
Rise of the Tomb Raider PC Listed For January 29 By Amazon France

Amazon France might have just leaked Rise of the Tomb Raider PC's release date.

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Herbalistic3096d ago

SE would be smart to release TR next month on PC for some extra sales being as its doing poorly on Xbox

Alexious3096d ago

Personally, I can't wait for this game, loved the 2013 reboot. Just hope the TressFX won't kill my GeForce card this time around!

Eonjay3096d ago

is TressFX GPU bound or CPU bound?

Alexious3096d ago

@eonjay: TressFX is optimized for AMD GPUs. Though they have a new version now, hopefully they have improved general performance on other GPUs (NVIDIA, Intel).

Tech53096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

TressFX is AMD pioneered, with GPU rendering for hair.

Nivekki3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

What gpu have you got Eonjay?

EDIT:Has he got a gpu?

Has he got a pc?

wannabe gamer3096d ago

i know some people had issues with tressfx but it ran well for me on my nvidia card which at the time was a 3GB 580. since upgraded to a 6gb 780

LordMaim3096d ago

Wow, sweet. That was a lot faster than I was expecting.

Eonjay3096d ago


I'm running an R9280 with a FX8320

StrawberryDiesel4203096d ago

You're lucky to be playing on PC. I can confirm the XBone version has screen tearing, plenty of jaggies and input lag. Aiming is terrible compared to PS4 definitive version of the 2013 game. And yes, I know that ran at a higher framerate but, my god, the Xbone version of this game is technically flawed. I also ran into a levitating wolf that glided across snowy hills, it was quite hilarious and sad at the same time. I really have to laugh at the reviews that rave about the graphics in this game, they aren't anything special and PS4 TR Definitive Edition looks almost just as good as Rise of the Tomb Raider on XBone. This doesn't hold a candle to Uncharted 2 & 3 remastered at 1080p/60fps. The XBone is already showing its age. None of their games can run 1080p/60fps. Hell, even The Last of Us and Uncharted 2 & 3 are remastered games from last gen and the XBone would never be able to run them like PS4 can at a buttery smooth framerate and 1080p resolution. Good thing that Rise of the Tomb Raider is a good game overall, though technically it's a bit of a mess. I highly recommend skipping the Xbone version and go with PC or PS4 whenever it comes out. I wish I had, but hey, at least I got the game for 39.99 on amazon.

Festano3096d ago

DX12 support would be perfect!

3096d ago
bf0007779663096d ago Show
starchild3096d ago

This is awesome news, if true. I'll definitely be buying the PC version since I loved the previous one and it looked and ran great on my PC.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 3096d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3096d ago

The game didn't do as well thanks to the stacked line up. Square had it right the first time with Tombraider 2013 and release in a way less crowded month, therefor sold allot, allot better.

Not saying it would sold a million the first week but certainly would sell more than it did a month ago.

AngelicIceDiamond3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

All disagree and no explanation, therefor no reason. In my eyes that makes me right since nobody can counter. If the game released in January and it would of done better, keyword BETTER, because its less crowded. Only reasonable, analytical, and logical explanation here.

Lets debate don't disagree and run away lets talk don't be scared or salty.

Eiyuuou3096d ago

I'm not here to debate, nor did I press disagree.

That being said, the majority probably disagreed because they think it's mainly due to it being a timed exclusive on Xbone (and the crowded month).

PS. Taunts like that might cause you to lose bubbles. Do try to be more careful.

AngelicIceDiamond3096d ago

@Eiyu True. Trust me I know its because its timed on Xbone. They just don't wanna say its because of the crowded month they just simply wanna blame Xbox, nothing new just the nature of things.

Lol I do it all the time I'm not concerned with people on here tbh, I been on this site for a while now I always call people out on here I'm not afraid, no reason to be.

WelkinCole3096d ago

2013 there was a combine 160 million PS3 and X360.

Also the PS4 and X1 was not released then.

Even if Square released TR in Jan it would still not sell a million within Jan.

The numbers are just not there with X1 plus action adventure really is not supported that much on the Xbox platform. COD for example sold more on the X1 than on the PS4 while games on the PS4 get a good spread of sales.

butchertroll3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Quote :

he game didn't do as well thanks to the stacked line up.


You can also thanks to MS-SE-CD exclusivity deal.

Anyway, let's summarize :

All the things that went wrong with Rise of the Tomb Raider:

- Announced exclusivity at Gamescom 2014.
- Confirmed PC and PS4 versions earlier ( something got wrong between MS and SE )
- Releasing in November
- Later was announced Fallout 4 release date ( same day as ROTR )
- Making an Xbox One bundle exclusive to Best Buy
- Making said exclusive bundle the 1TB model at 400$
- No promotion from Microsoft or Square Enix.
- TR Reboot sold the lowest on MS platform

What a colossal failure.

Major_Glitch3096d ago

@Angelic "...I'm not afraid, no reason to be." Easy to say when you where one of those people that had an inexplicably high bubble count DESPITE the FACT that you were CONSTANTLY getting down voted AND disagreed with. But I digress...

OT: Tomb Rider did poorly because:
A) It's a timed-exclusive on Xbox
B) They chose the WORST POSSIBLE day and month to release it on.
But seriously, being a timed exclusive on the console with the much SMALLER player base was the bigger problem.

Volkama3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Article is about a rumoured release date for the PC version. Maybe the disagrees are people that thought you should at least reference the topic...

I reckon Tomb Raider will do very well for itself on PC. Particularly if the PC version is developed to the same level of quality as the previous TR.

MaxKingoftheWild3096d ago

I disagreed because TR isn't some smaller niche game that would get completely overshadowed by major players in the market. It is and should be one of the major players and should sell well regardless of launch period and to some extent benefit from the holiday sales. I doubt this game would have sold much better on xb1 at any other time. It didn't sell poorly because of the launch period. It sold poorly because it alienated the majority of its fans

Magnes3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

@AngieD you designed that whole comment just so someone would say "no it did poor because it was Xbox exclusive" you are a stealth troll Angie nothing more.

AngelicIceDiamond3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

@Magnes Yep that's exactly what I am. You got it allll figure out. You caught me. Hey if you don't wanna see the truth don't put your insecurities on me keep it to yourself.

@Major True people don't like what I have to say I'm too blunt in which IDC Xbox PS Wii whatever, again I DON'T CARE I'll say what needs to be said cry disagree do whatever you gotta do. I point out the elephant in the room.

I agree I even said it was because it was exclusive to X1 which is factual can't argue facts. But major franchises have gone exclusive to a single platform before and done fine. If Tombraider had a month largely to itself it would of done better simply all I'm sayin clear cut and dry.

3096d ago
Magnes3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

@Angier lol there is nothing insecure about me calling you out as a troll, come on Angie you can do better than that can't you. There's your truth I do have you "allll figure out".

Major_Glitch3095d ago

@Angelic Lol. Poor deluded thing. You think people disagree with you because you're "blunt" and that you spout some hard to accept truth?! Hilarious! Angie, you might want to sit down for this, but...you're a troll. People down vote you and disagree with you because you are a troll. Nothing more. Nothing less. You yourself proved you're a troll with your last two comments in this very discussion alone. If you want people to disagree with you for being factual, you sort of need to use facts first. And for god's sake, try to stay on topic more. Speaking of which...

OT: @MaxKingoftheWild Agreed. Elephant in the room: Rise of the Tomb Raider would've sold more as a timed Sony exclusive even if it was released at the same time. And that's just simple math.

AngelicIceDiamond3095d ago

@Major and Magnes Troll this troll that go ahead and keep attacking me I'm used to it. Didn't know trolls made statements like this http://n4g.com/comments/red...

But as I said double team to try and make me feel bad whatever you guys gotta do like Idc at all. And yes calling me troll is veeery insecure especially from you @Magnes where are you when I comment on PlayStation articles? You are my biggest fan after following me around from time to time ( : Its common sense any game would do much better if it had a month to itself, So if Tombraider had a month where it wasn't as crowded it would of sold a little better. That's my statement its not changing I'm sticking to my guns, I'm not budging moving changing my statement to suit yours or anything. so you guys are just wasting your time, trust me you are all just wasting your time lol.

"If you want people to disagree with you for being factual, you sort of need to use facts first."

Umm the game sold less BECAUSE its only on one console the X1 that is FACTS. I've made that statement before.

Again, again and again. And I will keep saying t until it gets through your head. It would sell better if it had a month to its self. it would sell BETTER B E T T E R not a million who knows but BETTER. DO you hear me BETTER in a month to itself any game would. Do I have to repeat myself because I will.

And yes I started it so I plan on finishing this debate/argument.

Magnes3095d ago

@AngieD we aren't arguing we are in agreement your comment is designed to elicit the retort of fanboys that the poor sales have to do with paid timed exclusivity so you can argue otherwise.Yes troll and you are the one arguing and now trying to have last word.

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3095d ago
FlipSwitch3096d ago

It was supposed to released 6 months later on PC. If the release date is really Jan 29th thats just over 2 months from the Xbone release.

Square must be really displeased with the pathetic sales on the Xbone. If so they may fast track the PS4 version too

barb_wire3096d ago

Well, from what I've read over on NeoGAF, nope, PS4 version is still slated for next Christmas.. S/E reneogiated part of the deal, so that they (S/E) could talk about the PS4/PC version in light of the sales on XB1/360 and build up hype.. however, in order to do that and indeed bring the PC up front late Q2 to early Q1, S/E themselves decided to keep 'RotTR' until next year so that it wouldn't go up against 'U4'

Either way, S/E will now have it's work cut out for it, trying to convince PS4 players to buy a 'year' old game.. not to mention they'll have 2 media campaigns to do.. 1 for the PC in January and yet another and probably more expensive 1 for the PS4 next year.

Spikeantestor3096d ago

I wonder if there was something in the exclusivity contract that would allow Square to put the game out on PC earlier than 6 months if it didn't hit certain sales milestones on 360/One.

If I were making a timed exclusive whose platform I wasn't so sure about, I'd try to include something like that too.

3096d ago
rdgneoz33096d ago

@barb_wire If it's $60 when it releases for the PS4, good luck on those sales.

ThePope3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


" S/E reneogiated part of the deal, so that they (S/E) could talk about the PS4/PC version in light of the sales on XB1/360 "

That's interesting because we knew the rough release dates of the PC/PS4 version BEFORE the X1 version launched. So how did they make that decision in light of sales?

" in order to do that and indeed bring the PC up front late Q2 to early Q1"

The plan was always early 2016, so how did they move it?

Sounds like neogaf is making stuff up per usual.

FlipSwitch3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


Could be that the sales were tracking poorly before release so there could be some truth to it.


They did pay for exclusivity but ms were very specific in saying exclusive holiday 2015. That will pass after December. So maybe the other release dates have been decided by square alone. Maybe they can change them if they want to

barb_wire3096d ago


Sure, it could be that NeoGAF is making up stuff (wouldn't be the first time) but it is what it is.. I basically paraphrased what been discussed and posted in the NPD thread over there.. I'm not a member on NeoGAF, so I can't even search their forums to confirm or deny what I typed earlier either. Interestingly the user that posted additional info on the deal.. within a few replies a mod over there was telling members to checks their PM's. ? make of that, whatever you think..

Either way, I think we can all agree that the exclusivity deal was bad all around.. S/E has lost 2/3 of it's potential buyers due to it, MS lost, because the deal didn't in any way, shift consoles or generate new customers for the XBOX brand.

Bad management all around.

We, on here can only speculate what the deal was between MS & S/E - in the end we'll probably never know. Gamers lost in this deal and that's a damn shame.

gamer78043096d ago

That's not how this or other contracts work. SE had always planned to release the PC version early 2016 but due to their contract not release it on ps4 until the end of 2016

II__BONE__II3096d ago

OH MY GOD!! you said Xbone!
I got reprimanded from the N4G Mod for saying that, apparently it's a naughty word here on NAG. We are not supposed to hurt Xbox owners feelings! They are a sensitive group.
I would love to see a list of the words we are NOT allowed to say in the forums because I don't know what they are and how are we supposed to know if we said a forbidden word until we say it?

butchertroll3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Quote :

It was supposed to released 6 months later on PC. If the release date is really Jan 29th thats just over 2 months from the Xbone release.

Square must be really displeased with the pathetic sales on the Xbone. If so they may fast track the PS4 version too


Maybe because of poor sales, SE will speed up PC release. Anyway, back to official. PC and PS4 was set to release a 6 months later after Xbone/X360 version. But because probably really poor preorders SE want to announce PC/PS4 versions earlier ( THAT WAS NOT PART OF THE CONTRACT ), compromise due to earlier announcement was delaying the PS4 version for 6 more months. What a stupid decision from MS and SE.

_-EDMIX-_3096d ago

I mean...unless they had some clause stating if it undersold they would release the PC or PS4 version earlier.

I overall agree though, if they made a deal to have it wait for a certain amount of time, clearly it would also have to be selling on XONE for Square's end to be held. I don't see them making a deal regardless of units sold.
Could be, who knows.

Ezz20133096d ago

I'm not buying it on Ps4
because i didn't like the reboot at all
but my brother will buy the PC version...will try it and see if it will change my mind.

G_V_Black3096d ago


There is zero chance of a meaningful promotional campaign next year for the PS4 release. There was virtually no mass-market promotion for the game when it was new. Don't expect to see it when it's a year old.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3096d ago
ThePope3096d ago

I love it, uniformed people making uniformed comments.

OT I cant wait to see what it looks like on PC considering how amazing it looked on the X1.

nix3096d ago

Uninformed. Not uniformed.

ThePope3096d ago

Haha thanks nix. Auto correct I swear!

Orionsangel3096d ago

Rise of the Tomb Raider uses a new, advanced version of the hair technology enabled by AMD’s TressFX. All of this will help Lara Croft have hair that behaves believably in the game.

“We definitely believe the hair technology we developed with AMD was a foundation for the way we believe hair will be rendered in the future video game graphics,” game director Brian Horton said on the official Tomb Raider Tumblr. “And, as pioneers of this–there’s not many people to look at for reference other than films–we have been pushing that technology to find ways to make it even better.

“The hair is now in clusters, so the way hair naturally falls is that hair wants to be next to a adjacent hairs that create shapes. Now, the hair splines can follow these guide hairs and these formerly physics-grown hairs, so it feels a little bit more natural when it moves.”

All of this should help Lara’s hair behave more realistically than hair has ever done in a video game before. For instance, Horton cited an example about the kind of changes this would bring to how hair acts. “When she goes underwater, her hair will float and it’s important- when it comes out of the water–it will feel heavier and feel more clumped and obviously look wet and darker.”

Personally, a character’s hair is the last thing I am worried about when I am playing the game, but for those who feel that this adds to the immersion, this should come as good news.

UncleJerry3096d ago

@strawberry diesel, thanks for the immature, off-topic reply man. UC remastered and LoU remastered both look really good and run great, but neither looks nearly as good as RotTR. Stop trolling. Yes TR has some tech issues, but they don't hinder the overall experience and at the end of the day the game is surely more demanding than the remasters you cite.Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying RotTR is breaking any ground visually, but you're being ridiculous man.

The PS4 version will surely run smoother and maybe look a bit better in some areas, but the two consoles are close enough in spec that if one is "showing its age" than surely so is the other one..that's just being objective.

3096d ago
Jayszen3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )


It was intially supposed to be released on PC about 4 to 6 months after the release on Xbone. Clearly sales have been poor by most standards and going by the lofty expectations SE themselves had of the first release in this rebooted franchise, they have decided to bring forward the release date for PC and try and salvage some sales while the game is still fairly new.

Of course, SE and Crystal Dynamics could just apologize to Playstation gamers for treating them in the manner they did, say that they have learned from their mistake, bring forward that release date to, say, June or July - three or more months after 'Uncharted 4' is released. This would certainly mean that the game would sell a lot more than it will next holiday at which time it will be swamped again by other releases. I also suspect by this time most PS4 gamers will have lost interest in the franchise or will be willing to wait a little longer for a year old game and get it at bargain prices. However, the reason why SE won't is because they will be most likely held to terms they agreed with Microsoft who will not allow ROTR to be released on the PS4 ahead of the year delay regardless of what this delay has done to the fans or the franchise.

This entire situation was avoidable but greed and selfishness took precedence over the goodwill of longstanding fans and the future of the franchise itself.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3095d ago
Chris_Wray3096d ago

It's about time really. I'm more than a little irritated about the bought exclusivity for the Xbone. It does mean, however, I'll have other games higher in my priority now and I wont buy Rise of the Tomb Raider for more than £20. Sod Square Enix and MS.

kaiserfranz3096d ago

Come on, don't be petty. Played this at friend's house, it's certainly worth full price

ginsunuva3096d ago

Said the guy who mooched off his friend

Utalkin2me3096d ago


I can get this free on the PC then i will play it. If i can't then im going to skip right over it.

Horyzon3096d ago

A bit early, maybe wait and release on March 18th.

Skankinruby3096d ago

Lol that would be DOA even on ps4

2pacalypsenow3096d ago (Edited 3096d ago )

Seeing how the uncharted collection did well for a remaster, I think TR would have done fine on Ps4 if it would have released along with the Xbox 1 version

Skankinruby3096d ago

@2pacalypsenow I was talking about if it released the same day as uncharted 4.

Festano3096d ago

I would enjoy an Uncharted/Tomb Raider crossover.

Kind of like the TV shows, they'd stumble upon each other's adventures once in a while.

Alexious3096d ago

Weird, but interesting idea!

Aurenar3096d ago

Is this all? Is this all of your power...Microsoft?

Alexious3096d ago

The force is strong with PC.

badz1493096d ago

Nah...the force is just weak for the Xbone.

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It’ll Be Fine, Right? Five Games With Unfortunate Release Strategies

Mark from WellPlayed writes about five game launches that were impacted by unfortunate scheduling.

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jznrpg396d ago (Edited 396d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.


The Tomb Raider Survivor Trilogy's Take on Lara Croft Deserved More Recognition

The Survivor Trilogy was a drastic reimagining of Lara Croft and Tomb Raider, and it provokes changes for the character that are truly fantastic.

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isarai509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Deserves less IMO, i think the 1st in the new trilogy was a perfect 1st step for the new direction. The next 2 games were half steps at best. Not only that, every character in the series including Lara is just annoying and doesn't make sense in terms of motive, like yes they have a motive, but none of it seems proportional to the lengths they are willing to go through for it. The most annoying thing is every one of the games say "become the Tomb Raider" yet 3 games later and we're still not there? No thanks. Then there's the mess of the 3rd game, massive skill tree that serves almost no purpose as there's literally only like 3-4 short encounters in the whole game, and they took till the 3rd game to finally manage some decent puzzles even remotely close to previous games in the series. Nah, the trilogy infuriated me to no end as a long time fan of the series, i hope we get better going forward cause that crap sucked.

Army_of_Darkness508d ago

The first in the trilogy was my favorite. I thought they were going into the right direction with that one until the second one came out and seemed like a graphical downgrade but the gameplay was okay. As for the Third, Graphics were really nice but it was kinda boring me to death with its non-stop platforming and exploring with not enough action! Well, for me anyway...

DeathTouch507d ago

Graphics on the 3rd one were abysmal. It’s more colorful and has more variety, but everything else was a noticeable downgrade.

The more open world with NPC quests was also handled very poorly, to the point I missed Angel of Darkness.

thesoftware730508d ago

I know it is your opinion, but she did progress as a character in each game, she even got more muscular and seasoned.

That is the thing, people first complained that there was not enough platforming and actual tomb raiding in the first and second games. Shadow remedied that and kept the combat elements.

3-4 encounters? huh? did we play the same game? there was plenty of combat and, the skill tree did matter, like being able to hang enemies from trees, set explosives traps on bodies, being able to counter, and that are just a few of the combat skills. The skill tree also had things like being able to hold your breath underwater longer, crafting upgrades, zipline upgrade, and climbing upgrades that all changed how you can approach situations.

Not knocking your opinion, but we definitely had different experiences. I had 98% completion on the shadow.

SoulWarrior508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

Sorry but i'm with him about the low number of encounters, the game throws loads of weapons and skills you're way with a comparatively low amount of places to actually use them, so they felt under utilised.

-Foxtrot509d ago


It was awful, for THREE GAMES it was "become the Tomb Raider" where she went back to square one after each game. Not to mention after a huge reaction of killing someone for the first time she then becomes Rambo straight after and goes on a slaughter spree without a single other reaction. Her development was all over the place.

She was whiney, weak and in later game a little arrogant and selfish

Oh and the voice actress compared to the previous ones was not as good

Lara Croft deserved better and while they are decent games as they are, we deserved actual Tomb Raider games, we could have had better survival games if they just stuck with the original Lara Crofts origin about her plane going down. Surviving 2 weeks in the Himalayas...I'd have liked to seen that, who knows what mystical threat she could have faced in the mountains or underground some secret concealed cave.

Tacoboto507d ago

I thought Shadow of the Tomb Raider had better gameplay than Rise, but it annoyed me the most of the trilogy when I stopped to think about the story.

It's like they deliberately decided to make her unlikeable and did nothing to make the character you're playing as likeable or have even one sign of humility.

SoulWarrior509d ago

2013 I thought was a fine entry, but Rise and especially Shadow were painfully mediocre follow ups imo, I really didn't like how selfish and angry her character was in those two.

Terry_B508d ago

No. Please forget the crap completely.

northpaws508d ago

First one was decent, played through it twice.
Second one was okay, played through it once.
Third one was really bad, tried twice a year apart, still can't get through the first two hours, it is just really bad.

thesoftware730508d ago

Honest question, what did you find bad about it? the opening 2 hrs of Shadow were fantastic imo.

The opening was very similar to the first 2, what did you find really bad?

Not looking for an argument, just an honest question.

Starman69508d ago

3rd one just didn't feel like a tomb raider game. Possibly because the development was passed to another development team. Big mistake! Microsoft killed tomb raider making the first game a timed exclusive. Never recovered after that.

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Get three Tomb Raider games free at Epic Games Store

Starting today, Tomb Raider, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, and Rise of the Tomb Raider are free at Epic Games Store. The free game offers run until January 6 at 11 AM Eastern. Once you claim them, they’re yours to keep.

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CrimsonWing69888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

They're all solid games, but nothing quite matched the epicness of the first one for me. I think the 3rd one started off strong but once you got to that Peruvian area it took a massive nose dive for me.

lelo2play888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

You got to be kidding!
The first one was great at the time... but this latest trilogy of Tomb Raider games are also great.

LiViNgLeGaCY888d ago

I think he means the first one in the new trilogy.

CrimsonWing69888d ago

I meant the first of the new trilogy.

Furesis888d ago

yeah i remember liking the first one when it came out, so i tried the second one sometime after release and i just could not get into it, i couldn't finish it. So i might try the 3rd now that i got it for free but ehh. But i do remember enjoying the first one, i wonder if i'd feel the same way if i played it today? Better not taint those memories lol

ANIALATOR136888d ago

I was the same for some reason. Never finished the second one. I got like half way through maybe.

ActualWhiteMan887d ago (Edited 887d ago )

The first one of the latest trilogy is a masterpiece

Fishy Fingers888d ago

I'll take a copy of Shadow... Cheers.

Profchaos888d ago

Great games I've played them all on ps4 but it'll be good to finally try shadow on my rtx card.

Double_O_Revan888d ago

Trying to claim them and the store keeps crashing. lol.

gamefreaks365888d ago

EGS has been having issues all day.

RedDevils888d ago

Weird I don't has that issue.

Double_O_Revan888d ago

I finally got it after a while. But it was real bad for a while.

PeeShuter888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

Claim games by going to the website and login using ur credentials. I did the same as i couldnt use epic launcher. Also try reinstalling Epic Launcher I did it and it worked.

Double_O_Revan888d ago

I always go through the website. It was all just down for a while yesterday it seems.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 888d ago
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