
Is your PC really VR-ready? - Digital Foundry talks recommended specs with VR developers

As the days pass, we draw closer to a potentially seismic change in the PC gaming space - the arrival of Virtual Reality experiences, brought to life via the Oculus Rift and HTC's Vive. And for many, one key question needs to be comprehensively addressed - whether their existing gaming PCs can handle the strenuous requirements of the VR experience. And if they don't, what hardware will need an upgrade.

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decrypt3049d ago (Edited 3049d ago )

More than VR ready. Problem is i think its going to be a Fad. Personally i had Nvidia 3D i would never game wearing glasses more than 15-20 mins. Eyes would be stressed out too.

I feel VR having screens so close to your eyes will be stressful and wearing a helmet and gaming just wont be comfy in the long run. Neither will most people afford it.

I think at this the best option as a PC gamer if you have the hardware is to get a 4k screen. Believe its one of the best upgrades you can make. I personally made the jump to 5k it really is a different experience. Probably one of the best graphics upgrade i have made in my 20 years of gaming on the PC.

Neixus3049d ago

Sorry, but comparing VR to a 3D monitor just makes me take you way less serious.

decrypt3049d ago (Edited 3049d ago )

Sorry but i refuse to believe a screen 1-2 inches away from your eyes wont be stressful on them. Try holding a smartphone close to your eyes. Do it for 10-15 mins, its not an experience you can enjoy for a long period of time like we do with general gaming.

I would rather get a high res screen instead for the money and be able to enjoy it for hours of gaming, not to mention compatibility issues VR brings to the table.

CrowbaitBob3049d ago

I understand the love for hi res displays. I have a meager 2k and there's no way I'd go back to 1080p. I'm sure 4k will be in my future shortly.

That said, there's absolutely no comparison between what 4k+ has to offer and having your full peripheral vision consumed by a game world. It affects your mind in a way traditional visional stimulus simply can't. You actually feel more physically involved in the experience.

Sure it may not be for everyone. A lot of people would prefer to spend their money on other forms of entertainment. That's very reasonable. Still, VR =/= UHD =/= 3D.

Wallstreet373049d ago

Great response and I agree, the sense of immersion takes it to another level.

Pandamobile3049d ago

If you were looking directly at a screen 2 inches from your eyes, yeah that wouldn't be too comfortable.

Good thing there's lenses there to focus your eyes properly, two screens to give your brain a real sense of depth, and head tracking to keep everything feeling natural.

I've got a 3D monitor too, but I can't help but chuckle at such a simplistic comparison. 3D bothers me after long period of use due to the flicker patterns and stereo overlap, two issues that VR is specifically designed to avoid.

Psychotica3049d ago

Not yet but it will be next month. Upgrading my cpu from i5-2500 to i7-6700, already have a GTX 980 Classified and 16GB Ram.

CrowbaitBob3049d ago

I think the Oculus system checker app can be a bit misleading. I get the impression they're not taking into account any CPUs prior to the current generations.

My i7-3770k is marked as below recommended spec, with them recommending a mid range current gen i5.

They state they are focusing on single core performance, fine, but even the i5-3570k outperforms the CPU they recommend across the board, including single core operations.

Psychotica3049d ago

Yeah that could be. Though for me I was already planning to upgrade next month before I decided to pre-order the Oculus Rift.

CrowbaitBob3049d ago


Yeah it's probably about that time, as capable as the 2500 is. I just recently swapped out my Radeon 6950 for a 980ti Classified, and I expect to do the CPU/MOBO/RAM overhaul in a year or two.

traumadisaster3049d ago

I don't see why my old 2500k wouldn't work. I got a titan before the x1 was even announced and that setup has been 4k for years.

Shy_3049d ago (Edited 3049d ago )

I exceed all the specs but have a gtx 960... not good enough?

Pandamobile3048d ago

It'll probably be okay. You'll just need to lower the settings.


HTC's VR Platform Viveport Is Giving Devs 90% of Their Game Revenue

Viveport, the VR retail platform from HTC is now giving developers 90% of their game revenue, instead of a 70/30 spilt like Steam.

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Jingsing62d ago

It could be free and it wouldn't matter at this point. There isn't really a PCVR Market and I say that as a PCVR user. It is modders and enthusiasts with a few retail products on Steam.


Vive Wants You to Host a Halloween Party in the Metaverse

Are you planning a Halloween Party this year? How about those friends and family that live far away? Vive has a plan for you.

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GamerLov3206d ago

At least for now I prefer the real life parties lol

FinalFantasyFanatic205d ago

I'm pretty sure everyone is going to the VR chat Halloween Party already.


Morels: Homestead Established for PC VR

Morels: Homestead, a relaxing game in which you can create your own unique homestead, is available now for PC VR.

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