fun. POE was neat, then they nerfed Skolas, POE no longer challenging. FINALLY got a Gjallahorn, NERFED IT. Yea, fuck this. What's the point in grinding if everytime Bungie decides they can't keep their hands out and feel the need to nerf something, just not worth it anymore.

Paytaa3002d ago

I don't have an issue with people liking the game even though I'll never understand why and that's fine but what pisses me off is all the deceptive and shady shit they did with Destiny and yet people just don't care. The game is a glorified gaming casino and is a front-runner in the big games out today which causes other games to be influenced by the same garbage.

It actually is a matter of what the best decision is for everyone because when a game like this charges you twice for the same game and among other countless trash practices but sells more than some of the biggest names out there, that's a problem for not just Dsetiny fans but fans of games in general because it will allow other games to do the same and frankly get away with it.

Activision knew that with their own name along with the "legendary" developers of Halo on the box, the game would sell mad and they were right. They knew exactly how to abuse the consumer and continue to do it to this day.

I would buy the next two Call of Duty's before another Destiny because at least they are full of content with or without DLC/microtransactions.

IceKoldKilla3002d ago

I agree but also keep in mind we need those people who come with constructive criticism/feedback to help them see a lot of people want change and improvements. I love this game and still play to this day. I'm always excited about new content as little as it is. I hope they update the old Raids. This game can do so much more. So much lost potential with the vanilla game. I will never buy any micro-transaction items though. Never. Not for me. Too expensive and shit that could be free/made available through in-game currency.

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Aenea3002d ago

Ehmm, a sequel was always the plan, they had a 10-year plan with a sequel every 2 years. This way they can improve on the engine too and leave last gen behind.

Though it was supposed to release this year, not 2017...

LAWSON723002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )


That shit of a shell attracted millions and not only that attracted them to buy its expensive expansion(s). Clearly people like Destiny because of its unique approach to MP. Despite what people like Foxtrot think the game is not a failure and neither is its overall premise.

I agree it is a shell of a game that should be much more, and IMO that shell deserves to be expanded not narrowed down. Destiny 2 needs to happen and be bigger and better. Not feed some crap about how they messed up and make a completely different product.

Destiny came out in 2014 and a sequel is due in 2017. Yeah lets call that a CoD cycle.

-Foxtrot3002d ago (Edited 3002d ago )

I didn't mean cycle as in yearly games I meant cycle as in...

Game comes out
Few months later people complain
New game announced
People get excited and buy into PR crap
Hype goes through the roof
New game comes out
Few months later people complain

and it goes full circle

That cycle.

wellard3002d ago

I think by the time destiny 2 is released other games would have hit the market to fill the void that destiny 1 used to fill. I don't think bungie will find the market as receptive as it was for destiny especially in lieu of the bad taste left in so many of the first games fans mouths.

Mr-Dude3002d ago

Well, I learned my lesson after the first one...

3002d ago Replies(2)
3002d ago
Sevir3002d ago

Are you naysayers done? It's been 17 months if you're done, be done and quit pouring your hate into the article and move the heck on... There are Still a staggering number of people that are well engaged in Destiny. You may have left and left for good and that's OK. You may have been turned off by some things about how the game is and that's OK, it's great that you left. What's not good or Ok is coming into a thread about a game you no longer have interest in only bitch moan and complain about a franchise you've made it well known that you have no intentions of returning to.

So for the love of gaming go find an article where you can contribute to positively ... like the quantum break article...

**On topic**

Good to hear another large expansion the size of Taken King is on its way, and it also seems to confirm Kotaku's report that Destiny 2 is now a 2017 release. I hope it's a next gen only release.

Pongwater3002d ago

"Are you naysayers done?"

When you make a point of struggling against reality your work is never done.

freshslicepizza3002d ago

why wouldn't they make a sequel? destiny is a long term investment and they can get away with expensive dlc packs and also $60 game sales.

if you invest 500 million into a franchise you are not going to just keep updating the game. it's not a mmo with a subscription. dlc will only cater to those who keep the game and that number is falling more and more and dlc sales are not a 1-1 ratio. a game like world of warcraft they can monitor sales better and see who is likely to keep paying for the expansions.

TimelessDbz3002d ago

Why does it bother you . That millions are enjoying the game?

bouzebbal3002d ago

Activision only cares about cash, you must have noticed this by now...

Because that will only concern a small % of people who bought it.. A full episode will for sure catch those people's attention somehow..

jerethdagryphon3002d ago

I thought destiny was meant to be a long term platform

theDivision3002d ago

Sounds like your looking for the division.

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Intentions3002d ago

Wonder if the Destiny Sequel will have Disc Locked Content like the first/current one. lol.

Gamer4life133002d ago

Honesty I'm not buying the sequel after 3 months have passed and see what content they are realeasing after the game.

ZaWarudo3002d ago

They should stick to the current base game and continue to update it instead of doing a full blown sequel.

pompombrum3002d ago

In before Bungie get accused of cutting content from the Sequel for this year's expansion.

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Destiny 2: Into the Light's Pantheon is an Event Done Right

Among the various things revealed in Destiny 2: Into the Light, I don't think any of them beat the speculation Pantheon received. The unexpected raid boss - IS

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Destiny 2's Raids Are The Pinnacle Of Teamwork In Video Games

Whether it's entering a zen state during DPS or the rush of dopamine on its completion, Destiny 2's Raids excels in multiplayer teamwork.

ChasterMies5d ago

The raids are one of the reasons I quit Destiny. You stand in a circle and shoot at a triangle on a wall, have to restart a half dozen times, and then hope the random reward blesses you. Then you realize you aren’t’ having fun but instead are doing a lot of work for nothing. Back when Destiny was at its peak population, trophy data showed that less than 5% of players ran the raid.

badz1495d ago

Eh...that would be Resistance 2 online coop for me


Destiny 2: Into the Light Is a Fantastic Reason to Return

Players had high expectations for Destiny’s latest content drop, Destiny 2: Into the Light. Not only did it have to live up to other content added due to a delay, it needed to give players faith the conclusion of the Light and Dark Saga will be worthwhile. - IS

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DefenderOfDoom210d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Going to check out 'Into the Light " because it is free .

MWeaver58910d ago

Onslaught is certainly a lot of fun. Plus it's nice having a wide array of extremely useful weapons to grind for.

CoNn3rB9d ago

Been having a blast using The Mountain top as a traversal tool rather than a weapon

darklaw5d ago

Yes, with the exception that nobody will play with you if you don't have experience on the raid, so the question is how do you get experience?