
Is Nintendo Making a Mistake Releasing a New Zelda for a Dead System?

Because Nintendo is gearing up to lay one of their worst selling systems to rest, what does that mean for Zelda?

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ShadowKnight3026d ago

I don't think so. They can release it on both systems (Wii U and NX).

MSBAUSTX3026d ago

Even if it only released on the Wii U, which I don't think it will at this point, it will sell like mad. If the sales of Smash, Mario Kart and even Hyrule warriors have shown us anything it is that Nintendo Wii U owners support and rally behind Nintendo exclusives. This would be the biggest game to hit Wii U to date. There are ten million or so Wii Us out there. If only 30 percent of those owners bought the New Zelda game on Wii U it would sell over three million copies. That would mean it would be a great success. So I don't really see the problem. Nintendo already said they are making money off of all game sales. If they make a 25 percent profit from the sale of one copy that would mean they are making $15 per copy. Multiply that by the about 3 million copies possibly sold and they make upwards of 45 million dollars. Conservatively divide that in half and they only make 22.5 million dollars. Would that mean it was a mistake? I think not. They still make millions of dollars.

Yi-Long3026d ago

I believe there are a lot of people, like me, who have been on the fence for a long time about getting a WiiU (as a 2nd current-gen console) or not, and never did pick it up in the end, while waiting for games like Zelda WiiU.

If Zelda releases as a launch-title for the NX, that basically guarantees a lot of those doubters now getting that system at launch. I know I would, unless Nintendo somehow royally messes that up again.

I believe it might be a cross-gen game, so releasing on both WiiU & NX, but at this late moment, if it ONLY releases on WiiU, that would simply mean I wouldn't be buying it, cause unless the WiiU ends up very very cheap, I would prefer just buying an NX instead.

pivotplease3026d ago

If NX does turn out to be their next-gen system and has Wii U backwards compatibility...I won't buy it. Not after being burned by the U's short life cycle.

Ilovetheps53026d ago

Yi-Long, if they haven't been able to convince you to buy the Wii U yet, I don't know what to tell you. You were a lost cause from the beginning. The Wii U has a fantastic library. I enjoy it more than my PS4 most of the time.

Yi-Long3026d ago

@ILoveThePS4: I absolutely know the WiiU has some fantastic games, and I fully intended to buy a WiiU in 2015 for Xenoblade X and Zelda WiiU, but obviously Zelda WiiU got postponed and Xenoblade X didn't have the original Japanese voices (which to me is a deal-breaker, regardless of how others will think about that).

In the end, I have to make a decision on how I want to spend my money, and if that is on a 300€ WiiU which has 5-10 games I'm interested in, but of which most of those are still very much priced at 45-55€, or if I'll stick with my PS4 and by the games I'm interested in for that console, often after 6-12 months, when they're 15-30€.

Also obviously considering the huge backlog I already have.

Like I said, if the WiiU would have had the 2 games I mentioned out last year (Xeno X with Japanese voices, and Zelda WiiU), those would have been system-sellers for me, but now I think I prefer to wait and see what the NX will be all about, hoping Nintendo has learned from it's mistakes and doesn't focus on a gimmick-based console again.

Realplaya3026d ago

I think your numbers are off.

bouzebbal3026d ago

they did the same with Twilight Princess on NGC. What's wrong with that? People having NGC got the chance to experience one more great 1st party title.

MSBAUSTX3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )


It isn't like the system is still 300. You can get bundles that come with two games all over the states still. That is essentially two free games valued at around $100 or it can be like you are paying $200 for the system and $100 for two games. Either way it is a bit of a misrepresentation to claim that the Wii U is still 300.

Yi-Long3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )

@MSBAux, here in Holland, it's still priced pretty steeply, often around the 300€, and that usually comes with 32GB HDD and 1-2 games, but often those are not both games I'm actually interested in.

Also, you will also have to take into account that you probably need an extra HDD to really use the system to it's full potential, when it comes to owning and regularly playing multiple games.

The WiiU has some amazing games who absolutely interest me, but when most of them are still priced at 45-55€, I'm simply a bit hesitant to buy into the system. I did already buy The Wonderful 101 when it was only 15€ and I expected to buy the WiiU, and of some more of the games I'm interested in drop to 25-30 euro, I will absolutely still consider buying a WiiU, but TBH I really just hope the NX will be backwards compatible, and that Nintendo won't repeat the same mistakes they did with the Wii and WiiU.

MSBAUSTX3025d ago


An external HD is necessary if you want to download a lot of games true. But that is true of all three next gen systems. I have a 2TB hooked up to my XB1 and the 500GB in the XB1 is full and the 2 TB is half full. I have a 300GB external hooked up to the Wii U and it mainly holds games I have downloaded. But the DLC for these Ninty games is far smaller than anything on the other two consoles. You won't ever see a 20 or 50 GB day one patch. I play all my Wii U games mainly on Disc. I prefer it that way. Only reason I have HDs hooked up to the PS4 and XB1 is because I download virtually anything they give for free. LOL.

I do understand what you're saying though. My main point is that it is an expense you would have to buy for any of the new systems. Also I would mention that those games are priced that way because they are great and fun. You can literally buy them at that price and just about sell them after beating them for the same price. Can't do that with COD games.

Loadedklip3025d ago

Smash has less than 5 million on Wii U.

Mario Kart has about 5 million but this is a franchise that sold 40 million last gen and over 10 million on 3DS.

My point? It's not that impressive in sales due to the small user base of the Wii U.

The Wii U holds back potential sales due to its limited user base.

Zelda I would assume actually COST more to make than Smash or Mario Kart thus if it gets hurt as much as those games have on Wii U ... it's actually hurting it more when you take into account the cost of making the game.

MSBAUSTX3023d ago (Edited 3023d ago )

It is still almost a fifty percent attach rate for MK8 and a 40 percent for smash! Wii sold almost 100 million units last gen and 40 million MK games. That is about 40 percent. The ratio is the exact same my friend. No matter how you spin it the Wii U has the same attach rate when it comes to its supporters buying games.

So what is Nintendo supposed to do. Stop making games completely for the Wii U in essence screwing everyone by not giving it a full life cycle support? What kind of respect and support do you think NX would get if they dropped production for the Wii U and didn't release this LOZ game which they said they would?

When games sell in the 2 to 3 million copy range, which this one will, and for 60 bucks a pop we are talking around 180 million dollars. If only 10 percent of that was profit they would be making 18 million dollars. That is at only 3 million sold and a low 10 percent profit margin.

No matter what they will make money off of this game and give their supporters and fans the game they promised. It would be suicide for them to not release it for Wii U because it would in essence lose millions of potential NX supporters. There is a big picture here and Nintendo is looking at it. Invest in your supporters and the future. Not just the future.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
pcz3026d ago (Edited 3026d ago )

i think its commercial suicide.

nintendo dont mind throwing millions down the drain, it seems

Concertoine3026d ago

It wont do as well as say, Twilight Princess but it wont be a financial failure. Games have no problem selling in the multi-millions on Wii U.

I wonder what people would be saying if they didnt release it on Wii U?

"Nintendo abandoned its fans and console" sounds a whole lot worse than "Nintendo is releasing Zelda on Wii U."

garrettbobbyferguson3025d ago


Twilight Princess released on both the Gamecube and the Wii at the same time.

3-4-53026d ago

They will get sales of it on Wii U & then on NX, and that money will go towards the new NX Legend of Zelda.

I wouldn't be surprised if they already had a small team starting on NX Legend of Zelda, so that it doesn't take 4 years to arrive on that console.

jonivtec3026d ago

They are working on porting it on NX.People on WII U will have a 720p/30 fps and maybe higher res on the NX...this is what i think they do or should do.

3-4-53026d ago

It will obviously look better on NX. It is still going to be the best looking Legend of Zelda game ever though when it releases for NX.

dantesparda3026d ago

"Is Nintendo Making a Mistake Releasing a New Zelda for a Dead System?"

No, hells no! Wii U needs this!

_-EDMIX-_3026d ago

Agreed. The point is to make money selling software. The system failing or not means very little. They are already making the game and might as well merely release it on both.

Gamecube failing didn't stop Twilight Princess..

kotaku773026d ago

yeah that way they keep their promises

kupomogli3026d ago (Edited 3026d ago )


Yeah. A month later after the Wii owners did. Nintendo giving a big f you to their fans of the previous console. This is despite the game already being delayed for over a year because they were porting it over to the Wii.

That's actually around the time I've grown to hate Nintendo. I was interested in Twilight Princess as well as a couple of other first party exclusives that were cancelled and moved over to the Wii. I still purchase their handhelds and consoles because of the third party games and some first party games I'm still interested in, but I don't like the company because they quite clearly show their fanbase they don't appreciate them in the least on a regular basis. Too many anti consumer sales tactics.

MSBAUSTX3025d ago

But the GC had a full lifespan as far as Nintendo is concerned. Also it isn't like every other major console developer doesn't do the same thing with games. The last Guardian was supposed to be a PS3 game. It has gotten pushed drastically, Rhodea has been pushed to Wii U, and look at the rash of HD Remasters we have seen rereleased for new consoles because they released at the end of last generation and didn't sell well. This isn't something that Ninty only does. I mean why hate them for giving options? That makes no sense. They supported the loyal GC backers by providing a first party title and supported their customers who backed the new system of the time. I don't see any reason to hate them for taking care of as many people as they could.

kupomogli3025d ago


There's a difference between a game that was ported over to a new console afterwards and a game that was specifically held back over a year for the console that it was in development for and released on the successor to try and push sales.

Are you honestly defending Nintendo for the one year delay of Twilight Princess AND releasing it on the Wii for a full month before releasing the Gamecube version.

That's only part of why I dislike Nitnendo, and again, I still support their consoles and portables as long as the games are there, but as a company, I despise them. It isn't just that but a long list of what Nintendo does that has disappointed me.

But another thing the games that were cancelled were cancelled around when the Wii released and were all launch window games, so you know they were near completion.

So what about The Last Guardian? Well, the PS4 has been out for over two years and the game still doesn't have a release date. There's your answer right there. It wasn't announced that it was going to be on the PS4 until this E3, which was over a year after the systems launch. It was actually a game I expected was silently cancelled with Sony bsing their fanbase saying it's still in development and then later finding out it really was still in development.

The Last of Us released the same year the PS4 launched, it's not like Sony delayed The Last of Us to push PS4 sales. They just ported it over to the PS4 for release in the following year. Same goes with Rockstar and GTA5, which the PS4 and Xbox One got better textures, first person mode, etc. Same with Dark Souls 2, same with Borderlands 2.

Sony and Microsoft didn't do anything to slap their fans in the face. Microsoft would have, but they didn't go through iwth it because of the massive amount of backlash. Nintendo has most of their fanbase wrapped around their finger and treat them with no respect, following through every bad idea they've had, even when complaints arise.

kupomogli3025d ago


Nintendo is the same publisher that's removed the ac adapter from the 3DS XL and New 3DS systems with the comment that these gamers can still use their old 3DS and DS ac adapters while still charging full price for the system itself. Basically forcing the gamer to either keep their old system or devalue the system when they sell it, or the third option, pay for another ac adapter to include with the sale.

Nintendo is the same publisher who's stated there's going to be no XL version of the 3DS and then officially announcing one a week later. Their announcement of no XL version made me assume that okay, it's atleast a year or two out then, so I bought a 3DS, only to upgrade to an XL, only for them to release the New 3DS XL a short time later so I still had the inferior version in less than a few years out.

Nintendo is the company that launched the New 3DS with Xenoblade Chronicles and a statement that there are many more first party exclusives currently in development for the system, only it's been a year since it launched and there's been no such unveiling of any New Nintendo 3DS exclusives.

Nintendo bashed on DLC all last gen, but they quickly became the worst when the moment they started doing DLC. The Fire Emblem Awakening DLC costs more than the game itself. The FIRST map pack for Fire Emblem Fates is $18. The ridiculous amount of DLC in Super Smash Bros for Wii U and 3DS and the fact that it's not even cross buy, it's only cheaper if you buy both versions of that DLC at the time of purchase. The Mario Golf and Fantasy Life day one DLC. Fantasy Life is actually an unfinished game without the DLC.

Amiibo figurines are overpriced toys that allow the player to use disc locked content. It's bad when Capcom does it, but yay Nintendo. Nintendo enthusiasts will give the excuse that the features work on multiple games while you're only paying for one Amiibo and while that's true with characters like Mario, but what about characters like Marth, Ike, Robin, and Lucina. The Fire Emblem characters only have SSB AI integration which I don't care about in the least and Code Named S.T.E.A.M where each character is a unique playable character and if you use all four of them, Fire Emblem music will play. $52 in DLC for four different characters that could have been in game as bonus content. There's been cross over characters that have been bonus content. Cloud in Final Fantasy Tactics, 8bit Simon Belmont in Castlevania Harmony of Dissonance, Federation missions with playable characters like Amuro in Zeonic Front(a game based on Zeon soldiers.) Hitoshura/Demi Fiend as a super boss in Digital Devil Saga, etc, etc, etc. Did we need Amiibos to gain access to cross over characters? No, it's just some nice bonus content that the developers gave us access to.

Nintendo commenting about how Fire Emblem Fates is impossible to be on the same cartridge, then later on announces a special edition with all three versions on the same cartridge. Remember when Fire Emblem the Sacred Stones had two separate storylines on a single cartridge and you only had to pay for the game once? Fire Emblem fates is the same engine with some of the same maps on all three games, and a lot of the same character sprites on all three games. Nintendo is taking what worked with Pokemon and pushing that onto other games, amd while Pokemon is one of their biggest sellers, Fire Emblem isn't, and this way they can put less work into a game that isn't as profitable as their others and get more sales.

This is just the most recent, but everything Nintendo does is in the interest of making as much as they can while giving as little as they can. Pure greed. They make some good games, but one of my least favorite Japanese companies.

sk8ofmnd3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )

I hope it is canceled on the wiiu and made an nx launch title. I knew when they gave the dumbest zelda name (ZELDAU) in history, it was doomed right from the start. I knew once the rumors started running wild last year about the nx, many of Nintendo's first party games would be swimming for land on a sinking ship. Then what the f*ck do you know? A zelda game said to release last holiday season was DELAYED... Not just delayed a few months but indefinitely. Who didnt see that comming? Rhetorical question. And guess what? Considerably bigger nintendo fans than i took this news on the chin accepting nintendos excuses... Ohh it was to add game mechanics ohhh it was because of zeldas 25th anniversary... I call BULLSHIT! The same nintendo fans that are saying its ok it was delayed, or that nintendo owes us zeldau, are the same ones that will be standing in line day one to buy it for the nx... **Even if** it skips the wiiu all together. So you entitled nintendo fans need to just stfu.

Concertoine3025d ago

Zelda U is a temporary name.

Metallox3025d ago

"I knew when they gave the dumbest zelda name (ZELDAU) in history."

This makes me cringe...

@Concertoine It's not even a temporary name, that's how the community calls it. Nintendo officially refers to it as The Legend of Zelda for Wii U.

Eterna1Ice3025d ago

I mean, that's the only good way out, right? If they'll only release Zelda on NX, people will lose all the respect for Nintendo. Many people straight up bought the Wii U mainly for the Zelda game, when its fake gameplay was shown on E3 presentation.

donman13025d ago

Like the previous generation... it will be on both the WiiU and the NX (with some added functionality unique to the new console). This satisfies the die hards that supported the failed WiiU (failed in terms that it will not even come close the the Wii success) and adds to the games available to the new console launch.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 3023d ago
Moonman3026d ago (Edited 3026d ago )

No, and selling slow does not mean dead. In fact, if it's as awesome as it sounds/appears it might help Wii U get closer to 20 million over the next couple years. This game is going to sell! Wii U attach rate is extremely healthy in every market worldwide except maybe the UK.

3026d ago Replies(2)
donwel3026d ago

This. It's like saying the xbox one is dead because it's only selling 200-ish units a week in Japan.
Though I will say that I know a few people who own Wii U and they have quite a number of games for them, also they tend to buy a lot of games on the eshop as well. Then again they could be the exception as opposed to the rule.

_-EDMIX-_3026d ago

I mean...I agree the game is going to sell, but I'm very doubtful Wii U is going to reach 20 million. NX's reveal will likely see to that.

The game for sure is going to sell, I don't really see it moving massive units.

Moonman3025d ago (Edited 3025d ago )

Wii U is still $299.99. Drop the price when Zelda hits and it will explode sales to levels unseen so far. I suggest $189.99 with a game!

Sly-Lupin3025d ago

...I think we should all be able to agree that, yeah, the WiiU is kind of a dead platform. There's no major third party support to speak of, and first party support has been pretty damned spartan... yes, the WiiU's library is fantastic, and yes, it's library of exclusives is arguably (much) better than it's competition... but it's time to admit that things probably aren't going to turn around for it, and that's a shame.

Loadedklip3025d ago

Wii U is never gonna get close to 20 million.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3025d ago
Relientk773026d ago

Don't worry they'll port it onto NX as well

Vhampir3026d ago

Maybe NX will be backwards compatible and up the resolution to 1080p on all Wii U titles.

Let me dream a little while longer...

nowitzki20043025d ago

When was the last time a Nintendo console was not backwards compatible?

TheGrimReaper3025d ago

Nintendo Gamecube was not backwards compatible.

Sly-Lupin3025d ago

What WiiU titles aren't 1080p?

MJunior3026d ago

From a marketing/selling point? Yes.

But I think that they will do this to show respect for WiiU owners.

And they can just port it to NX.

FallenAngel19843026d ago

They already confirmed this game for the Wii U, they can't go back on their word. And this game couldn't be ported to NX as easily as Twilight Princess. The NX would be a significant step up in terms of hardware from Wii U compared to the GCN's and Wii's comparatively similar hardware.

Moonman3026d ago

Thank you. I stand by my belief that NX won't see this port until later after it launches.

eagle213026d ago

If rumors are true, the only place to play it if it arrives in 2016 is Wii U. NX console version seems more mid to late 2017.

smashman983026d ago

If the rumors are true nx games will be cross platform and they could release this on nx handheld this year

_-EDMIX-_3026d ago

I think NX sees this port day 1 when it launches.

Ports don't take long to create, zero reason why they couldn't launch it day 1 on that platform, especially if they are making it concurrently with the Wii U.

Moonman3026d ago

@EDMIX This is a huge game to simply port....and then to a handheld without the power of the home console to help it?

_-EDMIX-_3026d ago

@Moonman- You don't know the size of the game and irrelevant if you factor that can be changed for the NX version if need be.

Also we don't know if its a handheld or not or how powerful it is.

Typically speaking, handhelds are actually more powerful then their console counterparts that released either during the gen they released in or after.

Your saying "power of the home console" as if you actually know what the NX is or even if the handheld would be weak.

Technically speaking, some phones right now on the market are more powerful then Wii U, PS4 and XONE. Its actually not as uncommon as some of you think and I think many of you get this idea in your head that because its a handheld, it suddenly can't do what a console can do, when that is actually based on its power, not based on being a handheld.

PSP was more powerful then the PS2.
3DS was more powerful then the Wii.

Soooo why wouldn't Nintendo's next handheld be more powerful then the Wii U?

Its not actually that uncommon..



+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3026d ago
Kallisti3026d ago

You mean like how The Last Guardian & Final Fantasy Versus XIII were confirmed for the PS3? I still think that it will come out for the Wii U but if it doesn't, it won't be the first time a game has been announced for one console but then released on its successor instead.

MSBAUSTX3026d ago

The difference is that Nintendo has much higher standards when it comes to telling the truth to their customers than Sony or Squar ever will or have.

Moonman3026d ago

Nintendo has never not released a new Zelda for a console since the NES. This isn't Metroid or Star Fox.

WeAreLegion3026d ago

@MSBAUSTX - So, Nintendo has never told us something and then NOT done that? You can't think of any video games or peripherals they've announced, but not released? Really?

These claims don't make the companies liars. They're just delays. It's out of their hands. Releasing The Last Guardian on PS3 or FFVXIII on PS3 right now wouldn't make any sense.

Moonman3026d ago

They know core gamers buy their consoles with Zelda in mind. Zelda never skipped a Nintendo console like Metroid did. That is fact. Disagree all you want.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3026d ago
WeAreLegion3026d ago

Their word? Yes, they would. They've done it several times. They can't help it. Sometimes, games just don't work out. Or they take so long to make that releasing it on a new console is the only thing that makes sense.

_-EDMIX-_3026d ago

I don't think the will, but the 100% can go back on their word. It wouldn't be the first time a publisher has done that, but I don't see it happening.

I also see it going to NX too.

A game doesn't need to be on "similar hardware" to be ported, in fact ironically porting is due to the game not running on the hardware in the first place.

NX wouldn't even need to be a huge step up to run it if you consider the port wouldn't even be the same build.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3026d ago
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Zelda Could Introduce New Features By Bringing Back A Controversial Character

Screen Rant, "The return of one controversial character could have an incredible effect on The Legend of Zelda, prompting the introduction of new features."

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H999d ago

Honestly I really changed my mind on Fi with the remaster because they didn't make her interrupt your gameplay every 5 seconds, that drastically changed my views on her

Inverno98d ago

Technically she's in ToTK but obviously can't take any other form than the sword she was made into. Also the companion feature has been done plenty of times in Zelda, I don't think it'll add anything new. If anything should be brought back it should be the Minish.


Directionless Modern Zelda Should Return to its 3D Roots

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CrimsonIdol129d ago

Amen! A good, tight, Zelda game with a focus on dungeons and puzzles. Let people have the new style Zelda if you gotta, but let us have the OoT style games too. That's not without precedent either, the handheld 2D Zelda's in the style of A Link to the Past etc have coexisted alongside the 3D Zelda's before

FinalFantasyFanatic129d ago

As much as I like BoTW, TotK, I need my traditional Zelda games as well, I could not endlessly play the open world Zelda games, plus it's harder to keep those fresher than the traditional games.

Eidolon129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

BotW was just as fresh to the franchise as OoT was. TokT was great but the next LoZ would have to move from that formula to be fresh again. There's only so much they can do with the hardware. I think they focused too much on making the world big instead impactful. I felt the world was sort of empty and repetitive in TotK, sure there was a lot to do but no more difference a Ubisoft game..

anast128d ago

I wouldn't worry too much. Nintendo knows what they are doing.

Ristul128d ago

Wind Waker had a perfect balance of open world and a cool, well hand-crafted design. Maybe try to keep the open world but put in effort to make more memorable story driven quests and locations.

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Zelda Fan Brings Godzilla to Life in Tears of the Kingdom

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Knightofelemia166d ago

I like it would also be cool if some created Dragon Caesar in the game I would love to watch the two going at it.