
Bungie Asks Why You Haven't Been Playing Destiny

Bungie is worried about the lack of players logging onto Destiny recently and have sent out emails to users to find out why.

-Foxtrot3020d ago (Edited 3020d ago )

How long have you got...

Wish I got this email. I would have given them an essay

SolidStoner3019d ago

DLC and pre order stuff kills all my games! Also grinding or/and repetitive missions!!!

thekhurg3019d ago

My response would have been because of a lack of match making for raids.

kickerz3019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

Yeah I wish I got that email also. My issues would be lack of match making, bungies bad servers (should use dedicated servers), definitely lack of things to do, reward system ( people who get the least amount of kills sometimes get the best rewards) and finally Kings fall hard is like the only thing to do now if like me, your chasing 310+ gear. So that's it for me, I've given up, after spending lots of money on the game and all its expansions. Destiny 2 better be a hell of a lot better.

breakpad3019d ago

@ Foxtrot nailed it...or just say its another damn boring futuristic Activision-logic FPS game

bouzebbal3019d ago Show
kmeck5183019d ago

The reason for me was absolutely the lack of matchmaking for the end of game material (raids and nightfall)

Kidmyst3019d ago

I stopped playing a couple months after it came out. I did the story and looking at the grinding needed to level up Vanguard rank and the others, I just said forget it. Too many other games coming out I'd rather play that repeat and rinse every day. I don't mind leveling up characters and stuff like in games (BF/COD), it's different there. Destiny just felt much slower progression.

bennissimo3019d ago

And too many little kids.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3019d ago
Heyxyz3019d ago

I wouldn't need an essay. The only words I'd need are "I sold it."

RedDevils3019d ago

I gave it back to gamestop for their 7 days return policy lol

XanderZane3019d ago

Played for about a week and then got distracted by other better games.

Christopher3019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

#l. Because I hated that the time and effort of another person was more valuable than my own. RNGesus was a horrible element when you guys decide to revert back to Yearl concepts of that while removing any option for us to roll for new gear or guest for most exotics. That guy who got lucky and rolled the weapon with the perfect stats versus me getting nothing or a weapon that was only good for destroying.

#2. You progressed the MMO concept way too fast. Usually there is one to two years time before an MMO advances and changes core concepts as it relates to game mechanics. I'm not talking about weapon/class balance issues, but economy, crafting, questing, etc. In one year Destiny made enough changes to equal that of six years in your typical MM0.

Kribwalker3019d ago

I'm pretty pissed that the 400hrs I put in the first year mean nothing now. Everything i worked for is useless and the gave us no options to upgrade it. Also the $100 I spent on year one content is useless.

They should make the old raids harder level and give you upgraded versions of the gear.

The entire house of wolves content became worthless not even 4 months after I paid for it....

I could keep going

DanteVFenris6663019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

What mmos do you play?

I'd say the complete opposite. They were trying to get people hooked like an mmo without the vast content mmos add. Wow litterally added 1000's of hours each expansion as well as large updates. Eso has basically rewritten their entire game in two years while adding upon tons of new content and features.

Well those have been my fav mmos so wont speak for others.

Christopher3019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

***Wow litterally added 1000's of hours each expansion as well as large updates. Eso has basically rewritten their entire game in two years***

WoW has each expansion every other year. ESO did that in two years. Destiny did multiple major overhauls of systems to change how people do things in just one year. And, they then made old equipment obsolete after only 3 months, not after a year or two.

My comments were in relationship to their overhauling of the system to update it to encourage new players. MMOs do that, but they do it less often than Destiny while also providing a ton more content to experience.

Aceman183019d ago

I stopped playing before the end of October, and haven't touched the game since.

Xb1ps43019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

I stopped playing it a loooong time ago was disappointed the moment I got it and realised it basically had no story but the bit it did have was interesting... Stopped because it felt like I was just not progressing to anything, I never got a special gun, helmet.....anything. I rarely got that special coin or what ever it was to buy the special things from that guy on weekends... And just got bored of doing the same thing over and over and over.. I'm very much into a good story meaningful progression on my character. I tried to play it again a few weeks ago but it's been so long I had no idea what was going on anymore and really didn't want to buy more dlc since the I got the first dlc and was disappointed with that too.

I did enjoy the mechanics though and the game is very tight, maybe bungie should of or maybe they can still take this in a mass effect kind of direction?

3019d ago Replies(4)
lxeasy3019d ago

Game's overrated...that's me reason. Don't like it.

lobocob3019d ago

Literally not a reason

lxeasy3019d ago

@lobocob the last option is "something not on this list (please explain below.)

That's my explanation for no longer playing Destiny.
Make sure you read ALL the options before trying to turn down someone else's reason.

Joe9133019d ago

I havnt checked my email but I hope they did email me I also got a lot to say I let a lot slide but they made it to hard to level up to the point you just quit playing.

thorstein3019d ago

And then lied about it and said players didn't understand how to level up.

What a joke. I knew exactly how to level up, I just couldn't get the randomly dropped gear without putting in twice the amount of time I was already giving the game (250 hours).

Then they started nerfing guns that people enjoyed using... and then hid content that they had paid for behind a pay wall (DLC).

I can't believe they don't understand how they ruined their game. Why did TTK take away everything I had already invested in and cost me 79 bucks for the same experience as new adopters?

showtimefolks3019d ago

oh i know why

you promised a better game, a more complete game yet deliver a game which wasn't all it was suppose to be. oh also you ripped people off by removing content from the game to later sell as dlc

destiny was originally suppose to be like:

halo gameplay with improvements
mass effect style universe/story telling
borderlands style loot

now the only thing that was achieved was halo gameplay with improvements

why can't destiny 2 be a story rich game with an awesome universe? you want my $60 than

make the story atleast 20-30 hours in destiny 2 or whatever the next destiny

thorstein3019d ago

If I got the email, my reply might be simple because they wouldn't want to wade through all that I found wrong with their policies and not their game.

Here is what I would say, "Where is Jupiter?"

It was there in the original game I bought, just awaiting an expansion.

-Foxtrot3019d ago

Here's the thing. When they do Desinty 2 the entire PR campaign before release will be "we've listened to feedback, this will be the game we wanted for Desinty, we won't let you down" blah blah blah...people will buy into it with some really well put together trailers and before you know it people will be hyping up the sequel to it's release. Starting the entire process again

What they need to do is drop Destiny 2 and just focus on Destiny with expansions.

In the mean time they need to make a single player focused RPG, sci fi game like Borderlands, Mass Effect, Halo because the focus on multiplayer and pleasing all audiences is what killed the game. Expecting us to play with our friends on the same maps over and over, grinding, creating our own replay value instead of putting work in to add more overall content.

spwittbold3019d ago

Halo gameplay with improvements? That could not be farther amor the truth.

Destiny literally felt like it was a downgrade from Halo 1. Master Chief collection is itself, infinitely better and more enjoyable - and all of the games are between 6-10 years older than Destiny.

I bought Destiny on the first day because of the 'Hype," found it boring after about 3-5 hours and realized that the environments were incredibly dull and boring, character models and AI felt like they were copy and pasted from Halo, and the loot system is horrendous. Came back a few weeks later because some friends got it, we "forced" ourselves to play through it - finished it, never went back. "Ending" to first one was dumb as hell, story was almost non-existent.

So many better games out there that are more enjoyable with much less of a monetary investment.

JoeMcCallister3019d ago

@Foxtrot - they've said that's not happening - they're moving on to "event based" focus which is not the most popular with fans and is a poor choice if you ask me. Hopefully that means they're moving on to actually apply those lessons to an actual fleshed out Destiny sequel but they're not doing expansions any more.

They won't just "drop" Destiny 2 - remember it's a 10 year plan. They've got to bring out another game and it has to sell millions, so they've got to apply the lessons from year 1 and 2, Taken King, and all their moves so far. If they didn't come out and say "we listened" then we'd all be here wondering anyway so they might as well head it off at the pass. I agree they've got to make a downright compelling experience, and to think they don't know they messed up with Destiny the first time around is a bit naive. The real test will be how they apply the lessons on the next go around and if the studio is allowed to have the control they need to make it solid, or if the Kotaku story for 2017 is "How Destiny 2 Failed from the inside"

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3019d ago
3-4-53019d ago

* Initially I really liked it.

But once I had to basically pay an addition $100 to keep playing it I was done...didn't take that step..stopped after first expansion.

solid game....but it's a solid $60 game, not a $160 game.

Seraphim3019d ago

not having dedicated servers for PVP is one small yet significant reason. I personally don't play much PvP but I really enjoyed Crucible. Had there been dedicated servers I'd have played a lot more and likely still be playing some if for nothing else to play some Crucible.

Bottom line a lot of it comes down to content. We got Vanilla Destiny then milked to Oblivion on DLC and an Expansion and each time it was rinse and repeat, boredom after far few hours back. As gamers we need more to do, more to explore, more new, more to play. This kind of game needs more Raids (even updated to keep old ones relevant), strikes, new areas not retreads, EVENTS, YES EVENTS based on both PvP (Iron Banner is great but there has to be another option that can be popular as well) and not just PvP Events but PvE too. etc. etc. Might I add separating weapons/stats for PvP as well?

Destiny is a great game and it baffles everyone I know who loves it how they've not only failed so miserably but mismanaged everything. If they want to maintain gamers they really need to offer more in terms of playable areas, things to do, events. All while finding a way to keep our attention while not stripping us of all our beloved belongings just to get another 10 light levels whose relevance is only in the Heroic Raid and possibly Iron Banner to some extent.

IGiveHugs2NakedWomen3019d ago

"Why haven't I been playing Destiny?"

Because I don't enjoy paying for the same game 5 or 6 times.

nosferatuzodd3019d ago

well said I'm thinking the same thing FOX
the loot system sucks your playing for a year and cant get a dam jade rabbit and some one comes in 5 minutes and got one and youre suppose to feel good about that
that game sucks

Neonridr3019d ago

wow, very well said Fox.

How about there is nothing for me to do aside from running the same raid 3 times.

I am not a huge PvP player, so IB only moderately interests me and Trials even less.

Frodosmugins3019d ago

I would start with

" I have not been able to play the game since the dlc as mine is a digital purchase and the download does not work or cuts out eventually" PS3*

I gave up at the end and moved on to other games

3019d ago
Drithe3019d ago

When Destiny first came out there were not that many games for the PS4 so it was really the only thing in town, imo. Now there are a ton of great games to play and everyone remembers how Destiny bled them to death for 2 years with the same damn game that had absolutely NO STORY (They cant even explain who the exo female is!!) and a tremendous lack of content.

I, for one, will NOT buy Destiny 2 until ALL the content is out. If it takes 2 years, then it takes 2 years. But BUNGIE really screwed the gamers big time with this game.

Too bad really, the music, graphics, and gameplay are awesome.

sanosukegtr1233019d ago (Edited 3019d ago )

I like destiny but that online is required not really my thing. Like cod and gta online is optional which I like. But it's like borderlands but not as fun like borderlands.

BEASELY3019d ago

Kids on N4G are the biggest Destiny haters on the net, and I can guaruntee that they're terrible in the Crucible almost every single time. This game is not Mass Effect, stop thinking it's supposed to be.

-Foxtrot3019d ago

We probably are terrible since we haven't played it for so long...you know after we were bored to tears with it.

" This game is not Mass Effect, stop thinking it's supposed to be "

That's funny because the PR leading up to the games release kind of gave off that impression.

BEASELY3018d ago (Edited 3018d ago )

"Kind of,"

That was your impression, and you took away what you did. Do I blame you? No. But the prospect of this sprawling open world with character interaction/dialogue choices, world-effecting consequences, and heavily RPG-rooted features was never touted. This expectation was a product of insurmountable hype.

Bungie never once tried sell to Mass Effect: Halo.

3018d ago Replies(2)
+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3018d ago
SeanScythe3020d ago

Fallout4, The Division Beta, and soon Dying Light the following.

vacoby53019d ago

If you're psn let me know if you're interested in co op in the following

ZaWarudo3020d ago

I have other games to play.... I only pop on for Iron Banner now, which hasn't been fun since the last weapon balance patch.

FPS_D3TH3019d ago

Yup. I do this and agree with the changes.

kbozz713019d ago

They even managed to screw the IB up this last time as well. As a matter of fact, this last Iron Banner was what finally broke my Destiny addiction and I uninstalled the game.

Hoffmann3020d ago

That headline made me laugh.

XanderZane3019d ago

Me too. It's like, "Millions were playing and now they are not. Where did everyone go. How can we get you guys to come back?" Begging for gamers is never a good thing. They want to be WoW, but that will never happen with Destiny.

Hoffmann3019d ago

That it got so many players in the first place was weird already.

Jonin7Spartan3019d ago

They should just look at their Damn Forums if they want to know why people aren't playing anymore.

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Destiny Made Over $160 Million In Microtransaction Revenue In Less Than 2 Years

Destiny has made over $160 million in MTX revenue, and these numbers only account the data from late 2017 to early 2019.

Sgt_Slaughter348d ago

That's extremely low for microtransactions, especially for a game that's essentially designed around it

LucasRuinedChildhood348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

This was back when the game wasn't free to play.

The figures are from November 2017 to February 2019 (1 year and 4 months).

Based on that projection, the MTX revenue for Destiny 2 likely would have been closer to ~$240m for 2 years.

Not sure if premium expansions are included in that figure either although ... I'd hope that they are though and that most of the revenue was for actual content like Forsaken.

People spend way too much money on cosmetics.

Rude-ro348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Seasons($10 and just got bumped to $12) and dungeon keys($10 each, two a year) are through the eververse(micro transaction) store.
So for those two years, in order to play a season, you would pay through micro transactions.

Sonic1881348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Bungie Marathon will be worse since it's designed around it as well

Kurt Russell347d ago

It makes me sad to agree... but at the same time I am looking forward to giving it a go. Destiny 2 is so far in, I find it difficult to figure out what I am meant to do first.

buffig348d ago

I think FIFA alone makes over $1bn a year from mtx

anast348d ago

FIFA promotes a worldwide sport. It should make more money than destiny.

CantThinkOfAUsername348d ago (Edited 348d ago )

Let's compare something similar. Apex Legends and its ridiculous $18/$40 skins make EA a billion each year.

z2g348d ago

For as much as ppl complain how much they hate microtransactions, they sure don’t act like it. No wonder they aren’t going anywhere.

spicelicka348d ago

By "people" you're referring to millions and millions of people. Obviously the ones complaining aren't necessarily the same as the ones spending all that money.

348d ago Replies(1)
347d ago
Father__Merrin347d ago

There's millions that purchase MTX and there's nothing we can do about it

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Stop Trying To Make Destiny

In Episode 1 of Spot On, a new weekly news show, Gamespot talks about the dangers of chasing a trend.

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Destiny 1 Becomes Playable on PC via Emulation

Playing Destiny 1 on PC has been something fans have been requesting for years. It looks like Destiny 1 is now playable on PC via the RPCS3 emulator.

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spoonard499d ago

I've been thinking about playing through D1 again before it goes away...

CobraKai499d ago

That’s the sad reality of a game like this. I bought it, invested lots of money, and it can go away at anytime. I still think this was more fun than 2.

jeromeface498d ago

prob because 2 is a grindfest slog

spoonard495d ago

That's the bummer of 'games as a service'.