
Telltale’s Release Schedule For Minecraft: Story Mode Is Troubling

A look at Minecraft: Story Mode and how the rapid release schedule could be troubling for the series.

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Lonnie183115d ago (Edited 3115d ago )

Don't you worry Telltale will have plenty of other series that will make you wait an entire year or longer I'm sure! However lets not count out Minecraft Story Mode yet, the last few episodes might take forever just like Game of Thrones...

zsquaresoff3115d ago

A series no one asked for.

Could've easily made TWD season 3 or the The wolf amung us season 2 instead.

MadLad3115d ago

Eagerly awaiting tWAU season 2.
Preferred it over season one of the Walking Dead, though I have yet to dip into the second season of that one, which I hear is better.

KyRo3115d ago

Over season one of TWD?! That was easily hands down the best thing they've put out.

Dark_Overlord3115d ago

The 2nd Season of TWD is terrible, the first game is a classic, the second was crap IMO. It seemed rushed and not much effort went into making you care for the characters.

MadLad3115d ago

Just going by what I heard in passing.
Haven't looked into it much, myself. Knew I would be getting into it eventually.


People are allowed to have different opinions lol.

rainslacker3114d ago

I found the results of choices to be more dynamic, but the game's story was pretty boring. Even the characters were rather dull. For all the time they made you get to care about Clementine in the first game, I can say not once during this game did I really care what happened to her past the prologue. Kenny's character was completely annoying and obnoxious, and outside his presence, seemed to have no relation to the previous game. I can't even remember any of the other characters after playing the game three times, so can't say much more.

I wouldn't say it's a bad game from them, just far from being as good or better than the first. TWOU was better than season 2 IMO.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3114d ago
3115d ago
mac_sparrow3115d ago

I have a feeling that it was bumped up their priorities as Ms need to keep the Minecraft ball rolling as fast and lucrutively as possible.

I agree though Wolf among us 2 please!

jb2273114d ago

Totally agree...at least we have the 3 episode Michonne series coming soon, but they keep saying to expect details soon & yet they still haven't announced its release...I'm guessing it'll be happening fairly soon though, but I wish games like Minecraft weren't gumming up the works & keeping the good titles like TWD & their Marvel project from dropping sooner...wish they'd focus their energies on 2 properties instead of the half dozen they are working with right now.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3114d ago
Jamesx82x3115d ago

I dont care what they work on next as long as they get rid of this buggy engine and move to something not only more stable but perhaps more technically advanced.

How many games do they need to get out of this engine before they move on, starting to act like Activision with COD and never changing the engine.

3115d ago
letsgopal3115d ago (Edited 3115d ago )

Could you point out the flaws of their engine? Or you just want them to make new engine every few years because "reasons"?

Jamesx82x3114d ago (Edited 3114d ago )

Really? Im not going to point out all of it just going to give you some links.

As for @Ciporta I love Telltale's games Ive got them all except Minecraft Story mode. I just want them improved is all.


There are also countless redit threads about the engine issues as well as other links.


letsgopal3114d ago

So you're just repeating somebody else's opinion?

"All of their games still suffer from horrifically long loading screens, lag, and character models not loading correctly. Occasionally they might just freeze entirely. "

I have mid-end PC and I didn't had any of these problems.

"During conversations you’re given a limited amount of time to respond appropriately to any NPC’s."

That's not the engine's issue, it's their game design decision and this could be easily chnaged.

"During any action sequence you need to make sure that you are paying attention and quickly react to any button prompts that pop up, or you’ll find yourself replaying the same scene over and over due to multiple deaths. "

Same as above. I stopped reading after this line, this guy have no idea what he's talking about.


A Look Back at All the Minecraft Spin-offs Before Legends

The Minecraft spin-off train keeps rolling as Minecraft: Legends nears its release date, and hopefully it will be better than its predecessors.

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Minecraft: Story Mode episodes ‘on sale’ for $100 — each

Don’t click buy — you WILL be charged!

PhoenixUp1813d ago

I hope nobody accidentally buys this at that price

Eonjay1813d ago

The reasoning is bull. Just have a purchased list for redownloading.


Minecraft Story Mode Season 1 and 2 unavailable come June 25, 2019

Today, Microsoft has some important information to share for all players of Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series, Season 1 and 2, on behalf of its publisher. As you might have heard, its publisher is no longer in business, which unfortunately means that Minecraft: Story Mode will no longer be supported. If you have purchased these seasons, please download all remaining episodes prior to the service being discontinued in June.

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Amplitude1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Wait you cant even redownload them later? Thats complete bs

Debating picking up all the Telltale games on disc even though i already have them all digitally. I cant afford them all right now though :(

FBNS1829d ago

We keep being warned all digital future is bad... But people only seem to care when it only affects themselves

Amplitude1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

@FBNS yeah i already learned my lesson aha

I've only buy physical for the past year or two other than rare instances. I spend quite a lot more than i would if i did digital since im missing out on digital sales and it's pretty much full price for phyiscal copies of digital-only games (limited run, super rare, strictly limited etc etc) but its well worth it to actually own your stuff imo

zahdab1829d ago

even if you go physical with so many games being broken on launch needing a day 1 patch u're stil screwed on the long run

agnosticgamer1829d ago

Odds are you will be able to re-download... But, you have to download them first to have access to re-download at a later time. Purchasing the season doesn't automatically download all the episodes. You do that after purchasing the seasons. To everyone else that commented doesn't matter if you like all digital future or not... this next generation is probably the last with physical media... I love the convenience of digital, but it def. has it's cons as well.

Cobra9511829d ago

Yes. That's it exactly. Thank you.

elazz1829d ago

The way it was phrases sounds like they're not even gonna push the files from their servers if you want to download lol. I guess those TB's allocated globally for these files are too expensive? This is BS

GtPawnSacrifices1829d ago

TTg discs will be useless. As the disc comes with Episode 1 only.
Episodes 2 & on must be downloaded.

My question is: is this for all TT games? Or just Minecraft?

Cobra9511829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

This is how it has gone every time so far: Your FIRST download of the game has to happen before it gets delisted. Once you have it, you have it. After the game gets delisted, no one can buy it, but existing players can redownload what they already bought and downloaded.

This little piece on minecraft.net doesn't say otherwise. It may be that it means you can't redownload, and that would be terrible. But it doesn't say that. It says if you bought all the seasons, make sure you grab all the games in those seasons before they get delisted. Getting a new game covered by a season pass is like buying it for no money. The system doesn't recognize it being yours until you buy it, even with no money. So make sure to get everything in your season passes before it all gets delisted. (After that, you should be able to redownload when necessary.)

MadLad1829d ago (Edited 1829d ago )

Only version still available will be on Steam, it seems. As long as you bought it and have it on your account.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1829d ago
Sgt_Slaughter1829d ago

But DiGiTaL fUtUrE iS gOoD fOr Us though

1829d ago Replies(1)
FallenAngel19841829d ago

Aye dafuq man I bought that season don’t take that away from me

Shit like this is why I can’t understand why anybody would advocate for digital only future