Erik73573052d ago

Heard donald trump when I read that

DARKKENT3052d ago

I have to reiterate this..

Tomb raider has sold a million on a combined user base of nearly 100 million consoles with its price cut i may add.. An AAA title of great heritage.

Microsoft knows tomb raider flopped so does square.. Why you think it's PC date has been pushed forward or why Microsoft (especially aron Greenberg of questionable morales, the guy who knowingly lied about tomb raider being an outright xb1 exclusive) is trying so hard to sugar coat its sales? Why do you think they waited over SIX WEEKS to release some numbers? Its because first week sales and didn't chart and it took over six weeks for the AAA game (with a huge fanbase)to reach a million sales on a combined user base of 100million..

Yeh 1 million sounds alot! ... for a new ip or an indie, but when this 1 million is put into context, a game with a considerable multi million worldwide fanbase, tens of millions of sales worldwide, its main protagonist the pin up of umpteen teenage males fantasies from dolls, posters to films, 1 million or just over on two console's is downright embarrassing.. Even more so when you consider this wasn't launched in jan feb august but the BUSIEST shopping time worldwide which is the holiday period.. Christmas.

obviously Greenberg hasn't stated the ratio of sales so i know it wasn't 80/20 in xb1s favour or believe me that man would be gloating that figure. .. I feel more sorry for crystal dynamics.. I've clocked the game and it deserved a greater audience not squares greed.

amiga-man3052d ago

1 million is pathetic, The budgets to develope these sort of games rival or even surpass the budgets for Film making, no developer could carry on building these sort of games with such poor sales.

It will never achieve the sales it should have done and massively damaged the franchise, it was an ill thought out deal that achieved very little.

jony_dols3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

I'm not a fanboy by any stretch, (PS4 owner who has owned 360s, Gamecubes, Dreamcasts & N64s alongside my Playstations).

But this vague timed exclusive decision has alienated a loyal Tomb Raider fan such as myself, I've stuck with the series through the thick & thin (*cough*cough* Angel of Darkness). I've bought every title on launch, yes, even the long forgotten (and underrated) TR Chronicles, but this faux pas, is the straw that broke the camel's back.

Its fans like me that propped up sales, as the series floundered and now I've been dicked over, by devs that seemingly don't give two sh1ts about the real fans. They only saw short-term $$ and now it's biting them in the ass...frankly I'm delighted.

I will buy Rise of the Tomb Raider...second hand, for 20 quid, sometime in 2017. Crystal Dynamics will never see a penny of my cash ever again.

DARKKENT3052d ago


I agree with you apart from the devs fault.

This was purely square enix and their greed... Because tomb raider is such a huge franchise they thought they could take Microsoft's money, sell millions on xbox and then take money from ps4 owners a year later..

As you can see so far its been egg on their faces.. Its not sold well.. PC release pushed forward.. Im just waiting to see the ass licking they do nearer ps4s release trying to get ps4 owners on board... Will be hilarious

CrazedFiend3052d ago

Instead of pushing the PC release date
forward, they should be using that extra year development time on the ps4 version to sugar coat it to the hilt. I fear that bringing the same exact version to the ps4 one year later is not going to bring them very many more sales.

Bdub20003052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

Tombraider: sales - hottest buzzword for clicks so far 2016.

PS4 fan: it hasn't hit a million sales!

Microsoft: yes it has, and it's been a successful launch

PS4 fan: Well it didn't hit those sales fast enough in our opinion (but stated as fact) and it's not successful because REASONS.

Microsoft: (counting money) Whatever.

X1 fan: (quietly enjoying game). Sales? What? Who cares? (Back to playing game)

jmac533052d ago

I get disagreed everytime I say it but Square Enix is the next publisher to go under based on their practices and how long it takes them to develop a game.

darthv723052d ago

The game is good from what I've read. So there must be something other than exclusivity that is keeping people from finding the means to play it. Spite maybe?

Even with the assumption that there are 360 owners who upgraded to the PS4, they would likely still have their 360 to play this game. As with any game really, all they want is to be played.

It seems there are people purposely withholding themselves from playing this game and that is a shame as it looks to be one of the best of 2015. Even for the 360.

And I must be in the minority as I got my TR experience on Sega systems. From the original on Saturn to the releases on Dreamcast.

Dee_913052d ago

Regardless of sales, they literally alienated their two biggest fanbases for money. On that alone it was a mistake.
I'm sure Crystal Dynamics got every dime they were gonna get out of the game regardless of sales so that's the positive at least.

Captain_TomAN943052d ago


The fact is that Tomb Raider has always sold a lot better on Playstation (And it will this time as well).

Then it went head to head with Fallout.

If it was released a month sooner, on all 3 platforms: It would have easily sold 3-4 times as many copies by now. It would have been the perfect game to play for a little before Fallout, and launching BEFORE Uncharted would have been great.

rainslacker3051d ago (Edited 3051d ago )


With one million in sales, MS isn't sitting there counting the money. Even with a low end projection of 80 million production costs + marketing(and MS didn't spend a ton marketing this game if you really look at what they did for marketing), with what publishers sell these games for to distribution, they've only come up with about half of what was spent on the game production.

Depending on the deal itself, SE may actually come out ahead, and allowed MS to take the marketing and publishing hit, while they recoup their own investment in the game through sales on PC and PS4, but as it stands, with the way the money is being logically divided for any kind of deal made, MS has lost money on this deal. They may make it back over the long term if it continues to sell, but it's peak market time is quickly coming to an end.

If anyone disagrees, I encourage them to post possible ways this deal was handled instead of just hitting disagree. Explain how the revenues taken in so far can account for what a game of this caliber would cost to produce. It just doesn't add up, and MS isn't getting it all.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 3051d ago
xer03052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

With Microsoft - You always have to wonder, whether that's shipped or sold through.

ninsigma3052d ago

That is true but in fairness they did say sold through this time.

jwillj2k43052d ago


Yea but do we believe them?

All companies are guilty of shady practices. However, and correct me if I am wrong, only MS has been known to lie about sales over and over again. Hell they were boasting how great of success they had on Xbox this Christmas by combining ALL of the sales across ALL consoles. Who DOES that.... Not to mention its always been 'sold through' for most companies, except the ones who are failing, in which they combine everything at their disposal (shipped/sold-through, combined console sales (lol), PC game sales, Accessory sales (Halo)) see where I am going with this?

Khaotic3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

Greenburg said sold through, but people say hes unreliable. I dont personally know myself or even give 2 f##ks how another companies product sells. Tomb Raider will live on and games will come and go. I like games discussions just not the kind that sound like your in a hair salon listening to a bunch of old woman gossiping.
This article and comment board is kinda pathetic if you look at it rationally. All the hate mongering and bashing of a company. I would be embarrassed of myself if I looked back and this was me acting like an entitled child.

ninsigma3052d ago


I get what you mean I don't exactly trust them either. Just pointing out that they said it was sold through. If people believe them or not is up to them. I don't particularly care enough to form an opinion on which statement ms says is a lie lol
They are definitely the Console company I trust the least though, no doubt there.

rainslacker3051d ago

With a game shipped is all that's important to the publisher. At that point, the game is sold, and they see no more revenue unless it's through MT or DLC, in which case, shipped actually is important since those two things are simply a numbers game of having users to buy the content.

However, if the game is actually selling, it means more will likely ship, as restocks will be requested.

In this case, I'd be willing to take Greenburg at his word. Not because I feel he's the most trustworthy PR rep, but because it's not like it matters with this number sold either way. It's still a pretty low number for a well known IP that had a well received prior installment(the 1st reboot), and the amount of hype prior to release that seems to suggest it would be game changing for MS in some way.

While 1 million is a decent enough number overall for many games, it's not where it needs to be for long term profit on a major production. I've run the numbers through my head, and I can't find any possible scenario of MS investment in the deal where they would have made their money back based on the revenue.

I often said that SE probably took a bath on this whole thing, but realistically, I'm starting to think that they may have made a very smart thing financially, because MS likely took the brunt of the expense, and SE now mostly just has to coast on the PS4 and PC sales in the future. even if it sells less than the prior installment, SE stands to make a lot more money....not that I applaud that as it still sucks for the player.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3051d ago
t-hall7853052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

Nope. Still coming to ps4 and pc. Most people arent n4g fanboys and will buy the game when it releases because it will appeal to them. The game will do fine like it already is.

Lol everytime the x1 gets an exclusive its a mistake smh.

ritchi453052d ago

I personally enjoyed the reboot, so will be picking RotTR up for PS4 (price dependant) at/around launch.

PSN_ZeroOnyx3052d ago

If it was multiplatform from the beginning I would have bought it for sure. Alas, it wasn't a multiplatform game so IF I do buy it on PS4, it will be from the bargain ben or not at all.

ChuckTheIceMan3052d ago

Great game, and may not be a console seller on its own, but when you factor in Forza 6, Halo 5, and ARK it is now a HUGE system seller. On top of that black ops3 is just much much better with an elite controller!

PSN_ZeroOnyx3052d ago


And all that combined doesn't make X1 appealling enough to actually buy the console.

t-hall7853052d ago

Once again...of the 36 million ps4 owners about 4000 probably spend half their day trolling n4g....the rest buy games they like

jb2273052d ago

What kind of marketing will the game have? Assuming they release the same game they did for the XBO you can pretty much guarantee there will be no E3 showing, and is Square willing to throw big marketing dollars at a game that is potentially underperforming anyway?

The only way RotTR puts up decent numbers on PS4 (don't expect much beyond a drop in the bucket for PC sales) is if they add a significant new campaign section for the PS4 release along w/ all of the other dlc & they get Sony to showcase it at E3 and maybe help w/ marketing. Otherwise it is far from a foregone conclusion that the game "will do fine" or even that "it already is"

This has nothing to do w/ some evil Anti-MS conspiracy in the media, and this game isn't an x1 exclusive...this is a case where millions of hardcore TR fans on one platform has been boxed out of one of their favorite games that has had 2 decades of history as a multiplat release, so yeah, there is going to be an issue in this instance, and rightfully so...I guarantee that there would be plenty of MS gamers that would rake Bioware over the coals if they announced the next Mass Effect game as a PS4 1 year exclusive.

rainslacker3051d ago (Edited 3051d ago )


MS marketing of ROTTR wasn't exactly that amazing. One compilation commercial they ran for almost a year, then a limited run solo ad, all while MS touted their FO4 content deal for the holiday.

I can't imagine SE can do any worse.

biggest difference between the marketing of ROTTR and the 1st reboot was that the developer seemed much less engaged in the community. The first game, the dev was talking about it all the time. Always showing stuff at every chance they got. Taking any chance to get people hyped up for it, and in the end, they delivered a good game, which is actually rare when devs hype up their games to no end.

I can't imagine going forward the devs will engage in the community as much for subsequent releases, and I would even discourage it, because at this point, they're going to get a lot of hate just because of this deal.

SE will probably run the obligatory PC and PS4 launch trailer for YouTube, and maybe put out some ads on the websites, but I don't see any TV marketing, unlike the first reboot which had tons of it.

ROTTR will sell on other platforms, because there are people who will buy it, and many of them may be clueless as to this whole deal when it does become available. But this game specifically has not received the marketing blitz that the first game did, and it didn't have the hype lead up of over a year like the first one did either, so it seems the only people who really care about this game now are the ones who really enjoyed the first one, and it's not going to bring in more sales just from them alone. Even if this deal never existed, it wouldn't have sold as much, because the marketing for it has been pretty bad IMO.

jb2273051d ago


I definitely agree the marketing was pretty thin on the ground on MS' part for their marketing. I could see Square running a much more effective campaign. Either way I don't think this is the kind of game that casual players would pick up w/o some kind of fandom or experience w/ the series so some quality marketing would do a lot towards getting the game seen and generating interest. That's the main reason why I'd think that Square & CD would want to create some meaty new campaign sections for the PS4 release so that they can showcase the game at E3, potentially winning back the fans that are more aware of the situations behind the game and having it enter the mindshare of the casual market that may drive further sales.

As a huge fan of the franchise I've been on the fence about picking it up retail at launch or buying used so as to not support these timed practices, but I'm at the point now that I will pick it up if they go that route & give their PS4 fans some big new content (hopefully an entirely new environment altogether like the Syria section was removed from the main Siberia landscape), along w/ all of the dlc released for PC & XBO. Really interested to see how Square & CD plan on pushing the game for its second wind, its a fairly unique situation considering all of the press the deal has received. They've got an opportunity to grab back some good will from their fanbase if they seize it properly.

t-hall7853051d ago

Yeah y'all gettin it. Best looking game out right now. We all know how you ponies love GWAPHIX

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3051d ago
Relientk773052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

And the release date on the same day as Fallout 4 and a few days off Call of Duty. Big mistakes.

user99502793052d ago

Yeah it was a mitake. Some fat cat at SE was sleepwalking with his fancy pen and accidentally signed a multimillion dollar publishing deal. FLOOPS!

miyamoto3049d ago

Anyone who believes what Greenberg says is so misinformed.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3049d ago
PhoenixUp3052d ago

Do you even have to ask? The game didn't even chart in the Nov NPD. The timed exclusivity deal didn't dramatically help Xbox One sales or hinder PlayStation 4 sales this holiday season. It was a very pointless venture in the grand scheme of things, especially with a PC port releasing 2.5 months afterwards.

In all honesty all this deal ever did was raise Microsoft's new AAA exclusive lineup in 2015 from 2 to 3 titles.

Letthewookiewin3052d ago

It was a huge blunder. Hopefully they will make up enough sales when the PS4 version drops to warrant a third game from the franchise. But it's going to be so crowded with PS4 exclusives and new third patty stuff it's going to be really hard to stand out.

jmac533052d ago

Exactly, when given the choice between Horizons, Andromeda and a huge lineup or a good year old game, what do you think most people will go with. Most people will probably pick it up in January 2017 at a reduced price or second hand.

UltraNova3052d ago

Look one million sold in 6 weeks is not that bad, its actually ok, broadly speaking.

But considering that a franchise of this caliber (worldwide recognition, multimillion seller, movies etc), on two platforms, with all that promotion, with great reviews from both the press and users, during the years biggest holiday season and after deep discounts managed only 1 million sales then my logic says it wasn't the biggest success, to put it lightly.

Damien18013051d ago

One million sold units is a great news if we're talking about a middle market game, new sleeper hit IP or an indie title. But when it comes to the the AAA game, especially the one that has a huge fanbase behind it that spawned sequels, spin-offs, movies and comics, one million sales is a huge disaster, especially when it was sold within a two-month period. RE6 sold about 5 million copies in a first month at it sounds great in first glance, but considering that Capcom expected to sell 7 million copies in a month it was considered a failure. Standard AAA games need to sell at least 2-3 million units in a first month to actually turn a profit. Even MGS5 has to sell 6 million units in total sales to break even. So one million units sold within two months especially for a AAA game that was available on Xbox One and 360 (especially when the latter has a huge install base) is not a remarkable achievement. They're better of wipe their ass with the pocket money they earned.

GrmpyolGamer 3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

MS seem happy with the sales of the game thus far and I'm sure SE were happy to receive MS cheques. Everyone needs to move on from this. Everyone will get to play the game eventually and if u are desperate to play the game now put aside your petty fanboy opinions and get it on xbox

Tsunade3052d ago

"MS seems happy"

Do you truly believe they will tell you otherwise? You are so naive.

GrmpyolGamer 3052d ago

I'm just stating what Phil Spencer and Arron Greenberg have said. Nothing more, Nothing less. I will take them at face value until proven otherwise.

GrmpyolGamer 3052d ago

I wonder if everyone had this amount of contempt for Sony when they brought exclusivity rights for Tomb Raider in the 1990's and keeping I of Nintendo and SEGA consoles. And I don't seem to c any contempt towards Sony for keeping Street Fighter 5 off xbox

3052d ago
thekhurg3052d ago

Different scenario. There were millions upon millions more PlayStation consoles in homes than the competition and tomb raider was a new IP back them.

GrmpyolGamer 3052d ago

U make it sound like I was some underhanded, secret squirrel stuff. MS made an offer and SE accepted. Been done a million times over the years in the gaming industry. But MS is a big evil corporation so they must have blackmailed and torchered SE into taking their money right?

Letthewookiewin3052d ago

That's the thing though, this was a deliberate attempt by MS to keep a well known Sony franchise off of PS4 to gain ground and they failed miserably. Don't expect to see another deal like this on X1 again.

NovaCorps3052d ago

well 2 deals i think the ykinda did the same with insomniac one of the most ps friendly studios

both sunset overdrive and tomb raider fail miserably
i hope studios got their lessons and wont ever make a deal like this anymore

DLConspiracy3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

Aren't all exclusives done deliberately for that reason though?

Whether timed or outright exclusive. It's not just Tomb Raider. It's exclusives period. That includes SF5 and any game ever made exclusively. If Sony bought CapCom that may be a bit different but they didnt. They paid for the game to be made and advertised to keep it specifically off Xbox entirely. Not for 2 months not for 6. Not even 1 year. Permanently.

Lon3wolf3052d ago

It's not a Sony franchise though it appeared on both PC and the Saturn.

Letthewookiewin3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

Ya DLC you make a good point. But you could also note (and this is my assumption) that SF is a series that has always sold better on PS and is out of Japan makeing the deal with Sony more plausible. Either way I think exclusive's involving 3rd parties are crappy and a cheap businesses trick to drive sales for one side. That said I stick by my statement that the exclusive deal with MS concerning Tomb Raider was bad for everyone (except the people who own it now), MS and CrystalD included. They complained about 5 million in sales with the last game and I'm not entirely sure with a jam packed 2016 it's going to be able to hit that even when it releases on PS4. It's not a fact of console superiority or this and that nonsense, its timing. I hope I'm wrong and sales pick up later this year because I want to see this franchise become a trilogy.

DLConspiracy3052d ago


I agree I'm not a fan of exclusivity on franchises. I think it's crap. My issue is with those who might forgive one over another. It's inevitably going to happen with these companies because they use it as bait for consumer. To try and make their console more appealing. This won't be the only franchise we see timed or permanent sequel exclusivity on. Not for either of the top consoles. Mark my words. I just hope the same individuals who don't like it are quick to point the finger regardless which console it's on.

GrmpyolGamer 3052d ago


SSoD was exclusive because MS was willing to let Insomniac games keep the rights to the IP. They went to Sony and Sony demanded that insomniac sell them the IP first.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3052d ago
NovaCorps3052d ago

and sold more than 6mil
compare to a pathetic 1mil on both 360 xone combine

IamTylerDurden13052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )

What? The 1990s? Is that really relevant anymore?

The SFV deal is completely different if you compare the 2. From the beginning RotTR was scheduled to be multiplatform and release at the same time. Sony even showed RotTR at there e3 2014 press conference. It's clear that ms made a last second backroom deal to snatch the exclusivity right before Gamescom 2014. Even Sony was shocked by the deal.

The reason SFV is console exclusive to PS4 is bc Sony helped to fund the games development, it was never shown at a ms e3, nor was it ever scheduled to release on an xbox platform. It's entirely different, RotTR was coming out regardless of whether ms forked over the $ or not.

Sony gave Capcom $ so the game could come out, ms gave SE $ so the game wouldn't come out (on PS4).

FlipSwitch3052d ago

I agree with everything you are saying but RotTR was announced at Microsofts E3 2014. It was multiplatform though as you could pre order it on PS4 at that time.

Loktai3052d ago

Sony didn't buy tomb raider exclusivity.

And a Japanese fighting game on the Sony console does make sense. . . Microsoft already not only bought but resurrected a dead fighting game just to have one on their machine so don't compare sf5 to tomb raider, compare it with killer instinct.

NovaCorps3052d ago

so much for resurrecting KI...anothr failure that nobody gives a crap anymore...another failure for the xbox library

DLConspiracy3052d ago (Edited 3052d ago )


Season 3 Killer Instinct says Hello.

Wouldn't hurt if you cheered up a bit. Gaming isn't solely based on children's console war antics. It's about gaming and that includes gaming everywhere. Kind of sad these days that people decide to not like entire libraries of games based solely on the fact of which console it's on. Doesn't seem like the attitude of a real gamer to me.

rainslacker3051d ago

Yes, there were a lot of people pissed off about it back then.

As to the people here specifically, that would depend on if they gamed back then. That's almost 25 years ago, and even I was pretty young back then(15), and barely remember it. If i wasn't running a BBS for gaming back then, I probably never would have known about it, because in 1990, the WWW wasn't filled with everyone, and in fact was barely even a thing, so it was just techie people, who weren't always the biggest Sony fans.

Me personally. I have great contempt for timed exclusivity deals of this nature, regardless of the console. I don't mind when a console maker funds a project which otherwise wouldn't have been made, or even if they get timed DLC or whatever, but the actual restriction of the entire game for a period of time is rather distasteful, and while I understand it's marketing benefits as well as it's benefits to the publisher in some cases, I still would rather see that money go towards making actual content which is truly exclusive.

miyamoto3049d ago

Core themselves said that TR2 just can't be done on par with the Sega Saturn's hardware limitations. And it clearly shows here.

"While the original Tomb Raider was released on both the PlayStation and Sega Saturn game consoles, Tomb Raider II was no longer designed for the Sega Saturn despite having been confirmed as a target platform for the game in the first place. Following the cancellation announcement, Adrian Smith cited technical limitations of the console to program an adequate conversion."

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3049d ago
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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda12d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman12d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda12d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Yoko Taro Passes Respect; Says Stellar Blade Is "Much Better" Than Nier: Automata

Stellar Blade's creative director, Hyung Tae Kim, has also claimed that the game is deeply inspired by Nier: Automata.

shadowhaxor31d ago

I feel like Yoko is downgrading Automata because he has expressed multiple times he'd like to revisit the universe, but Squenix hasn't been keen about it. We know he loves 2B and would love to take her out for another spin, so maybe this is how he gets the company to think about it.

gold_drake31d ago

u do realise that Square made Nier a franchise after Automata right?

Taro is downplaying it cause hes not a snob like most of the directors that think their games are gods gifts to the human race.

he said the same thing when being interviewed during the development of Automata too, that he couldnt have done it without the devs.

hes just a humble guy rly.

shadowhaxor31d ago

I mean, Neir existed before Automata with both OG Niers and Drakenguard. I don't count NieR Replicant, since it's a remake of the OG games. Sure, we have Reincarnation, which is still stuck on mobile devices (quite a damned shame). I just remember Taro saying he'd love to revisit Automata if Square Enix lets him. I do recall there was supposed to be a sequel to Automata, but it wasn't confirmed and I'd imagine it was just for Reincarnation.

Enjoy Taro, he seems like a cool guy, who loves the ladies and is humble. But damn, don't put down one of your masterpieces.

Cacabunga31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

I really liked Automata and cannot wait for Stellar Blade

isarai31d ago

I get he's giving them some credit, but i strongly disagree based on the demo. I honestly don't think any aspect of it feels good, it's not bad, it's just kinda ok but definitely a little jank. Also the souls like formula it is adopting does not help it imo. I was looking forward to this for years, now im just kinda let down honestly 🫤

fsfsxii28d ago

Its not a souls like, its a dmc-ish game with rpg elements. Any game with a third person camera and a sword is souls like to these buffoons

H931d ago

Man exputer can you stop putting words like that after someone's name, i read Yoko Taro Passes and just went blank

Snookies1231d ago

Same... Awful way to word that title's beginning.

exputers30d ago

Whoops. Sorry to startle you.

H930d ago

It's alright brother, maybe I am just slow

Hereandthere31d ago

Thats because Sony had a heavy hand in funding and developing this game.

purple10131d ago

They sent in XDEV one of their traveling support studios to Korea to lend a hand if I’m not mistaken, Sony pulled out the big guns to help this studio

jwillj2k431d ago

(From the demo) Stellar has better direction in terms of stage layout if you like that ninja gaiden type feel. Nier is more polished by far.

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Stellar Blade X NieR: Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim on How Their Blockbusters Inspire One Another

IGN: "We talk to Yoko Taro and Hyung-Tae Kim about the ways that Stellar Blade is inspired by NieR: Automata, comparisons between EVE and 2B, and much more."