
Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders From Planet Space Review | Hardcore Gamer

For the uninitiated, the easiest way to describe an EDF title would be to cross breed Dynasty Warriors with the film Starship Troopers and then smack it in the head with a shovel until it starts drooling.

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Protagonist3101d ago

Kinda i bit surprised this game is getting such good reviews for the Vita, nice!

"Anyone who has not yet experienced one of these titles is highly encouraged to start here." Alright then ;)


10 Games That are Best on Vita

VGChartz's Adam Cartwright: "Thanks to the timing of the Vita’s release and its relative power compared to the home consoles at the time (PS3 & Xbox 360), it saw the benefit of a number of these late ports which have remained the ‘definitive’ versions to this day. It’s these games that I’m aiming to look at in this article – titles that are best on Vita by virtue of extra bells and whistles, tweaked controls, and content, or in some cases just a general feeling that Sony’s portable hardware is the most enjoyable way to play."

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Jimboms1641d ago

Ooh, Virtua Tennis 4 for the win!

telekineticmantis1641d ago

Gravity Rush, still great, but the screen aiming made it better on Vita


Prices drop for Earth Defense Force 4.1 on PS4 and Earth Defense Force 2 on Vita - Game Idealist

Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair has been discounted to $29.97 while Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space is also on sale at $17.03.

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MadMax2893d ago

Got EDF PS4 for $20 free shipping last week from Toys R US, and EDF 2 Vita from GameStop for $18. These aren't really good deals from Amazon. I've seen much better. Both games are awesome! PS4 version is the best EDF game and great to have original EDF 2 finally, and on a handheld ontop of that!!!

isarai2892d ago

Seriously EDF 4.1 is freak'n amazeballs, TIMES FOUR if you can get some people to co-op it with you. Most fun i've had in a game in years


Earth Defense Force 2: Invaders from Planet Space Review | Marooners' Rock

Robert writes:

"A little while ago, I reviewed Earth Defense Force 4.1 for the PlayStation 4, giving it high marks due to its sheer entertainment. No, its visuals and set-up won’t win any game of the year awards, but when it comes down to brutally saving the world from an alien invasion, it gets the job done. Can’t argue with that."

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