
Nintendo Reveals The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes' Place in Timeline

With the unveiling of the official Legend of Zelda timeline, inevitably, people would wonder where every game falls. The developers of Tri Force Heroes have revealed the game's place in the overall series.

Kalebninja3143d ago

Why is a stupid fashion based zelda game Canon? Has Nintendo gone mad?

EcoSos33143d ago

The fashion thing doesn't bother me at all but what really makes me mad its that damn multiplayer thing. I can't play a Zelda game with other people my friends won't buy it even if they do we work different hours, thats why I'm not buying it.

xPhearR3dx3142d ago

You do know there's single player right? There's also download and play. If you got 2 friends next to you with 3DS's but they don't own the game, they can still play using your copy. I'm not entirely sure the restrictions, but it says you can play all levels through download and play.

bass4g3142d ago

Who cares what games are/aren't cannon? If it doesn't have an effect on future games then it doesn't matter. The four swords games are also cannon and have a fair amount of zelda mythology tied to them due to minish cap. This game is really only tangentially linked (sorry) so it's even less a part of the timeline. I swear that the internet has collectively forgotten that the four swords games exist.


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The Nintendo 3DS' The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds is now 10 years old, yet remains a remarkable experience.

kythlyn187d ago

Calling this classic feels so weird to me. It's still the newest game in the old style... hope they make another one.

FinalFantasyFanatic187d ago

I would love a remake of Link to the Past, one in a similar vain to Link's Awakening.

Neonridr187d ago

it was an awesome game and utilized the 3D very well on the 3DS. A Link to the Past is one of my favorite Zelda games, so this one being a true sequel to that title really hit home with me.

franwex187d ago

I bought this very long ago, and it’s still in my backlog!


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