
Star Fox Zero: More Rumored Info On Development Troubles

Some information has surfaced lately that Nintendo is having some trouble with the development for Star Fox Zero. More details have surfaced and it’s not good news.

Game researcher, Liam Robertson (he’s done DidYouKnowGaming videos in the past), tweeted out some of the information he has found out about the troubled development for Star Fox Zero so far.

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FallenAngel19843041d ago

If this game gets delayed again, I expect major improvements to the game

pcz3040d ago

i think nintendo are just playing the delay tactics so they can release it on NX instead, along with zelda.

why would they release it on wiiu at this point when the console is at the end of its life? its commercial suicide

marloc_x3040d ago

Software sales would say otherwise..

Concertoine3040d ago

Commercial suicide would be developing a final/near-final build for both of those games for Wii U just to scrap it for an NX version.

They've shown no problem at making money off Wii U software. Why cut that off when your console isn't coming out for another 10 months at the soonest (unlikely).

pcz3040d ago

the NX needs launch titles too.

of course they will prioritize giving their new console the best start possible, over giving their dead console games just to please the fans.

ShinMaster3040d ago (Edited 3040d ago )

Maybe they should stop forcing games like Star Fox to use the GamePad, which causes the Wii U's performance to take a hit, instead of obsessing over proving the GamePad's "innovation". It's too late for that and it's only hurting their games.

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3039d ago
Relientk773041d ago

So it's gonna get ported to the NX, just like Smash Bros. Wii U and Zelda Wii U?

iplay1up23041d ago

No, I doubt that. It will release for Wii U. Why do you say Smash Bros? We already have Smash Bros Wii U. I doubt we will get another one till NX, and that will be awhile. Zelda U is still coming, we still don't know if it will get a dual console release ( I think it will ).

Relientk773041d ago

Because rumors are floating around Smash Bros Wii U port is launching with the NX


Or Google "Smash Bros NX"

iplay1up23041d ago

So it will be smash with the dlc included, sounds possible.

AizenSosuke3041d ago

This game is getting delayed possibly?

MoveTheGlow3040d ago

Eh. Don't QA teams often go through this process near release time? Maybe not at Platinum/Nintendo? I figure this isn't the worst sign in the world, although if they're scrambling there's a slightly higher chance of delay.

Der_Kommandant3040d ago

The Wii U is dead at this point and to think otherwise is foolish.

Realplaya3040d ago

Are they still making games for it?

hemmo19863040d ago

Haha, spot on!! I keep saying it. I love Nintendo's hardware and software quality but I ain't forking out a wad of cash just to play Mario and Zelda. I wish they would stop making consoles and do a Sega.

Imagine living in a world where I only have to buy a PlayStation to play all my games. Ah....hopefully the Nx will be their last console.

Uh-oh!! Here come all the fan boys, " why would u say that", "I hope Nintendo keeps making consoles". Meh, if you guys like having a console just to play one quality game every six months then good on ya.

colonel1793040d ago

Of course Nintendo won't say that they'll stop support for the Wii U before the next console it's even announced.

Look at how Microsoft said the same thing about the 360 when they announced the Xbox One. The 360 died the day the Xbox One launched.

Nintendo has even more reasons to stop support for the Wii U ASAP! You'll see that the moment the NX is out, they won't make any other game for the Wii U anymore. Also, It's very likely that they want to have most of the late Wii U games ported to the NX at some point.

Realplaya3040d ago

I think you misread my question.I hope they never do what you ask I hope the next console gives everyone what they wants so there are no more excuses. Also have you gotten the memo Nintendo is making mobile games also so if they crank out 5 hits in Japan it's a forgone conclusion that they will pull in a ton of cash. The mobile market is a beast so they went mobile before they went third party how does that make you feel? So also everyone is a fanboy or girl if they voice their opinion? Your the worst kind of fanboy hoping for Nintendo's demise so that Sony can profit SMH. As Nintendo said they will walk away from gaming before they go third party.

marloc_x3040d ago

I understood you instantly..😁
Away love Nintendo's stuff.

I look forward to the user base offered by mobile Ninty.
The more, the merrier!

JamesBroski3040d ago


I'm interested in more Wii U exclusives than in PS4's and Xbox One's combined. I guess not everyone thinks like you.

Philface3040d ago (Edited 3040d ago )

@hemmo: Why should I buy a PS4 if almost every game is playable on PC and PC also plays games from all decades and has an unmatched variety not to speak about performance and grafics. Also games are much cheaper on PC as on PS4. At that point one could say that PS4 is dispensable from the start. (same logic)

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Star Fox Zero, Was it Really That Bad?

Has time been kind to Star Fox Zero? Does the game have any redeeming qualities that are worthy of revisiting? Should it be considered for a port to the Switch? Was it really that bad?

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Snookies12950d ago

Haven't played it since it came out, but I really enjoyed it. Can't tell if that's just nostalgia-tinted glasses, or if I actually consider it a good game though lol.

Vits950d ago

It's a mediocre game that reuses ideas, scenarios, characters and moments from previous ones. Paired with one of the worst control methods that I had the displeasure of using.

CptDville949d ago

Those controls. Boring and frustrating at the same time. Only with co-op they were bearable, but co-op was restricted to finished levels.

SeTTriP949d ago

Yes couldn't finish it it was so boring.

MissAubrey949d ago

controls made me stop playing also what good is a 65inch tv when you have to look at a tiny Wiiu tablet.. same with kirby & the rainbow curse..

Einhander1971949d ago

No it was great, just the control scheme spoilt things really. The wii u screen was not needed for it really

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Platinum wants to bring Star Fox Zero to Switch

But any potential design changes would be up to Nintendo if it happens.

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FallenAngel1984999d ago

I’d rather Star Fox Assault be brought to Switch with online multiplayer instead

Teflon02999d ago

Finally, someone who knows about Assault. Best Star Fox Multi-player imo.

Neonridr999d ago

or a Star Fox 64 remaster instead.

deadfrag999d ago

Platinum Games wants to many things but sadly it does not show nothing new for years!They try to jump on all offers but end finishing none!

whitbyfox999d ago

1: Get rid of the motion controls.

2: Bring us Okami 3.

Good-Smurf999d ago (Edited 999d ago )

I rather have them show more of Bayonetta 3 first before they talking about any new project.
This reeks Inafune's funding for Red Ash and Mighty No.9 animated series, both never materialized.


Starfox Games, Ranked

WGTC: "Nintendo hasn’t always given Starfox the most love among its tentpole franchises, but the series has still cultivated a loyal cult fanbase over its almost 30-year history. Here are all of the games in the mainline series ranked from worst to best."

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DarkZane1045d ago

Well, they listed Star Fox Zero as the worst one, so that list is at least believable.

septemberindecember1043d ago

I feel like if you're judging the original Star Fox by it's era then I feel you should do the same with Star Fox 2 IMO. Since they are both effectively SNEA games

Sgt_Slaughter1043d ago

It's hard to top the N64 version (well maybe the 3DS version, but that should have used uncompressed audio. Without that it's a step down from what it could have been IMO)