
Clandestine Review | NextPowerUp

Clandestine is a title by Logic Artists that's been sat in Early Access for precisely a year. It's a throwback to original Splinter Cell titles like Chaos Theory, with a heavy focus on cooperative play with very contrasting roles. The graphical style is not too dissimilar to Life is Strange, with some modern qualities and other slightly dated ones. It also features a footprint score at the end of each level, detailing how obvious your mission was to outside parties. Single player is entirely possible, but in order to capture the true depth and quality of the game, a second partner is needed for best results. Can an indie title live up to the standards of Sam Fisher that it aspires to? Read on to see if the dint was big enough.

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Clandestine Review (Invision Community)

Welcome to the wonderful realm of espionage and hacking with Clandestine, the indie release by Logic Artists. The game closely resembles that of Watchdogs with it’s database hacking and file grabbing objectives and that of Metal Gear Solid with it’s stealthy and espionage based gameplay and uses these aspects quite well throughout the story of the game.

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Review: Clandestine (DarkZero)

Ian Howarth: "Clandestine is an asymmetrical cooperative stealth/infiltration game that requires one person to control Katya, the ‘boots on the ground’ whilst the other controls Martin, the hacker. The game is heavily reliant on patience, communication, and execution of strategies. Teamwork is crucial, which is also why I opted to play with a friend that I could call, instead of relying on the text-chat functionality for online play (although this may also be due to the fact that I never once found a game to join). The story kicks in as the two protagonists (or at least the protagonist and her side-kick) are brought in to help a private intelligence agency gain intel on a missing agent in Mexico, who is found out to be currently undergoing torture, thus turning the plan into a recovery operation. When they return and are commended for their success the real plot begins. It might be interesting and it certainly sounded pretty deep but the terribly animated cutscenes, boring voice acting, and convoluted ‘intelligence’ jargon-riddled dialog will rip you right out of it and beg that you skip straight to the mission."

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The best games of 2015 you didn't play

You monster, Flew under the radar. 2015 was a fantastic year for video games. There were so many great games vying for an opportunity to occupy your time.

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coolbeans3078d ago

A lot of interesting titles I haven't heard of before. Only one that rigs a bell would be Telepath Tactics, which was featured during Indie Month.

InMyOpinion3078d ago

Refreshing article among the ton of GOTY articles that all list the same games (Witcher 3, Bloodborne, Fallout 4 etc).

3077d ago