
Pathfinder Online New Ownership A Possibility

Today CEO of Goblinworks Lisa Stevens sent out information to KickStarter backers for Pathfinder Online informing them that if funding is acquired the ownership of the franchise will be transferred over to another company owned by a longtime player of Pathfinder Online


Can Pathfinder: Kingmaker Break From Pathfinder's Troubled Kickstarter Past?

Joanna Mueller writes: "Technically, the game does still exist, early enrollment version 12 came out last month, but it has mostly fallen into obscurity. This isn’t aided by the fact that Goblinworks has ceased monitoring their campaign page. Even if backers did still care about the project, they’d have to hunt down information on their own."


Pathfinder Online's Troubling Path Forward

Goblinworks Inc. has been working on Pathfinder Online for four years with over one million dollars of Kickstarter money, but even that hasn't been enough.

garyanderson2947d ago

Another kickstarter disaster. Bummer.


Pathfinder Online in Dire Straits, Layoffs for Majority of Staff

Pathfinder Online is facing massive financial issues and lays off almost the entire studio.

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