
Kickstarter JRPG Project Phoenix massively delayed – Funders not happy

This Kickstarter has not gone well and Director and Director and Producer Hiroaki Yura apologises profusely.

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Griever3097d ago (Edited 3097d ago )

I said it several months ago but kickstarter fans did not like it. They defended the delays in the name of being normal and patience. I responded that let us just wait. Tell me when it actually releases. Now look at it several months later. No progress, no physical rewards and no game in sight. Fanboyism truly blinds people from the truth.

I was really excited about this game but when there was nothing after two whole years and all deadlines were missed, I knew it that it would not be releasing and the million dollars was squandered.

jimmywolf3097d ago

think what upset me more then the delays, is they did not even try since their waiting many months for their programmer an he just left since he did not have time an they respond later with well you "knew" were doing this in are free time.

from their they showed models of some progress it was ugly 3d models nothing like the sprites in the thumbnail that the pics shows.

still fans for some odd reason said "the game will get made when it done." an "it not a pre order, suck it up."

really? you guys that blind or stupid that you post that asinine crap an think we would agree?

Griever3097d ago

Some of these guys are really fine to be screwed and dont mind. They want others to bend over quietly and "quit whining" too. How can somebody be such an apologist and so much submissive to their overlords. :-/ They are willing to wait 5 or even 10 YEARS for a game after backing it up! Your whole world changes in 5 to 10 years! Who knows if you will even be alive by then!

There are still some comments on that page who are happy with nothing to show after 2.5 years and are willing to wait another 2.5 years for this indie game. 5 years!? Are they building GTAVI or Fallout 5 or Elder Scrolls 6? This kind of game can be created within a year!


Tiny Metal: Full Metal Rumble Is Still In Project Phoenix's Shadow

“I do want to finish the game. I do want to, I even want to, I never said this in an interview before, but I even want to refund their money because we didn’t keep the timeline.” Yura explains.

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Japanese Game Developers Kickstarter Struggles

Kickstarter backers can be a negative bunch, but it seems they reserve most of their piss and vinegar for Japanese developers. Why is that?


Breaking Down Project Phoenix's Million Dollar Budget Blunder

Joanna Mueller writes: "In the end, CIA's increased scope only served to drive backers further away. Players were not impressed when the team finally released a vertical cut of the new 3D gameworld. CIA was reluctant to start over after investing so much money into their 3D models."

garyanderson2596d ago

I feel bad for anyone that backed this project. What a mess