
Rainbow Six Siege closed beta impressions: Why I’m so worried | Gamespresso

After spending the past weekend breaking through walls, disarming bombs, fortifying positions, and wreaking general havoc in the game’s closed beta, one thing is for sure: Rainbow Six Siege is undoubtedly unique and a decidedly different take on a competitive shooter. As refreshing as that is however, it also left me very worried about just how successfully the new formula will manage in the wild when the game launches this December.

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loganbdh3170d ago

I honestly feel like this game is definitely a breath of fresh air...

user99502793170d ago

Agreed. Just what the console FPS landscape needs at the moment. Comparing it to a game like Evolve is laughable. The foundation is solid. Game begs for team play.

3-4-53170d ago

All the shooters are a breath of fresh air though.

* Destiny is different enough, and even better now with the taken king expansion.

* COD is COD, and the "norm" for the genre.

* Gears of War is different enough

* Star Wars Battlefront is it's own thing that plays differently.

* Halo 5 plays very differently than a lot of these other games and even within that, Breakout, Arena & Warzone all feel and play differently as well.

* Then we have Rainbow 6 = different and it's own gameplay style

* Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 is releasing in spring 2016, and that will be probably the most different of all the games / shooters.

The Shooter genre hasn't been this diverse since the Gamecube/Xbox/PS2 days.

WilliamSheridan3170d ago

Looks like the answer to Counterstrike: Source that I've been waiting for!!

loganbdh3170d ago

Definitely a esports contender.

franwex3170d ago

My sentiments summed up in the article to a tee. Plus I've been stuck playing with crap teammates too. I need more online r6 friends....

OC_MurphysLaw3170d ago (Edited 3170d ago )

I actually enjoyed the little I played of R6 Seige BUT... for a full priced game I am not sold. Just like I liked what I played of Evolved but was not sold. I would be far more inclined to buy if it was $40. $60 with no single player game just at this time of the year is a no go for me. Far too many other games that offer the full package at the same price.

I will wait for a price drop.

Edit I will also say this game if priced better could seriously pull some COD players away but as it is... COD is the better package for the $$ which makes me sad.

Scatpants3170d ago

Don't worry you'll be able to find it for 20 or 30 bucks just a few weeks after release. There's tons of sales that time of year and I'm guessing this game isn't going to be breaking any sales records.
I don't think people are too hot on online only full priced games right now. I think people wanted more from both Titanfall and Evolve.

OLSKOOLGAM3REGARDLES3170d ago (Edited 3170d ago )

This game is dead on arrival PERIOD!!! $60 my ass. And if people think any major changes are coming after the beta ask yourself this... Did it for destiny,evolve,Titanfall or any other multiplayer only game?

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Rainbow Six Siege Major Manchester - Boos, Booze and BO

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Rainbow Six Siege Optional Monthly Paid Subscription Sparks Community Outrage

The new monthly paid subscription for Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege has sparked an outrage among the game's community.

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senorfartcushion5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Paid subs are coming, and every company is investing heavily in them. From Microtransactions to this type of stuff, the community has been vocal about the issues surrounding ripping customers off, but we are being let down by influencers and journalists in trying to fight off these abhorrent business practices. Influencers and journalists don't say enough about how bad this stuff is. Meanwhile th soft buyers in the general public are getting more outraged by the day and whales are being exploited to pay too much of their own money for pointless crap.

A paid sub is partly why I think Xbox can throw Black Ops 6 on to Gamepass day-and-date and still think of it as "good business."

ElaBosak4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

What's bad in this exactly? Explain in detail.

senorfartcushion2d ago

Paid subs and microtransactions are bad.

Shikoku4d ago

So PC gaming kills subscriptions model, now they want to bring it back along with season passes, MT, dlc and whatever else they can think of. 🙄

ElaBosak4d ago

What do you mean PC gaming kills subscriptions? PC gaming is what started gaming subscriptions in the first place.

ElaBosak4d ago (Edited 4d ago )

Actually a good model. More games should do this.


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