
Top 5 PS2 Games That Should Come to the PS4 via Backwards Compatibility

"With Sony's US-focussed PlayStation Experience event this weekend, we're expecting a slew of announcements ranging from release dates of upcoming exclusives to new games. What we're also looking forward to is more information about backwards compatibility on the PlayStation 4. Although Sony has been clear on more than one occasion that PS3 games will not be playable on the PS4, the company has confirmed that you will be able to play PS2 games on its newest console."by Rishi Alwani

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Masterchief_thegoat3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

If i can't play ps2disc, on the ps4 idc

Dabigsiebowski3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

I agree. The PS4 is completely capable of it but it seems Sony dropped the ball. I really wanted to have an official emulator to play my PS2 library on but I guess I can still settle with PCSX2. I'm not buying games again I already own.
And the term backwards compatability is just bull. It's not compatible with my discs so it really isn't.

ninsigma3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

It hasn't been announced whether it will or won't play ps2 discs. There was one opinion piece article where the crappy title made it sound as if that was the case but it's not.

Dabigsiebowski3078d ago

Well from the details from the Official twitter that leaked Dark Cloud made it pretty clear in the description that discs are not going to be supported. You are right that there hasn't been an official confirmation yet but I'm pretty sure it's what we expected now after the leak. I hope I'm wrong and just over reacting because then I'd be stoked but I'm pretty sure that's just fantasy.

ninsigma3078d ago

I didn't see the DC description. Maybe it wasn't the full description?? I don't know and my take on things is always wait for an official announcement. I think it will be digital only too tbh but again, I'll just wait. Hopefully we'll have some news about it tomorrow. I'd love for discs to be playable on ps4 because there won't be many that I'll buy again. And for the very few I do buy they damn well better be usable on systems after ps4.

Godchild10203078d ago


Here is the tweet from the dark cloud leak.

ninsigma3078d ago

Interesting. Thanks for the link. Not necessarily an indicator for diskless bc imo. It could be like a special version of the ps2 game that could release with dark cloud 3. Just gotta wait and see what Sony announce. Fingers crossed for tomorrow!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3078d ago
jb2273077d ago

What difference would it make if the discs don't play natively? Isn't MS' BC set up where you have to download the games as well, from what I gathered, the discs don't actually play on the XBO there either.

iDadio3078d ago

Timesplitters and XIII I would want to play for nostalgia, the Timesplitters series owes me and some friends hundreds of hours of our lives.

Mr_Writer853078d ago

No, but this isn't BC it's emulation there is a difference.

BC would mean any PS2 game would work, much like how they did with early PS3's.

Or how the PS2 could play any PS1 game.

Emulation you have to add games, like the Vita that emulates PSOne games.

It seems people got a little ahead thinking its BC, when it is emulation.

ninsigma3078d ago

Does it matter that it's emulation instead of being done by hardware?? I mean, if it plays older games from the same family of consoles and allows you to enter the disc, it doesn't matter how it is achieved. It is backwards compatible on the grounds that it plays older playstation titles on the new machine.

However it is yet to be known whether it will allow the discs or not.

Mr_Writer853078d ago

Well it does when one plays the game as it is and the other upscales the game to 1080p, adds trophy support, and remote and share play support.

I'm sure if they wanted to they could make discs work they could but they wouldn't be able to add all (if any) of those features.

So it wouldn't make them a lot of money (developing this costs) I
mean say you don't own Dark Cloud, but want to, you buy a copy of eBay is cool, but how does Sony make money from that? How does a publisher?

And before anyone says "well MS.." MS are losing the their biggest markets in
the US and UK so drastic times call for drastic measures.

Anyone who truly believes that if MS was storming ahead they would be doing BC are kidding themselves, it's been possible since day one they just didn't want to do it, but as soon as they needed a PR boost out it roles and it's made out like it a miracle.

It's not.

Dabigsiebowski3078d ago (Edited 3078d ago )

Yup so it's not true BC. It's just an emulator that plays digital games and that's all.

@Mr- well when sony announced it they used the term "backwards compatability" which obviously brought a ton of confusion and more or less way to good to be true.

Mr_Writer853078d ago

I read on IGN that current PS2 classics won't work and neither will discs which is disappointing.

But any way..

Champions of Norrath
The Getaway
Timesplitters Trilogy
Final Fantasy 12
The Warriors
Max Payne 1&2
GTA Trilogy


Champions of Norrath!! that would be incredible...also baldur's gate ''dark alliance''

Mr_Writer853077d ago

Me, my brother and 2 friends completed the first CON.

That's one good thing about having PS2 games added, more local co-op games!

MeteorPanda3078d ago

/sigh. l have an okami, shadow hearts and a few other games l know sony will never localize ...havnt paid too much attention but not being able to use discs is a bummer.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Understands That A Tonberry Is The Scariest Thing In The World

The tiny green slasher villain returns in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and is as frightening as ever.

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MeteorPanda3d ago

The way it was handled was so dumb. One shots in melee...your teammates are to ostupid to get away from its attack. So you most often end up alone in a certain fight.

Hofstaderman2d ago

Two words, one accessory....Safety Bit

MeteorPanda2d ago

Needing an accessory to keep a.i from dying and only one of them isnt great.


Original Final Fantasy 7 - Is it Worth Playing in 2024?

Final Fantasy 7 has come back under the spotlight thanks to the release of Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, but is it worth replaying the original?

ravens5229d ago

Got to Zacks part in 7 Rebirth. Said f it. Finishing my game in 7 og. Just got to part 2 yesterday. I also got Crisis Core... So it'll be a while before I'm back to Rebirth. I just keep thinking about it too smh, want to get back to playing it. Not till I know Zacks story though. I beat 7 og sooooooo long ago, it's crazy going through it again and remembering things.

MrNinosan29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

Got to Zacks part in Rebirth?
You mean you started the game and turned it off?
The game starts with Zack...

ravens5229d ago

... Really 🤓 lol. His second part, I've played for 80hrs lmao. <---- PS5 Run time, probably not all game time. You guys know how it goes.

VIK212128d ago (Edited 28d ago )

Did you not ever play the OG FF7? After you recruit Vincent, later in the game, disc 3, return to that basement and look at the pod, there's a whole Zack story that'll trigger as a memory.... it's well hidden in the game and a lot of things regarding Zack are cleared up. FF7 Crisis Core is basically an extend feature of that hidden flashback... It took me years to discover it back then lol


MrNinosan28d ago

80 hours in Rebirth by doing everything, and you should've reached Zacks story about 5 times 🤣

ravens5228d ago

Ye I kno that's y I said not all gameplay time. But also I am very anal when it comes to exploring.

ravens5228d ago

Not to mention fighting Titan at his full strength. Hours spent trying still haven't succeeded. Found all 3 ruins but I'ma masochist when it comes to games.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 28d ago
Barlos29d ago

Very much so. Graphically it's dated but the story and the gameplay haven't aged a day. It's still one of my all time favourite RPGs and for me is better than Remake in some ways.

Barlos29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

It always takes me back to Christmas 1997, I got it as a gift and I was blown away when I played it. I couldn't believe games could look that good. The combination of pre rendered backgrounds and FMV really made it stand out. It definitely still has a certain charm that modern games can't replicate.

I can't imagine people will still be talking about Remake and Rebirth in 27 years.

Tapani28d ago

Fully agreed. To me the atmosphere, pacing, gameplay and music are all better than in the remake.

Rebel_Scum29d ago

Yes, play this, skip remake, start rebirth for new players.

I_am_Batman29d ago

Skip Remake? That's terrible advice.

leahcim29d ago

Remake is so amazing, pure FFVII Love, play it on PS5 please! aww the graphics the battles, the music... a dream come true.

Rebel_Scum29d ago (Edited 29d ago )

I disagree Batman

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