
Is the UK's biggest gaming expo worth the ticket price?

The Quit or Continue podcast gang talk about EGX, the UK's biggest gaming expo. Is it worth paying to get in and queuing up for hours for a sneak peak at Star Wars Battlefront? The guys talk about their experience, and their hands on with the latest games.

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Gazondaily3171d ago

It was for me. I hate the London shows but I got some good interviews. The Kojima one kinda blew up. Even IGN reported on it.

I also recorded Deus Ex behind closed doors footage on the sly...until I realised that the lens cap was on >_>

But yeah, screw waiting hours to play a game

Oh btw. Wemt to the after party..omg...most awkward thing I've ever been to. Dj playing music...all guys sitting on the floor on the chair. Just...weird.

But yeah, we n4g lot need ti meet up and go together.

Clown_Syndr0me3171d ago

Was worth it for me. £8.50 a day with Virgin Early Access passes.
Didn't even mind queuing as was with friends I only see once a year so had a lot to talk about.
Just feel they needed way more screens on most games.

fattyuk3171d ago

it wasnt bad, but its need to be padded out,

each day needs to feel like a diffrent day with fresh things to do,

and no i dont understand how people can pay and que for a 10 minute demo,

i cued for just cause 3 for about half hour, got told it was over a 2hr line, left - but didnt have anything to go to lol

3-5 dev sessions was good, cs:go should of been fantastic but the 1 in 1 out bullshit seat allocation ( when your literally the 1st person in the door that moring ) was awful - how are you ment to watch 5+ hours of 1 game without going to the toilet.

loads of free energy drinks though lol

Gazondaily3171d ago

Explain this cs go thing to me. I saw people queuing up to watch it. Loads of people sitting outside watching the screens of it being twitch streamed. Why? I genuinely don't get it. What are you watching?

fattyuk3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

its called esports septic, mock as much as you like, but it was a great tournament

2 matches last best part of 10+hours on saturday

cs:go was on saturday and sunday

and dota was thursday and friday i believe

Lightdave3171d ago

Nothing positive can be said about those energy drinks :-p it was like a mixture of medicine and deep heat.

I completely agree about the que for a demo. I queued for a stupid time for tomb raider and I didn't come away with anymore knowledge on what the game was like. In a way it was queuing just to say I'd played it.

Gazondaily3171d ago

Haha I ripped into the guy selling Tornado. He got pissed off at me. Dont just win, do damage! What a crap slogan haha. I actually made a video of me ripping into it

fattyuk3171d ago

you sound like a right douche septic

all the blokes at the tornado stands were doing a job - and you want to mock them for it?

thats tragic

can i see the video please

Gazondaily3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

No mate I wasn't ripping him for doing his job. He just said thr slogan in a completely sarcastic way as if hr was forced to say it. I was like, man have some energy, you're selling an energy drink! His colleagues joined in with me into ripping into him. It wasn't me stepping on his balls.

Just to clarify it was very light hearted. So don't worry. He was just peed off cause he kept trying to say the slogan more enthusiastically but it sounded forced.

fattyuk3171d ago

cool man

wheres the video,

dont mind me asking, but how old are you?

Gazondaily3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I'm on my way home from work. I haven't uploaded the video yet. The video is of me mocking Tornado by sponsoring it in everything I was saying. Not of my joking exchange with him. So not much for you to pass judgment on Im afraid :)

"dont mind me asking, but how old are you?"

What's that got to do with you?

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Gazondaily3171d ago

"its called esports septic, mock as much as you like, but it was a great tournament "

How was I mocking? I just asked you a question mate? Relax mate lol. I think my tone is getting lost in translation in my posts so calm down and stop throwing labels like douche around please.

fattyuk3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

ok sorry

"Haha I ripped into the guy selling Tornado. He got pissed off at me. Dont just win, do damage! What a crap slogan haha. I actually made a video of me ripping into it£

can i see your video of you ripping into the egx worker and him getting "pissed off" with you please

Gazondaily3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

"can i see your video of you ripping into the egx worker and him getting "pissed off" with you please"

No you can't. I already explained above?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3171d ago
Clown_Syndr0me3171d ago

Happy I got 4 days of free drinks and then some. Came home Sunday night with 16 unopened cans in my suitcase.

Gazondaily3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

Woah! The Tornado drink didnt actually taste bad! Energy drinks usually taste cack. Hard to open them though!

I got loads of Rainbow six beta keys to give out lol. And Deus Ex and Destiny posters

Clown_Syndr0me3171d ago

They were horrible at first but grew on me!
& yeah hard to open and usually explode a little.

Not many freebies this year - no free pre-order bonuses. Game wanted deposits unlike last year.

Did get a free CoD t shirt for winning and a Vaultboy mask though. Suppose that beats the Pagan Min poster of last year!

Perjoss3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I got to try the Vive so it was more than worth it for me. The indie games section is getting bigger every year which im totally fine with. Was really nice to see Eitr in action. Didn't see Dark Souls 3 there anywhere so I was a bit sad about that. Good show overall.

Lightdave3171d ago

How was the vive? I registered to have a go on it but wasn't lucky enough to get to.

Perjoss3170d ago

Was kind of blown away, perfect sense of presence, you naturally move out of the way when something comes towards you. The motion controllers worked great and the tracking was perfect. The resolution looked much higher than a DK2 and you only really notice the pixels when you look at smaller details in the distance.

The ability to walk around and the Vive track you flawlessly is a real game changer when compared to the Oculus, although I've not tried to 'retail' Oculus myself, only the DK2. I will be putting in a preorder as soon as it becomes available, and I never usually preorder stuff.

Lightdave3171d ago (Edited 3171d ago )

I think one of things I was disappointed about not seeing was the steam controller (or did I not look hard enough?) especially so close to the launch of it. I just wanted to get a feel for it

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XiNatsuDragnel102d ago

Aspyr if we sell hotcakes get that code from radical or something and create battlefield 3 please

DarkkMinion101d ago

Hope more developers do this.

Becuzisaid101d ago

I thought that was kind of obvious they were incorporating mods to piece this game together. Maybe not, but that's made me worried about one thing:

They also planned on adding the modded ending to KOTOR 2 but were legally blocked from doing so, even after they advertised that to help sell preorders for the game on Switch. Could the same happen with this? Any opponents have 3 weeks to bring down the hammer.

GoodGuy09101d ago (Edited 101d ago )

Wish these games would just get remakes.

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jznrpg395d ago (Edited 395d ago )

Zero Dawn sold really well so I’m not sure this belongs. The second game released next to a big game again and it hurt it some I forget what it was though, oh yeah Elden Ring .
But a good game is a good game to me I don’t care when they release personally but they do have to think about it when you want to get more people to buy it.