
Star Wars: Battlefront Runs At 900p Resolution on PS4, a Blurry 720p on Xbox One

GameRevolution: "We're coming up on the two year anniversary of the new generation of consoles. By now it's expected that developers have ironed out issues with programming on new architecture. The standards are higher than ever before, and on most fronts games are meeting the expectations of gamers.

While this year's Star Wars game is projected to sell tens of millions of units, it falls short of hitting the resolution numbers that console gamers were hoping to see."

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nX3137d ago

I'm playing the PS4 version since yesterday and it runs fine enough for me to not consider the PC version even though I heard that it looks incredible on the highest settings. I'm just hoping that there won't be K&M support on consoles.

3137d ago Replies(18)
UKmilitia3137d ago

is beta open to all on ps4?

nX3137d ago

Yes it's open from the 8th to the 12th I think but there's a lot of people playing through early access codes already.

venom063137d ago

720p HAS NOT been confirmed yet.. this is nothing but a pathetic click-bait article..

gfk3423136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )


Given the history with Frostbite engine the game would most likely run at 720p on X1.

Moreover, Halo 5 a first party MS game runs in vast areas at 1152x810 (which is very close to 720p).


Given all of the above, Star Wars running at 720p on X1 is not a surprise.

gamer78043136d ago


just fyi Halo 5 runs at a dynamic resolution, not a locked 1152x810, thats a far cry from 720p.

GameNameFame3136d ago


Same goes for PS4... but I don't see you being outraged by that.

If X1 is constantly hitting 900p and lower this 2nd year it's a problem keeping up rest of gen

WowSoChill3136d ago

"a Blurry 720p on Xbox One" was that really necessary? or is it one of those N4G fanboy thingys? lol

looks fine to me on xbox one and im sure it looks great on PS4 but thats just me i guess lmao

Mr Pumblechook3136d ago

Once Xbox One NXBOE DX12 Windows 10 update goes live, doesn't it mean superior graphical performance?

Braid3136d ago


Well, I'd say the author was being kind of nice with that title, because if it was me I'd rather use the term "cr*ptastical 720p" because that's just what it is.

I mean, be honest to yourselves, people. It's 2015 and 720p is definitely NOT okay. Today even the cheapest smartphones available in the martket has a screen resolution above that.

I know I'll get a million disagrees for saying this, but once I switched to 2K-4K gaming even the glorious 1080p started looking "blurry" to me. So 720p? Not a chance, that's just plain and simple WRONG.

mark_parch3136d ago


at no point in the link you provided does it say large parts of halo 5 are 720p. It actually says the majority runs at 1344x1080

dantesparda3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

"Battlefront Runs At 900p Resolution on PS4, a Blurry 720p on Xbox One"

Was anybody expecting otherwise? Its the way its been since the beginning, PS4 at 900p on 60fps FB3 games and X1 at 720p. What, did you people really think these systems can do more? This game has better graphics than BF4 did, so right there, that took whatever improvements have been made since BF4.


1344x1080 is basically 1600x900, go ahead do the math. And the fact is, the game is still dropping to 1152x810 and has only trilinear filtering (eeuuwww) and some tearing (eeuuwww)with 24 players. While SWBF is 720p/60fps with no tearing, anisotropic filtering and 40 players. So it sounds about right to me.

CartBlanche3136d ago

@Mr Pumblechook
DX12 does not mean a massive jump in graphics fidelity, mainly because Xbox One devs are already using a subset of DX12 that is already quite close to the metal on that console. There will of course be some improvements, but they will not be massive. It won't suddenly jump from 720p to 1080p. It might jump up to 800p, or the devs might decide the extra CPU gain would be better spent on AI, or physics etc.

Game development is ALWAYS about compromise. Regardless of if you are on PC, consoles, mobiles etc.

Mr Pumblechook3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

@CarteBlanche. Thanks for the info. I'm not going to pretend that I'm the most technical person It's just that some people who claim to be experts have been proclaiming DX12 as a game changer but I would imagine system optimisation is limited by the actual hardware spec.

mark_parch3136d ago

@ dantesparda

fair point, but do we know if battlefront is solid 60fps. I will be playing the beta tonight but what ive seen so far looks a bit choppy. with reagrds to halo 5 I am totally aware the resolution is dynamic and will change but I simply don't think it will be running at 720p for most the campaign but I guess we will wait and see

XBLSkull3136d ago

Since I own all 3 platforms in just gonna download them all and form my own opinions. Looked grew on PC at 1080p60+ on ultra. Only version the allowed a preload so its the only one I've tried so far, ill run the other two tonight.

lipton1013136d ago

Cannot wait to get home from work!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 3136d ago
Automatic793137d ago

The beta looked like a buggy mess. Not a day one pick up for me.

CorndogBurglar3137d ago

What beta did you look at? By all accounts its running great.

I'll know tonight when i get home from work.

3137d ago
XanderZane3136d ago

Yeah, I think I'll be cancelling my pre-order on the XB1 and sticking with Halo 5. Unless EA/DICE switches the game to Win10/DX12 support in the future, I won't be bothering with this game. The FrostBite engine is just crap.

mark_parch3136d ago Show
jerjef3136d ago Show
Haru3136d ago Show
kaizokuspy3136d ago

Sometimes lag or choppiness caused my hit detetection to not register my weapon hits and got me killed a bunch. That aside this game feels extremely underwhelming. Maybe nostalgia is enough for others but I hope they do make it more like battlefield as the way this plays now, seems ancient and new.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3136d ago
djplonker3136d ago ShowReplies(1)
JsonHenry3136d ago ShowReplies(9)
Tsar4ever013136d ago

It's no big surprise being that both BF4 & Hardline ran at the same res on PS4/900p and XB1/720. But I was kinda hoping that by now they may have find a way of optimizing it enough to boost the res on both. It's clear that both consoles semi-customized GPGPU's aren't strong enough to handle the FB3 engine at native 1080p. Oh well, what can you do? Let's hope the 60 frame-rate is locked smooth & stable.

Jumper093136d ago

FB3 30fps games are 1080p on PS4. Its the 60fps games that are more demanding ;)

solar3136d ago

Th ol' optimization ploy.

otherZinc3136d ago ShowReplies(6)
fr0sty3136d ago ShowReplies(2)
s45gr323136d ago

And it begins the end of console superiority.

Dee_913136d ago

who wouldve thought, the horribly optimized mess of an engine that is frostbite to be the determining factor... wait

Hedstrom3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

One would hope it looks good on PC on high, because the requirments are pretty high. Latest iteration of I5, 16Gb Ram and gtx970 are recommended.

fr0sty3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

with that video card alone costing as much as a console. I know, I just bought one.

christian hour3136d ago

Did everyone in here forget why we play games?

If you're interested in tech, then these numbers should interest you out of curiosity, or to discuss what might be going on under the engine...

...they shouldn't anger, enrage or upset you.

Ten or fifteen years ago when the media published details like these, it was for AV purists who had a passion for knowing and learning this stuff, the how and the why... Now its all just bonkers pandering to the angry mouth of the internet.

3136d ago
christian hour3136d ago

I know these things really shouldn't upset or get to me, we're all essentially sitting on an atom floating in an endless abyss so, everything is trivial, fabricated console wars especially so.

I just miss the days when gaming sites had dedicated tech articles that weren't there to flare up hatred between two sides. When they didn't carry titles like "lens of TRUTH" as if to imply developers were trying to keep the differences between platforms for a specific multiplat game from us or that they're here to show one side of the console war the truth about how bad their console is or something...

When it was all just for curiosity, when gamespot would, for example, put up an article comparing the differenes between using VGA/Component/Scart/HD/SD/Proj ector outputs on your x360 and the pros and cons to better inform the consumer. Now it's all gone sensationalist...

Again, why do I even bother trying to put a stop to it or to change negative outlooks when it's all trivial? I suppose it's because I'm just a stupid Human who doesn't learn... A stupid human who's really hungry for breakfast now that you mention it XD

WildTurkey3136d ago

What about a gaming website that really talked about games. Honestly it would have inferior content (I would guess) from a "news" perspective because it wouldn't be able to use most of the crap that passes as news today. But it would have some content.

But the comment sections were about people really talked about games. What they liked, didn't like, now they thought something was particularly well executed. What other games were similar in experience, etc. Any you should play a game if someone's comments suggest they wrote it off early. Etc. And the mods warned and then booted you if you compared resolutions, controllers, sales numbers, pixel counts, etc.

I've wondered this several times. My thoughts on it range from "that would be the most popular gaming site on the internet" to "that really wouldn't work... despite all the complaints, this is the world of conflict people really want".

christian hour3136d ago



Yeah Ive been searching a long time for a gaming community like this... even if one could be created and maintained, eventually someone or something would ruin it for everyone. We're not allowed to have nice things XD

Believe it or not, N4G's comments section used to be split up in to two sections, one for serious friendly open discussion and then the other for all out warfare. I can't remember the names they had for each section, but you could be banned from the open discussion for repeated trolling, flame wars, console warmongering etc and while some people did abuse it by making new accounts to get back in, they'd eventually get bored and stay in the casual area.

I don't know why they did away with it, I miss it...

MasterCornholio3133d ago

@Christian Hour

I believed that if was called the Open Zone. I never experienced it but it did sound like a good way of separating trolls from civilized people like us.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3133d ago
Mikeyy3136d ago


There is a difference though. A $2000+ PC getting 4k and max settings isn't news worthy because that's what people paid for. It would be news if it didn't perform.

Consoles don't compete with PC they compete with each other, hence the nit picking.

Were comparing $350 consoles against eachother, not $2000 PCs.

The vast majority of people game on Console. the sooner you accept this the better, I'm a PC gamer too so you know. For most multiplatform games the PC accounts for 5-10% of the total sales at most.

starchild3134d ago

You're no PC gamer and even if you are you're still full of crap. You pulled those figures out of your @ss and you're flat out wrong. In most cases the PC versions of multiplats sell on par with the other platforms.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 3133d ago
venom063137d ago (Edited 3137d ago )

this is a BULLSH%* article... no one official has confirmed that its @ 720 on XB1, this includes Digital Foundry.. also, keep in mind, this obvious troll site has stupidly declared Battlefront "a watered down Battlefield" when even large CoD YTers have said this is way more than sci-fi Battlefield.... obvious troll site is obvious

triple_c3137d ago

You're right.. there hasn't been an official confirmation but the PS4's beta is 900p and games that use the Frostbite 3 engine run at 900p on the PS4 and 720p on the Xbox One so I think it's safe to assume that this game is going to run at a higher resolution on the PS4.

_-EDMIX-_3137d ago

Agreed. Also many need to factor that this title might very well be more demanding then BF4 so expect those settings.

As this title is current gen only, not cross gen.

Spectre_StatusN73136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

DA Inquisition runs at 1080p on PS4 but other than that you're right.

DarkSniper3137d ago ShowReplies(12)

I would not doubt it though... I mean Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline run at 900p on PS4 and 720p on X1, I know these are the most demanding frostbite games, but hopefully they can get 1080p out of PS4 and 900p out of X1 by the next Battlefield Game :/

ThePresentIsAgift3136d ago

And it's not like EA rush out games early at full price with 50 DLC packs ready before the game is even finished. Oh noes hang onna second...

Funny how Destiny could run at 1080p and is a truly stunning game not to mention others running at 1080p or significantly higher than 720p. Battlefield 4 launching at 720p was understandable when the Dev kits were nonsense, it still looks great.

Anything at 720p in the years to follow though is laziness, the Metro development team could teach EA a thing or two. GTA V can run 1080p but Hardline can't gtfo.

UkrainianWarrior3136d ago

Thepresent - Destiny runs at half the fps of this game...

NerdStalker3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )

Just because you've heard something you don't like or don't want to hear doesn't make it a troll article. We always knew ps4 would have the superior versions of multiplatform games this gen, however like many xbox fans like to point out it makes little difference on the resolution so if that's true why are you getting upset? Is it perhaps because it does make a difference?

CKPan3136d ago Show
MasterCornholio3133d ago

Well Eurogamer already confirmed it with the beta.

Maybe they managed to improve the resolution in the final product but I really doubt it.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3133d ago
triple_c3137d ago (Edited 3137d ago )

There has been no official confirmation about the games final resolution on both platforms but the PS4's beta is 900p and Frostbite 3 games this gen always seem to run at 900p 60fps on PS4 and 720p 60fps on the Xbox One so anyone with common sense would assume that it's going to be 900p on the PS4 and 720p on the Xbox One.. Need for Speed will most likely be 900p 60fps on PS4 and 720p 60fps on Xbox One unless they cap the game at 30fps of course then it'll probably be 1080p on the PS4 and 900p on the Xbox One.

3137d ago Replies(1)
3136d ago
Kiwi663136d ago

Are they going by the beta for what they say the resolutions are ?

Jumper093136d ago

Yes there is. DF already confirmed the 900p.

And if you played the beta on both consoles, you will see very fast that the Xbone version runs at a lower Res.

Its 720p on Xbone, stop being in denial about that.

Eliseo6763136d ago

DF confirmed only for 900p PS4.

They haven't gotten their hands on the xbox one.

Your fanboyism is showing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3136d ago
slappy5083137d ago

I haven't played the Beta but you gotta take the 60 frames over having a higher resolution, especially for a multiplayer shooting game

nX3137d ago

It definitely runs very smooth while also looking like a next-gen game, my only complaint would be the view distance when flying but I feel like this will be improved until launch.

FoxyGotGame3136d ago (Edited 3136d ago )


I Agree! 60fps is far more important...but 720p? That's 10-12 years ago. 900p is the (least) resolution I'd expect out of these consoles, but as you say trade off/60fps.


"I think I'll be cancelling my pre-order on the XB1 and sticking with Halo 5. Unless EA/DICE switches the game to Win10/DX12 support in the future, I won't be bothering with this game. The FrostBite engine is just crap".

Is Frostbite really 'just Crap'? ...or did MS 'Crap' out up on the X1 Ram Architecture? No point blaming Devs/tools for MS mistakes & DX12 won't suddenly make these X1 games run @1080p. Don't be such a Baby /

Neonridr3137d ago

A blurry 720p? As opposed to a crisp 720p?

-Foxtrot3137d ago (Edited 3137d ago )

Blurry...Crisp...Fatty...undon e

Least it's not a burnt 720p, that wouldn't be easy to digest

_-EDMIX-_3137d ago

LOL! They be like "an unplayable 720p, a horrid 720p, a 720p that looked like FFVII, at times we were not sure if it was Star Wars Battlefront, or an Atari launch game 720p"

I love how all of a sudden 720p is just PS1 graphics lol, they'll live. I mean...I play many MP games right now at 720p on my PC merely to get better frames, Frame rate is much more important then resolution in such a title.

Ck1x3137d ago

I love how 900p is being praised now...
The hypocrisy is very strong on N4G when it comes to PS4

_-EDMIX-_3137d ago

@Ck- Praised? Its merely tolerated as its a respectable trade off for better graphics. I'm sorry bud but I'd rather have it running 900p/720p and actually LOOKING like a next gen game, then them lowering effects and graphical quality to put in 1080p 60fps.

Just remember bud...WipeOut HD ran 1080p 60fps too....it wasn't some how beating Gran Turismo in the graphics department lol

That is like saying I would rather have it look like BF3 on PS3...but in 1080p 60fps....no, just no. I like the way the new engine looks and I'd rather have better graphics over all, then dated graphics to hit some magic number.

reallyNow3136d ago

save money for new PC parts..

reallyNow3136d ago

EDMIX, I'd GLADLY take a 1080x60 BF2 with 3d support on PS4 right now. I'd pay double for that.

_-EDMIX-_3136d ago

@Reallynow-really now...lol

You would, most won't ie have you seen GTASA sales compared to GTAV? Mind you...GTASA clearly was in 1080p on 360, yet GTAV sold BETTER...I wonder why, I mean...GTAV isn't in 1080p 60fps, its at LESSOR then GTASA, yet sold better.

I'm sorry but MOST do no seek lessor for such a resolution, most don't even know the resolution of titles. GTAV did double GTASA numbers and ran lessor in res and frame.

It has everything to do with engines are more favorable then simply resolutions and frame rates, as a new engine is more noticeable then a resolution as again...most don't actually know the resolution of titles, I mean....we all do lol, the MASSES don't know, don't care. They will noticed a new engine.

Mind you, if EA made BF5 on BF2's engine just to get 1080p 60fps...I'm pretty sure they would be easily losing sales, pretty sure people will noticed some dated crap FAST lol. ie as to why GTASA isn't setting the world on fire at 1080p 60fps.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3136d ago
3136d ago
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XiNatsuDragnel76d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

Becuzisaid75d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy0975d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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gurp421d ago

love all of the classic star wars games

The3faces421d ago

Had a blast playing Kotor when it first released can't wait for the remake to drop.

Terry_B420d ago

urgh..that website design is as ugly as possible. bad colors.