
Cross of the Dutchman Review | PressA2Join

Paul writes "The story of Pier Gerolfs Donia, or Grutte (The Great) Pier is not that well-known outside of Holland. Luckily for you, I’ve been on Wikipedia again. His life story is, for the most part, riddled with exaggerations and unreliable sources, but what is known is that he was a peasant in the Dutch province of Frisia (modern day Friesland) around the turn of the 16th century and he was involved in a rebellion against the Saxons. Central to the legend of Grutte Pier is the theme of superhuman size and strength. Triangle Studios set out to separate history from myth and give us an accurate as possible portrayal of those events in Cross of the Dutchman."

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Cross of the Dutchman Review – When ‘Based on a True Story’ isn’t Good Enough | COG

COG writes - This historical brawler may have some decent artwork and a semi-factual story, but sluggish combat and awkward stealth sections will leave you wondering what the point was in the first place.

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MercilessDMercer3160d ago

Historical events are great for a storyline, but it doesn't really matter if your game can't keep up... Great review!

GrapesOfRaf3160d ago

Pretty much. Cool idea, just sounds like it needed more polish to get everything to feel "right".


Cross of the Dutchman Review | GameSpew

Diggy at GameSpew writes: "Based on a true story, Cross of the Dutchman is a historical action-adventure game recently released on PC via Steam, Humble and other distribution platforms. While the gameplay mechanics may not be looking to cause a revolution, the charm of this little game comes from its creative exploration of the life of a Frisian folk hero."

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Cross of the Dutchman Review I Hey Poor Player

Hey Poor Player's Francis DiPersio writes - "Triangle Studios’ Cross of the Dutchman is an interesting beast. This isometric brawler tells the origins story of Frisian rebel fighter and folk hero Pier Gerlofs Donia. Later known as Grutte Pier (Big Pier), the once humble farmer traded his pitchfork for a hulking two-meter sword to kick off a bloody and successful guerrilla campaign against the Black Band, an occupying regiment in the service of George, Duke of Saxony in the mid 16th century. While the mythology behind Cross of the Dutchman‘s protagonist makes brilliant fodder for a hack-and-slash title, the game’s repetitive nature and truncated campaign keep the title from achieving the mythic heights of its inspiration."

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