
Call of Duty Black Ops 3 Playstation 4 Campaign Frame Rate Test

A Frame Rate Test of the campaign in the Playstation 4 version of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3. Footage was captured from version 1.02 of the game.

The Playstation 4 version of Black Ops 3 seems to use a dynamic resolution system. Native resolutions seem to vary between roughly 1360x1080 to 1920x1080.

dreadz743135d ago

Ps4 version runs @ dynamic resolution and @ 30 fps in campaign.

Army_of_Darkness3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

So this would mean that the xbone will run at a dynamic resolution as well, most likely between
720p to 900p .....as Expected.

holin43134d ago Show
windblowsagain3134d ago

campaign is 60fps, cut scenes are 30fps.

LostDjinn3134d ago

Why is there confirmation of 1080p 60fps for the campaign online (try a google search)? Somebody's not telling the truth. I wonder who.

TwoForce3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

Campaingn is 60 fps gameplay, 30 fps cutscenes. Like @windowblowagain said.

DonkeyDoner3134d ago

pretty sure he's trolling halo dynamic resolution

Intentions3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

Game has pretty shoddy performance on both consoles.

Splitscreen is cancer, like omg so bad, the graphics are like last gen too.

Haven't tried mp yet.

Fatdrinkofwater3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

I know right im so annoyed. Me an the mrs used to play black ops 2 zombies all the time so we were really looking forward to it but damn splitscreen is horrible in bo3. So muddy and just bad plus hard to read txt. Bo2 was clear and nice graphics in split screen so i dont know wtf is going on with bo3 im so dissapointed. :(

The game is fun single screen tho but even then the graphics are blurry compared to my other games.

No wow factor in the visual department at all.. Apart from being wowed that this is the best they could do on new gen consoles with a 3 year dev cycle.

I expected more

UnHoly_One3134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

I can't imagine anyone still using splitscreen in this day and age.

The last time I used split screen was 6 years ago when Borderlands came out, for about 10 minutes until my girlfriend decided she wanted her own copy.

Prior to that, it was playing Halo over LAN in 2001 with multiple people on each TV.

Nothing against anyone using it, I'm just surprised it is ever a requested feature nowadays.

Fatdrinkofwater3134d ago


Not everyone can afford 2 tvs and 2 consoles but im there with you im buying another console for my wife so we can play together that way.

Split screen in bo3 is trash

Benchm4rk3134d ago

Maybe people will understand now why 343 opted to leave split screen out of Halo 5. To sacrifice that much visual quality and performance would of done more harm then good

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3134d ago
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dreadz743135d ago

If all Ps4 gamers could be like you bro but instead they bash when this happens on XB1.

SourtreeDing3135d ago

yeah the thing is... i personally think PC gamers are the ones that influenced us Console gamers to care about this crap.. when they came over from PC to console.

but in reality its not really a big deal i never really looked for jaggies or cared for FPS till i started using the forums more... even then i still care about gameplay over all that stuff..

if the game is unplayable thats a different story

PC_603135d ago

You console gamers are the ones arguing over resolution and framerate we dont need to argue because we can get what we want from different GPUs and graphics settings etc.

monkeyDzoro3134d ago

Oh, so you mean fanboys always tell nonsense whatever side they're on... and so we should not pay attention ?

KingKionic 3135d ago (Edited 3135d ago )

Dynamic resolution in here?

30 fps lock up close next to some dude talking?

This situation is like one of those out of shape dudes on a treadmill trying to brag about how nice he looks but cant even last 5 minutes without losing breath.

Time to end the "1080p" ps4 master race.

Its getting ridiculous at this point.

Ezz20133134d ago (Edited 3134d ago )

One game with dynamic Res on Ps4 and that mean the end of Ps4 *Master Race*.

Who even said "Ps4 master Race" in the first place ?!

TripleCs3135d ago (Edited 3135d ago )

1080p isn't the end all, be all for me. I can game at 900p, hell I can game at 720p on the PS4 and I'd be okay. I don't necessarily care what resolution PS4 games run at as long as it's HD of course. However, I do expect the PS4 version of my games to run at higher resolutions than the Xbox One versions since I bought and invested my money into the more powerful console. I just want developers to utilize the extra resources in my console.. That's what I do care about.

There's nothing wrong with expecting a more powerful console to outperform a weaker console. It's a pretty reasonable expectation if you ask me and I'm pretty sure you'd feel the same way if the shoe was on the other foot.

Basically, what I'm saying is that it's not really about PS4 games being 1080p. It's morely about developers taking advantage of the PS4's hardware and not aiming for parity and I think a lot of PS4 owners feel the same way I do.. If I invest in more powerful hardware I should get better performing games, period. End of story.

I know that what I'm saying is going to go right over a lot of peoples heads though and I know I'm most likely going to get a billion disagrees for this but whatever.

3134d ago
Eiyuuou3134d ago

So now it's just PS4 master race?

3134d ago Replies(1)
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cfc783135d ago

A few less pixels won't change anything just enjoy the game.

Right im off to get some cement for those goal post's.

3135d ago Replies(1)
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Call of Duty paintball mod lets you return to classic CoD multiplayer

Call of Duty Black Ops 3 has a new paintball mod in the works which aims to restore classic CoD multiplayer, if you’re tired of Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2

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SullysCigar519d ago

Call of WHAT?? Never heard of it.

When did this franchise release..? /S


PlayStation Now: most-played games in Spring

Marvel’s Avengers, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Bloodborne earn top spots across PS5, PS4, and PC.

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roadkillers1079d ago

Too bad God of War isn't on PSNow. It would've slaughtered the Avengers and Aloy!!

roadkillers1079d ago

Yea, I can't find any. Not even the digital versions, Facebook has them going $400 over retail.

poppatron1079d ago

I need to cancel my subscription, there’s rarely anything I like that I don’t already have

Stanjara1079d ago

So Avengers are fine? I thought that the game is dying.


PS Now February 2021 - Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, Detroit: Become Human, WWE 2K Battlegrounds

Darksiders Genesis, Little Nightmares and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number are also playable from today.

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LucasRuinedChildhood1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

Terrible month. Detroit and Black Ops 3 (available for a limited time) are already in the PS Plus Collection, and Detroit was also a free game on PS Plus years ago. WWE 2K Battlegrounds is terrible. Only the smaller games that were added are good additions.

PS Plus is way better than PS Now right now (quality > quantity) and has been good for a long time, and great since the PS5 released. I was tempted to subscribe to PS Now over the holidays but I just didn't trust in the quality of the service. They need to up their game because the quality of the service is deteriorating. I'm starting to wonder if they're going to ditch PS Now as we know it and basically add it as an extra tier to PS Plus because that's what they've been prioritizing.

-Ghost1219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

Not sure why WWE 2K Battlegrounds was a highlight for this month. I browsed the games in December and it was there/played it.

SamPao1219d ago

Darksiders genesis. Thats a pretty neat addition

gamer78041219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

The game was a massive disappointment, even playing with a friend it was terrible. But we finished it til the end. The game is so buggy and just not much fun a lot of times.

iplay1up21219d ago

Now, is not nearly as good as Game Pass, but $60 for a year? Well worth it!

gamer78041219d ago

Detroit become human is fantastic. One of the best this gen

oakshin1219d ago

Last time blop 3 was on here it came with the dlc

RgR1219d ago

Great for me.

I was looking to play darksiders genesis...it's the last one I need to play. And little nightmares is another one I wanted to try.

The rest I've already played or am not interested. Overall I think they're great additions.

iplay1up21219d ago (Edited 1219d ago )

I was disappointed with Darksiders 3. I played for a couple of hours, and deleted it. That is just me though, a lot of people liked it. Also the price is right. Hope you do like it!😁

RgR1219d ago

Yea I'm with you there. The beginning and gameplay feels so different but after a certain point I feel like it got much better.

I played it in classic mode so it would be more similar to other darksiders but man did I die a lot in the beginning due to learning how to play. Came into it fresh from darksiders 2.

SamPao1219d ago

Yeah, I am still playing frostpunk from last month...
Heard good things about little nightmares