
WoW Vault Exclusive: Interview With Jeff Kaplan

Trinity Divine from WoWVault writes:

"I got the rare opportunity of meeting with a couple of key Blizzard developers in New York City today, one of whom happens to be Jeff Kaplan, lead designer for World of Warcraft. Jeff talked at length about WoW's latest expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, which is currently in beta test. The face-to-face interview gave me a chance to ask very specific questions on the new features being introduced in WotLK although for the most part, Jeff's precise answers needed no prompting from me. In fact he was so eloquent we decided to post the audio of the full 30-minute interview together with this article so you won't miss a single word."

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Ghost Of Tsushima's PSN May Be Online-Only, But People Still Can't Play It

Sucker Punch’s massive samurai adventure Ghost of Tsushima has come under fire because of the PSN requirement. However, unlike Helldivers 2, things are a lot different and more logical this time.

thorstein9h ago(Edited 9h ago)

"Sony has made it clear long before its release that the PSN requirement is strictly for the online multi-player Legends mode in Ghost of Tsushima and the PlayStation overlay. Online connection or PSN is not applied to the single-player campaign, which is honestly what the game is all about."

Extermin8or3_39m ago(Edited 38m ago)

Legends clearly was based around using the pan they hardly want to have to design a whole new account structure just to play it, that's alot of effort and work. Ultimately people kicked up a fuss despite there being workarounds in most of those territories that people with a ps console have used over there for literally like 15/16 years. This is the consequence of that, be careful what you wish for or demand because you don't necessarily get to pick the method by which you get it.


Mullet MadJack Gameplay & Impressions 4K

CG writes: In this video we take a look at the full game of HAMMER95’s Mullet MadJack on PC in 4K. This is a rather cool rogue-like first-person shooter where you have to survive for 10 seconds by increasing your timer for each kill. Not the most original of ideas, but works wonders in context of the 80/90s aesthetic. Game releases May 15th.

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Alchemist: The Potion Monger Review - A Freeform Cozy Adventure | Chit Hot

Alchemist: The Potion Monger is available now of PC and consoles, and this review will tell you why it shouldn't be overlooked.