
RWBY Card Game Battles Its Way Onto Tabletop Simulator

One Angry Gamer "Pop culture seems to be moving faster than what a lot of us can keep up with. For instance, there’s apparently an anime-influenced Western cartoon produced by Rooster Teeth called RWBY. It’s an online show about four huntresses doing battle in a fictional world called Remnant. Well, the show has become so popular that someone decided to remake that world into an action-oriented card game."


Tabletop Simulator Review Bombed Following Chat Controversy

A Tabletop Simulator review bomb is happening over a dispute between a trans player and the game's mods. The Steam page is a mess right now.

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sourOG880d ago

Congratulations on being less credible than game journalists lmao. I didn’t think it was possible lol. Metacritic is more credible than you review bomb dorks.

Eien880d ago

Never apologize to the mob, they will never forgive.

Shiore2u880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

I've never understood apologizing to a minuscule segment of society that barely has any impact financially. The average person does not care that someone without any personality of their own isn't allowed to talk about their sexuality nobody asked about, in a tabletop simulator of all things.

monkey602880d ago

The boardgame Community strives to be inclusive and very progressive of these issues so this might not go down well, but Tabletop Simulator has been an industry lifeline over the last 2 years with developers even adapting to it for conventions. So there'll be plenty out to defend TTS too.
It does sound like this woman went out of her way to create an issue here but that's going on what little info we have.
Theres always a red flag in my mind when some minor squabbles attempt to resolve is "too little, too late" makes it seem like 1 party is just out to get something from it all.

880d ago
slowgamer879d ago

Why go and make a big deal about being trans and gay in some games public chat. Seemed just trolling.


Tabletop Simulator Update Adds Google Translate Language Support

The new Tabletop Simulator update for languages, which provides support for 29 different languages, is undermined by its reliance on Google Translate.

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GameEnthus Podcast ep408: A, B, CCs of Karting or Stay Tuned

This week Pablo Jomer from (@WorldshapersBG) creators of Curators joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about: Curators, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Cheat Engine, Everdell, Ski Tour Biathlon, Dead of Winter, AZUL, Quacks of Quedlinburg, Mario Kart, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Gears Tactics, TableTop Simulator, Masters of Charms, One Night Werewolf, Animal Crossing New Horizons, Deliver Us the Moon and more.

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