
10 Things Nintendo Needs To Add To Super Mario Maker

EB: "It’s been out for over a month now, but if you’re anything like me, you’re still wildly addicted to Nintendo’s new create-your-own-level game Super Mario Maker. As you might expect with even the best level editor, however, there are some questionable omissions from Mario Maker that may warrant some nitpicking."

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3143d ago
RalphBlutawn3143d ago

Checkpoints...Checkpoints....C heckpoints!

deafdani3143d ago

Hell to the yes. How did they even gloss over that? I mean, COME ON.


wonderfulmonkeyman3143d ago

We need more power-ups from each style.
I want my frog and Tanuki suits!

Masterofwiiu3ds3143d ago

This is one of the best thought-out articles I've seen on N4G in a while. It's not trying to start a flame-war. It's just a good article on how to improve a great game. I wish there was more content like this here.

SegaSaturn6693143d ago

It feels like One ups are totally useless except in the challenge modes. Hopefully they'll implement a deeper system.

The expert mode levels are too ridiculous.
Dropping players into fire within the first half second.

I think there needs to be a rating system or leniency in that mode to keep you in the game.

Really enjoyed this game, but in terms of actual design without sharing, LBP is far ahead.

R00bot3143d ago (Edited 3143d ago )

They should add a new fourth mode that's harder, then make expert easier. Same rewards for the first three difficulties, and make one new exclusive costume if you finish the hardest mode.

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Wii U Super Mario Maker's last level has been beaten, but it's not Trimming the Herbs

Super Mario Maker's last level has been beaten, after Trimming the Herbs was revealed to be totally bogus.

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Metroid Maker Should Be Next to Get a Super Mario Maker Treatment

Super Mario Maker has been a great series for Nintendo, but it is time to move on. How about a Metroid Maker? That would be interesting! Check out Jason Capo’s thoughts for more.

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iplay1up2668d ago

I hope Nintendo brings back real dungeons in BOTW 2!

deleted668d ago

Metroid certainly would be cool, but 100% Zelda dungeon maker should be the priority! It makes the most sense!

Jeriphro668d ago

The only issue with Zelda, for me, is that it won't have the same freedom of styles that Mario Marker has. Zelda 1, LttP, and the Game Boy ones could all possibly work, but Zelda also has a lot of 3D games. I guess if you limited the styles to Original Zelda, LttP, Minish Cap, and Link's Awakening, that could work. That's four different styles for a dungeon maker, but I think a Metroid Maker is closer to Mario and would probably be easier to make.

deleted667d ago

@Jeriphro Mario Maker drew mostly from its 2D roots, so I take no issue with a 2D only Zelda Maker. However, they also translated Mario 3D World elements into the 2D space, so I wouldn't mind that they do something similar with overhead Zelda games using more modern 3D elements too. A Link to the Past Remake shows how nice 3D elements can be implemented into the standard overhead Zelda view.

2D Zeldas were the games I grew up on anyways, A Link to the Past being one of my favorite games of all times! They halfway attempted a creator within the Links Awakening remake, but I'd like to see a fully realized creator. Of course though, Super Metroid was also once of my favorite games of all times so I'm dying to see a Metroid maker too. ;)

DethWish668d ago

Metroid Maker is a sweet idea

Knightofelemia668d ago

I'd go either for Metroid Maker a Zelda Maker would also be great even a Mario Kart Maker as well.


Super Mario Maker for Wii U Is Losing Some Features After March 31, 2021

Nintendo has announced that as of Jan. 12, 2021, the original Super Mario Maker game for the Wii U will not be available for purchase on the eShop.

Neonridr1286d ago

I mean there is a sequel available. My guess is Nintendo will want you to move towards a more current version.

1285d ago