
Square Enix’s PS4 Exclusive Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow Gets First 1080p Screenshots

At its pre-Tokyo Game Show press briefing, Sony Computer Entertainment introduced the first trailer of Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna, or Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow, scheduled for a Japanese release in 2016 for PS4 and PS Vita.

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Bhuahahaha3193d ago

YES!yes yes................gimme more great stuff

killacal133193d ago (Edited 3193d ago )

Abriael, since you are part of the press, I would suggest to for you to ask if these titles will get released over seas, thank you very much!

Abriael3193d ago (Edited 3193d ago )

That's normally the first thing i ask during interviews.

And normally the answer is: "we have nothing to announce at the moment, but stay tuned" >_>

This one should come to the west though. I believe they already said it.

NukaCola3193d ago

Looks classic and is that a Chrono Trigger style combat system?

remixx1163193d ago

And the ball starts rolling.......

_-EDMIX-_3193d ago

Reminds me of Bravely Default. Looks really traditional.....I likes!

DiRtY3193d ago

I am not hating or anything, I hope you have great fun with it!

... But ... I just don't get what people like about traditional JRPGs. I tried some of them, because so many people online (not one in real life!) told me so many great things about it and I was disappointed every single time.

I might like some of the more modern JRPG games like Dark Souls, Bloodborne or Scalebound, but the older / traditional ones are just not my cup of tea.

Again, have fun with it and feel free to tell me why you like these games.

Bhuahahaha3193d ago (Edited 3193d ago )

well lets just say gamers arent all the same, you like this i like that. nothing wrong with it. its like any other things in this world, some enjoy basketball others football, some like it hot the other want it cold and theres also the ones who like both.

so its normal if you dont want it dont force it.
play what you enjoy most

DiRtY3193d ago

of course... that is a given.

For example I like football (the real one, not handegg), but I can see why people like other sports like Tennis or even Golf.

I just can't see why people go nuts over technically outdated games (Lots of them or let's say it that way: It has been a while since somebody said that a JRPG is the best looking game this year).

Yet they are fanatic about it. And why are these people so vocal about it? I mean a game like this might sell 200k units in whole NA, but forums go nuts over these games.

3193d ago
remixx1163193d ago

Its because of games like final fantasy 7 and 9 also the dragon quest series.

Turn based traditional jrpgs used to be the king baby, so their following is still there.

I'm not going anywhere, jrpgs are just madddd fun to me.

nitus103192d ago

Actually FF7 was a departure from the so called traditional FF series in that this game was turn based only while FF4, FF5 and FF6 had an optional active turn based feature that could be turned off or on. It was not until FF12 that the active turn based feature was brought back in.

What made FF12 unique in the FF series was the fact that you fought in-situ or "on-site" rather than move to a fight area. In addition random encounters were removed since you could always see the enemy on screen. I think FF15 also has these features as well.

nitus103192d ago (Edited 3192d ago )

Most people new to RPG's probably think the so call "traditional" RPG is turned based and fighting is carried out in a fight arena which is sort of like the area or overland where you encountered the enemy usually by random encounter. This is totally wrong there are so many different styles of JRPG's and WRPG's it is difficult to define them.

Basically JRPG's have pretty much everything raging from highly stylized cartoon characters and game world as well as Anime style to almost photo realistic graphics.

Like pretty much all RPG's including so called Western RPG's you can have turn based, active turn base and even action, some fight in situ (ie. "on-site) or move into a fight arena. You can even have party control as well. There is no such thing as a traditional RPG and each have their own strengths and weaknesses.

It really depends on what type of gaming categories you like and even for a person who really likes RPG's there are some they like and some they don't.

I get the impression you have hardly ever played an RPG or if you have you have you played them very much half halfheartedly.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3192d ago
Paleblood3193d ago

That TGS was on fire. Many third party exclusives for PS4 were announced.

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I AM SETSUNA - New JRPG From Square Enix With A Battle System Inspired By Chrono Trigger

At this year’s Game Developers Conference, the newest studio within the Square Enix, Tokyo RPG Factory, revealed its debut title — I AM SETSUNA.

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Hoffmann3012d ago

Finally a good looking rpg by Sqare-Enix thats not handheld only.

TimelessDbz3012d ago

Rephrase your sentence "Finally a game "I" can look forward to from Square-Enix."

Square-Enix got so many good RPG's this year not even funny.

Hoffmann3012d ago

Oh true..forgot about World of Final Fantasy and Star Ocean 5

cash_longfellow3012d ago

@Hoffmann..don't forget FFXV also!

Pancit_Canton3012d ago

Day 1. I love classic style JRPG.

Mikefizzled3012d ago

This isn't much in the way of reveals seen as we saw it at TGS as Project Setsuna.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3012d ago

I've had my eye on this for a while, back when it was called setsuna no sacrifice. Looks like a solid game.

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Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna has longer load times on PS Vita

Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna isn’t officially due out until for another 29 hours in Japan, but as always, some Japanese gamers have picked up the game early, revealing significantly longer load times for the PS Vita version.


Square Enix’s PS4/PS Vita Exclusive JRPG Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow Gets New Gameplay

Today, during a livestream on Ustream, Sony Interactive Entertainment showcased about nine minutes of gameplay of the upcoming JRPG Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow (Ikenie to Yuki no Setsuna), by Square Enix’s studio Tokyo RPG Factory.

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DarkOcelet3038d ago

The game looks like a classic Final Fantasy game. Nice.

Abriael3038d ago

i REALLY can't wait to get it. I waited on a Japanese copy because there really isn't too much text to enjoy it in moon runes, but I can't wait for a western date.

DarkOcelet3038d ago

We will most likely see it in Q3 before the big games are released.

Sharingan_no_Kakashi3038d ago

Oh I had no idea this game comes out tomorrow in Japan! Now I have to keep from watching spoilers! Hopefully we get it soon.

AnotherProGamer3038d ago

It looks more like a Chrono Trigger game to me. with its seamless battles, monsters that move around in battle, and able to use combo attacks with teammates

DarkOcelet3038d ago

It does look like Chrono Trigger indeed. Ah man, Chrono Trigger was an amazing game.

3-4-53038d ago

I really love the art style and the fighting looks good too.

* My only question/complaint is this:

Is the entire game covered in snow? If so, that is kind of lame, and the characters are a bit difficult to see in the snow blizzard that is happening during battle.

Other than that, it looks awesome.

DarkOcelet3038d ago

Your question will be answered tomorrow since it will launch in Japan tomorrow :)

Sly-Lupin3038d ago

Almost certainly no.

It's an RPG: expect to see Fire and Forest and maybe Water areas to match the Ice area.

3038d ago
brando0083038d ago

Can't wait until this gets localized

Ferrethat223038d ago

And they said PSVita was dead. pah!

nodim3038d ago

Is Setsuna of Sacrifice and Snow an official name?

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