
Ready At Dawn: "We Just Have To Make A Better Game Next Time", and "We Will"

The Order 1886 from developer Ready At Dawn was criticised by a majority of reviewers. While the game was praised for its visuals and weaponry, the 3rd person action-adventure has some serious gameplay, and story issues. According to Ready At Dawn’s Andrea Pessino, the team just needs to “make a better game next time”.

FallenAngel19843079d ago

This game still sold pass 1.40 million units so I'd say it was commercially successful. It's still viable for a sequel since there's an audience who supported the game.

Either that or make a new IP or continue their success on making games for pre-established franchises.

UltraNova3079d ago

I'm definitely interested for a more robust sequel. The setting and story were too good not to build up upon.

PeaSFor3079d ago

the studio created an amazing in-house engine, looking forward their next project.

Bansai3079d ago

setting and story has potential for more, they just need to VASTLY improve in the gameplay department.

thekhurg3079d ago (Edited 3079d ago )

I want a sequel so badly. I enjoyed almost everything about The Order. With a few tweaks here and there and a little more variety in boss encounters and it would have been perfect.

Such an amazing story, really appreciated the work they put in weaving their story into history. The Jack the Ripper stuff was just genius.

SmielmaN3079d ago

The game was good. Just needed better pacing and smoother story telling. Graphically it was insane. The guns were very fun. Just felt like it went slowly along. I didn't mind it though. Don't know why there was so much hate for it.

--Onilink--3079d ago


Well, just because the game looks amazing doesnt really mean its a good engine that will give them flexibility. Look at Destiny for example, overall its a very good looking game, but everything we have learned recently point to being an absolutely awful engine in terms of development which has lead to the completely poor expansions and overall lack of content.

So hopefully the engine they made does allow them to push their creativity in terms of gameplay to match those amazing visuals and really interesting setting

nveenio3079d ago

I would love to see a sequel to this. I really liked The Order, and it's on my replay list for the next slow period between triple As. (I'm still working at Fallout 4.) The hate this game got was completely unjustified. It's like saying FIFA is crap just because you don't like sports games. Hopefully Ready at Dawn is not too discouraged, but rather uplifted that there was a substantial audience who loved their game.

Also, ALL companies should focus on making a better game next time. (Especially the teams behind Assassin's Creed and Call of Duty.)

Realms3078d ago

Having finally played the game recently I can see why some people had legitimate gripes with the game. However the potential is there to make a great game they just need to focus on the gameplay first because the story was interesting and it could potentially become a great overall game if they put it all together.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 3078d ago
die_fiend3079d ago ShowReplies(12)
forcefullpower3079d ago

All my friends loved this game the only time I hear about the hate is on the internet. We all agreed that it been the best next gen IP to come out so far.

The background and the idea of the games is top notch. All they need to do is build on top of that. Add in a longer campaign add a multiplayer mode. warewolf against the order would be great.

There is so much potential with this IP it just needs a different director to make it more of a game as well as cinematic experience.

guyman3079d ago

While i agree most of the hate has been the internet, it definitely isnt the best new ip this gen. It doesnt need a new director, it needs a new focus and that focus should be on gameplay now that they have constructed an engine, story and setting..

rainslacker3079d ago

I enjoyed the game. It had it's issues, but the only serious game play issues was there needed to be more(both variety and amount), and some decent boss battles. And the only story gripe I can see be valuable was that it was rather intrusive to the game play.

Other than that, it was a solid game, and a good foundation for the future of the IP.

I do have to disagree that it's the best new IP this gen. So far for me that would fall on Until Dawn. While it too was story heavy, and the game play was more minimalist, it was a very engaging experience. There might be other new IP's that are better, but Until Dawn just stuck with me more.

PizzaSteve3079d ago

Most of those sales are most likely from price cuts. It was $10 during the Halloween deals. 1.40m looks good to me too but how good is it for the developers. Like Tomb Raider a great game but low sales and it will pass 1m soon from price cuts but how much profit will actually be made. A game like COD can make profits from price cuts cause more units sales weekly and DLC.

Anyway what I know. I don't have a business degree. :(

3079d ago Replies(12)
3079d ago Replies(1)
thisismyaccount3079d ago

A better game next time? How about you read/follow the forums, see what´s IN or OUT and based on that make a new game?

You clearly didn´t do ANY research at all, by not adding any type of multiplayer to a SHOOTER in 2015 is for most out there a deal breaker.

The Order was okay, not a 60 and not a 30$ game. Too short and too much of the same, but you obviously didnt bother with it after launch anyway.

You could have worked on a patch to include a multiplayer since the game launched, but you didn´t. You stopped caring, nor did you release a dlc... accept it you f# up big time with Sony´s $$$.

nunley333079d ago

You clearly don't know what you're talking about if you think a multiplayer mode can be patched in after the fact, that wouldn't happen with any game. There's been games that were delayed to tack on a multiplayer mode but not the other. Accept your butthurt and only dream of graphics like that on XBONE. I look forward to a sequel that'll have an uncharted 2 level overall leap over the original.

ThePresentIsAgift3078d ago

I think the lack of multiplayer was laudable and showed the developers resolution for crafting the best single player experience that they could.

Tombraider's multiplayer was so unnecessary and poor, it almost detracted from the overall experience.

I hope again for a sequel that does not include multiplayer.

Salooh3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

They had a vision for their first game and they were focusing on it. They achieved great things and you talk like they did nothing lol . Think of The order as a prototype and you will see how great the potential they have to create a masterpiece..

They just need to create tools of the feedback they got for their awesome engine and that alone will guarantee a great experience.

GarrusVakarian3079d ago

I'd say they have to actually make a game next time.


3079d ago
Eidolon3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

If The ORder: 1886 isn't a game, then neither is Heavy Rain, Until Dawn, Beyond Two Souls, Telltale Games, they're just interactive shows.

Saithraphim3079d ago

It had so much potential, and the idea of the game and the marketing is what sold it. I defended it too until i played and i realized there were problems with the gameplay. Even they charged $30 for it out of the gate it would have been a different story

Disagree3079d ago

the two letters that are the most unnecessarily and overused in gaming.

Azzanation3079d ago

Sales don't justify a products quality.

hellothere19773079d ago

you conveniently forget to add the logistics in those sales numbers. it didn't sell 1.4mil units at the regular $60 price tag. games like GTAV that sold mils did so with at mostly msrp of $50-60. those are number to boast about and revenue that will justify sequels.

the Order sold maybe 100-200k units to suckers at the initial price. the rest of the sales came from huge price drops ($30-40), which means the game earned MUCH LESS than a 1.4mil unit shipped status will lead the uninformed to believe.

in short, i doubt the developer and the pub are in the black over this game. don't forget the relatively large marketing campaign that was spent on advertising this game.

u4one3079d ago (Edited 3079d ago )

Who cares how much it sold if it's not fun. High sales don't make it better. And besides...when this game came out, there weren't a ton of exclusives available on the ps4 and also add the fact that more people bought it later at much cheaper prices.

I personally bought it out of a lack of options and curiosity of the graphics. I was over it quickly. If they can make a sequel that's actually fun and focused on gameplay over cinematics then sure. I'd be down to give that a shot.

Look how much fallout 4 has sold in the short time it's been out (over 12 million copies across platforms)- that's due to the fact that's just simply a good game. Imagine how much the order would have sold if people actually liked it - especially at the time it was released.

Edvin19843079d ago

I enjoyed it a lot with all the short comings.. I am excited for a 2nd one if they made it the story was pretty good.

mzupeman3079d ago

It's definitely sold enough to make a sequel viable, but it's still not going to happen. Sony are not willing to deal with another entry, and that's a direct result of all the negativity that flooded the internet just prior to release and beyond. Hell, Ready at Dawn planned on doing DLC which would have hit in the fall, but thay went off the table, too.

Unfortunately, a lot of the hate from this game came not just from legit purchasers of The Order, but people who never even experienced it and decided to parrot all the hive-mind hatred that was being thrown around. Hopefully, in the future, people will understand this can directly affect the future of a game series and its respective developer.

EyeAmTJ3078d ago

it was hyped thats why it sold so much

xtremeimport3078d ago

Just beat The Order. I loved it and I really hope they get a sequel. Some areas to improve on, but its not like the game was a steaming pile of shit. It played quite well and had an amazing story.

Its setup perfectly for another. Just hope they expand on what they have and keep what was done right.

jc123078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

I honestly thought the game kidna sucked. The graphics were great - as was the atmosphere. Aside from that though, the gunplay couldn't have been more generic. None of the guns were particularly exciting. The pacing was horribly uneven and frustrating. Human enemies were terribly uninspired. Cut-scenes were not skippable. Ducking behind cover was often frustrating as vertical visibility was limited. Stealth missions would automatically result in a fail if you were spotted, as opposed to an onslaught of enemies and an attempt to battle your way out. Werewolves attacked in a repetitive and predictable manner. Boss fights were always the same and amounted to little more than a QTE fest.

Ready at Dawn needs to inject more passion and intensity into the gameplay. They also need to tone down the long and heavy handed cutscenes in favor of more concise storytelling. I have no problem with the established engine, atmosphere and characters for the most part. But please, focus on adding a certain measure of intensity and focus that was sorely missing the first time around.

I suspect most will down vote this comment because...well...that's what people do on N4G when a PS4 game is criticized. To those people, I would say, there's a reason why this game received rather lackluster ratings. There's no need to run to its defense. It is what it is: a marginal game.

showtimefolks3078d ago

sadly they are no longer with sony so if there is the order 1886 sequel tha it will most likely come from someone else

maybe the 2nd team over at ND can handle it. just imagine

Gwiz3078d ago

1.4M a success?Not really.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 3078d ago
Rookie_Monster3079d ago (Edited 3079d ago )

Every developer deserved a second chance. Hope they can learn from the flaws and lessons of The Order 1886 and make a great game next time up.

Insomniac made a similar mistake with Fuse and then proceed to make a great game in Sunset Overdrive. So it can happen to the best of them and a turnaround is definitely possible.

Mr_Writer853079d ago

They just need to focus.

I like the story and characters, I like the gun play, there just want enough of it!

The game felt almost too linear, like the stealth sections. No real hand to hand combat, and too much walking and talking.

They need to get tips from ND on mixing it up. TLOU had everything, story, graphics and gameplay and whilst linear it felt like you had some freedom.

The good thing is The Order got Story and Characters right, the guns where also fun to use. I'd take a hit on graphics if it means they can do more robust gameplay like real time hand to hand combat and stealth sections without QTE or having only 1 set path.

ShadowKnight3079d ago

I wonder will the order ever get a sequel in the near future and who will develop the game?

uth113079d ago

Uncharted and TLOU are linear and feel linear. I don't get why that's fine for Naughty Dog but a design sin for this game.

Nivekki3079d ago

'Uncharted and TLOU are linear and feel linear. I don't get why that's fine for Naughty Dog but a design sin for this game.'

Because they are supremely better games. It's not rocket science. You shouldn't even mention those games when it comes to The Order, it isn't even fair.

Let's face facts, it just wasn't a great game. It's got nothing to do with a 'biased' media, or a 'hateful' media, it just wasn't that great.

It was made out to be a great game but it ended up not being one.

Case closed.

rainslacker3079d ago

I agree. I think R@D is a good developer overall. Their games before TO were solid and played well. The new game played great, and they showed they can craft a story. The scope of the game I think was too ambitious for their first major outing, and I think that coupled with the game engine development caused this game to be delayed internally, which led to a lot of things not making it into the game which probably would have made it even better. About half the criticisms for this game seem to stem from things which, to me, were so obviously cut due to Sony just saying there needed to be a code lock, and that the game needed to ship.

I would assume, that if given the chance, they could make a second game, without the worry of building a game engine from the ground up, and actually implement the ideas that they had in mind, because I feel what they did get implemented was top notch....except boss battles, but that too seemed like a last minute "get it in the game" type thing as the game play of those parts was just so basic compared to the solid nature of the gun play in the rest of the game.

gangsta_red3079d ago

It's good to see that R@D even acknowledges their game's shortcomings when others won't.

The Order is a perfect example of flash over substance and that no matter how pretty something looks it won't make up for lack of gameplay, content and most important of all fun.

That being said these guys obviously have the talent, they just need to put that talent to good use.

ziggurcat3079d ago (Edited 3079d ago )

Oh, I think there were plenty of people who enjoyed the game that were able to recognize its shortcomings. It certainly wasn't perfect, but I hope even you can recognize that it did not deserve the 2-4 review scores some sites were dishing out, regardless of your own personal thoughts on the game. I think 6-8 is a much fairer range for this game.

gangsta_red3079d ago


There were many people who either dismissed or didn't acknowledge any of it's "glaring" shortcomings. A lot of gameplay designs would have been ripped to shreds had this game come from Activision, EA or any other pub/dev.

Review scores shouldn't matter and they have nothing to do with the points I felt or made about the game.

SouthernComfort3078d ago

Seems like there was a massive campaign to call The Order something it wasn't, then lambaste it for not being those things.

On top of that, plenty were willing to write off any and all the game did well to play up its shortcomings.

Finally, many insisted that the game was not fun for anyone, even though they had been part of the group criticizing the title before it released and they ever touched it.

magiciandude3078d ago

IMO, The Order 1886 is GOTY 2015 because it's a new Sony IP and it just has so much potential just like every single Sony IP out there. The graphics are extraordinary, and the game runs smoothly without a lot of glitches that plague many games. Even though the game was short, you can easily make the game longer by searching for collectibles or spend some time in the photo mode. The very best part of the game IMO is the torture scene at the beginning, but there are other memorable parts of the game like the two identical boss battles. R@D made awesome games in the past for the PSP, and they have the talent to make a nearly perfect game for the PS4!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3078d ago
Gazondaily3079d ago

Glad Pessino has gone past the stage of 'oh you don't get our game ' to finally recognising the several shortcomings in The Order. Best of luck

ApocalypseShadow3079d ago

It has it's shortcomings.I would have liked to be able to interact with background objects because the game looks so d@mn good that I want to destroy stuff with guns and grenades.

I don't care for having multiplayer.

But for $10 on a digital sale, those mustaches and beards are worth it. And the graphics have me looking around and looking around looking at every detail of their programming craftsmanship.wish there was more exploration of the city because the art pulls you in.

Hope they get another shot and bring it to Naughty Dog levels.

Nodoze3079d ago

Too funny I did the same thing! The setting, characters, artwork, voice work were all top tier. The next title needs to be longer, more story fleshed out during the game and a bit more tweaking on the gameplay front. It will be a hit for sure.

Fro_xoxo3079d ago

I hope we haven't seen the last of The Order, I like the concept.

UserNameIsNotTaken3079d ago

Indeed. It just needed to be longer and with more gameplay.

mac_sparrow3079d ago (Edited 3079d ago )

Exactly, was only discussing this with my wife last night. We went in to the order knowing what to expect, but many weren't happy with the style. I think with a few tweaks to give it more mass market appeal that 1887 could be an excellent continuation and succeed commercially. We shouldn't forget that while it faired much better in reviews (almost overwhelmingly positive), and I personally loved it, the original uncharted wasn't seen as anything like as phenomenonal as number 2.

Time for Sony to show support, bring on 1887.

uth113079d ago

I just finish the original Uncharted last night in the Drake collection. The Order was better to be honest

hellothere19773079d ago


comparing a PS4 game to a PS3 game? Nice "Apples to Carrots" comparison you got there.

Show all comments (171)

Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot1d 6h ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga4h ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

Knightofelemia1d 3h ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord9h ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame8181h ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

Show all comments (15)

Metal: Hellsinger dev says he is against Game Pass after seeing how it affects sales

Founder of Metal: Hellsinger studio says he wasn't against Game Pass until their game launched on Microsoft's service, which affected game sales.

TheProfessional14h ago(Edited 14h ago)

Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable? PS Now was before gamepass but it was streaming trash that no one had any interest in.

And honestly the way the industry releases overpriced and broken games with day one season passes and dlc who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall. If it's from an indie studio that needs the sales that's different but games published by larger companies are fine on a subscription model. Also any of these devs who complain did decide to put their games on gamepass in thr first place.

ocelot0712h ago

Ahhh yes the typical but but but Sony in a Microsoft article.

When did Sony copy Microsoft? I havent seen Sony's big day one titles such as God of war Ragnarok or GT7? Do you want to know why they are not on the service? Because people are still willing to PAY for the games. Sony has already admitted they lost millions putting Horizon Forbidden West and Ratchet & Clank on PS+ Extra.

"larger companies are fine on a subscription model" Oh really? So why is all the cod games yet to be on it? Where is elden ring? Resident Evil 4 Remake? Street Fighter 6? Boulders Gate 3? Alan Wake 2? Where are they of gamepass is great and big publishers are fine putting newer games on it?

I'll tell you where they are. They are currently still selling for their respected publisher's. You know actually making them money. That money they can use to fund the next project.

who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?

I'm one of the millions who much rather pay $70 so fully support the publisher. Why do we do this? Well for starters I rather just pay for it rather than keep renting it each month. If we all just kept renting years ago blockbuster would still be around. Secondly, I rather we have AAA titles in 10 years time to enjoy. Rather than play mobile quality crap from a subscription.

Tell me how this is a good thing for gaming going forward. The last time I subbed to Gamepass was October 2023. During that one month subscription I played the newly released Starfield, Forza and a few other titles. All for the cost of about $7. Since then Microsoft have not released anything I want to try out or put anything on GP I want to try. So they last made $7 from me 8 months ago.

In the last 3 months. I have bought Sea of Thieves on PS5 (earning MS more money on that than my 1 month subscription to gamepass). Resident Evil 4 for £20 and Diablo 4 for £25 (again earning MS more buying this than buying a sub). Tell me how it's best for gaming I pay $7 and play the latest and greatest for a month. Rather than just buying what I want even if it means waiting a few months and getting it cheaper than full price yet earning the publisher more than renting said games of a monthly sub.

darthv725h ago

...but didn't this game leave GP and then join PS+?

If a sub service is so bad, why get into another one right away?

Cacabunga4h ago(Edited 4h ago)

Finally devs waking up! More will follow .. reminds me of capcom during PS3,360 era almost going bankrupt they released extremely poor games because Xbox gave them paychecks not to release them on PS3 for as period. Sales were terrible and they went away from that.

Hofstaderman12h ago

Sony has never released new titles day one. They experimented with Forbidden West which was fairly new and quickly discovered that it cannabalized sales. XBOX gamepass was always an act of desperation to remain relevant and in their desperation they effectively dug their grave where today everybody is biding their time for their formerly exclusive titles. In a nutshell GamePass made XBOX not relevant.

Plague-Doctor275h ago

It wasn't desperation. Subscription Models had a very different outlook in 2017 and then with the gaming surge during COVID reaching critical mass seemed more and more possible.

Phil convinced Satya to chase a trend and it hasn't worked out

shinoff218327m ago(Edited 26m ago)

Pretty much. People can say what they want but Ms said it themselves with the court papers. It was definitely desperation. Xbox was getting it handed to them. They were desperate.

lellkay11h ago

Literally dev who put game on gamepass:
It's not good

TheProfessional: but but sony but sony

S2Killinit10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

Sony didnt copy MS. MS copied Sony, then MS went on to make xbox a subscription device. Remember that part? Yeah.

MrNinosan10h ago

You're not too bright, right?

First of all, Sony didn't copy Microsoft regarding PS+ and GamePass, which you admit to early in your comment, but with some faults. PSNow was not only streaming.
The mentality at Xbox gamers, is to NOT buy games, because they are used to get it on GamePass, preferbly day 1 like with all Xbox Studios games.

This is not a thing at PS+ and never was.
Sure there was plenty day 1 games on PS+ like, Rocket League, Stray, Sea of Stars, Tchia, Operation Tango etc, but those didn't take away from gamers that it was more like a "bonus" than a "thing".

Playstation gamers buy games, a lot of games and PS+ has been proving to be way better for business than GamePass, both by actually having more subscribers but also no eating up sales.

dveio10h ago(Edited 10h ago)

"Only biased PS fans would defend paying more to a corporation rather than an option that's cheaper for the consumer overall.“

How can you possibly come to this conclusion?

First, you pay for a subscription.

Then download games. But games will eventually leave the service. You will again need to buy them if you want to play them ever again. Or if you cancel your subscription. Right?

Eventhough this may NOT have an effect on every subscriber, this IS in fact the economical motiviation behind the service like GP.

If you are not already paying "double" this way, you pay at a 1.2 or maybe even at a 1.5 ratio eventually than opposed to simply buying the game in the first place.

As I said, this maybe doesn't apply to every subscriber. But this doesn't erase the fact of this business model existing. And possibly keep growing.

It's driving me nuts at times that especially the die hard Xboxers seem not to understand what they are actually cheering for foolishly.

The Wood9h ago

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders

The Wood8h ago(Edited 8h ago)

xbots always tryna group...

..they'll never understand or refuse to acknowledge why these two console brands are miles apart. Gamespass isn't the golden egg some would have you believe. Its hit its peak and is nowhere near the demanded target of subs by the purse holders. on top of that it seems more devs on top of the devs that have shunned the service are not seeing the value of subs vs actual sales. Sell first, sub later works better than sub off the bat. MSGaming has a major sea change decision to make regarding COD. Do they release it dod and lose a high portion of up front revenue or either up the price of gp on the whole or create an even higher sub tier to cushion the blow or don't release it on gp at all and potentially damage the good will gesture reiterated not too long ago. The acquisition money wasn't free money....they'll have to pick their poison

anast7h ago

"Why did PS copy gamepass if it's so terrible and unprofitable?"

They didn't copy GP. They aren't dumb enough to put their exclusives day 1.

"Who wouldn't want to just pay for a subscription instead of $70 per game?"

People who don't like to rent things.

outsider16245h ago

It's funny when he says who wouldn't pay for a subscription instead of paying 70$. Well no shit...if MS keeps releasing average titles who wouldnt..🤣

Cockney3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The reason is playstation didn't copy anybody and they don't release broken games, their games are still not day 1 and Ps players still buy games so ps+ is just an option for those that want a subscription service, the fact playstation doesn’t push it front and centre should tell you a lot.
On xbox gamepass IS front and centre with an option to buy games on the side, look how that is panning out for them!
Xbox fans are the only ones trumpeting this from the rooftops

shinoff21832h ago

Weren't we able to download ps3 on ps3 and ps4 on ps4 systems back then I really don't remember.

Truth is Ms still copied Sony and made a couple adjustments. One adjustment being day one games which clearly has been xboxs issue hence the ps5 releases, and they groomed the base to not buy games.

romulus231h ago

To be fair it takes it's own level of bias to not see the harm day one game pass is doing to xbox and the industry as a whole. Harm that xbox themselves have admitted to.

ChasterMies1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

“Why did PS copy gamepass”

This is a long story that spans decades. Sony subscription services for games (PS+ and PS Now) before Microsoft. Sony and Microsoft weren’t the only ones. We’ve seen OnLive die, Google’s Stadia die, and disc rental services die. What made Game Pass successful is the amount of money Microsoft is able to lose. Everyone expected Sony to offer a one-to-one Game Pass competitor and they did. To actually make money, Somy sells its own games for at least a year before relegating them to PS+. Sony also has scale. More PS5s sold means more users which means more money. Will these subscription services last? Probably not. Few things do.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 27m ago
Skuletor13h ago

I feel no sympathy for the guy, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that putting your game on gamepass would affect sales.

JEECE7h ago

Seriously, how is it that devs need one of their games to bomb in sales due to Gamepass for them to realize what so many people could easily predict? Like people joke about "armchair CEOs" on here, but at least with respect to the effect of Gamepass, we keep seeing that the armchair CEOs are actually smarter than the real heads of these indie studios.

Skuletor47m ago

Probably short-sightedness when he saw that initial Microsoft check, temporarily made all reason jump out the window 🤑

shinoff218319m ago

In some of the devs defense they know the game won't sell. So why not take the gamepass check. Hopefully yaluza/like a dragon sell decent on Xbox. I'd like to keep this series around.

dveio11h ago(Edited 11h ago)

The 'day-one' feature is the breaker or maker with GP, business-wise.

GP is no Netflix.

Because, from all the Marvel's Avengers to Sicarios, illustratively speaking, they all had their box office money. Before they had entered Netflix.

This concept shows you what Microsoft have actually put themselves into.

And what situation studios put themselves into if they go day-one into GP.

solideagle7h ago

GP/PS Extra day one is best suited for GAAS or free to play games

truthBombs11h ago

Why not sell your game the traditional way first? Then after about 6 months to a year put it on a sub service.

Day one on gamepass is a gamble. It works for some (Pal world) and not for others.

anast7h ago

It's the old psych. experiment. Set out some candy and tell the person they can have it all now, or if they wait, they can have double the amount. Most choose the first option, then complain when it doesn't work out for them.

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Istanbul based developer teases new game based on Turkish mythology

Shadowfall Studios have announced via X.com the studio is now an official PlayStation partner.

darksky1d 12h ago


Looks like a Skyrim clone. Very interesting if done well.

1d 11h ago Replies(3)
Terry_B1d 11h ago

Is there even one good game created in the Turkey so far?

PitbullMonster1d 11h ago

Metin 1&2 and the Mount and Blade Series are the most known ones.

Michiel19891d 11h ago

Metin ....how dare you name that in the same sentence with the word "good"

Cacabunga1d 8h ago

Crytek says hi.. learn before posting

Zeke681d 6h ago

"Crytek was founded by the Turkish-German brothers Cevat, Avni and Faruk Yerli in September 1999 in Coburg, Germany."

So he's right, Crysis games are not made IN Turkey... ;)

Terry_B1d 2h ago

Just as Zeke mentioned..Crytek is a German developer, created by a turkish guy who lives there, was probably born there.

What I meant are games completely made in the country

MrNinosan23h ago

3 turkish guys, not 1.

ghostliving22h ago

-Mount & Blade: Warband
-Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
-Anomaly Agent
-Stygian: Reign of the Old Ones
-Cardboard Town

S2Killinit1d 3h ago

What is turkish mythology? They don't have a mythology of their own. Unless we are going to rewrite history? Can someone fill us in on what mythology turkey has.

Eonjay1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

It could mean folklore, proverb, or even fairytale like Jack and the magic beanstalk. It could even just be lore about historical figures like you even see in American culture like Jonny Appleseed (a real person whose life story was mythologized).

S2Killinit1d ago

I see. I was thinking in terms of actual deities. But that makes sense.

purple10122h ago

You know that thing called google. (Or DuckDuckGo, depending on preference 😏)

Have a go at it sometime. It’s good


TheCaptainKuchiki10h ago

Do you even know what "mythology" means?

S2Killinit28m ago(Edited 25m ago)

Yes I do, which is why I know turkey does not really have one of its own. At least not in the same sense as some ancient cultures that have a mythology that is separate and distinct from the rest.

1d ago Replies(1)
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