
Fallout 4: Pirate Leaks Aiming Higher Than Ever

Fallout 4 official release is today but yesterday there were several dozens of leaks circulating the internet. The worse part? The game came with a crack and a multi-language pack too.

joab7773109d ago

I understand that ppl can't always afford to buy games, but c'mon. When a dev actually does right by us, creating a huge game without micros etc., we need to support it. Ppl today find any reason to justify stealing and other acts.

Activemessiah3109d ago

There are certain people who straight do not support some companies, such as EA out of principle.

freshslicepizza3109d ago

if you don't support them then don't play their games but people will try and validate it. bottom line, they pirate because they can. no need to come up with bs

livininsin3109d ago

Pirating a game because you "don't support a company" is like defiantly bragging "I only eat healthy food" but knock back a super sized big mac combo every day.

xPhearR3dx3109d ago

There was also A LOT of people who "pirated" the pre-load since they we're waiting for the physical copy to arrive. So instead of waiting until some time today and downloading 24GB, they did it over the weekend. Which technically wouldn't be pirating since you paid for the game, you just got access to the files quicker.

I'm not going to lie, I did it as well. My Pip-Boy Edition didn't show up until 5pm today, but I downloaded the game over the weekend. I kinda installed the crack and played a day before release, but damn it I couldn't wait any longer lol

I'm sure the actual number of people who straight pirated the game are extremely high, especially with a release like this. But there's also a fairly large chunk who just wanted the pre-load files for launch day so they didn't have to wait even longer after their copy showed up.

Erik73573109d ago

That has a lot of logic to it...ohhh I hate apple'store principles so I'm gonna steal apple products from a store....

People who do this are just looking for pathetic excuses to be a thief

Activemessiah3109d ago (Edited 3109d ago )

It's not the games that are the problem, it's how they treat their customers... If you wanna be treated like sh*t by people and you want to reward them with your money, that's on you... I have a little more self respect than that.

If some of these companies followed the examples of CDPR and Flying Wild Hog, I'd be more than happy to part ways with every penny, I support great company who have a 'pro consumer' attitude.

nveenio3109d ago

I like the comparison to a store like Best Buy. If Best Buy were jerks to customers, you wouldn't be justified to walk in there and steal merchandise. Saying you are is ridiculous.

nveenio3109d ago


You purchased a license to software, and that software was not supposed to be licensed to you until the 10th. If you paid for something ship-to-store at Best Buy, you couldn't break into the store after hours to pick it up. You have to wait until the store opens. Saying, "B-b-b-but, I paid for it!" doesn't work.

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Antifan3109d ago

If you can't afford games, you shouldn't be playing them. If you can't afford a Ferrari, that doesn't mean you have the right to steal one. If a company is screwing over their fanbase, don't buy their products at all. It's very simple as that.

Kalebninja3109d ago

A Ferrari is a physical object if you could compare it to a game then after stealing the Ferrari that same Ferrari would have to still be there.

Bhuahahaha3109d ago (Edited 3109d ago )

so do tell me you havent pirated a single thing in your life?

piracy doesnt specify just games it also includes movies, songs, ANIME,manga, roms and emulators, tv shows, software, ebooks etc......

LamerTamer3109d ago (Edited 3109d ago )

They did right by us? Really? Like rushing out an unfinished buggy mess that runs like pure crap? A game that was made with xbone assets and lazy ported to PC (and PS4 even which could have done better than xbone)with graphics designed for a GPU from the 90's?

If I had a gaming PC I would probably pirate this too. They don't put in the QA and optimizing effort why should we reward them?

Then there is the fact that if you buy the game you get stuck with restrictive DRM that tells you when and on what PC you can play the game on. Pirated games have no DRM, you truly own them unlike Steam and other DRM based services.

343_Guilty_Spark3109d ago

Use whatever means to justify stealing.

That's what thieves do.

Activemessiah3109d ago

@343_Guilty_Spark Nobody is justifying anything, he's explaining what he does whether you like what you hear or not.

Doodleburger3109d ago

Hear me out, people. I stand neutral on piracy, as i used to participate, but stopped once i achieved a comfortable level of disposable income, and patience to wait for sales.

This game is worth it. Spend the money. Support the people who worked on it. If you like anything about FO3 or FONV, you will be happy.

Arty843109d ago

what happens to a franchise and a dev when everyone is pirating...? yes most are going to answer these companies have big sacks of money in vaults and can take the pirating but if each time the return is less and less they will stop making it

Vegamyster3109d ago

While I'm sure a decent amount of people pirated this game, it also had 400K+ concurrent players online on Steam which smashed what GTAV did. If they're selling well and making a profit they'll keep making games regardless of pirates.

Arty843109d ago

exactly that's my point until it keep selling but if everyone ends up pirating its gone and the community will be the only one to blame that or we can see more nickel dime transactions

Senyra3109d ago

I was actually surprised. Bethesda even announced that people needed steam to get the full game and the crack was out before the release day. Weird stuff.

vanity293109d ago

Someone had both parts downloaded and put up along with the unlocker. So the pirates didn't need steam at all.

vork773109d ago

I only Pirate games that is hard to find like nes and super new games or games that company dont release anymore but fallout 4 is brand new dont pirate this game

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Fallout 4 – Next Gen Update 2 Notes

A new update is now available for Fallout 4. This update adds the ability to manage your control over graphic fidelity or performance and addresses some further stability and visual issues.

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Tacoboto2d ago

How nice of them to give us more control over graphical settings as a way to *completely* avoid taking accountability for the broken Xbox settings.

bondsmx2d ago

Well, I still crashed like 5 times last night within two hours. So there’s that.

anast1d 9h ago

I had to stop. The game is not good. I'd rather play Skyrim and that game isn't that good either.


I Think It's About Time We Realize Fallout 4 Wasn't That Bad

Ahmed from eXputer: "2015's Fallout 4 received harsh criticism upon launching, but I think it was unwarranted and the game deserves more praise than it got."

helicoptergirl7d ago

It was totally that bad. I couldn't finish the campaign it was so bland and boring as I recall. Got so sick of it. 1000 stimpaks on hard. It is very rare that I play half a game and then just quit. I usually always finish it. But i was so bored with this game I just stopped and never went back and never regretted it. Just thinking about that game makes me shudder

Furesis7d ago

That's exactly what happened to me too lmao
Fallout 4 is not a fallout game period it's a bethesda game

Vits7d ago

The comparison with Skyrim is mind-boggling. Yes, Skyrim has streamlined many of the systems that Morrowind introduced. However, it did not tamper with the core of the Elder Scrolls franchise; it did not diminish the freedom and sense of exploration that made Bethesda RPGs famous. Fallout 4, on the other hand, did exactly that to the Fallout series. It eliminated what made Fallout such a beloved series to play. There are no consequences for your choices, no reason to explore, and barely any interesting set pieces in the game.

It's not terrible, but it's a painfully mediocre game in a franchise that typically doesn't produce such mediocrity. So that is why people see it as bad, the bar is just much higher.

anast7d ago

They both feel the same because they are, it's just that one has swords and magic and the other has swords and guns.

anast7d ago

I'm replaying it now. It sucks. I'm about 30 hours in and thinking about quitting again. I am so tired of the dialogue I just spam a random button because it doesn't matter. The upgrade just feels like a graphical mod, everything else is not good.

Good-Smurf7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

I couldn't play the game as-is it was insanely boring and grindy and the grind itself are not fun at all.
Mods helped me stomach the game a bit better but after a while I just stopped playing and uninstalled it because the game did nothing after the first few hours to give me any motivation to keep playing it, it just became a mindless looter shooter with obsession in settlement building and defending.
Compared to F3 and FNV, F4 was barely a mediocre game it wasn't bad but it's also very forgettable entry.

MrDead7d ago

It's not that bad after 300+ mods that fix it's issues and make the game fun... but lets not talk about mods right now as they are f****d.

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Interview on Fallout 4 with the Actor for Nick Valentine, Codsworth & Mr Handy (Stephen Russell)

Interview with Stephen Russell, Actor for (Nick Valentine, Codsworth, My Handy) in Fallout 4 which is a vast open world role playing game set in the apocalyptic wastes of Boston, the Commonwealth. The career goes further with other Bethesda games from Starfield to Prey to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

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