
Yakuza 5 Review | Bit Cultures

Yakuza and Tojo Clan bruiser Kazuma Kiryu first debuted on the PlayStation 2 all the way back in 2005. Now a decade later, the long-running series has six released titles to its name, alongside several spin-off video games. It’s interesting that the Yakuza series hasn’t evolved too much in its ten year lifespan, but still manages to captivate players. It’s safe to say the same reasons that made the previous games great make Yakuza 5 a title that must be played by any fan of the franchise. However, those reasons cannot hide SEGA’s blatant rehashing as Yakuza 5 borrows heavily from past games. The strength of the series versus the old tried and true formula of Yakuza form a tough compromise. Yakuza 5 is an excellent adventure for those that already love the series, but may feel like an average title to everyone else.

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yewles13061d ago

"However, those reasons cannot hide SEGA’s blatant rehashing as Yakuza 5 borrows heavily from past games."

.................this a joke?

riffraffy3061d ago

I wish, man. I dig the franchise, but I also gotta review it as objectively as I can.

_-EDMIX-_3061d ago

...it wasn't a racing game and didn't become a platformer, thus too much like Yakuza 4 to be good. /s

Consider one can state this about any sequel. I don't care much for reviews seeking for a game to suddenly be something other then what the series is known for.

I personally would not like Sega to keep messing with Yakuza in terms of trying to make it something else, I personally like the series having its staple things that make it what it currently is today.

I mean..might be why we have like 7 or 8 Yakuza games.

They tried something different with that zombie game and it turned out badly, I'm fine with whats happening with the series personally. Call it a "rehash", but I'd rather have them continue adding on to the series vs trying to make it something else.

I think some gamers need to legit get that some games are created to be certain concepts and getting many of those isn't some bad thing.

To me personally. I'm completely fine with games that follow the same formula, if they want a HUGE change, make a new IP.

Leave Yakuza to be Yakuza.

I don't know why the reviewer was suddenly expecting this drastically different game.

I question how one gets their hands on Yakuza 5...

Yet is surprised its like past Yakuzas...

I mean....so did you or didn't you play past Yakuzas? I mean...that isn't really news...

riffraffy3061d ago

Hey, the game is great. I said so in the review. I also said it's very much like the past games, which is a selling point for those that are already fans of the franchise and a possible turn off for those that see it as just another Yakuza game.

And for those who have never played one before, at least they know upfront that SEGA is adamant about keeping to their formula.

This doesn't mean, however, a game can't evolve in its entirety. Games like GTAV and Skyrim prove how far a series can be pushed within a console lifespan.

_-EDMIX-_3061d ago

@riff-"Games like GTAV and Skyrim prove how far a series can be pushed within a console lifespan"

...doesn't really prove much as those titles still follow a set formula at their core.

Elder Scrolls V is still about the questing

GTA V is still about the missions and customization.

As a fan of all 3 series, I can tell you neither actually drastically changed their concepts that much if at all. Different city, setting, location etc, but the core concept still remains.

Whats new in those games, is no different then the Yakuza games progressively adding a bit different features over time.

Yakuza over time you had new characters along with playing multiple characters.

Adding new mini games.

New locations

All the entries actually added PROGRESSIVELY new things, no different then actually Elder Scrolls or GTA.

You can play 3 characters in GTAV...

Well you can play 3 characters in Yakuza 4...

Soooooooo maybe, just maybe they are progressively adding new features, no different then GTA or Elder Scrolls do, while still maintaining their core concept.

Consider GTA and Elder Scrolls do without just suddenly changing so much they are different genres.

I feel they are doing fine and evolving withing the confines of their own concept. Not sure how much you really want them to change. Multiple locations, eras, characters, new features, modes etc. They are doing quite fine.

CDbiggen3061d ago

Review is a bit late, isn't it?

riffraffy3061d ago

Yeah, sorry, about that. I had to get the game a little bit after the release date, so it took a while to get going.

Not to mention, this is a hefty game!

riffraffy3061d ago

@_-EDMIX-_ (I can't reply any more, so I have to leave a new comment. Sorry, but bear with me!)

Oh, absolutely, the game does sprinkle new features. And like I mention in the review, the substories are some of the best around. But going into GTAV from IV and into Skyrim from Oblivion is so much more different then when I went into Yakuza 5 from the fourth game.

Look at what didn't evolve in Yakuza: the graphics and the combat, what I specifically mention in the review. Now those are two key components that just can't be ignored when reviewing a game.

Sure it was originally released in 2012, but in 2015 it has to contend with plenty of good looking games. And even by 2012, we've had games like Red Dead Redemption, Skyrim, Far Cry 3 and Mass Effect 3. All these titles have taken advantage of their previous games and have come out better looking.

As for the combat, it works. It's been working since Yakuza first came out. And it's as fun as ever stomping face as Kazuma, but the fact that it's very much the same. There's a light attack, a heavy attack, grab and the heat actions. A lot of the heat actions also have been around forever. They do have the revelations, but not enough to give a better variety.

_-EDMIX-_3061d ago

"the graphics and the combat"

LMFAO! I mean....you just digging your own grave?

Oblivion to Skyrim didn't change that significantly graphically, its combat also didn't change drastically, same with GTAIV to GTAV.

I mean...I know because I own and play both series.

Your still comparing a game in the same gen its past titles released using its same engine while Yakuza 5 is actually using a new engine, GTAV used the Rage same as GTAIV.

How many games in 1 gen have you played that had sequels where the graphics where just night and day?

Mass Effect 3? Far Cry 3? What? Those games still look in the ball park of their last entries because they technically CAN'T look night and day on the same damn platform.


Mass Effect never changed engines last gen, it changed engines this gen. That can be stated maybe with Mass Effect 3 vs Andromeda, but not the series last gen, not the Far Cry series last gen, I'm sorry but neither of those series last gen changed graphically like something night and day.

None of the games last gen DRASTICALLY went in some night and day change as they are just restricted in hardware to do so.

You do the same things in Yakuza 5 sure, but this is then expanding the core concept, not changing it. I have no clue why the would change the gameplay elements.

GTA nor Elder Scrolls actually didn't, the core elements still remained the same.

riffraffy3060d ago

I don't know if you've seen Oblivion lately, but there is definitely a big difference between the fourth Elder Scrolls game and the fifth one.


I have no idea what you mean when you're talking about the game not changing graphically. Are you absolutely going to deny the change? Skyrim not only brought a new and fantastic looking world, but gave players an entirely different aesthetic from Oblivion. And within the same console life.

And dropping a link where the Mass Effect characters are extremely low-res isn't going to help people see that Yakuza is a better looking game. Instead, it shows a petty move where you're willing to put down other games to help prove a point. I bet if you looked closed enough within a series like Mass Effect, you'd see plenty of change in its graphical scope.

_-EDMIX-_3060d ago (Edited 3060d ago )

" Instead, it shows a petty move where you're willing to put down other games"

Nope. Not putting down any games bud. Merely showing that Mass Effect uses the same engine for all 3 games and doesn't have a huge significant change graphically from the 3 games.

" I bet if you looked closed enough within a series like Mass Effect, you'd see plenty of change in its graphical scope"

Don't need to. Played all 3 and they are not huge night and day changes.


Yakuza 5 uses a new graphics engine.

So basically, no huge jump in graphics in Yakuza 5..

Yet uses a new graphics engine.

but HUGE NIGHT AND DAY from Mass Effect 1 to 3, yet it still uses the same engine?

Um......sure bud.

"And dropping a link where the Mass Effect characters are extremely low-res isn't going to help people see that Yakuza is a better looking game"

Also, where did you even read that was what I mean't??? LMFAO! The example was to show the graphics of Mass Effect 1 to 3 didn't change drastically or significantly, it has NOTHING to do with Yakuza 5 being better or worse or anything the sort.

I have no clue how you even came to that assumption, no where am I saying Yakuza 5 is better, worse etc.

That isn't the point of the example.


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jznrpg444d ago

I loved Asura’s Wrath . It’s my avatar still to this day

Abnor_Mal444d ago

I remember Remember Me, I haven’t forgotten that it was actually a good game.


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neutralgamer19921031d ago

I just could not get into like a dragon I love Yakuza series but when they went with turn based combat it just was not for me. I hope future entries go back to its original roots or at least every now and then have a game where is real Time brawler combat

We do have judgement so at least there are other similar games being made by same developers

Yi-Long1030d ago

I liked most of the Yakuza games I’ve played, and I (mostly) did enjoy the new direction they took with ‘Like a Dragon’ and its new fighting system. It was a welcome change of pace. Its JRPG turn-based fighting system wasn’t perfect, but it was a good first attempt on which they can expand and build. Didn’t like the damage-sponge boss-fights though, which felt more like a chore instead of tactically taking out your opponent.

Deathdeliverer1031d ago

I’m sorry but no way is like a dragon better than Yakuza 0, 4,5, or 6. It’s different with a lighter hearted tone a lot of times. Plenty of slapstick and jokes. It literally feels like a DLC compared to the main Yakuza games. Unless you simply don’t like action games maybe… but going through the underground arenas, fighting the mini bosses randomly on the streets on different games for money or exp (like the guy in the gold suit for example). Not to mention the mini games, which Like a dragon has some too, but not as good as most other Yakuzas. Maybe it’s because I’ve been playing Yakuza from the beginning. It’s like the metal gear rpg/card collector that was on PSP or Vita. It was a cool game and a lot of fun, but it wasn’t a METAL GEAR. It was fun for what it was. I don’t believe this person actually played through all the Yakuzas. Probably gamepassed like a dragon and dabbled in the others to get an idea.

neutralgamer19921030d ago

Yakuza 4 is such an underrated game and zero is what made the series have legit string foot outside of Japan

Like a dragon in my opinion isn't on the same category quality wise. It's story and characters aren't as interesting

isarai1030d ago

Same, been there since the first on PS2, but you're gonna get a lot of disagrees. Many people defending Yakuza 7 weren't fans of the previous games, or only dabbled, and they seem to outweigh diehard fans like you and me. So it's pretty much like trying to shout over a crowd. This is what the Yakuza series is from now on, Judgement is our compromise, but it seems even that is in the air lately given some behind the scenes conflict apparently.

Darkwatchman1030d ago

I literally started with 0 in and Kiwami in 2017, then played Kiwami 2 when it dropped. And had 6 sitting and waiting on my shelf until after the collection of 3-5 dropped. Then I ran through 3-6 in one massive continuous marathon. I’m sorry that i think Like a Dragon is one of the best ones and that having the same combat for 8000 games got repetitive and it was a breath of fresh air to get an actual change?

I welcome franchises taking risks and like a dragon was a massive risk that paid off. Like the article states, it fits the Yakuza brand of humor extremely well with regard to enemy types and their attacks/skills. Also, it’s incredibly reductive to call this a “DLC”. How can it just be a DLC when it’s an entirely different genre as opposed to more of the same. If you want to make the “it’s just a DLC” argument, that would apply more to Judgment, which is just more of the traditional Yakuza gameplay.

You maybe just don’t like turn-based gameplay, which is fine. I like all kinds of games. I’m sorry that my view of game genres isn’t so narrow?

Sayai jin1030d ago

There are a few I haven't played so I am replaying and playing through them now on GP.

MadLad1030d ago

Gamepass really let me get into the series.

Sayai jin1030d ago

Same here. I started some of the games in the series when we lived in Japan, but was super busy so I never finished. When I saw the series land on GP., I started from thr first and working my way through them.

CDbiggen1030d ago

I did like Like a Dragon, it kept the feel of the games, but I got bored of the combat about halfway in. It was the easiest RPG I've ever played.
If I remember correctly - Eri, lower defence move for all. Ichiban - Mega bat. Every fight over in seconds.

andy851030d ago

True Final Millennium Tower for the Platinun was certainly tricky

Imalwaysright1030d ago

I'm currently playing Yakuza 0 and so far it's the best game I played this year.

Urrakia341030d ago

I started it about a month ago and was immediately impressed by the cutscenes, characters, and the story got me hooked quite literally from the beginning. Been playing it on and off lately but definitely one of the best games I've played in a while. It's one of those that make me feel dumb for not jumping into the series sooner, pleasantly surprised.

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