
Little Battlers Experience Review | NZGamer

I am not a child and, statistically speaking, neither are you, and nor are people who write reviews of video games. Given the apparent lack of interest in Little Battlers Experience it seems massively unlikely that many children will play it, let alone review it.

This is a shame, because a 10-year-old would be infinitely more qualified to comment on Little Battlers Experience than me. This is a game focus grouped specifically for 10-year-olds, 10-year-olds snorting Fanta and drinking Coke. You have a remote control robot that fights other remote control robots. Job done. It takes classic RPG genre conventions and applies exactly that premise. If reviews were written by children this one would be much shorter and contain many more exclamation marks, both because children will really like this game and also because children are famously frivolous with punctuation.

HRD_Games3142d ago

That storyline sound ridiculous. Still, I'm interested in picking this up (and I'm no kid :P ). Great review.

secretcode3141d ago

You like Custom Robo? You want more Custom Robo? Buy LBX.

jholden32493141d ago

This game is actually a sleeper hit.

It's FANTASTIC! Everything that makes Monster Hunter great is in this game with none of the "perceived" negatives. And I say perceived because that's all they really are.

And the storyline is actually pretty competant. It's engaging in a Japanese cartoon style kind of way.


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