
Sony: "All PS4 Owners are Ready for VR"

VRFocus reports on Dr. Richard Marks saying at the Vision Summit 2016  "All PS4 owners are ready for VR".

bradfh3017d ago

My wallet isn't ready yet

Kingthrash3603016d ago

My wallet is unsure....but likly not.
My mind is also unsure
My body....is always ready!

b163o13016d ago

What is this VR you speak of, and what evils shall it bring into my life XD.

I can't speak for anyone else but I'm ready, wallet in all. I don't understand how people can buy phones that cost 6-7 hundred dollars yearly and whine about something that cost around 4-5 hundred for a decent life cycle... ($_$)

SonyWarrior3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

Im ready cant wait to try out all the new games that come out at launch for it too. going to be a step up from the only VR i tried so far (google cardboard)

kevnb3016d ago

we use our phones hours every day, some of us way too much. a vr helmet, most of us will probably only use it once in a while.

badz1493016d ago

This is something only Sony with their PS4s can say. Can't do the same with Oculus or Vive. I really hope VR will take off and will get continuous supports from all devs. No, not just because Sony is behind it, but because the immersion is unparalleled.

Narutone663016d ago

Any new media that the porn industry supports will likely succeeds.

amnalehu3016d ago

My Virtual body is ready.

bouzebbal3016d ago

PS4 are VR ready? YES
Am i ready? Big time NO.
Other than Ace Combat 7 i see nothing else worth the investment.
And this time i'm going to wait 2 years to see how much support it will get to see if it will be the same as Vita with good first party support over the first year and nothing later on..

S2Killinit3016d ago

Iam totally ready. BUT i think what Sony is saying is that all PS4 owners only need the headset to get into VR.

MoveTheGlow3016d ago


It's called "carrier companies subsidizing the cost of a phone." I don't think Playstation Plus is going to foot 2/3 of the bill for a VR helmet.

Small installments and insidiously overpriced phone plans are a little easier to swallow than a $400-500 immediate purchase, especially if you don't have great credit.

Kidmyst3016d ago

I'm ready, wallet could be with planning, take the wife out for a nice dinner, take her clothes shopping, then tell her what I want to buy with a smile... Who am I kidding, i'll just buy it and go "look what I got!" Better to ask for forgiveness than permission sometimes.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
SaveMeJebus3017d ago

I'm ready to try it first. Then I'll decide if I'm ready to buy it.

GrandpaSnake3017d ago

I want to try it then i want to try to buy it. Not sure if any of that will happen, most individuals seem to be interested and i think that should be enough though.

jmac533016d ago

I tried it and I would buy it dependant on cost and game support.

DLConspiracy3016d ago

Me too. I also want to try both the Occulus and Vive.

Something I think people are just assuming is that all these VR headsets will perform equally and the only difference is the price. Which cant be true. If both Vive and Occulus need semi high end rigs to run it. Then that makes me wonder about PSVR quality. It's an honest concern but nobody will agree with me.

VR may just need some time to develop and grow. It may be best to wait for all of them.

IamTylerDurden13016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )


The reason why PSVR is comparable in quality, yet runs on a weaker PS4 is bc of the processing box that comes with PSVR. It's about half a wii in size and it helps give the extra boost that PS4 is lacking (compared to a mid-high rig). It does other things like split the image and output it to your tv as well.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3016d ago
TheCommentator3017d ago

It should say, "All PS4's are ready for VR." PS4 owners? MAYBE 10 to 15 percent.

Fishy Fingers3017d ago

The point he's trying to make is that PS4 owners won't require any extra hardware or investment. No GPU upgrades etc like you'll expect a lot of PC gamers to do if they're considering VR.

But I agree, the headline could easily be read out of context.

deafdani3017d ago

@Fishy Fingers: except for the cost of the VR headset. And presumably, Move controllers and Playstation Camera, to improve the experience.

But even if all you need is the VR headset... that's already extra hardware / investment.

ZeroX98763017d ago


count me in this 10-15% :)

I was considering the rift before I saw the specs, since my PC is still playing most games at high-very high (not ultra). After reading the needed hardware, I had to completely abandon the idea of getting the rift and I turned my attention to the PSVR.

I'll try to make lots of friends try it, since most of them aren't ready to spend so much money on additional hardware without trying it first.

Aenea3017d ago

@deafdani Yeah! PC owners don't need to buy all that! They have it included inside their PC for years! /s

The point is that many PC owners need to upgrade their PC first and then buy a VR headset. PS4 owners only need to buy the VR headset...

derrickgott0073017d ago

10% of 34 million is still a damn successful support rate.

donthate3017d ago

It may be that is what he meant, but that doesn't fix the issue of that most PS4 market is sub $350 to buy into the console and is sensitive to $50 price drop.

So they might be ready, but they might not be willing to pay $400-500 for an experience that is questionable with very little content. Heck, even the future content is questionable at this point.

Personally, I would like to see VR, but I think PS VR has a lot of headwind against it.

Hairy Chewie3017d ago

@donthate There is no way Sony will offer the PSVR at over $400, at least for the stand alone unit. They know they need to move units to create a user base for all the game content that will be created and where most of their profits will come from.

The great thing about VR is that it can really wow people who have never tried it before. I think if Sony get enough out there into peoples houses it could really catch on.

DarXyde3016d ago

For the love of gaming, it's very obviously a reference to hardware compatibility.

Did your really have to be literal in the off chance that it becomes overwhelmingly successful?

Unspoken3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

So there is no break out box? Additional processor for the PSVR? Everyone has a move controller as well? When did they start including all the VR accessories in the base console package?

The graphics are going to be crap compared to Oculus, and there is nothing any PS4 owner can do about it with their current hardware. You can't upgrade consoles. So of course they are ready, they have no choice. lol

TheSaint3016d ago

Try reading the topic instead of just the title.

It means that only the VR headset is needed, no other hardware necessary.

yeahright23016d ago

Well since they're aiming to sell just over a million, at 10-15% of the 30+ million PS4's out there (probably 40+ by the time PSVR releases) they'll blow their estimations out of the water.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
butchertroll3017d ago

They mean PS4 as platform. Every PS4 is ready for VR, but as a owner i'm not. Also not every owner has a beefy PC for Oculus or Vive. Quote from article :

"With millions of PS4 owners already out there that might give SCE a major advantage over rivals, Oculus Rift and HTC Vive which require beefy PC’s to run the head-mounted displays"

donthate3017d ago

Most PC gamers aren't even close to having what VR needs, but the good news is at least that the section that do isn't afraid to spend money on gaming. If they spend thousands of dollars on a PC and regularly upgrades, I can see them buying a VR headset and as prices gets lower....

However, console owners are on the opposite spectrum where the buy-in (of the console) is super low already. They are sensitive to $50 price drops. Then how on earth is VR going to catch up in price to a console? Let alone VR being cheaper than the console itself as an accesory?

Obviously things get cheaper over time, but we are talking now. Not 5-years from now....

Neonridr3017d ago

@donthate - agree with you completely.

Console gamers are finnicky about buying peripherals, especially ones that may cost as much as the console itself.

There is tons of potential absolutely, but if you think Sony is just going to take a huge loss on these things and give them away you are living in a strange world.

Unspoken3016d ago

Exactly. Especially expensive peripherals. Look how hard the PS3 took to sell at launch even with all the hype behind it.

Utalkin2me3017d ago

Well im excited to try it for sure. Only on the best console this generation, IMO =)

Godmars2903017d ago

Your wallet isn't ready you mean. Especially since a price has yet to be announced.

Otherwise the whole point is that PSVR is plug and play versus likely need to upgrade and configure a PC for Oculus.

3016d ago Replies(4)
showtimefolks3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

I think what this means is you won't need extra $1500 pc to use the device. If you have a Ps4 than you are ready to enjoy (if interested)

If Sony prices this right they can get a substantial install base

Even if only 15 to 20% of ps4 owners buy VR than it wi,l be a huge success

Saranya3016d ago (Edited 3016d ago )

$99 for PSVR box.

XanderZane3016d ago

Exactly what Kingthrash360 said. I know my wallet definitely isn't ready. I won't be rushing out and buying it. I'll be taking the same approach I took with PSTV & PSNow. Wait on the sidelines and watching.

jerethdagryphon3016d ago

This is in reference to the number of people who. Are ready for occulus rift by hardware state

IamTylerDurden13016d ago

If u own a PS4 ur technically ready to run PSVR. Every PS4 owner has the specs to optimally run PSVR. You can't say that about PC owners and Oculus.

3016d ago
Bleucrunch3016d ago

I welcome new things as its an opportunity for me to grow as a person and stay sharp. With that said I welcome VR and all of its potential because I dwell in possibility. #LetsDoThisVR

Elda3016d ago

I agree..I don't want anything to do with it on my PS4.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
Neonridr3017d ago

what about the PS Camera though? Doesn't everyone have to own that optional accessory?

Neonridr3017d ago

Perhaps, but then what about all of us who already own the camera. I would hate to be paying twice for something I only need 1 of.

Ricegum3017d ago


The camera will likely practically be given away in the bundle, chances are almost all of the cost for the bundle will be the headset.

Or perhaps they'll do a standalone headset.

Neonridr3017d ago

@Unreal01 - yeah a standalone headset model would be a nice option for those of us who bought the camera already.

Hairy Chewie3017d ago

Im thinking there will be two bundles. One standalone and one with the camera + 2× move controllers

KiwiViper853016d ago

Why is everyone saying camera plus 2 move controllers?

The games are going to be played with a DS4, 2 move controllers don't provide enough input options, unless you want to be playing VR Dance Central

Hairy Chewie3016d ago

@kiwi yes, a lot will use the ds4. But a lot of games similar to job simulator or the heist have you using two move controllers to simulate your hands. I think a lot of new comers to VR will get hooked on being able to grab stuff in VR

Fez3016d ago

I picked up my dusty move controllers the other day. They are actually so well designed in terms of ergonmoics. Glad they will be used for VR as a different experience to a standard controller.
Improved games like Heavy Rain and RE5 immensly.

pandaboy3016d ago

move did not improve resi 5 fez

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3016d ago
GribbleGrunger3017d ago

Yes, I'm not sure if that statement is taken out of context. I'd like to see his comments prior to and after that statement.

IamTylerDurden13016d ago

They may have a $50 cheaper bundle without the camera, and if not trade it in.

Silly gameAr3017d ago

I'll give it a shot. Why not.

Bebedora3017d ago (Edited 3017d ago )

All is a generalising term, is it not?

G20WLY3016d ago

Not if he's talking about the technology, rather than people being prepared to buy it. And I'm pretty sure that's what he meant.

That said, I'm officially ready and waiting for PSVR.

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Nintendo confirms its commitment to physical games

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Chocoburger18h ago

Of course, Nintendo has always preferred physical sales, especially since they skew to a younger audience, and kids want games for their birthdays and holidays. They go to the store and pick the game they want.

Since the Wii they have always been the last major publisher to support modern tech or concepts, and they will be the last to support physical if it ever goes away. Which I hope it doesn't.

darthv724h ago

Nintendo just likes sales in general. If they can sell digital more, they would because the 2nd hand market they do not get a cut of. For me, i tend to buy more physical switch games than I do other platforms. I do have my fair share of digital deals from the eshop though. Especially if its something that i have a sealed physical copy of and dont want to reduce its value.

Cacabunga3h ago

Then I know for sure who I will be supporting

neutralgamer19924h ago

OK, but you need better format where these games could actually fit instead of half of the game being in physical form and all I have being on a digital code or have to download

Hofstaderman4h ago

The one caveat with cartridges. If the leaks are true the internal storage stands at 256gb plus SD card support too.

franwex50m ago

You could have a 256gb card and a 10gb card. Publishers will simply use the 10gb one and make you download the rest.

Inverno3h ago

There are cards that can fit all of a game but those cost more, and publishers are cheap. It's weird cause with how much the switch has sold and how long it's been on the market the costs to manufacture these cards should've been much lower by now. It's a publisher issue cause there has only been very few exceptions on PS and Xbox, rest of the industry would rather force a download despite Blu-ray being cheap.

shinoff21832h ago

Your right. It's definitely a publisher issue. From my time collecting that's what I've come across. Just always remember


Tell you everything you need to know about releases.

Flakegriffin41m ago

Pretty sure most, if not all, of Nintendo first party titles are all on cartridge. It’s the third parties.

ActualWhiteMan4h ago

Yeah it artificially retains the high prices for their software. Hence Pirates will always have their day with them.

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