
What's Up With Comcept Games?

I can only guess that there are a bunch of angry Kickstarter Backers this morning, as Comcept announced the already previously delayed game Mighty No. 9 would once again be delayed to an unspecified date.

The game was originally set to release in April of 2015, later moved to September, then February 2016, and now who knows?

The delay this time is said to be network issues, but my real concern is if this game is going to be worth playing when it does release.

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DarkOcelet3053d ago

I hope this game is really good after all those delays with some neat soundtrack too.

drakenald3053d ago

I know! I have been anticipating this game for a while

Mikefizzled3052d ago

To be fair, Recore may not be their fault. That may be that Armature (the guys doing the heavy lifting) could be behind schedule or that they are changing direction slightly. Mighty No 9 is just hitting too many platforms day one imho.
Microsoft Windows, OS X, Linux, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Wii U, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo 3DS.

drakenald3052d ago

Yeah True. It is a bit odd to occur at the sometime though. But nevertheless I hope they are both great games.

Mikefizzled3052d ago

Again, probably unrelated. Scalebound got delayed 2 days before Recore. Chances are that Microsoft Studios had a 2016 review scheduled first week back after new year and delayed Recore when they decided it wasn't likely to hit targeted release window.

jb2273052d ago

I think just judging by this situation & Comcept's involvement in Recore, it makes sense that Recore's release is being affected by the later timetables for Mighty No. 9. Unless Armature is working off of a solid document & needs no help from Inafune & Comcept, they'd have to be beholden to his timetable I'd assume. I could see the further delay of Mighty No. 9 as potentially pushing Recore out of this year entirely. Recore sounds amazing so far & I can't wait to see gameplay, but for my tastes I'd rather the focus be spent on it over Mighty No 9...we've seen dozens of Mega Man titles & hundreds more trying to replicate it, but if Recore is the melding of Metroid & Zelda that its claiming to be, then that would be a much more rare & potentially much more new and enjoyable title. Hope it all works out well for all parties & games, no real precedent or reason to think otherwise yet I assume.

CrimsonWing693052d ago

Man, I really don't know anymore. Is there a possibility this game could be good? Sure, just like a criminal going to court with evidence stacked against him could possibly be proven innocent. My imagination runs wild about the production of this game especially with how much was offered through Kickstarter, the concept art work, the delays, and ultimately what we've seen in the latest trailer.

This game looks absolutely terrible to me. Quite frankly, after the shadiness pulled with how this game has been handled and the fiasco of his other project Red Ash (with him strangely leeching off the public for money when secretly he already had a publisher) has really made me lose an enormous amount of respect for Inafune.

I was so excited to back this game up. I'm a big-time MegaMan fan, but there's something that just seems like there wasn't much passion put into this project when I see the latest trailer. It just doesn't look like a game that had nearly 4 million dollars backing it.

Hey, I hope he proves me wrong and the game is fantastic.

Sly-Lupin3051d ago

I generally find it best to appraise the quality of a game subsequent to its release.


Five Overlooked Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Gems You Should Play

Of course Sunset Overdrive gets a nod. It's Insomniac!

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shinoff2183518d ago

I personally think there's better on gamepass then what was listed. State of decay imo is better then anything listed. Recore seemed alright for what I played on there also.

518d ago Replies(1)
roadkillers517d ago

Is Recore any better to play now?

Concertoine517d ago

Yeah, especially on One X or Series X. It kinda feels like a PS2 platformer, but in a good way. I liked it.

KillBill518d ago

Odd that he specified 'Game Pass Ultimate' instead of just 'Game Pass' just so he could include a relatively weak choice comparably in 'Alice: Madness Returns' which is available with EA Play. SoD was a far better overlooked game to have listed.

Crows90517d ago (Edited 517d ago )

Dont know why they keep listing ultimate. Gamepass is the better value....but the reason I think is that ultimate includes online gwg.

MadLad517d ago

I mean, as someone who games both on PC and Xbox, Ultimate makes a whole lot of sense. There's console exclusives and PC exclusives. And, at the end of the day, EA Play is still a perk of having Ultimate. When I open Gamepass, the EA Play catalogue is sitting right there for me. It's as much part of Gamepass as any other title I'm looking at, right?


Mighty No. 9 vs Mega Man 11: Who Wore It Better? A Retrospective Look

Mighty No. 9 and Mega Man 11 are two games that tried to fill a very big gaming hole, and the story behind it all is even more interesting. So which game wore the Mega Man dress better? Jason Capp is here with some retrospective thoughts upon his 2022 playthroughs.

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CrimsonWing69673d ago

Lol, I literally said that out loud when clicking on this article.

VersusDMC673d ago

Only tried the demos for both and mighty 9 looked atrocious. Megaman 11 was fun and polished. Never played both full versions but will see it they are on PS Extra when i get home.

Mostly get my megaman fix playing the azure gunvolt games and spin offs. And Maverick Hunter X on my Vita.

VersusDMC673d ago

Just tried Mighty No 9 again on PSExtra...graphics are atrocious and taking down enemies by dashing into them feels so hollow.

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5 Games That Could Have Benefited From a Day One Game Pass Release

Omar Banat: Xbox Game Pass is one of the most ingenious services that Microsoft has come up with, but for these five games, it didn't come soon enough.

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RazzerRedux1177d ago

Game Pass certainly could have helped Sunset Overdrive which was underrated, imo.

"But the focus of the day is Remedy’s 2016 critically acclaimed Xbox exclusive, Quantum Break, and how Game Pass could have given it a much-needed bump."

Quantum Break received overall good reviews. Not great, but good. Critically acclaimed? Sorry, no. That's hyperbole.

"And fast-forwarding a few years, we saw what a boon Game Pass was for Gears 5. Not only did Game Pass help get the game into the hands of more Xbox and PC players, but it also helped it exceed Gears of War 4 in sales."

Gears 5 was launched on Steam day one. Gears of War 4 still isn't on Steam. I think that's important to point out if you are going to allude to reasons why one game outsold another.

darthv721177d ago

SSOD was free on GwG not too long after release. That is always fun for quick pickup and play. QB is one that I hope gets FPS boost support. It would just feel more natural being more fluid but it too is a good game. I assume it being on GP has somewhat helped it get some recognition.

CrimsonWing691177d ago

There’s no denying how good Gamepass is but I’m still foggy on how it benefits developers/publishers. Like, do they just get one lump sum of cash to put the title on Gamepass? I mean, I personally canceled my pre-order for Outriders when I saw it’s going to be on Gamepass day 1. Judging by that I’m not sure Gamepass helps with the sales of games, rather it does expose games to more players, but how much of that equates to sales down-the-road?

RavenWolfx1177d ago

I heard payment was based on number of downloads and time played in addition to a lump sum, but I am not sure on the accuracy.

demonseye1177d ago

I actually agree on this. because a lot of games will get played that people they normally wouldn't pay for. and its 10 dollars per month which is 120 dollars per year. The average game cost day one is around 70 dollars. i buy a lot more games than 2 on a yearly basis.
and well the gamepass for me just made my option ps5 pc combo. as long as they release every game on pc I don't even have a reason to buy an Xbox. so i wonder if this plan is financially smart in the long term. mind you Xbox already received money for every Xbox game sold regardless if it's Microsoft owned or not.