
Post-Apocalyptic Platformer Song of the Firefly Returns to Kickstarter

Gary Stott writes: "Song of the Firefly is pitched as a story-driven exploration platformer following a boy named Sam on his quest to find a missing friend. Oh, and the world has ended. That's a pretty important thing to include, too. It's a 3D side-scroller (2.5D, technically) with a gloomy art style and shadow creatures that are very reminiscent of the dark antagonists in Ico."


Kickstarter Videogame Launchpad. What Campaigns Launched Oct 19th - 25th?

Greg Micek writes: "Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn't to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you'd like to back, and which ones to run from. This week there were 38 to choose from."


Song of the Firefly is a Beautiful, Post-Apocalyptic Platformer

Marcus Estrada writes: "In Song of the Firefly the world has ended. The air has become toxic and humans are almost all gone from the world. Only Sam, Sarah, and Doctor Williams seem to be around in post-apocalyptic Europe. That is, until Sarah goes missing. As her best friend, Sam is incredibly concerned and begins to search for her. This is where the game begins and where players take over. They must explore the darkened landscape for clues - and hopefully discover what happened."

jriquelme_paraguay3510d ago (Edited 3510d ago )

preffer all this claro oscuro style than the pixel art

YoungKingDoran3510d ago

Looks amazing. I'll have to keep my eye on this one. You know, if I ever have the time. I seriously need a game diary I can't even keep up with the stuff I'm looking forward to

3-4-53510d ago

The colors are really dark, yet hauntingly colorful. Cool Art style.

Spenok3509d ago

It definitely looks unique. Judging by how their Kickstarter is doing... I have a feeling this won't release either at all, or nearly at the quality they want it to.