
IGN: Pop Cutie! Hands-On

Pop Cutie! is a very Japanese fashion design simulation that turns out to be surprisingly deep for a casual game aimed at younger girls. Players must make and sell their own clothing line at a start-up boutique. While you don't actually get to design the clothing (you just combine keywords), there are quite a few levels to the gameplay. You'll have to supply the fashions people are looking for, hire a staff, keep your shop in working order, and defeat rival designers in fashion battles.


Fashion games are more than fluff and dress-up

From the article, "Earlier today, I mentioned how excited I was about Girls’ Fashion Shoot and lamented the fact that I’m probably one of the only ones. The fact is, fashion games don’t get much respect in the gaming world. They’re typically deemed “games for girls” and shuffled off to the side, recommended or purchased for kids. People couldn’t be more wrong. There are a number of fantastic fashion games out there that not only deserve your respect, but a chance to prove how fun they are to people who normally would ignore them."

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ltachiUchiha4028d ago

I dont think its that fashion games doesnt get enough respect, imo there just aint many ppl who do enjoy fashion that play games. Alot of the girls i know who enjoy games are just like any guy who loves enjoying games with friends. Im sure if these type of games had advertising, more ppl who enjoy these sort of things would pick it up. They prolly dont even know games like this exist.


KOEI Press Day: Quickie hands-on with Pop Cutie! (Destructoid)

In Pop Cutie!, you'll play as a fashion designer trying to make it big in the fashion world. You'll design clothes based on what people on the streets are craving and sell your fashions in your store. You'll compete against rival designers, hire models to walk the streets in your clothes, hire staff for your store, and more to get your fashion on everyone's bodies.

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Pop Cutie! Screenshots

Street fashion simulated.

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