
Adobe Data Shows Top Sellers on Black Friday

It looks like the deep discounts on the Xbox One for Black Friday have helped it make a big splash during the year's biggest shopping day, as expected. The console was among the top five best selling electronic products during Black Friday, according to Adobe's annual sales report.

The five best selling electronic products on Black Friday were Samsung 4K TVs, Apple iPad Air 2, Microsoft Xbox One, Apple iPad Mini and Sony PS4.

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NewMonday3107d ago

PS4 on the same list

"The five best selling electronic products on Black Friday were Samsung 4K TVs, Apple iPad Air 2, Microsoft Xbox One, Apple iPad Mini and Sony PS4"

Kalebninja3107d ago

Finally, I hope with the huge amount of people that bought 4k TVs more 4k content will be available. I bought mine a little too early I think.

Saranya3107d ago

This articles are talking about XB1.

freshslicepizza3107d ago

"This articles are talking about XB1."

the headline is about the xbox one but the article talks about other products too. however the person you are likely referring to would never want the xbox one to be given more attention. sadly some take competition among the consoles way too extreme.

3107d ago
3107d ago
Eonjay3107d ago

LOL... everyone chill. The article is from a Windows site. And its not the source story.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3107d ago
HaydenJameSmith3107d ago

It's great that consoles are selling so well. Means a healthier industry...

Dynasty20213107d ago Show
HaydenJameSmith3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

What the hell are you talking about...

I didn't say anything about PC, your talking about hardware from AMD and Nvidia like it has anything to do with my comment. Consoles don't change their hardware...

Amazon and Best Buy provide great deals for console games. Xbox live and psn have no competition on the digital front and it costs them nothing to provide digital games... so they can't under cut retailers who sell their hardware and costs them money stocking xbox one and ps4 games.

PC gaming doesn't have that problem cause most people buy digitally where there is tons of competition on that platform.

Competition between Xbox One and PS4 is providing great deals on the hardware and bundles. Open your eyes and you'd see...

PC is a great platform with tons of great deals and games. I didn't say it didn't and it's another big contributor to the industry.

If your so happy with your pc why don't you go play on it instead of accusing me of stating things I didn't say or even imply.

Why o why3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

Pc guys just need to be acknowledged

I can't see anywhere where pcs were downplayed yet stating the console industry is doing well sparks paragraphs of whatever that is.. . I just don't get some pc guys... they moan about console guys bickering yet they're all up in it trying to show relevance. No offence but ferrari guys dont argue with m3 guys.

TripleCs3107d ago


Congrats MS AND Sony.*

There, I fixed it for you.

Rookie_Monster3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

From the origianal Adobe link on this Windows central article where they got the information from, here are the top selling items on Black Friday:

Top Products and Inventory: Top sellers included Samsung 4K TVs, Apple iPad Air 2, Microsoft Xbox One, Lego Dimensions, Barbie Dream House and Lego Creative Box.

Gongrat MS and XB1 for representing gaming on that list. You guys did great!

TripleCs3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

That part of the article that you quoted was for Thanksgiving Day, not Black Friday like you claim. The PS4 and Xbox One both made the top 5 best selling electronics list on Black Friday.



I like how I'm getting a bunch of disagrees for pointing out facts and congratulating both companies instead of acting like 1 console was in the top 5 best selling electronics list while ignoring the other console that was in the top 5 best selling electronics list. Seriously, does it bother people that much that the PS4 was also among the top 5 best selling electronics on Black Friday?

Rookie_Monster3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

My bad. IT was thanksgiving day and not Black Friday. Thanks for the correction. So Xbox One was a top seller ON BOTH Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday. More impressive. I was just giving N4G readers more insight of the article and what the XB1 did overall, that is all. Don't know why you guys get upset about it.

Also, don't be so quick to point fingures, I never mention anything regarding PS4 because the title of this article is "Xbox One among top selling electronics during Black Friday". I am just sticking with topic. Because I didn't congrat PS4, I am suddenly a hater? :/

TripleCs3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

I also never called you a hater but good job putting words in my mouth. gangsta_red might have some good competition on his hands with you lol

What makes you think I was upset? All I did was simply correct you. Correcting you now means I'm upset? Okay buddy, I guess every teacher on the planet is always upset as well since they constantly have to correct their students. Whatever helps you sleep at night.. lol

3107d ago
+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3107d ago
Fro_xoxo3107d ago

has too be, there's too much quality being offered..

Kurisu3107d ago

Bought an Xbox One myself yesterday. It's the first time I've bought a Microsoft console, and the first time that I've owned all three consoles in a generation!

MannGamer3107d ago

Good for you. Enjoy your three consoles and don't let N4G get you into that console war where each side have some "you would not believe type of fanboys".

Automatic793104d ago (Edited 3104d ago )

Congratulations might I suggest RYSE, DeadRising 3, Sunset Overdrive, Titanfall, Halo MCC, Halo 5, Forza 4,5, and Forza Horizon, RareReplay and TombRaider all great games. There a ton more but you get the picture.

johndoe112113107d ago

And seeing that the ps4 is also on that list I will assume your statement holds true for that also right?

Artemidorus3107d ago

Well where I live they been offering Xbox One as the cheapest console to buy.

Hanilugtehul3107d ago

yeah its crazy in my country,you can buy a xbox one with starwars bf, fifa 16 and ori and the blind forest for about 340 euro, and ps4 with starwars cost 380.I have a xbox one but the prizes the last couple of weeks has been very low, thats great for all us gamers:)PEACE:)

GrubsterBeater3107d ago (Edited 3107d ago )

Source is "Windowscentral.com" .

Funny how they added PS4 as the LAST item on the list, even though they never listed which console actually sold more, making it seem like XBox One outsold PS4, (whether it was intentional or not), I think we all know the answer. Lol

3107d ago
Kribwalker3107d ago


Conspiracy theorist be damned. That is the source article, which also states it in the same order, and, also states that on thanksgiving day as well the Xbox was top 5 but not the PS4.

"Top Products and Inventory: Top sellers included Samsung 4K TVs, Apple iPad Air 2, Microsoft Xbox One, Lego Dimensions, Barbie Dream House and Lego Creative Box. Out-of-stock incidents were 600 percent higher than normal for electronics and 300 percent higher than normal for toys. "

So you can put your conspiracy theory to rest bud

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