
Is It Time You Got Into Age Of Mythology?

Clipping Error discuss whether it's now time for people to get into Age Of Mythology. The writer talks fondly about playing the game upon release, but realising that there's a whole generation who have probably never played it. With a new expansion about to be released a whole thriteen years on, this game is definitely something for you to get into, in their opinion.

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Age of Mythology Definitive Edition or Sequel may be coming

From GameWatcher: "Age of Empires: Definitive Edition is out next week, on November 14, and Age of Empires IV is hoping coming soon - but fans were wondering about the fate of Age of Mythology, the more fantastic spin-off? If the developer's hints are to be believed, an Age of Mythology Definitive Edition may be coming - or even a sequel.

This is according to the Age of Empires Twitter feed, which sent out the message yesterday, which says that the team "haven't forgotten" about the Age of Mythology fans - strongly suggesting that either a Definitive Edition or Age of Mythology 2 is on the cards. Check it out below."

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Relientk771672d ago

Yes! Bring Age of Mythology back. I can't believe they never made a sequel to this.

Jimboms1672d ago

Just saw this myself, very exciting!

1672d ago
1672d ago
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History of Real-Time Strategy: The Peak (1999 - 2003)

VGChartz's Taneli Palola: "As I've previously alluded to several times in this article series, it's quite difficult to separate the history of real-time strategy into specific periods of time based on any one criterion. Much of this is because there are always several different directions the genre is pushing towards, and even when I label this particular period as 'the peak', there are once again arguments that can be made for several other points of time as the real high point of the genre.

All this depends on the point of view one takes, whether it's looking strictly at commercial success, critical acclaim, the number of high profile franchises, or taking any number of other perspectives. For the purposes of this article the peak is taken to be the years during which most of the high profile RTS series received their most successful and beloved entries. In that sense it can be argued that the beginning of this period was the release of the original StarCraft in 1998, but we're beginning just a little bit later, at the start of 1999, as multiple different series had now established themselves and were pushing the genre forward, each in their own unique way."

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Loved Video Game Franchises We Might Never See Return

Alexx at IGCritic writes "The success of Okami wasn’t enough to keep Clover Studios afloat however, as the Viewtiful Joe and God Hand developer found themselves stifled under Capcom’s management, and eventually lost three of their head members"

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Ysmir67232926d ago

I think i might have played more of 10.000 hours of AOM and AOE combined.