
PALGN: LEGO Batman: The Videogame Preview

PALGN Writes: "No-one could have predicted the success of the LEGO videogame series. Though both Star Wars and LEGO were well-loved artifacts of most gamer's childhoods, expectations were definitely set at 'novelty' level on release. It was therefore a very pleasant surprise when the first LEGO Star Wars game from Traveller's Tales turned out to be an addictive, enjoyable and witty romp through a greatest hits compilation of the best moments of the prequel trilogy. LEGO Star Wars was accessible to all ages and skill levels, but also deep and rewarding enough to be appealing to the most seasoned of gamers. Most importantly, however, it used comedy as a driving force for the game, and its whimsical, slapstick humour will certainly stick with most players long after the console they played it on has journeyed to the tip.

Another Star Wars and an Indiana Jones LEGO game later, we're looking at the approach of the latest contender, LEGO Batman. Batman marks a change of pace for Traveller's Tales, and again, perhaps a shift in expectations. After successfully parodying and paying homage to two of Hollywood's most well-known franchises in Star Wars and Indiana Jones, you'd expect that Batman would take The Dark Knight, a film fast becoming a phenomenon of pop culture in its own right, as material. Not so. Batman marks Traveller's Tales first attempt at an original storyline within the LEGO series, if not an original setting. According to Warner Bros, who were kind enough to give us a hands-on look at the game this week, the plot of LEGO Batman was worked out in tandem with DC Comics. The look of the game is a mixture of the comic books and the Animated TV Series, though Danny Elfman's scores to Tim Burton's Batman and Batman Returns are used copiously."

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The Humble WB Batman Collection Bundle packs eight games for just $10

Humble Bundle has just released its new bundle that brings together eight popular Batman games. With every purchase of this bundle, you will be supporting the charity of your choice.

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Garethvk917d ago

I wonder how many already have them.

gamefreaks365917d ago

Yeah, that's a good point. Still, if anyone missed out on them, this is a great deal.

Jeriphro917d ago

Wow. That is so cheap, but I know I personally already have all the games in the list. haha. I guess I should have waited.


Batman Day: The five best Batman games ever released

App Trigger: "In celebration of Batman Day and 80 years of the world's best detective, here are the five best video games starring the Guardian of Gotham himself!"

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1719d ago Replies(1)
1719d ago
Lilrizky1719d ago

without reading it more than half will be arkham games with at least two making the top 3 and 1 definitely taking the no. 1 spot lol

toxic-inferno1719d ago

Only one Arkham game in the list actually - Arkham City at number 1.

And no mention of the Telltale series.

Lilrizky1719d ago

damn, close!

thanks for clearing that up

1719d ago Replies(1)
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Humble Bundle has a LEGO games bundle starting at $1

The Humble LEGO Games Bundle is now live. It features games like LEGO Batman: The Video Game, LEGO City Undercover, LEGO Worlds, and more.

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SegaGamer1864d ago

I only need 3 from that list, so I'm not sure if I will bother buying this bundle. I may have a look on Steam Trades and see if anybody is trading the 3 I need.

RealOldGamer1864d ago

Good deal for Lego games. These rarely go on sale. Plus Steam!