
PC Exclusive Shooter Hard Reset: Redux Rated for Xbox One and PS4 Release

Hard Reset first released on the PC platform back in 2011 and was received quite well by the press and players, with many noting the similarities between the shooters of years gone by such as Quake and Unreal Tournament.

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Khaotic3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

Never played it. To the pc gamers, how is it and has it held up well as it is a 4 year old title?

Volkama3078d ago

Gunplay is pretty fun, and havok physics fill it with explodey goodness. But story delivery is behind the times and everything is very grey.

Fun, but certainly not $60 fun.

Lennoxb633078d ago

If the game is fun, why does the story matter?

Volkama3078d ago

@Lennox That depends what any individual is looking for in a game, which I can't answer on anyone else's behalf. Hence I didn't say "it is good" or "it is bad", I simply alluded to what it's strengths and weaknesses are.

3078d ago Replies(1)
dip013078d ago

The gunplay and boss fights are pretty fun .

MasterD9193078d ago

Seems like a downloadable title all the way.

Tobsesan3077d ago

It was a horrible shooter...


Gamers In Beta Podcast 157: Heroes Be Damned

On Episode 157, the Gamers In Beta crew opens the show with some non-gaming talk. They discuss some of their guilty pleasures and heroes. Once the gaming discussion kicks in gear, they talk about the Steam Summer sale, the availability of the XB1 S models, and Oculus dropping their previous DRM stance.

Games they’ve been playing are: The Division, DOOM, Hard Reset Redux, Marvel Heroes 2016, The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine, Overwatch, Mario Tennis, and Portal 2.

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Hard Reset Redux Review - Explosions & Some Drunk Named Fletcher | COG

COG writes: Hard Reset Redux is an FPS that tries to recapture the magic from the classic run and gun era of shooters while adding a few unique tweaks of its own.

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Hard Reset Redux Review | XboxExclusive

Steve Melanson writes:

"For someone who enjoys FPS’s, and has never played Hard Reset, then I recommend picking up this game without question. For the $20 asking price you get a solid single player experience, and you’ll get to experience another great shooter."

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