
Xbox Ford GT Elite Controller Concept

The Xbox Ford GT Elite Controller Concept is a one-off design exercise from the Xbox Hardware team inspired by the Ford GT and the release of Forza Motorsport 6 which features the Ford GT on the cover.

*Carbon Fiber case parts create rigidity and lightness in the controller, the same way it is used on the GT chassis.
*Custom metallic paint job matched to Ford’s specifications.
*Left thumbstick shape inspired by the GT steering wheel and angled towards the player for a more ergonomic experience.
*A horizontal movement limiter also ensures efficiency and accuracy in steering.
*Custom paddles inspired by the steering column paddles shifters on the GT. Program them on your Xbox One to shift up, down and even to engage the clutch.
*See through battery door and custom battery pack inspired by the engine compartment and EcoBoost V6 engine.
*Cutaway brake and accelerator triggers reveal the impulse motors that give Forza Motorsport 6 its realistic feel.

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cfc783137d ago

WOW!!! they need to make this.

As a serious Forza fan since the start of the series this is a dream controller for me.(seriously blown away)

TheCommentator3136d ago

Excuse me, but I need to go change my pants now. As Forrest Gump once said,"I'm sorry Jenny, I didn't mean to!"

boodi3136d ago

holy shit that is gorgeous hardware
worth collecting for sure . . . .

Me-Time3136d ago

Looks clean or smooth. I'd get it.

And just saying, Gran Turismo 4 had the '05 Ford GT as the cover art.


The creator actually has two Ford GT's. He's had them since at least 2010.

boodi3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

best controller design and concept I've seen in a long while, i hope it gets real

Me-Time3136d ago

True. The initial elite controller looks awesome, but it looks like a controller the terminator would use lol

3136d ago

Top 10 Rarest Cars in Forza History

KeenGamer: "See the top 10 rarest cars to ever appear in Forza history! Thousands of cars have been featured in Forza since launch and only a handful of them have been really difficult to obtain or, in current state, impossible to drive around with. Although they were once obtainable, it's only for a limited time and, most times, for a certain price."

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MasterChief36241227d ago

I thought this was going to be about the rarest and most valuable cars in the game, based on real life manufacture numbers and value.


Xbox Elite 2 Controller Profile button can't be remapped to Share

"Your current -- and pricey -- Xbox Elite 2 Controller will not be able to take advantage of the new Share button and related functionality found on new Xbox controllers, including those that ship with the Xbox Series S & X," writes Stevivor's Steve Wright.

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franwex1292d ago

Maybe they’ll make an Elite 3?

gamer78041292d ago

It’s probably nearly done as we speak

Abnor_Mal1292d ago

Introducing the all new EliteSense controller.

alextdarling1292d ago

Why on earth would you want to use the button that maps everything as the share button anyway?

Concertoine1292d ago

Because the elite 2 doesnt have a share button period

Blurry_Pixel1292d ago

I think you can map the share button to one of the back buttons.


Lawsuit continues to pursue action over ‘drifting’ Xbox controllers

Amended class-action adds additional plaintiffs and specific mention of Elite Series 2

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crazyCoconuts1331d ago

I was wondering if something was up with these controllers. I have a friend that had multiple Xbox controllers with drift issues ... Seemed like more than just bad luck

pocolocoX1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

Thats weird, me and my friends have over 20+ controllers and none of them have drift. Not saying it can't happen but maybe it IS bad luck. I think it's mostly isolated to the Elite Series 2 being the newest controller.

1331d ago
potatoseal1331d ago

20+ controllers? You ever wonder why you guys need so many controllers? Maybe it's because their build quality sucks.

Imortus_san1330d ago

This is a problem that occour in all controllers from all brands due to users making a lot on stress on analogue, some controllers are less resistance them other like the Switch, but that the way it is.

I never had this problem on any controller of any brand in my 32 years of gaming, on the other hand I know people that have this problem in every controller after 6 months.

darthv721330d ago (Edited 1330d ago )

I have close to 40 xbo/ps4 controllers and none of them have drift issues. I bought them all 2nd hand and you would think they should (with the way some wrench on the sticks) but thankfully they do not. My son's xbo has developed stick drift as well as one of his ds4 so I let him use a couple of my spares. Not the fancy ones though... just regular ones.

@seal, maybe this person collects controllers? I know I do.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1330d ago
TheProblem1331d ago

I think it’s about time that Microsoft put more quality into their engineering

1331d ago
1330d ago
SullysCigar1331d ago

Yeah, it seems to be more of an issue recently. It's like they deteriorate over time rather than being dodgy from the get-go.

BrainSyphoned1331d ago

Only had one out of my 5 drift this gen on Xbox. Annoyingly it is the custom controller I ordered.

nibblo1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

I have 4 controllers one of them is an original from back in 2013 when the console was released which did eventually get some drift on the left stick after about 3 years all the others haven't including my Elite V2 and I do tend to put my controllers through the wringer. I have no idea why you have so many friends who seem to get this issue as none of my friends with Xboxes have reported it. Maybe anecdotal evidence from people you know is not used in law courts for a reason? However I do think that all console manufacturers should extend their warrantee for this, 90 days is pretty stingy for something like stick drift.

1Victor1331d ago

@ crazy
You must be crazy Xbox elite controllers are perfect and only lying fanboys find imaginary defects on them. My works perfect without any issues and I have 2 on each room. Said you know who here

CorndogBurglar1330d ago

I mean, there's a lawsuit against the Elite 2 controllers drifting. So its clearly something that happens. Did you ever think that you were lucky that the ones you have just don't have that issue?

Zeref1331d ago

I have never had drift issues I got 6 controllers. Including an elite controller 2.

1331d ago
Zeref1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

@darkwingsoul I need to have issues to buy controllers? 😂 Yall are definitely some lonely virgins. Look at the agrees lmfao

I have extra controllers for when my friends come over to play videogames. Plus elite controller 2 and a design lab controller. Easily could have been more if I bought a few special edition ones.

Juvia1330d ago

I have this on two of my controllers. It seems like it happens over time tho, as mine worked fine for about 6 months.

R6ex1330d ago

Mine worked well for like 3 years before drifting.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1330d ago
1330d ago
jonesmiller041011330d ago

I also had a drifter. I was pissed that they wouldn't do anything about it. I lived in Denmark then, which is notoriously know for absolute sh!t customer service.

Lostbytes1330d ago

Drift happens, no really. It is caused by a combination of ware and dirt. Every single one of my controllers develop drift. Without fail. To be fair, i am not kind to my controllers. They get used on the daily for 3-5 hours and 10-15 hour sessions are not too infrequent. Hands covered in chip residue, spills on and around them. TBH, I always get the 2 year add on warranty from Best Buy. Then trade them in when it starts happening. Trade for a new one.Then get a new warranty (40$ for Elite Controller, 20$ for normal) on that one, Rinse and repeat. I did this 5 time with the original Elite, with the last time paying the additional 30 bucks for the upgrade to V2. Still going strong.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 1330d ago
RememberThe3571331d ago

Man stick drift is everywhere. What happened this gen?

RememberThe3571331d ago

All four of my DS4s have stick drift.

1331d ago
nirwanda1331d ago

I had one analogue stick brake, had no drift issues but went though quite a few, 3 with broken usbs, rubber came off first one.
Strangely third party ones dispite being crap were never broke

FPS_D3TH1331d ago

I get stuck drift every 3-4 months with heavy fps gaming use

SpeedDemon1331d ago

That's good, but an analog stick is a moving part and after a period of use they wear down no matter what gaming system the controller goes to.

BrainSyphoned1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

Xbox: 1 out of 5
PS4: 1 out of 7 including 3 with shredded analog tops-my second release PS4 controllers have been good
Switch: 2 sets out of 2, can only play with a pro controller

Father__Merrin1331d ago

ds4 have that notirious call of duty left click problem

JackBNimble1331d ago

Every single one of my DS4 controller's drift , I've accepted that this is just what happens.

Silly gameAr1331d ago

I have. I've had a couple with stick drift. Only difference is, I didn't pay 100+ for them.

kneon1331d ago

I've never had a playstation controller fail or drift.

1331d ago
porkChop1331d ago

You're lucky. I'm on my 3rd.

potatoseal1331d ago

I'm still using my PS4 Pro launch controller and it's totally fine.

potatoseal1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

@ JAckBNimble you are so full of it. You don't even own Ps4 controllers. I mean just on one page of your commetn history.....

"Those days are long gone bro... these sonybois are much worse now"

"I have a feeling that over confident sonyboys are going to be blindsided next gen with all their expectations of ps5 and down playing of xsx."

I don't pretend to Xbox controllers. You shouldn't pretend to have all these DS4 controllers and they all have drift. You're full of it

Seraphim1330d ago (Edited 1330d ago )

that's because on PS4 you often won't notice it. I've had controllers that work perfectly fine then while playing some game I put the controller down and notice L3 is drifting. Sometimes simply clicking the analog in and rotating clears it up for good or for a while. But imo, from what I've experienced, it's pretty minimal and something that can be easily overlooked or go unnoticed.

As for the mention of triggers below. Sony has made changes to the triggers over the course of each DS4 generation. There's at least 3 generations of DS4s. The latest bolstering the trigger somewhat.

ziggurcat1330d ago

Two of my DS4 controllers got it - one I'm still using because it's too close to the release of the PS5 to invest in a new one.

+ Show (14) more repliesLast reply 1330d ago
XxINFERNUSxX1331d ago

Made in China quality. This is what we have now.

1331d ago Replies(2)
franwex1331d ago

I haven’t had any drift issues. My elite 1 controller grips did fall off-but it’s still playable.

Even my Switch is fine.

Can it be one of the assemblies that they contract out that makes them be the issue?

At this point I feel lucky.

Killer73nova1331d ago

Have a elite 1 and don’t have any issues whatsoever or any of my controllers. So far I’ve been lucky but I’ve had my switch have stick drift

AuraAbjure1331d ago (Edited 1331d ago )

Never had stick drift using 7 different Xbone controllers over the course of 5 years. Unless I screwed them up myself which I did once by leaving one upside down with some clothes on top of it.

Applejack1331d ago

Lucky you, I had drift on 2 out of my 4 ps4 controllers. Luckily is wasn’t on my scuf.

JackBNimble1331d ago

I'm guessing you probably don't play all that much then.

TheScotsman1331d ago

I been gaming for 25 years now and never even seen drift on any of my joypads, maybe some of us just ain't hashy gits with our controllers.

IRetrouk1331d ago

I get drift eventually every gen, its the racing games man, I love em, but the twitchy way I use the sticks must mess with em lol

AuraAbjure1330d ago (Edited 1330d ago )

I put at least 800 hours between those 7 xbone controllers and I bought several of them used off craigslist.

Hakuoro1331d ago

I have used 9 over the course of 4 years and all 9 have drift and I keep them all in plastic safety cases.

Knushwood Butt1330d ago

Maybe you can sue the maker of the plastic safety cases.

Hakuoro1330d ago

Knushwood Butt

I won over 1 million in my class action!

Knushwood Butt1329d ago


That will get you a lot of new pads!

Hakuoro1329d ago

I now have over 40,000 controllers and I have them individually sealed in titanium cases now! Unfortunately they all have drift...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1329d ago
potatoseal1331d ago

Why would you need to use 7 controllers? I've still got my launch PS4 pro controller and it's fine still now. 7 controllers? I am guessing a couple don't work which is why you have so many and use them all. I don't know, but 7? That seems crazy to me.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1329d ago
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