
Oculus: 'Matrix-style' VR 'may never happen'

VRFocus reports on Oculus VR founder Palmer Luckey noting that 'Matrix-style' virtual reality technology may well never become a reality.

ArchangelMike3059d ago (Edited 3059d ago )

Never say "Never"! At one time it was impossible to put a man on the moon! Now they're talking about putting a man on mars. http://www.mars-one.com/mis...

Already we have occular implants and auditory implants, as well as brain implants for people who suffer forms of brain damage. It's just a matter of time and technology before implants can directly stimulate aspects of a persons reality - taste, smell, sound and vision.

I reckon within the next 50 years or so the technology will be out there. It was about 50 years ago that the concept of a 'virtual reality' began to be discussed. Now it is a 'real' reality. In the next 50 years we can only begin to imaging what the experience of Virtual Reality will be. The Holo deck can't be that far away from us now.

chrisx3058d ago

I'll be in my late 70's in 50 years time :(

SojournUK3058d ago

I'll be 92...if I live that long

3058d ago
wakeNbake3058d ago (Edited 3058d ago )

My generation could very well have lifetimes of 150 years with medical advances.

amiga-man3058d ago

Thats because he took the blue pill.

paidadvertiser3056d ago

Did you actually do any research on what you're talking about or do you just see headlines and decide on the facts from then on?

Yes, we have implants but are you talking about prosthetics or bionics? Because I can't find any people who have bionics that even meet below average functionality. It's just to give people some type of sense versus none at all. Either way most of the designs just use nerves that are already developed and just create a foggy window of reality (let alone a whole new one.) We're not even 50 years away from bionic implants becoming the common option for people who actually need/benefit from it, even if it weren't extremely expensive. I don't know why you think they're going to suddenly shift focus over to entertainment instead of improve people's quality of life.

Also, I don't think anyone knows when virtual reality was discussed first but there's evidence that dates back to 1755 of using people electrical impulse to stimulate the visual cortex. Jump 250+ years and we still can't figure it out, like much of the brain. I would go into cochlear implants but what you're implying about vision alone is enough of a joke. The only thing we're really good at is badly predicting the future but I guess another 50 and we've got The Matrix. I'm sold. It's a shame the technology couldn't be used to aid the blind or deaf first, though.

GrimDragon3058d ago

That's very obvious. I think a lot of people who don't know better are expecting matrix style VR but will find out how very wrong they are. That's why it's not worth the price of admission. Most of these games will be on rails with limited interaction.

Pandamobile3057d ago (Edited 3057d ago )

Implying VR games can't have interactivity?

VR will be interactive in ways you can't even fathom yet.

GrimDragon3057d ago

Fact: you cannot walk around freely in the VR world. Only occulus allows maybe a 15 square ft movement if that. Playstation VR does not allow it at all. Look at the demos one is a roller coaster the other is a shark cage and one a on rails shooter based off John wick. The limitations are blatantly obvious. Some people just refuse to see it. Claiming this new tech is the second coming. VR is nice but it has a long way to go before it's even remotely close to matrix style immersion. What I fathom will not exist in my life time and likely not yours.

Artemidorus3058d ago

I can see it now the future, first person dies of VR world due to lack of food, hygiene etc. Eye site problems and headaches.

World would be less social in the real world if it became a Matrix style place.

3058d ago
PersonMan3058d ago

I don't even want VR to happen. It's incredibly dumb (yes, I've tried it).

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PSVR2 Firmware Update Shows Early Signs of PC Support via Cable Connection

Recent findings in the latest PSVR2 software update, indicates that PlayStation is already starting to implement support for PC.

Garethvk42d ago

I can finally play Half Life Alyx.

mariopasta42d ago

I can finally watch pron, I mean watch pronouns be pronounced in PC VR games that were previously not available on Playstation.

crazyCoconuts42d ago

be careful not to sprain your... tongue pronouncing those pronouns

Profchaos42d ago

I'm excited for that to plus I can try fallout 4 VR always wanted to play that

crazyCoconuts42d ago

I was lucky and held off on 4 until I played it in VR. It really is pretty awesome - you'll love it.

DaReapa42d ago

The icing on the cake would be if Sony / Valve allow for a Steam Link app much like it is for the Quest 3. Likely wishful thinking, though.


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Jingsing44d ago

It could be free and it wouldn't matter at this point. There isn't really a PCVR Market and I say that as a PCVR user. It is modders and enthusiasts with a few retail products on Steam.


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Knightofelemia50d ago

Hence why physical will always be better then digital.