
What Does Linkle Mean For The Future Of The Zelda Series?

By now you’ve undoubtedly heard about this petite sweetheart. She was announced as a fully playable character in the new 3DS Hyrule Warriors port just a week ago, and it seems like the Zelda fandom is going nuts online about the addition.

There is one more big question that won’t leave me alone after seeing Linkle’s announcement. What does Linkle mean for the future of the Zelda series?

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FallenAngel19843122d ago

I don't see Legend of Zelda becoming like Mass Effect. I'm certain that all future LoZ games will only feature Link as the main character, and Linkle looks to be a one off character

TheOneWhoIsTornApart3122d ago

"I don't see Legend of Zelda becoming like Mass Effect"

What exactly do you mean by that?.

PhoenixUp3122d ago

@ TheOne

In Mass Effect, you are allowed to choose between a male or female Commander Shepard at the beginning of each game.

What Fallen is saying is that this option won't likely appear in future Legend of Zelda games.

jsslifelike3122d ago

I just don't understand why we can't get a mainline entry that lets the player experience story segments from each side. Who wouldn't want to play a Zelda in the years of planning and waiting for Link to travel through time? Or Ganondorf's time in the midst of the rest of the Gerudo? What about playing as Shiek bailing out Link in a dungeon in a real-time narrative crossover?

If gender-equality is going to be a hot-button issue in gaming, it needs to be handled with respect to the narrative, not shoehorned in for appeasement.

3-4-53121d ago

Linkel Won't EVER replace Link. They aren't stupid...it would alienate their fan base.

Linkel will get her own side game.

You don't replace Mario with Luigi....You give Luigi his own side game.

You don't replace Mario with Wario....you give Wario his own side game.

Get it ?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3121d ago
-Foxtrot3122d ago

Nothing...at least I hope not

Like I've said a a number of times it would contradict it's self with the lore established.

Hylia's chosen hero was male, when she wanted to become human through reincarnation she wanted her best friend by her side which was her chosen hero. When they were both reincarnated Hylia became Zelda and her chosen hero became Link

The chosen hero (the original) was male and the reincarnated version was male

Then at the end of Skyward Sword Demise cursed Link and Zelda (the spirit of the hero and blood of the goddess) into an endless cycle of his hatred.

In the end if Link was to be reincarnated each time to face Demises endless cycle then he would be male and to back that up the person Link was reincarnated from was also a male.

Godmars2903122d ago

That does leave room deviation like general gender switches. Though I expect SJW will complain if Zelda is made male.

Yeah, I don't follow much less "obey" the series's deeper lore and as such wouldn't mind some narrative liberties like Zelda in the role of hero or things taking place in a sci-fi setting, but at the same time not just for the sake of change.

If someone has a good idea the should just go for it.

-Foxtrot3122d ago

But the problem is some of that lore was brought in with their last main Zelda game so it would be pointless to go against something they've just established in Skyward Sword

If it's a non cannon spin off fair enough, but as a main game hopefully not

Hopefully if they do these alternative changes or settings like the Sci if one then they can establish them as Elseworld stories DC have. Would be nice if they did this with a second studio to make them in between the main games the main studio makes

3122d ago
Pookandpie3122d ago

I concur with almost everything you've said; it's very rare to find someone with an opinion on the Zelda franchise who actually knows a damn about the Zelda franchise.

I don't exactly think I would care if Link in an iteration of the games could be female, but I'm glad that someone out there knows why Zelda (which is what I hear most of the time) can't use the Master Sword and defeat Ganon, herself.

Bravo, chap.

contradictory3122d ago

who the hell plays LoZ for the lore?
the storylines in LoZ usually aren't that complicated, it's a elf kid saving the princess from a evil beast..
add details and you're done... lol

and don't even get me started on ""continuity"&q uot; because there's 0 point in having continuity in this series considering it's always jumping like 1000 years here or there and forgetting everything that happened in the other games besides dramatic

"long long time ago, Hyrule was doing gud, then evil Ganondoofus appeared and stole da princess!! oh noes! luckily fairy kid came from de forest and pulled out master sword and wrecked Ganon and saved da princess and everyone lived happily ever after...durrr.. until some years when this all repeats, have fun. "

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3122d ago
vanity293122d ago

She's not really canon though. neither is hyrule warriors so nothing

3122d ago Replies(1)
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[NSFW] Haydee mods thicc Linkle – The moment when Linkle becomes a thicc and nude babe

I (Robin Ek, TGG) just found out that there is a "Haydee" mod that allows you to play as a thicc and nude version of Linkle from "Hyrule Warriors Legends".

JCW20052492d ago

.............................. ..................... why?

TekoIie2492d ago

If you ask for a female version of a character you have to accept that these are one of the many results you unknowingly asked for ;)

TGG_overlord2492d ago

It was bound to happen, especially since "Haydee" is a PC game (the PC mod community is HUGE, no pun intended).

RommyReigns2492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )


NecoTehSergal2492d ago

That ain't 'thicc', just oversexualizing with 'Model' + Boob job, it's a sad fetishization that really takes no effort.

1) Get Game Waifu you like
2) Make nude and gigantify tits unrealistically
3) ???
4) Self-profit.

I just don't see why people would get off to such a thing, there's far better 'art' out there of such characters.

TGG_overlord2492d ago

As far as I know, I have never mentioned "bae" or "thicc" before. Well, feel free to create your own mod then ;) Get back to me when you have created something "better".

Glemt2492d ago

Haydee mods thicc Linkle – The moment when Linkle becomes a thicc and nude babe (1 mod name, 2 you calling it thicc)

Apart from that you were very careful indeed, only once saying you like thicc women, from which can be inferred you would call the person in the mod thicc too, but that would be a pure inferral and easily argued against. You do however name the mod over and over, where you could also have easily written "the mod". I think if you wrote about GTA V you would also have use "installment", "game", "experience" instead of saying GTA V over and over again.

I'm not blaming you btw, I'm just trying to play advocatus diaboli : )


I've seen women with exactly that figure and exactly such large breasts, I'm sure they would not liked to be call unrealistic ; )

Also, why there needs to be a "Linkle in first place". Link seems genderless enough that the person could be male and/or female.

bluefox7552492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

Those words both need to die. I cringe so hard when people say them. Maybe I'm getting too old, lol.

NecoTehSergal2491d ago

With the title literally saying: "The moment when Linkle becomes a thicc and nude babe"....

Your response is the epitome and poster-child for Butthurt and irrational - that you receive criticism of some form (Mostly it was just me ranting that it was a bad model for bottom-of-the-barrel fetishizing people who react to Tits like a Caveman) but apparently you took offense to it and made a fool of yourself.

You know a person is offended and has nothing good to say in any mature light, when their first reaction is: "LIKE TO SEE YOU DO BETTER" - Like....that's one of the most moronic things you can say, since when is a persons' capacity to criticize....limited, based on whether or not they are involved enough to be a Creator of such things? It'd be like if you criticize a Youtuber for having a shitty mic quality and their response is: "I DON'T SEE YOU WITH YOUTUBE VIDEOS WITH BETTER MIC AUDIO!!1111"

Just....no, grow up. Least take it like a man, jeez.

bluefox7552492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

What does "oversexualizing" mean? When something is sufficiently sexualized beyond YOUR standard? What if someone else doesn't think it's sexualized enough? If people are into this, who cares? You don't need to "see why people would get off" to it. Just live and let live, bud.

NecoTehSergal2491d ago

You basically both, proved my point, and made a redundant argument, you made it clear and were Captain Obvious for everyone by informing everyone that My opinion is, essentially? Subjective opinion on what my standards of attraction are, and thus are allowed to have them - as is everyone else, I merely stated my opinion on what I regard as, Oversexualized due to anatomy that I view as disproportionate and exaggerative, which I don't find 'attractive', whether Real or 'Digital'. Others may disagree, and they're allowed to also have that opinion. To me, I simply made the point to say that it is too barebone, it lacks imagination, and is comparable to a Caveman in 'attraction' if all a dude gets off at is Get Girl - Give giant boobjob or Hyper-size something and BAM! They think it's objectively better.

I subjectively said "No, it doesn't become better, it's just exaggeratedly oversexualized, it's ruined the charm of the original character."

But comically, the 'creator'/host got butthurt and took offense to it, as if he should have such attached pride to something that wouldn't have taken a lot of effort anyways. lmao

subtenko2492d ago

This whole 'thicc' thing is getting more annoying than 'bae'

UnHoly_One2491d ago

Must be something with the places on the internet that you frequent.

I've never seen or heard "thicc" before in my life until I saw this headline.

subtenko2491d ago

You can notice just from n4g articles. But also its on youtube comments, like the trailer for fornite. Always comments about "we got a thicccc girl in the game" "the engineer is thicc!"

Part of what annoys me is I know there are legit OBESE people who are pushing more weight (nothing wrong with non skinny people, just too big is not good obiviously) because of their low self esteem. So of course its like yea they'll jump on it, anything to make them feel better.

Other half is just the frikken obnoxious overuse of it imho

On a side note, its an accurate description when used properly and not every single time, different from "large,fat,obese,big" ;

Teflon022491d ago

You say that like you didn't know thick is a word used to describe a woman for over 20 years lol. You just finally got annoyed... Probably these gamers overusing things to try look cool lol. Like the dab 😂😂

UnHoly_One2491d ago

I have no problem with the actual word thick, but I would agree that "thicc" is both stupid and annoying.

I'm not into made up words.

I remember when people online used to say "pwn" all the time, and I basically just insta-hate anyone that talks like that.

subtenko2491d ago

^ pretty much, Im not trying to ruin peoples fun or anything but dang...

TGG_overlord2492d ago (Edited 2492d ago )

Don't like it, don't read it. Furthermore, I did a really good interview with Doug TenNapel just recently. However, apparently it was so well done that Chris had to kill it off on N4G:


Glemt2492d ago

I read the interview, and it indeed wasn't bad. That, however, is not the reason it was taken off N4G, and it makes you look worse for claiming it was taken off because it "was so well done".
Note for your interview, sometimes the interviewee's answers only touched your questions half, which was a waste and left me wondering.
I disagree with some statements of the interviewee (Women naturally love to work at home...show me sources that 1) men don't, or 2) in countries where there is more equality women still work at home more) but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good interview and a good read : )

bluefox7552492d ago

No one else is doing it. In fact, most game "journalists" seem to double as social activists AGAINST these kind of articles. You know what I do when I see articles that I'm not interested in? I keep scrolling. I find it's way more effective than complaining about it.

Iltapalanyymi2492d ago

so this.......ist the power.......of pc gaming..........

Zerii2492d ago

This is the power of modding !

The power of PC Gaming is the high resolution, 144hz+, better compatibility (play really old games), emulators, more frame rate (on decent ports), Community Patches for games, etc....

Even mods are awesome, u just have to filter some! I guess people can do whatever they want and have fun with it, it's ur choice to skip or not

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