
Edge Review: Siren: Blood Curse Episodes 1-3

Innovation rarely goes smoothly. Initially, Sony had ambitious plans for the remake of its PS2 survival horror game, Siren. The game was to be the focus of the company's first substantial test of downloadable episodic content as a viable delivery model. A fresh installment was to be offered every week, in the hope of cultivating a TV-style cliffhanger audience as the sinister plot thickened. But there was an issue. The game's core engine takes up the majority of the first episode's gigabyte bulk, leaving space for barely 15 minutes of actual play. Wisely deciding this wasn't sufficient bait to hook the desired audience, Sony grouped the 12 episodes into handy batches of three, though structural leftovers remain in the form of breathless Lost-style montages recapping character predicaments at the beginning and end of each segment.

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thereapersson5778d ago

I will be purchasing these episodes, because ever since I lost interest in Silent Hill after part 4, i've been looking for a really good Japanese horror game to tide me over until RE 4 comes out.

crippler6665778d ago (Edited 5778d ago )

Should be noted it is a Japanese style game, that is one of the many things that appealed to me. You don't need 15 or 20 undead to make something scary, you only need one if done right.

The story line is a little cheesy and the voice over is a little poor, but this is a survival horror game not quite shakespear.

I have 2 friends who own this game already and they are not even into survival horror games.

Oh one more thing? You are probably better getting the whole game? If you liked the Siren games on PS2 you will love this, if you like survival horror games then get it. I was hooked within the first 2 chapters.

Baba19065778d ago

this games rules. its so fun and scary. love it.

stuntman_mike5778d ago

i downloaded the whole lot, ive already got the two previous games and loved them (scary as hell) and so far this game has been excellent (and also scary as hell lol) highly recommend to anyone not just survival horror gamers.

hopefully they will release some more episodic content on consoles this turned out a pretty good move by sony.

PimpHandStrong5778d ago

im playing this game at a slow pace. Im at episode 3 and man its good at making you feel creepy. When the little girls calls for help in the hospital is truley a very scary part!

cant wait to see what happens next

so far i give this game a 8.5/10

it really does put you into the momment like no other game i have played on the PS3


Seven Video Games We'd Love To See Get TV Adaptations

The WellPlayed team has come together to share which video games they’d like to see turned into a TV show.

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8 Best Horror Game Remakes

If you're going to relive a nightmare, you might as well do it right.

One thing that's been prevalent now more than ever is video game remakes. Dormant series like Prince of Persia, Splinter Cell, and System Shock aren't first getting brand-new sequels but remakes of the classic entries. Horror titles are no exception, with the recent Resident Evil, Dead Space, and Silent Hill remakes.

Putting aside whether these remakes are necessary, most of them are excellent. They can expand and enrich the world with added details, improve gameplay mechanics, or put more focus on the story. Standard remakes will count, but story remakes or reimaginings will also be included.

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SimpleSlave443d ago

If Castlevania is there as an Horror Game then Demon's Souls should be there as well.

Also, you might want to add Shadow of the Colossus there too. Where you play as a mass murdering genocidal maniac on a warpath.


7 Best Classic Psychological Horror Games To Play This Halloween

Forget jump scares; if you’re looking for a scary game to play this Halloween, you need to sit down with one of these great psychological horror games. Let the feeling of unease creep beneath your skin as you absorb yourself in the unnerving worlds of these incredible games.

These are our best psychological horror games of all time.

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