
Luke Smith Interview (PD Podcast #38)

Luke Smith, Bungie’s Creative Director for Destiny: The Taken King, joined planetdestiny for the official PlanetDestiny podcast this week.

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Bungie: We're Trying to Get Destiny 2 to Feel Like Destiny 1, But Updated to the Systems We Have Now

Destiny 2 Game Director Luke Smith said that Bungie is trying to get back to the feeling of Destiny 1, but updated to current systems, with the Darkness-based Stasis powers.

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ChasterMies1320d ago

The Destiny 1 gameplay was great but the feel of Destiny 1 was utter frustration as you prayed to RNGesus for the drops you needed to progress your Guardian. Playing Destiny 1 with friends, the most popular topic in chat was how much we all hated Destiny 1. Bungie shouldn’t go back to that.

EmperorDalek1320d ago

I miss the low drop rates a bit. These days it's so easy to get most exotics that it no longer feels exciting to get one.

Kane221320d ago

so in order for something to feel exotic the drop rate has to be stupid low. even though most exotics in destiny 2 aren't worth that kind of drop rate...

r2oB1320d ago

Getting exotics are not meant to be exciting in Destiny 2. This is made obvious by the introduction of fated engrams which guarantees an exotic not in collection (with the exception of quest/mission based exotics). The only RNG aspect of exotics is getting the right one with the right stat roll. Getting the gear isn't difficult, getting the RIGHT gear is (god roll weapons, stat perfect armor) due to so many layers of RNG.

EmperorDalek1320d ago (Edited 1320d ago )

That's the thing, the loot is no longer exciting. If nearly all the exotics are easy to get, then it's no longer fun to collect them. Everyone remembers the Gjallahorn, no one remembers any of the exotics in D2.

If getting exotics aren't meant to be exciting.... Then what's the point? The only reason anyone plays Destiny is for the looter aspect. The gameplay, for the most part, isn't as good as many other shooters. 99% of players don't care about God rolls.

Christopher1319d ago

No thanks. I'm not going to play a game of lottery just to determine who gets what. Exotics should be earned by what you can accomplish, not some RNG bot on the server-side. My 100 hours of gameplay isn't any less valuable than someone else's. There's no reason they should get a rare drop on their first raid attempt when others don't get it after 50+ attempts.

1319d ago
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Michiel19891320d ago

@deus that happens in a lot of games, not just Destiny. In PoE for example the gear chase is really enjoying although it can get really repetetive, but once you find that certain legendary or the weapon base you wanted or something, it feels oh so rewarding.

Maybe it also helps that there are a lot of different ways to acquire (semi-)specific items, and once you find the good item you need to get to work on modding/crafting it.

1320d ago
ChasterMies1320d ago

I don’t know about PoE but I do know that in a game like Borderlands 3, there is an empty feeling in getting higher level versions of the same gear to fight higher level enemies. What made exotic gear so unique in Destiny was that they fundamentally changed gameplay, and this made every encounter more interesting. The RNG in Destiny 1 meant that some players would be so unlucky that they would miss out on game changing gear. No one should suffer a lesser game because of an algorithm. Destiny 2 embraced exotic quests but then Bungie became like a cult, increasing the requirements to insane degrees. Some players actually asked for this and the return of RNG. Then Destiny 2 introduced exotics as rewards for buying season passes, a.k.a. pay-to-win. Don’t get me started on Bungie re-introducing old exotics.

1319d ago
Shikoku1320d ago

You act like D2 drop rates are any better cause they aren't. If they want D2 to feel like destiny 1 they should of kept going with Destiny 1. D1 was in a pretty good place after rise of iron.

GottaBjimmyb1320d ago

I think this comment is probably more regarding the feeling of progress/room to grow in destiny 1 vs destiny 2. Maybe not though , might just be me.

Rude-ro1320d ago

Back then their attachment rate was far superior compared to the last two years.
So although I appreciate your opinion... the majority of diehards do not.
All the addicting things about destiny are in d1...
I do not think it will be great again due to being seasonal., but we shall see.

1319d ago
Godmars2901319d ago

But then how bad is Destiny 2 if they're trying to go back?

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ccgr1320d ago

Hope the sequel stands out enough on it's own too.

1320d ago
Father__Merrin1320d ago

Loved the way destiny 1 was put together it just needed more worlds and quests etc also the lore behind it was very good in that you log onto your destiny homepage and unlock grimoire info etc.

Destiny 2 you just left click to run and run to the end of the level

aaronaton1320d ago

It will be interesting to know if Management actually regret making Destiny at all. All these years and money pumped into this project, for it to be one of the most forgettable franchises in recent memory.

Fishy Fingers1320d ago


It's one of the most played games on both consoles and at the time of writing the current 9th most popular (player count) on Steam.

Kdoge1320d ago

The game is still very popular especially after it went f2p and has been growing again lately. So maybe to you and even me it's forgettable, but bungie has done a good job growing it

ChasterMies1320d ago

Activision dumped Destiny if that gives you any idea of how profitable Destiny is compared to a Call of Duty.

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The Destiny Franchise is at its Brightest When Embracing its Darkness

Here, Twinfinite is writing that Destiny, despite being a T rated franchise, is full of dark and brooding moments that showcase the best of the team's narrative potential. They further write that, while Destiny 2 has not delivered as much as it should have on this front, Forsaken appears to be the big step that it needs to return to its greatest moments.

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Destiny 2 Director: An Extremely High % of Players Are Level Capped; We Stand By Fixed Weapon Perks

Destiny 2 Director Luke Smith revealed that an extremely high % of players got to the level cap. Bungie also stands by the new fixed weapon perks, though they admit some changes are in order.

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Imp0ssibl32413d ago

I think they have to come up with something else quickly.

KaiPow2413d ago

I agree. Even though there's so many shotguns, only a couple are worth actually using (Hawthorne's being my personal favorite).

rdgneoz32412d ago

Hawthorne's is the only one I use really. Full auto rapes yellow bars and players.

FPS_D3TH2412d ago

Trials shotgun ftw in pvp

DarthZoolu2412d ago

Well you must be new to Destiny. The beta test continues.

KyRo2412d ago

Because every games comes out these days glitch free and perfect...

The majority agree that D2 is fantastic but now a month later people's concerns are the end game which I agree with. There's not a great deal to do but they have a twictch con video coming soon which should address some of these issues.

CyberSentinel2412d ago

I think the public events shouldn’t give XP.
I loved participating in them and getting loots, but the XP on top of everything else just seemed to power level me too fast.
I just ran through the story line, and didn’t do any side quests.

InTheZoneAC2412d ago

not really. They've provided a lot so far and the only people level capped like myself have put in several dozens of hours, which is a lot. Just enjoy what's available...

JeffGUNZ2410d ago

Yeah, I agree. How soon people forget how bland Destiny Vanilla was when it launched. I have dumped a lot of hours into this game and still don't have all raid weapons and sets for all three characters.

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ShadowKing-2413d ago

There is nothing else to do with this game until new DLC releases, i have not got to 305 light yet, so i can continue to play my friends and not be bored out of my mind. Everything is simply being given out. Nothing impressive is obtainable like the ghorn in destiny 1, i played every week and made sure i had 3 characters to run the nightfall, now i don't care about the nightfall and mainly just do the raid with friends just to help them out and get my light up a little, i do the raid maybe once a week now. i feel like i paid 60 bucks for a 8 hour single player game.

Bruh2412d ago

I mean if you no life any game at some point it'll get boring...try idk maybe playing another game?

PapaBop2412d ago

I think your criticisms over lack of impressive stuff certainly holds true but lets be honest, you can't say you played every week, got all 3 characters to a respectable place then complain you paid 60 bucks for an 8 hour single player campaign. I'm in the exact boat as you really but I certainly got my money's worth out of the game, between D2 and Fifa, I didn't even touch any other game in September outside of a few fun sessions here and there.

AnubisG2412d ago (Edited 2412d ago )

You are right. The claim we paid $60 for an 8 hour campaign is outlandish. If you just play the campaign you will be lvl 20 with a light lvl of around 200. That is not enough for the nightfall and don't even attempt the raid.

However, D2 gets borring way faster than D1 and that has a lot to do with the loot system. Plus, the game should have had it's max lvl much, much higher and much harder to obtain. Strikes are meaningless now for example. There should be specific gear in everithing you do. Armor and weapons you only get in the nightfall that are awesome to use in the raid for example. Armor and weapons to get in the Strikes that help you a ton in the nightfall....etc.

EatCrow2412d ago

Should they sell tetris for 60$ also?

You'll definitely get your hours worth in that game... It's endless.

Any game can be made to take you a long time to get to the meat of the game. Doesn't mean you got your moneys worth. I'd the endgame sucks and is lacking then you didn't. Because like with mmos it's all about the endgame... Amount of hours doesn't equal value.

FPS_D3TH2412d ago (Edited 2412d ago )

60$ for an 8 hour single player game? Lol wow smoke another one there. 3 characters. Only play raid with friends. But you think you got an 8 hour single player game. Makes sense...

JeffGUNZ2410d ago

Nothing impressive worth grinding for? Really? Merciless, Origin Story, Nameless Midnight, Uriel's Gift, Better Devils, Last Hope, all Raid weapons/Armor sets, Iron Banner sets, etc. Plenty of things to get. DLC is coming December, about 45 days from now. If you don't have the above weapons, grind for them, they are awesome. Better Devils is such a PvE beast.

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2412d ago Replies(2)
jackdaddy2412d ago

It's this simple...
Massive Destiny fan and even enjoyed the grind. Loved IB played it all the time it was on. Raids were a delight and crucible was my heaven.
So.... Destiny 2..
After less than 2 months I'm bored.
Done the raid and it was OK.
Nightfall is a piece of cake.
Iron Banner is a joke, not least because crucible is no fun anymore and they took the power cap off IB because everyone is max light already and that would just leave even more people bored.
Grinding is complete pointless because there is nothing to grind for, no God rolls.
Struggling to say anything good and I'm not proud of that.

DarthZoolu2412d ago

All of this was to be expected though. The gaming industry has taught us so much since the 80s yet we continue to not pay attention.

AnubisG2412d ago

Nightfall a piece of cake? I might be a bad player than but to me it looks difficult. This week it's easy but before it was really hard. I can't even get any of my clan members to play prestiege nightfall with me because they just get angry and quit after one or two tries.

The rest I agree with.

jackdaddy2412d ago

Ok i'll lower my nightfall rating to be fair but after you've done it... It gets a lot easier no?

AnubisG2412d ago (Edited 2412d ago )

Well, if you have done a particular Nightfall it can be easier a second time, yes. But that's do to practice. Also depends on what is in the nightfall. Pyramidion was easy. This week it is easy to because of the buffs. But there where some really hard ones. The timer makes it really difficult sometimes and not fun. I don't like to be rushed through my games.

maybelovehate2412d ago

I haven't found the Prestige Nightfall to be a piece of cake at all lol. I mean after multiple tries it can get easier, but it is a fun challenge every week.

_FantasmA_2412d ago

Im okay with them taking the power advantages out of IB. They just need to give higher light level loot and take out the RNG. I got 2 Forward Paths in one package and then another one in the next package and only 3 pieces of armor out the 16 packages I've gotten.

JeffGUNZ2410d ago

"Everyone is max light"

No they are not. Most people I end up raiding with or doing nightfalls on LFG groups are not 305. I see a lot of 295 to 304 and a ton of upper 280's. I think a fair statement would be more people are hitting max light faster than they did in D1 vanilla.

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AnubisG2412d ago

The DLC needs to come early next month instead of December. I think they took more steps back than forward.

jackdaddy2412d ago

I believe the only way they can save this game for the true fans is to release regular and relevant DLC. PC players are going to be so disappointed if they think this is Destiny 1...

Gwiz2412d ago

Although very uncommon these days a monthly sub would be much better than the current system.
It avoids these paralyzing in between periods.It also increases the flow of content being put out.
This base game/expansion model is dumb and is an incentive to squeeze every penny out of the game.

AnubisG2412d ago

Yes, Destiny needs monthly DLC/updates for sure. Monthly subscription? Well, that depends how much are we talking about. I would be willing to pay $9.99 IF the content is worth it. I'm not talking about a few weapons and armor here and there. I'm talking about meaty stuff like new strikes that worth playing, new raids, new planets, new aliens and maybe.....just maybe space battles with our spaceships. Ever since D1 I felt it's a wasted oportunity not letting us fight in space with our ships. Also, adding a leveling system to our ships, weapons and different upgrades would be awesome. There is so much that could be done but for some reason Bungie tends to dissapoint me a lot....

The_KELRaTH2412d ago

The problem stems from the total lack of game options and making the best use of the contne provided.
Crucible shouldnt be about a few very basic game modes rather there should be user added mutators.
It should also be extended to include larger game modes like 16 v 16 7 flag CTF/TDM/DOM and even football (ie Unreal Tournament style) etc by using the patrol areas.

All the different armour sets should have unique abilities with special abilities when worn as complete sets, right now collecting Iron Banner armour is no different to any other armour.

The_KELRaTH2412d ago

Based on the very limited content so far theres just no way I would pay for the DLC bundle

Im at 302/303 and totally bored.

AnubisG2412d ago

Well, after seeing the after credits....I'm curious.😁

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