
How Metal Gear Solid V gets so much wrong, but is still so right

The QorC podcast gang take on Kojima's final Metal Gear game, and chat about its highs, lows, and skimpy, skimpy outfits. There's no arguing the game is unforgettable, but is it for the right reasons?

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HereThereBeGamers3097d ago

It's probably the game of the year, but it's got some baggage – not sure it's quite finished and Quiet took quite a bit of explaining to the wife! Amazing experience though.

Kornholic3097d ago

I'm sorry that you live with such an unreasonable person.

Zhipp3096d ago

Lol, if she walked in at the wrong time it could look like some weird CGI softcore porn.

Kornholic3096d ago

A grown man can watch softcore porn anytime he wants without needing to explain his decisions to anyone.

Likketysplit3097d ago

This game has made me want to Fulton everything.

Sketchy_Galore3097d ago

Still haven't come close to finishing it and am gonna need a bit more of a break before I try to. The basic mechanics and presentation are incredible, it's a beautiful stealth infiltration simulator but ooooh booooy is it ever repetitive.

I wouldn't mind having to do extremely similar side tasks over and over to get the gear I need for some of the main missions and I wouldn't even mind the lack of cutscenes too much if we at least got an audio cassette of plot after each main mission but struggling through repetitive side ops until I could manage to do a main mission to push the story forward, and then after completing that main mission and another and getting nothing, not even an audio tape of new story content, it just got too much for me.

I'm not asking for two hour long cutscenes after every five minutes of gaming but simply getting an audio tape of story development after every main mission would have done so much to keep me interested. Without that even the fun mechanics started to feel like busywork after a while.

showtimefolks3097d ago

As a long time mgs fan it's the one mgs game I dislike the most. I am glad kojima is gone so now maybe 5 years from now we will get a mgs reboot and someone may knowhow to make a proper mgs game

Kojima you were given kvr 5 years and 80 plus million by konami and at the end all we got was a incomplete mgs experience.

An empty open world for sale of saying mgs is open world

Bare minimum story

Whatever story there is hidden behind cassette tape

Almost no cutscenes

Even playing offline people can steal from your base smh

This isnt the way the go out kojima but it's not like you care since you can choose any publisher you want and people only blame konami and not you at all even though as a publisher they gave you more than suffuecnt time and money

But don't worry its GOTY because you know logic

Kipster3097d ago

Do you really want a Metal Gear game with Kojima? I mean, we're almost certainly going to get one - Konami won't just leave that money on the table - but I feel like these games are the distilled essence of his genius. Granted, it's not always successful, but his games are unique and always stick with you. I'd hate to see the franchise farmed out to someone without his passion, and become just a bland, annualised series.

showtimefolks3097d ago

Yes because unlike many u don't believe Kojima is the ony person who can make a good Mgs game

Mgs 5 is one of the worst Mgs games aND I couldn't even bring myself to finish it

Became so repetitive. Believe me I know not saying Kojima is great but after Ngs5 I don't mind someone else taking reign

cyphertech3097d ago

The game is incredible. As a die hard MGS fan I've seen the hatred for MGS2 later turn to praise. MGS4 got the same treatment and all of a sudden people want MGS5 to be more like MGS4? After all that complaining about it? The only game to be spared criticism is MGS3, not counting MGS1 (that wouldn't be fair). I love the game personally. The story isn't the best in the series, but it's not the worst either. Do you want to hear about Liquid's arm and Fortune whine about being invincible?


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Agent7557d ago

I’d have taken a few of those out. Prefer Sonic over Sonic 2. Outrun should be in there. Maybe even Pong as millions of people had fun with that even if it was repetitive. Final Fight pipped any Streets of Rage game, although Streets of Rage had the better soundtrack. Too many to list l guess. To me, retro gaming is the 1980s, maybe going into early 1990s.

Popsicle57d ago

Agree that the generational gap is too broad to really make a strong list. Need to tighten the years a bit. Hard to compare Pac Man with N64 games.


Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater - Official Unreal Engine 5 Trailer | Xbox Partner Preview

Get a glimpse at how the remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 will be updated through the use of Unreal Engine 5.

Snookies12203d ago

It looks wonderful visually. Frame rate is very inconsistent though, and definitely running sub-30's at times. I get that this is an alpha version. I just hope we can hit a locked 60 on the final release. Also, I kind of wish they'd expanded the areas a bit. Might feel a bit odd going through these sections that are still clearly going to be on a PS2 scale in size.

neutralgamer1992202d ago

They should expand where necessary and I really hope they do justice to this remake. IMO this remake should be top tier like dead space, resident evil 2 & 4 and demon souls

I am speaking quality wise

CrimsonWing69203d ago

Holy sh*t that looks good! I hope they don't censor it.

GamerRN202d ago

What is there to censor, I never played 3

autobotdan203d ago

An Xbox adventure in the jungle

BehindTheRows203d ago

*A multiplatform adventure in the jungle.

autobotdan202d ago

Mentions xbox on n4g. Prepares for nasty n4g comments replys

BehindTheRows202d ago

I mean, you can say that to yourself while you're drugged up on Xbox pills. Changes nothing. :)

autobotdan202d ago

Man you get insulted whan someone mentions xbox. You might need medicine

BehindTheRows202d ago

"Insulted" — says the guy running around like a headless chicken trying to convince folks to care about his favorite box. Ok champ!

BehindTheRows202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

If you actually have a counter argument to this being a multiplatform game and how "A multiplatform adventure in the jungle" was a "nasty reply", I'm all ears.

I'll even help you... what is the counter to this being a multiplatform game and why is that a nasty reply?

autobotdan202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

I was never in any argument or debate. You accused me of being on xbox pills. That was a nasty reply. I am done here. Not going to waste my time here

BehindTheRows202d ago (Edited 202d ago )

I mean, if someone responds to you with a factual correction and you reply with "Xbox xbox xbox", I'm not sure what kind of response should be expected.

If someone replied with "Ps ps ps", I'm sure you would wonder what is going on, especially if nothing wrong was said to you.

autobotdan202d ago

A factual correction?? What the..? I'm very confused here What were you correcting?

BehindTheRows202d ago

I thought you were done? :P

Answer: it's just as much a PlayStation/PC adventure as it is Xbox.

autobotdan202d ago

So i hurt your feelings by not mentioning Playstation/pc on an Xbox event article correct?

BehindTheRows202d ago

Hurt MY feelings? Once again, if someone replies with "Xbox xbox xbox", it's clear that they are affected by something more than they should be. You then double down with some BS about N4G (like this place is immune to trash talked about anyone else but them).

Plus, I thought you were leaving? You can't help yourself. XD

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 202d ago
aaronaton203d ago

Unreal Engine...how disappointing.

Apovyk203d ago

UE5 is the best looking engine on the market today - why is that disappointing?

RedDeadLB203d ago

Because, at the moment, the most technically problematic and disappointing games run on it. 540p upscaled next gen goodness.

DarXyde203d ago

Disappointing if resolution is a huge deal for you.

Personally, I feel a re-tooled FOX Engine would have done great. If it was a PS5/PC only title, I think Decima would have been an excellent choice.

RaidenBlack202d ago

Unreal:s own performance issues and Causing death of proprietary engines

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