
Hitman PS4 hands-on: Could be an episodic Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain - Examiner

The wait will have been well over two years, but at last, fans will finally have our next helping of Hitman and it's striking similar cords that many felt while playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

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Scrivlar3022d ago

I know this is a wild thing to say but please nobody buy this until the full game is released so other developers don't get the same idea. There's a good looking game called Alekhine's Gunn out early next week that's very similar of you need that Hit man fix!

3022d ago
ironcrow23863022d ago

not entirely sure why theyre making it episodic in the first place :/

_-EDMIX-_3022d ago


If you can explain a real logical reason,sure but what your saying is if I want to play it in parts, don't be...because what?
I mean you don't even have a logical reason why someone shouldn't if they want to.

Many of you legit need to stop telling people what to do with their money. IF someone likes the concept, likes the format, game etc they are free to buy it in any method they feel just.

Rental, digital, physical, streamed, episodic etc

I've yet to actually hear a real reason why this would be a bad thing as your still getting a final game.

How about buy it the way you feel like playing it.

Mind you, no one is saying DON'T buy it on disk this fall, buy it what ever why you feel like it.

So screw choice? Make it less options? Buy it at full price this fall and gamble poor quality?

Do many of you even have real reasons to fear this method's existence other then not using it yourselves? What does you even not using it have to do with others who might?

You do know that your not getting Hitman any faster if its not done this way, ie you where never getting a full hitman game in March, in fact it would take longer consider they wouldn't have the same funding or feed back.

Bathyj3022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

Well said -EDMIX-.

People seem to think the game is finished and just sitting there but theyre deciding to release it in chunks just to draw it out. Why? Theyre not charging substantially more. If anything theyre standing by their quality because if the game sucks, the worst that happens is you bought one section.

Going episodic is IO's way of saying we think we have a good product because if its not everyone will know and not buy it. Youre not waiting longer for the full game, it wouldnt be out til later if they just went the full retail release anyway.

And did it occur to anyone that all the feedback they will get will only make the later sections all the better, not to mention the extra time to polish. How many times have you heard people say I wish I waited till they patched it before I played through it? This is going to be like a Super Beta.

Now if the final chapter releases and its a buggy mess I would be asking some hard questions about what they were doing the whole time, but this practice suggests to me the engine is finished, but the content is not and they will further refine the engine and performance with extra polish.

Im curious to see how it turns out. I'm not heralding it a success yet, but I'm not condemning it either just because its different and were not used to it. Like you said, if youve got a problem with this at least give a real reason. Simply whining I dont like new things is not good enough.

I believe not having the whole game up front will promote mutliple playthroughs with experimentation which seems perfect for this game in particular. I got the Sniper Challenge for Hitman Absolution before the game was out and I played that more than I played the actual game. I kept trying different approaches, different timing. It had so much replay value. I think the new Hitman will have that too but how often do people repeat a level in a game. They finish it and move on. Maybe they play it again once or even twice after theyve done, but with people going to be hungry for more and having to wait, each section is going to put through its paces and the game will really open up gameplay wise. In my opinion.

Scrivlar3022d ago

If people like it then fair enough it will catch on and I'll be in the minority. I just honestly never contemplated people actually enjoying it, they're giving us like a quarter of a game, it's already happened with Battlefront releasing part of a game and there's not enough content to keep the majority of people interested in the game and by the time the next part is out people aren't interested in the game anymore and have moved onto the next one. I know it all costs the same and I can just wait for the full copy later but it just sucks.

_-EDMIX-_3022d ago

@Scri-"I just honestly never contemplated people actually enjoying it"

But what does that have to do with you personally? I don't rent games, but you don't see me telling people to not rent games and to not support rental services because of how I like playing games, it seriously makes zero sense.

"it's already happened with Battlefront releasing"

Nope, Battlefront isn't a episodic game. The game has like 15 maps right now, I would believe many would put to rest this concept of "half" of a game as if we have the norm of games releasing with 30 maps or something.

" not enough content to keep the majority of people interested in the game"

You based this off of what exactly?



"by the time the next part is out people aren't interested in the game anymore and have moved onto the next one"

Again...how is that your problem? Have you not factored that if they don't like the game enough to keep paying for other parts, it saved them money from now actually buying the full game and realizing they didn't like it?

" I know it all costs the same and I can just wait for the full copy later but it just sucks"

First off....explain why it "sucks"?

Why don't you merely wait for the fall version and stop worrying about how other people buy their games.

Again...what does that even remotely have to do with you exactly? The game was never releasing in full in March, buddy the game isn't even releasing in full in the next several months, so its not as if they are just sitting around with a full game for the lolz.

Even for agruments sake lets say they are.....who cares? You don't own the IP, its their game and their company and you still actually get a final version this fall.

Lets say this fall you only knew of Hitman releasing as a disk based game.

How is something else happening prior to that hurting you? SO more options is hurting you?

You legit need to really come with something tangable for why you feel this is wrong some how as this is starting to sound like some self centered reason that actually has nothing to do with the format other then your distaste for it.

I don't again rent games, but I'm also not going on some tirade telling folks to NOT rent games for MY personal reasons. Do you not hear just how stupid that sounds?

Scrivlar3022d ago

Well obviously I'm not speaking FOR other people, I'm asking people for selfish reasons not to buy episodic because I personally hate the idea of episodic games and I don't want them to catch on the same way stuff like DLC and season passes have before. At first we had games, then we got expansions, great. Then we got dlc, again that's okay,then they started holding back content to release later as dlc for extra money, then a few games start asking us to buy season passes, and sorry but battlefront IS episodic, it has an embarrassing amount of content for £40 and they want us to buy the 2nd half of the other game for another 40. And now we have episodic game releases coming, we're getting less and less as time goes by and I don't like it, that's all I'm saying. I'd rather play Hit man for 12 hours over a weekend than buy about 3 hours worth at a time.

_-EDMIX-_3021d ago

" I'm not speaking FOR other people, I'm asking people for selfish reasons not to buy episodic because"

That is what means though bud. You basically say your not, then say your asking for them not to buy.

That again is what that means with trying to speak for others.

" I'd rather play Hit man for 12 hours over a weekend than buy about 3 hours worth at a time"

Where did you read you could't do that? A disk version is coming in the fall.

The more you post, the more you should this is more of a personal issue that doesn't even make any sense.

Don't buy it that way then, wait for the disk version.

"but battlefront IS episodic" No buddy, for a fact its not. I have not clue where you heard that as its just sounding like your making things up.

The game has 15 maps, many games right now release with such a number of maps, not 40 or 50 LMFAO!

Stop telling others what to buy. If you don't like episodic, buy the disk. Mind you, that is exactly what I"m doing and I have zero problem with it.

Let others decide what format they buy for themselves, bud.....it seriously has nothing to do with you.

Scrivlar3021d ago

How am I speaking for others by ASKING them not to buy it because I don't like it? I think you'll find that's not speaking for other people.

Battlefront isn't officially episodic of course but it's structured the same way an episodic game is, release part of game, then pay for season pass to get the rest of the game in 4 different parts, are you seriously telling me that doesn't sound episodic?!

I don't know why you keep reminding me it's "just a personal issue". I know that, it's my opinion, and I'm allowed to express it thank you very much, if you want a website where people only express opinions which you agree with go and start your own website with nobody else on it.

I know I can buy it in the fall and that's what I plan to do, you asked me to give you a reason why episodic sucks and I think that because you only play 3-4 hours at a time is why it sucks, when the next part comes out over a month later can I even remember what was going on in the story?, do I even care anymore now I'm playing Dark Souls 3 or Uncharted 4?do I like the fact that 75% of the game will already be on display over the internet where some parts are bound to be spoiled for me?, it's like waiting 6 months to watch Game Of Thrones after it's started airing. Shit will be spoiled unless I stay off of sites I use.

Oh yeah and you must be joking about Battlefront having 15 maps? Endor, and Endor at night do not count as different maps, same goes for Tatooine, and different variations of the same areas are lame, look at the old Battlefront games that had an incredible amount of diversity, it had 17 different maps in the game, and that's not including the planets with two maps or the space battles, Battlefront has 4 planets. unless were saying Jakku isn't exactly like Tatooine?

Seriously though at what point do they have to get to before you start saying no? Should they release fifa with only 1 league to start off with and add more in each week? Should the next Elder Scrolls just release a quarter of the map for you to explore every 2 months, maybe the next Dark Souls could add each area and boss every fortnight?

_-EDMIX-_3021d ago (Edited 3021d ago )

"How am I speaking for others by ASKING them not to buy it because I don't like it?"

its clear your not really getting that others are free to have their own will and choice to play what they like, how they like. I'm actually getting Hitman on disk and I still disagree with your notion. How I like to play my games is up to me, if someone wants to play it episodically, it means the demand exist, it means someone wants to play it like this....so be it.

Who am I to tell them how they should play their games? It doesn't effect me and I won't force or tell gamers to not do something they want to do solely because how I like playing my games.

I get folks like a disk, some might want to play it in parts to see if they like it, some might download it because the want it on their drives, some might want to rent it.

Again...what does that have to do with you? I respect other's choices in that regard. If they want to play their games that way, its up to them. That has nothing to do with me and I again respect other gamer's choices. How I like to play my games should not be FORCED on everyone else. We need multiple options in gaming, not limited options.

This helps everyone bud. I'm again not even buying it this way and I see how beneficial it is for gamers.

" I like the fact that 75% of the game will already be on display over the internet where some parts are bound to be spoiled for me?"

Don't watch it then. Buddy its laughably stupid to even point such a dumb thing out. So don't ever play games that released already? Bud..I'm buying Dying Light and it released a long time ago, do you really think I care? I didn't view videos of it because I don't want it spoiled. Easy.

Your argument could be made for all mediums to ever release. Simply don't watch it until YOUR ready.

Stop trying to FORCE everyone to play the way you like to play.

"when the next part comes out over a month later can I even remember what was going on in the story?"

You can't replay it some how? LMFAO! Also...don't buy it that method if you don't want to. Its extremely simple bud, in fact its so simple...I question how someone else playing this way hurts you if your buying it when its done as a final release. Do you know how many shows I've watched AFTER all the seasons where done?

Yet...I live. Again....stop trying to make everyone game the way you game. If they want to play months after release...they can, if they want to play in parts.....they can...what does that have to do with you? Worry about yourself bud and stop being so self centered as if their is only 1 way in the world to play or view content.

Scrivlar3021d ago

You're kind of a moron man, I've already explained to you I'm not trying to force anyone to play the way I play by clearly stating I was "asking" not "telling" people to wait for the full game release. And I understand they can make their own choices by either waiting like I will or getting it early, all I've done is put my point across.
How is worrying about spoilers a stupid thing? You act like you've never had something spoiled for you before. Harrison Ford dies in the new Star Wars, if I didn't go and see the film on the day it came out that would've been spoiled for me literally the next day on N4G and Facebook, so I should just hide from the internet? And it's useless comparing a narrative driven game like Hitman to a game like Dying Light where you go and fetch things and there's zombies around.
Why should I have to replay it? I don't have time to keep playing the same game twice every two months or so, some games you go back to, some you don't. I loved Hitman absolution, but I don't want to play it again, I enjoyed the story, had a good experience and moved on with my life. And yes for the millionth time I know I can wait until the Fall one so this doesn't affect me, but what I've already stated is that I'm worried this will become the norm for every game, if this was just an isolated thing for Hitman alone I wouldn't be too worried but if people buy the game episodically then other developers could see it as something they could start doing. And let's be honest here most people will buy it not because they want the episodic format but because they can't wait 6 months to play a game they love. But let's just end this debate as we keep going back in circles where you ask me to defend my stance and I tell you my opinion and you tell me I'm forcing people to play their games my way and I can feel my IQ dropping with each comment.

_-EDMIX-_3021d ago (Edited 3021d ago )

Stopped reading after your personal attack.

Play the format you want to play stop worrying about other people's money. No one putting a gun to your head in forcing you to play this way I'm not sure how it's any of your business if someone decides to. When you decided to go on some crusade to tell people what's good for them you pretty much lost any argument you were trying to make.

Play the format you want to play and leave others to play the format they want to play it's extremely simple.

You're wasting all this time being worried if it becomes the norm yet you're buying it as a final game so why does it matter to you if others are buying it differently if you're still getting the final game?

So if it becomes the norm it still means you get a final game which begs the question again why is it you even care if it doesn't even hurt your end goal of playing it in a format what you want to play in in which already is existing?

Lol smh

Scrivlar3021d ago

LOL! Tell me you stopped reading after my personal attack, then respond to me saying I worry about this becoming the norm. Great attempt at the high road there! Yes I called you a moron, only because you're acting like one and completely ignoring any good point I make to come back with " I don't see how it affects you" every single time when I've explained out my eyeballs exactly how and why it could affect me.
I hardly think putting one comment on an N4G article that probably 50 people max might read equates to a crusade mate, You're basically saying to me not to get annoyed at anything and if I do to not be vocal about it. You're the consumer that marketing love, not only do you accept the bullshit ideas from developers, you stick up for them and try to quiet down the people against it.
If you're going to say something about how I'm going to buy the full game anyway so how does episodic affect me please just don't. Just look at my other comments for a dozen reasons.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3021d ago
maelstromb3022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

I've been a long-time fan of the I/O Interactive and the Hitman series since its first release back in 2000. I have supported them through the ups and downs of the series. Meanwhile, I have also never been as excited to see what's next than I am now... but that's where the my enthusiasm ends. I cannot and will not support I/O in its plans to serve Agent 47 in piecemeal.

I/O's delivery approach is totally misaligned with the expectations of its fans and the rest of the gaming community. And to add insult to injury, I/O unapologetically does so in such a way to try and persuade us into believing we're getting a good deal... Really, what we're getting is the opportunity to pay more for something multiple times which should have been delivered whole at the start. I get that development cycles are long, but the fact remains - people still want to play a full game rather than one in parts - AND if I could go a step further to assert, people are always willing to wait. Digital film and TV streaming services like Netflix and Amazon get it and even welcome "binge watching," which is why they release ENTIRE seasons of their shows in a single volley, so why don't the folks at I/O "get it"? Ohhh, that's right... this is another Square Enix published game, that's why!

_-EDMIX-_3022d ago

" what we're getting is the opportunity to pay more for something multiple times which should have been delivered whole at the start"

Where did you read that? The parts equal the final game this fall.

Also where did you hear the full title was coming in March? Its sounding like you assumed this title was coming in full in march and then not, buddy...the parts are not even ending until fall this year.

What your saying is not for them to do something, vs do this.

ie the game is still coming fall, but don't release it in parts now?

Did you believe you where getting it in March in full or something? LMFAO! Where did you read such a thing, as if it was always coming in fall, your basically crying over a format you don't even need to buy.

Buy the final one in fall and live life. I mean..are you dying because it will release for others this way? How is that hurting you though if the final version is coming this fall anyway?

" I get that development cycles are long, but the fact remains - people still want to play a full game rather than one in parts"

?? Once more, who is stopping those people from waiting? If you want to play it that way, they are releasing a version in fall for you, what is someone else playing it another way hurting you exactly?

"which is why they release ENTIRE seasons of their shows in a single volley, so why don't the folks at I/O "get it"?"

Might be the dumbest thing I've heard in a long, long time. What you've just done is ironically shown that the method could work and its based on personally what method you like to play.

Some like to watch episode per episode. I do for the Walking dead and will watch it this sunday.

Some shows I just watch on Netflix, but its not a one or the other or one is better, worse etc. Subjective and up to the user.

Why force a developer to pick one way when your still getting the option? So don't make shows episode by episode, only show it seasons at a time? Not everyone can afford to do such a thing bud in terms of development.

Mind you, if your buying it in fall....who cares? So your mad others can play it in a method they feel like it?

I don't rent, do you think I running around crying over others that do? SOoooooo who is putting this gun to your head and forcing you to play this way?

FallenAngel19843022d ago

Hitman is not like Metal Gear. Besides them being stealth games, there's not much you can do to compare them.

I really don't want to see any other AAA games offered in this episodic nature.

_-EDMIX-_3022d ago

The structure of the MGS series is very much like Hitman. They are told in parts or areas and I would say most games are told in parts or created in parts.

"I really don't want to see any other AAA games offered in this episodic nature"

Why? You actually don't need to play it this way as its releasing in a final disk based version this fall anyway.

I don't see what this structure existing would hurt you if your just buying the disk based or final digital version.

MGSV, MGSIV and MGS Peace Walker was told in acts, missions, parts etc, look at many games closely and you'll find they are made in such a structure.

rocky0475863022d ago (Edited 3022d ago )

No use bro. They won't listen. Somehow, they've convinced themselves that what the devs are doing is wrong and that they are greedy and want more money. Even though it's the same exact price you would pay if it released fully. Don't even bother. It's equivalent to McDonald's saying "We give out breakfast all day now." but people complain saying "but breakfast is only for the morning time, this is ridiculous! We shouldn't have to pay for breakfast all day, McDonald's is just greedy and want us to spend more on their breakfast!" haha.

Scrivlar3021d ago


That is possibly the most retarded analogy I'll ever see in my life. It's not the equivalent to McDonald's saying they give out breakfast all day now. It's the equivalent of McDonald's saying to me "rather than giving you a whole sausage and egg mcmuffin later, You can eat the egg now, the sausage an hour from now, and the bun an hour after that.

Tdmd3021d ago

Ikr?? That analogy made me lol hard! :)


Hitman celebrates 25 years with new content, events, and more in October

The month of October is going to be filled with excitement as the Hitman franchise is commemorating its 25 years of being in the business.

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-Foxtrot229d ago

It’s the 25th anniversary this year?

I’d have assumed it would have gotten something like a remastered trilogy of the original games or a remake of the first game. Something for a 25th celebration.

Super lacklustre


Ranking the Hitman Games From Worst To Best

Cultured Vultures: With the World of Assassination Trilogy wrapped up, here's our thoughts on the best and the worst in the series.

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A Deep Dive On all Things Hitman With The Voices Behind Agent 47 And Diana Burnwood

From PSU: "Ten years ago, the Hitman franchise was in a transitory state. Blood Money had become something of a classic and with Hitman Absolution there was a clear decision to push IO Interactive’s assassination sim series to a whole new level. That experimental, often divisive, entry turned out to be pivotal in what would follow.

Elements of Absolution, such as its accessibility and player-created content, would be mixed with the more traditional Hitman games’ sense of murderous creativity to birth the Hitman Trilogy 0f 2016-2021. A series that would take its creators on a turbulent journey of publisher changes, independence, and the eventual triumph of being handed the tantalizing 007 license."