
PS4 Doesn't Need Exclusives; It Has MGSV To Drive Sales

It's too bad that PlayStation 4 doesn't have any AAA exclusives for the holiday season but thankfully, Metal Gear Solid V is proving to be a very big help.

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PhoenixUp3178d ago

Except PS4 actually has plenty of AAA exclusives for this holiday season, even more so than its competition. These exclusives in addition to the third party deals Sony has forged will drive PS4 sales this fall.

Abash3178d ago

If anything it's the PS4 that is helping drive Metal Gear Solid V sales.

suckingeggs3178d ago

I wonder why the media are Acting like the ps4 has no exclusives that are launching this holiday?its really strange as there are quite a few

bouzebbal3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

As Abash said above, it's more the opposite that's happening. At the pace it's selling, PS4 doesn't need games, games need PS4.

Imalwaysright3178d ago

This is the 1st time I'm seeing someone say that consoles sell games! I always thought that people bought consoles to play games because that's their purpose.

Paulino303178d ago Show
XisThatKid3177d ago

Overall I been saying this all summer. Even if it's true the X1 has a better exclusive line up this year it's all good since exclusives isn't the only thing that matters. If your going to fuel the war use everything. People say oh yea mgs is affiliated and associated with Sony products so people flock to PlayStation for MGS anyway. CoD has and still be associated with XBox but I'll put my money on it sells better on Sony consoles. Third party games has and always will sell consoles despite AAA exclusives.

ShinMaster3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

It's true though.

MGS 1, 2, 3, 4 have sold more EACH than ALL other Metal Gear games on all other non-PlayStation platforms COMBINED.

And now MGS5 is proving the same with more than 70% of sales coming from PS.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3177d ago
Satyre283178d ago

Excuse me but do you mind telling me these AAA holiday exclusives for the PS4? I ask because as an owner of a PS4 unless i am highly misinformed im not seeing any PS4 exclusives this holiday.

3178d ago
StrayaKNT3178d ago

People keep putting really weak titles like mlb the show, A vita port, some PS3 games etc in their list of PS4 exclusives

Now people are pretending MGS is an exclusive because of sales...

Its such a weak list imo. I didn't know mlb the show and tales of zestiria were such highly anticipated games

WellyUK3178d ago

funny how no one has actually said what these AAA exclusives are.Just a load of disagrees.

NewMonday3178d ago

if you have a PS4 you don't need to wait to holiday, if you have an open range of interest the PS4 has tons of exclusives this year

but if you only like a few specific genres that play a certain way the chances you find something you like will naturally get smaller.

so what do you like?

Paulino303178d ago

Same here please. The only games I'm playing this fall is fallout 4. Not sure if on PC or PS4 and persona 5 if it releases this year. I already played all uncharted games and that's an hd remaster.

freshslicepizza3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

the only aaa ps4 game i can recall for this year is bloodborne that is actually appealing. the order came and went quickly. other than that you have mlb the show which is also on the ps3 but won't look as perty. the only other game coming this year that is confirmed that interest me is tearaway which is kind of a vita port. still looks fun but not really aaa status.

then we get into good indie games like until dawn and some niche japanese titles like persona. so you really don't have those big blockbusters yet on the ps4 that make the system stand out aside from blodborne for 2015 titles. but every year much like the ps3 era we continue to play the waiting game and they do eventually come out. i just hope sony isn't taking its time because they have such a huge seller of a system on their hands.

CartBlanche3177d ago

@Manhattanbridge @StrayaKNT With MGSV selling in the UK @ 3:1 in favour of the PS4, it might as well be an exclusive. This is in a region that is traditionally an Xbox stronghold. Wait until the worldwide numbers come it.
It seems Microsoft paying for the Phantom Pain reveal to happen at E3 2013, didn't really help Xbox gamers attach the game with that console.

NewMonday3177d ago

"Why do games have to be a Halo, Killzone, Forza, Gran Turismo, to count?"

so he can win the argument, simplz!

Persistantthug3177d ago

For all disk based retail games For the year of 2015:

PS4 = 33 GAMES



The_Eternal_one3177d ago

I was seriously just thinking the same and all I can think about is the uncharted collection which is a remaster. Not trolling as PS is my preferred console first out of the two. But what other AAA exclusives?

IamTylerDurden13177d ago

@ Satyre28
@ Manhattan
@ WellyUk

Ok boys, i'll happily oblige. Here is a small taste of some of the AAA exclusives in 2015 on PS4. This is off the top of my head.

The Order 1886
MLB The Show 15
GoW 3

- Fall/holiday 2015 -

UNTIL DAWN - if forza counts as fall/holiday then so does this
Dragon Quest Heroes
Tearaway Unfolded
Persona 5
The Witness
No Man's Sky - until i hear otherwise it stays
Tales of Zestiria
The Nathan Drake Collection

Then we have a plethora of holiday games that look fantastic even though they aren't "AAA"

The Tomorrow Children
Salt & Sanctuary
ect ect

Imortus_san3177d ago

@Persistantthug nice to see all those japanese titles release in japan in 2015 that no one here will play this year.

As far as that image you posted goes, The Order was weak played it in one day, dead in the Water, bloodborne is ok, but after Deamon Sould couldn't care less, Until daw is the game I will get in the future to play, all other games are on PS3 or will only hit Europe in 2016, so all in all, I played 1 game on PS4 this year The Order and next will be Until Dawn.

So as far as I can say, its a shitty game list full of japanese games in japanese and ridicul HD Remasters.

Imortus_san3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

Double post.

NeoGamer2323177d ago

The definition of exclusive on that site seems really skewed to making PS4 look good.

First, it doesn't include all of the games available on the consoles, it is only discs that sell in-store.

Second, its definition of exclusive is more like "What does not ship on X1". Many games are on other platforms like XBox 360 (Arcania, SF IV, Risen 3, Legend of Kay), PS Vita (Tearaway, FFX), and PS3 (Beyond, Deception IV, Journey, Uncharted, FFX, etc.).

So, what you are really saying is that the PS4 lineup is full of re-mastered games from previous consoles, and a bunch of Japanese games.

You take away the re-masters and the PS4 lineup is Japanese games. That is fine if all you want is Japanese games. But, talk about it for what it is not trying to make it look better than it really is.

gangsta_red3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

wrong post!

AHall883177d ago

All that image shows me is that neither console has a ton of must play exclusives yet, plus there's still some cross-gen stuff, not a bad thing mind you, but it doesn't help...

Maybe I'm just getting old, but third party stuff seems to be what I care about more now.
Show me some exclusives on either side that are up to the standard of Witcher 3 or MGSV, or Fallout 4 if that game lives up to the hype.

Persona 5, Gran Turismo 7, and Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 vs. Halo 5, Forza 6, Quantum Break, and Halo Wars Origins.
Hopefully DoAX3 and Quantum Break make it to the PC though.

Are any of those other Japanese games coming to the US? Those might be interesting. And why is Risen 3 even on that list? It's a year old PC game that was disappointing.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 3177d ago
triple_c3178d ago


The PS4's exclusive holiday line up actually has something called diversity and it's not the same yearly racing games or dudebro shooters that come out every holiday like that other system. That's why the PS4 's holiday exclusives get discredited.

Gazondaily3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

"The PS4's exclusive holiday line up actually has something called diversity "

Okay thats nice if you have diversity. In that list, name me one heavy hitter in there though if we're talking diversity? Also, that list has a majority of jrpgs. Its not that diverse although you can argue that Xbox has no jrpgs so this is a good point maybe?

Because to be frank, all Im seeing is people pad the exclusive list with things like some baseball game and the more obscure(relative to the big ones) ps3 jrpgs that I'm petty confident that the very people listing those games won't even buy them (call it a hunch).

People quickly deride Halo and Forza as another 'brodude shooter' and racer but you need to remember, this is Halo we're talking about. Forza is widely regarded as the best in its class and Halo is the same as far as exclusive FPS on consoles are concerned. So if people do pad the above list and then deride these titles, it just makes their argument even weaker.

I hope we don't start counting multiplats as exclusives now on the basis of sales...

SniperControl3178d ago


"Forza is widely regarded as the best in its class"

Lol, ok.

Gazondaily3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


Yup. Sorry to break it to you but GT was dethroned quite a while ago.

Let me guess, you're going to talk about sales? Is that your metric for assessing quality?

SniperControl3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


And i assume your going to throw metacritic numbers at me.........

Millions upon millions of people dont by a game because it's crap, GT has constantly doubled or at some points tripled Forza sales, are you saying all those people are stupid and like to buy 5hit games.

Chevalier3178d ago

You say this:

"jrpgs that I'm petty confident that the very people listing those games won't even buy them (call it a hunch). "

then say this:

"Let me guess, you're going to talk about sales? Is that your metric for assessing quality"

Don't those 2 statements kind of contradict? Your suggesting low selling exclusives don't matter at all since they're niche then next your suggesting quality, not sales that matter?! Talk about idiotic. DQ Heroes, Tearaway, MLB and Persona etc are all fantastic games and certainly high quality games. Your opinion doesn't equal facts.

Halo and Forza being the best is opinion. Some people don't give a crap about either just like you don't like JRPG's. Shocking that people like different games right? So if anything you should stop deriding what you don't like and take your own advice. Heavyhitters does not equal good.

Also games like Recore and Scalebound which are diversifying Xbones lineup are also niche, but, your not going to exclude those now are you?

Love how you dismiss niche games on Ps4 as unimportant, yet when someone mentions how GT destroys Forza in sales you change your tune and its not sales, but, 'quality' that matters. Guess there's value in lower selling titles right?

Gazondaily3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


So you DID bring in sales ha!
"are you saying all those people are stupid and like to buy 5*it games."

Are you saying Justin Bieber fans know good quality music? Please answer lol.

So you'd take sales over review scores right? Of course lol.


"Your suggesting low selling exclusives don't matter at all since they're niche then next your suggesting quality, not sales that matter?! Talk about idiotic. "

Errr where am I suggesting that? I'm saying people are propping these comparatively obscure titles to pad numbers. I AM talking quality. Thats the point. Compare these titles with Final Fantasy or say Lost Odyssey.

Its not about sales. It's about these titles that people make little fuss over generally other when it comes to padding games lists.

MLB the show might sell a lot for example. But i have yet to meet one person who cares for it.

"Also games like Recore and Scalebound which are diversifying Xbones lineup are also niche, but, your not going to exclude those now are you?"

Eh?? These are brand new ip's that aren't even out yet! You're calling them niche?

triple_c3178d ago


"all Im seeing is people pad the exclusive list with things like some baseball game and the more obscure(relative to the big ones) ps3 jrpgs that I'm petty confident that the very people listing those games won't even buy them (call it a hunch)"

"Let me guess, you're going to talk about sales? Is that your metric for assessing quality?"

So sales don't matter when comparing Forza to Gran Turismo but they all of a sudden matter when comparing Xbox One's holiday line up to the PS4's holiday line up?
Wow, you just contradicted yourself in less than 2 post's. Good job!

SniperControl3178d ago


"So you'd take sales over review scores right? Of course lol"

So what exactly sold all those copies of GT........thats right review scores, no game sells that many copies because it had crap reviews.
Good sales and good reviews go hand in hand.

Why o why3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

'to pad numbers'

heres the thing that keeps tingling my senses

If ps guys accuse MS of releasing no games in 8 months we are hit with a barrage of 'comparatively obscure titles' so what are you guys saying exactly...Are you admitting MS had nothing for 2 thirds of the year because those titles weren't heavy hitters my friend?? IF thats the case then how could you guys be comparing a quiet 3/4 months vs 8 with straight faces??????

IS Until Dawn and tearaway any less than an ori-esc or Scalebound game?

Just let me know what the barometer is for future reference because until just recently those games mattered or were they listed 'to pad numbers'??

The tomb raider/hitman argument is one I hadn't considered. If one is listed for 'exclusivity, then why shouldn't the other?

The thing is that one of the reasons the playstation brand is where it is IS because of the variety or 'comparatively obscure titles'. MS are learning that but have to lean on others to provide it. Nothing wrong with that especially when the titles end up being good/great but If they're included for one camp you bet they'd be included for the other

trouble_bubble3178d ago

"Dethroned GT a long time ago"..

dethroned from what?!

The last time the two franchises went head2head -GT6 vs. Forza5- in 2013, GT6 scored higher among critics. I repeat, GT6 scored higher. Forza5 averaged 79%. Did I miss something here??!!

Gazondaily3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


"Good sales and good reviews go hand in hand."

Really? Explain the sales for games like Knack, Killzone and The Order?


"So sales don't matter when comparing Forza to Gran Turismo but they all of a sudden matter when comparing Xbox One's holiday line up to the PS4's holiday line up? "

No sales don't matter period. That's my point.

I NEVER said it was an issue of sales for that PS4 list of exclusives. I'm talking popularity and basically the quality of those titles. They are obscure titles and I only hear of them when people want to mention lists of exclusives.

Lets be honest; are you weighing up those titles against heavy hitters like Uncharted, Halo etc? Come on...lets be real?


"The tomb raider/hitman argument is one I hadn't considered. If one is listed for 'exclusivity, then why shouldn't the other? "

Tell me, when is the earliest you get to play Tomb Raider on your console of choice>? The answer is well past 2015. And we're talking playing games this year. Nothing complicated.

"Are you admitting MS had nothing for 2 thirds of the year because those titles weren't heavy hitters my friend??"

Isn't that EXACTLY what the Sony contingent were constantly spouting off? MS a quiet 2015 yes, I've said this before but PlayStation had ONE worthy title for most of it and that was Bloodborne. That's it. Tell me I'm wrong. Name me the titles that have come out this year on PS4 that Xbox owners should be aware of?


Huh? Forza Motorsport 4 has had both GT 5 and 6 beat in the same generation. Forza 5 was the weakest iteration but what about Forza 6? Its the highest rated racer in a series that has consistently outperformed GT? Still don't get it?

LexHazard793178d ago


You're making it seem as tho Forza is a shitty game. Forza has been the better racing game. I havent enjoyed a GT game since PS2.

SniperControl3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


All those games you listed were good games that millions of people enjoyed and they sold very well(regardless of clearly biased reviews from so called "Journalists").

So are you saying all those millions of people who bought those games were wrong to buy them?


Far from it, i own Forza Horizon 2 and Forza 4 and have pre-ordered Forza 6, while i dont own Forza 5, i have played it.

I have always enjoyed the GT games ever since PS1, i just find the GT games to be better than the Forza games, but that's my opinion and i dont like to pass of opinion as fact like certain people in here.

nosferatuzodd3178d ago

Triplec you what I discovered when Xbox game sell well even if a psgame get better score you will hear a Xbox fanboy say oh it's a nichei title sale is what count but when grand tourismo beats forza in sales you hear the reverse score is what matter not sales the same ppl who talk about sale sales ale last get when most ps game was better than theirs now moving the goal post lol double standard is strong with ppl like septic

xKugo3178d ago

For it to be the "King of Racers" you guys sure don't support it very well, lmao. While on the other side, a single GT game has almost as many sales as the entire Forza franchise. I think any studio would tell you that while a meta-critic scores are cool(less and less this is a factor considering the condition of gaming journalism and how it's viewed in the public eye), what they really care about is sales. Forza 6 could have a metacritic score of 99, but if it sales 100k copies, does it even remotely matter? Turn 10 developers would probably give you a resounding "No".

YOU may not care about sales, but the rest of the world does, especially the developers. Sorry, not sorry..

Why o why3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

It seems this love for aaa games will be the undoing of some. It was the same thing last gen. . I've said before that the statements levelled at both camps regarding games was wrong in terms of there not being any. . Now its shifted to 'worthy' games 'to you'. Lesser games aren't included in that list it seems. Baseball games jrpgs, tearaway type games only uncharteds halos. If that's what it is then yep. . . .ms wins but my year consists of more than 4 months and my gaming appetite greater than only uncharted and halo type 'heavy hitters'. It includes the newly maligned indies too as well as the lesser games .

I'll put my hand up and own the fact many ps gamers downplayed indies last gen. Wrongen but now....after 8 months x1 fans pipe up and claim victory. Kool.. You win

triple_c3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Jesus, you contradict yourself so much in such a short amount of time that it is pretty comical at this point.

"No sales don't matter period. That's my point.

I NEVER said it was an issue of sales for that PS4 list of exclusives. I'm talking popularity and basically the quality of those titles. They are obscure titles and I only hear of them when people want to mention lists of exclusives."

You were the 1 that said that people don't buy JRPG's and MLB The Show games. So if you don't care about sales then why would you bring up the sales of those games? You're making the assertion that those games don't sell well and they don't sell as well as AAA games like Halo because they're not quality titles which is pretty hypocritical on your part. You were the 1 that stated that Forza has surpassed Gran Turismo but Forza sells less copies than Gran Turismo and Gran Turismo is a more popular series than Forza so if I was to use your logic against you I could say that the Gran Turismo series is of a higher quality than the Forza series since Gran Turismo sells more. See how your logic is used against you?

Popularity doesn't always determine the quality of a game. If that was the case Call of Duty would be the best series ever and it would have more quality than 95% of the other AAA games that are out there. Those titles are not quality titles to YOU. That's YOUR opinion. You're passing your opinion off as a fact when it isn't.

"Lets be honest; are you weighing up those titles against heavy hitters like Uncharted, Halo etc? Come on...lets be real?"

No, I don't consider those titles to be AAA titles but I still enjoy them and appreciate them. I'm not going to dismiss those games and dismiss the quality of those games just because they're not as popular as some of the other AAA games or dismiss them just because they're not AAA games like you are doing. Not everybody has an AAA complex like you do. You may not like those games but other people do.

trouble_bubble3178d ago

I get that out of the six GT games and 6 Forza games, GT has scored higher on 4 of them on metacritic. 4 > 2

Forza1 = 92
Forza 2 = 90
Forza 3 = 92
Forza 4 = 91
Forza 5 = 79
Forza 6 = 89 atm

GT1 = 96
GT2 = 93
GT3 = 95
GT4 = 89
GT5 = 84
GT6 = 81

_-EDMIX-_3178d ago

@Sep- smh

"Okay thats nice if you have diversity. In that list, name me one heavy hitter in there though if we're talking diversity? Also, that list has a majority of jrpgs"

"heavy hitter"??? Sad...you seem to be under this idea that they need a KILLER IP to sell consoles.

Yet last gen they brought out new IP, after new IP, after new IP.

Uncharted, The Last Of Us, Little Big Planet etc and out sold MS.

They may not be huge established IPs...but haven't you noticed that those fancy established IPs at MS have yet to have MS win a single generation?

Horizon is a new IP, Dream is a new IP, Until Dawn is a new IP, Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and many more are working on new IPs...the company that constantly out sold MS is making..you guessed it...new ips EVERY SINGLE GEN!

The notion that established IPs or umm..."heavy hitters" will have them some how crush the competition is not only old, its not even proven.

What gen did MS sell the most doing this little concept?

Yet Sony is outselling them for the 3rd time in a row with brand new series? Maybe you should be asking yourself where is MS's new series? Where are their new teams making brand new IPs?

What happened to this?


put it at 2.09. Exactly where is that game?

Also with jrpgs....yet you wonder why PS will always sell above XB.....here is a hint, Jrpgs bud. They will keep PS selling in Japan above MS likely for life at this point.

So, why does Sony need to have um "heavy hitters" in the fall when they are the market lead? When they are beating MS once AGAIN! Why should they do what the losing company is doing? lol, you sure bud?

"People quickly deride Halo and Forza as another 'brodude shooter' and racer but you need to remember, this is Halo we're talking about. Forza is widely regarded as the best"

??? When has a Halo won MS a generation? They put 4 Halos out last gen and STILL SOLD THE LEAST!

Forza? You mean the series that sells below GT every single entry? 1 GT sells more then the whole series COMBINED! Thats nice that you "think" what GT is...million and millions factually know what they want with GT and buy it to get it.

Sorry but Triplec is correct, PS line up is very divers and Sony doesn't need to rush out games in the fall broken to get sales, they are getting sales from MGSV for gods sake, they will from Star Wars, Fallout 4 etc, they have nothing to worry about, its MS that is losing once again. Why follow the lead of a company that has lost every gaming generation its been in? Even one where it released first and the cheapest? lol

Please Septic, we know you love XB, but at least have some logic to why they will do well this fall. They will sell the least this fall, very, very likely. Mind you, Phil is stating this is there best fall in history....sad to think they believe that.

Gazondaily3178d ago


Lol see! There it is! The constant changing of goal posts.

So good reviews = better sales but no....conspiracy against Knack, Killzone and The order because.. Biased journalism. Right got ya.

Then you have Kugo proving you're sales argument wrong because the highest rated racer last gen didn't enjoy those massive sales?


"You were the 1 that said that people don't buy JRPG's and MLB The Show games"

What?? Firstly I didn't say nobody buys jrpgs. Secondly,Its very simple. Im saying not many people I know care for those games and those titles have comparatively little hype. I EVEN said MLB might have high sales, I still maintain that people are padding the list by mentioning it. Read above.

People say "oh another racer" when it comes to a seminal franchise like Forza but happily list some baseball game? Lmao.


I enjoy ny indies too but that list does nothing for me (not indies i know).

It's not a question about AAA titles but confronting those Sony fanboys quick to deride Xbox titles that have had the quality to boot. Yes variety us great but we keep hearing from the haters how its 'just another shooter or racer' as if there's extra nobility in liking the more obscure titles.

I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. Prima Facie, the 2015 lineup for the PS4 looks weak, just like it has been the previous year and the year before that.

_-EDMIX-_3178d ago

@Sep- ". I'm talking popularity" LMFAO!

PS outsold MS every gen...pretty sure its more "popular"

GT does like 10 million, Forza does like 2 million, pretty sure GT is more "popular".

Stand back guys, its not about sales, its about "popularity" yet this is coming from the company that is losing another gen....again...for the 3rd time in a row.

Doesn't that mean that factually XB is the least "popular" Bro...why defend it bro, its not the most popular..../s

NewMonday3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

"Millions upon millions of people dont by a game because it's crap, GT has constantly doubled or at some points tripled Forza sales"

well said! he got you there Septic, or do you say a few blog writers matter more than millions of gamers?


"Im saying not many people I know.."
that is called living in a bubble

"and those titles have comparatively little hype"

well Forza didn't even make the top 10 hottest games on N4G yet, couldn't beat Rapture even. means nobody cares

"I EVEN said MLB might have high sales, I still maintain that people are padding the list by mentioning it"

if MLB is "padding the list" then so is Forza, both annual sorts games. Forza is X1's MLB.

_-EDMIX-_3178d ago

@Sep- you may think the line up looks "weak" yet that line up has outsold MS last year, has outsold this year and hell at least it actually EXIST this year vs MS 8 months of nothing.

Want to know why PS4 is selling so well? Might be because Sony is supporting its system all year vs 4 months out of the year.

You may think its "weak", 24 million think otherwise.

When has Halo or Forza sold MS the most units in a gen?

Yet your questioning Sony's line up against the company that is selling near the least once again?

Very funny. Numbers don't lie bud ,someone is buying PS based on those games, MS has lost every gen they've been in, funny because they've backed the same IPs every gen they've been in, you might be jumping around with pom poms for Halo and Forza, but again...when have those IPs actually sold MS's enough to make it sell better then Sony or Nintendo?


triple_c3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

You did in fact say that people don't buy those games in your original post and you alluded to that by saying that those games were not popular.

You were the 1 that said that MLB: The Show games and JRPG's were obscure titles. You also said that people that list those games won't buy those games. You're pretty much saying people don't buy those games.

Why are you lying and saying you didn't say something that you did in fact say? Is it because your argument was destroyed and you were proven wrong?? LOL

SniperControl3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )


"Lol see! There it is! The constant changing of goal posts"

Jesus man, You must have moved the goals posts at least four times alone in this very comment string.

"Then you have Kugo proving you're sales argument wrong because the highest rated racer last gen didn't enjoy those massive sales"

It still outsold a game that apparently dethroned it...


kupomogli3178d ago


Why do games have to be a Halo, Killzone, Forza, Gran Turismo, to count?

-Until Dawn. Story driven horror game.
-Tales of Zesitiria. JRPG with action based combat system.
-Nobunaga's Ambition Sphere of Influence. Grand Strategy
-Tearaway. Platformer with 50% more content than the Vita version.
-Earth Defense Force 4.1. Shooter
-Uncharted Collection. Shooter

I've just recently purchased Nobunaga's Ambition and plan to purchase the rest, but then there are people who are interested in Disgaea 5, Samurai Warriors 4-2, Sword Arts Online Lost Song, Dragon Quest Heroes, etc, etc.

Just as I've purchased Metal Gear Solid 5, and interested in purchasing Just Cause, I'm also interested in niche games. It's why Playstation gets more exclusives because they actually have people who aren't so focused on the same few game genres.

mozzie3178d ago

@trouble_bubble Forza and GT did went head to head, except that Forza was Xbox One and GT was released only on PS3 with the PS4 right around the corner. Otherwise Sony couldn't tell it's fans that greatness awaits.

CartBlanche3177d ago

@Septic really? So why haven't car companies jumped over each other to ask Turn 10 to create the equivalent of GT Academy - http://www.gran-turismo.com... ? If Forza is more realistic than GT, surely car manufacturers would be looking for the best drivers from Forza to head up their future real life races??

Christopher3177d ago

***The PS4's exclusive holiday line up actually has something called diversity***

***In that list, name me one heavy hitter in there though if we're talking diversity?***

Why are we all practicing goal post movement? In what world can you people just not be happy with what you prefer and leave it at that. Why do you constantly come here to clamor about who has the best lineup based on x, y, and z factors while all the other people who prefer a, b, and c claim that theirs is the best because of those.

Too many people here are trying to win arguments by suiting said arguments to the strengths of their team rather than realizing, hey, maybe that guy over there just prefers this and I prefer this? Could it be that we're both right and neither of us are wrong, we're just freaking different?

uth113177d ago

I think PS4 and Xbox actually cater to slightly different audiences now. Xbox has shooters and racers covered. That's a big gaming segment. But that's why some Xbox fans consider everything that's not a shooter or a racer as "niche" because it doesn't appeal to them.

PS4 appeals to people looking for more than just shooters, these people like the variety Sony brings, they look at the Xbox lineup and think more "Forza and Halo" is underwhelming.

Spotie3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

So, I've got a question. A few, actually.

When did heavy hitters become all that mattered? When was it that only the biggest of franchises with the biggest of budgets became the only games worth considering or playing on a console? Septic, since you're the primary one making that argument(here; there are plenty others who do the same elsewhere), sure you can answer that.

Next: IF that's all that counts, then how can ANY Xbox fan say the XB1 has had anything to play since last year? I ask about Xbox fans because I don't see PlayStation fans making that argument here; I only see Xbox faithful saying there's nothing on the PS4 this holiday. Curiously, I see those same individuals adamantly denying the XB1's year-long drought by citing Screamride and Ori and the Blind Forest, even though they reject MUCH larger titles like Persona and Dragon Quest.

Fourth, what the hell is with this drive to dismiss things as "niche?" Why do I keep reading about how Until Dawn is niche, and so it doesn't matter as much as Gears of War? Gears is niche, too, in case people didn't notice. So's Forza.

Why can't people just stick to one metric? This especially goes out to you, Septic. Is it sales, or is it review scores? If you're losing the argument with one, why do you get to switch to the other?

Lastly, who is this magical "majority" that I keep hearing about? Xbox fans, in particular, keep claiming "the majority" don't care for Japanese games, or indies, or Until Dawn, or The Order, or The Show(I saw that comment, Septic; did it occur to you that because it's a baseball game, and you're in a country that's not big on baseball, you wouldn't be likely to know anybody interested in it? what the hell, dude?), implying that the majority instead prefer whatever game is on Xbox.

Newsflash: the majority don't like ANYTHING. The majority of gamers have never bought one game. Attach rates for NO game approach 50%, let alone above it. Unless, that is, they're bundled with every freaking unit of hardware, like Wii Sports. Let's stop with using that as an excuse for why a game isn't big enough, because it's a crappy excuse.

I was gonna make a remark about derailing this discussion and how that's okay, but seeing how easy it is to lose bubbles for some...

Edit: No, gangsta. Those games were dismissed for not being marketed at the core. That is in no way the same as disregarding a game because it's not AAA status. Your analogy, or whatever the hell it's supposed to be, fails when you consider that indie games and smaller titles were still praised back then.

Sorry, try again?

gangsta_red3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )


"The PS4's exclusive holiday line up actually has something called diversity"

I love that this is the new excuse for when a line up is "lacking". That now the holiday line up is "diversity". More diverse than what? As if the PS4 hasn't already given you shooters, racers and everything else of the norm.

And Xbox one's line up and games releasing this holiday has been just as diverse. MS is just now releasing their heavy hitters and all of a sudden people are regurgitating that it's all the same thing on the Xbox front.


"When did heavy hitters become all that mattered?"

I think they became what mattered when a lot of people were dismissing Kinect games and the Wii's casual games as not for the average gamer. I'm sure you and others remember this when people were trying to add Kinect games to the list of 360 exclusive games and were constantly told those don't count.

On topic...sort of...

Seriously, Christopher is right and it should have ended at his comment.

People are arguing what THEY think counts based on their personal preference and others are arguing that those games don't count or matter because they have no interest in the games listed.

It's an uphill battle with a destination of no where.

"Those games were dismissed for not being marketed at the core."

So are JRPG's and all those otaku type games marketed at the core Spotie? Or are they "niche" games that you keep saying count? Here's just another fine example of how you move goal posts and change definitions to apply it to your current argument.

"That is in no way the same as disregarding a game because it's not AAA status."

Wha?!! It is disregarding games! You disregarded Kinect games because you say they were not aimed at the core and this somehow means they don't count. You seriously just proved my point.

"...consider that indie games and smaller titles were still praised back then."

Well that has nothing to do with what I said but E for effort. And I also remember smaller games and indie titles from XNA were not counted, but I'm sure you'll just conveniently forget/deny those times also.

Why o why3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

2 can play that game. It also seems you've turned a blind eye to those downplaying indies now. I've already admitted Sony fans did wrong but don't bring kinect games into this. . Those were the most basic types of games available. . .more basic than the move games that were also wrongly downplayed. . . Guess you just haven't noticed. Similar to the 'exclusives don't matter' mantra that a faction championed when their console of choice had next to no output during the final 3rd.

No innocents here bro. . None

I'll agree that Christophers comment should of ended the back and forth. . . But here we are. . Doing the n4g thing plus it's not like these weren't valid points made from both sides of the fence

ShinMaster3177d ago (Edited 3177d ago )

@ Septic

You're doing it again.

I mean, wtf is your criteria and why must we meet it?

You can't say that certain games don't count because they're not "heavy hitters". And then say that sales don't count for GT, which is a heavy hitter. Not only that, but the GT series has had more higher rated entries than Forza. And before you say that the last two GT games haven't scored as high, remember that you went back to Forza 4 to make your point.

And games like Persona 5 and Tales ARE a big deal.
I'm not saying these games are meant to deal a damaging blow to your precious Xbox any more than Halo 5 will to PS4, but they do count.

"NO NO NO! Let ME tell YOU all why shouldn't be excited for those games that I claim don't interest me for various inconsistent trivial reasons. Japanese games, what? I'm moving the goalpost, again".

- Fanboys

Chevalier3177d ago

" I AM talking quality. Thats the point. Compare these titles with Final Fantasy or say Lost Odyssey.

Lost Odyssey was niche as well. Final fantasy we can agree is big, but, Dragon Quest regularly outsells Final Fantasy, but, you'll not count Dragon quest and Persona which have been doing extremely well in sales?! Interesting.

"MLB the show might sell a lot for example. But i have yet to meet one person who cares for it. "

What so just because you personally know no one it's unimportant? Tell that to my customers who like MLB and buy PS4's because it's the only baseball game available. Maybe all your friends play on Xbox One where it's not an option?

"Eh?? These are brand new ip's that aren't even out yet! You're calling them niche?"

Other than Mega man and DMC by these 2 creators what has actually sold a significant amount? Platinum games and Inafune's studio's, neither has had any major game sales from Bayonetta, Wonderful 101, Vanquish, Lost PLanet, Soul Sacriface all were extremely niche games. So please tell me how Recore and Scalebound won't be niche as well?! Neither of them has had a major hit in the last decade.

+ Show (32) more repliesLast reply 3177d ago
Shadowsteal3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

For anyone wondering what these mysterious exclusives are:

Personal 5 (on PS3)
Tales of Zestiria (on PS3)
Disgaea 5
Dragon Quest Heroes (on PS3)
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
Tearaway: Unfolded
Until Dawn


Gears of War Ultimate
Forza 6
Halo 5
Rise of the Tomb Raider (on 360 and PC)

If I missed anything, I apologize in advance

Malacath3178d ago

You missed Fable Legends.

Also Persona 5 doesn't count. That's not out until next year on ps4.

Although I don't really get the point of this article as Metal Gear is not an exclusive. It's on xbox one as well.

If anything ps4 is helping sales of metal gear as metal gear used to be playstation exclusive which means more of it's fans are playstation owners

triple_c3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

@ Shadowsteal
Tomb Raider is also coming to the PS4 so it's not exclusive. It's a timed exclusive but you guys keep listing Rise of the Tomb Raider as an Xbox exclusive when it's not. Going by you guys's logic, Hitman is also a PS4 exclusive since it's coming to the PS4 first.

Since people like you constantly wanna list timed exclusives like Tomb Raider as Xbox exclusives then your list of PS4 holiday exclusives should look like this

Person 5
Tales of Zestiria
Disgaea 5
Dragon Quest Heroes
Uncharted: Nathan Drake Collection
Tearaway: Unfolded
Until Dawn


Persona 5 is coming to NA and JP in 2015. Europe will get it in 2016. I'm from NA so Persona 5 is still a 2015 PS4 holiday exclusive in my eyes.

vanity293178d ago

@Malacath P5 could be out this year, we got 4 months left. Except for EU. Yeah, they getting it next year for sure.

As long as Atlus's own website says 2015 for japan and NA still, i will believe.

_-EDMIX-_3178d ago

@Malacath- https://twitter.com/Fox_Hol...

Also it was shown on the website at E3 that it was still on for this year.

Eiyuuou3178d ago

Tales of Zestiria is also on PS4.

Davi1233178d ago

Tomorow Children
God of War III Remastered

WellyUK3178d ago

Basically Until Dawn and Uncharted Collection. Sorry but that doesn't cut it compared to Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza 6 and Tomb Raider. You don't have to be a fanboy to see that the Xbox line up is pretty damn good...

NewMonday3178d ago


basically Halo5. Sorry but that doesn't cut it compared to ,Persona5,Tales of Zestiria,Disgaea 5,Dragon Quest Heroes,Uncharted Collection,Tearaway,Until Dawn. You don't have to be a fanboy to see that the PS4 line up is pretty damn good...

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 3178d ago
AngelicIceDiamond3178d ago

@Pheonix I'm curious to know what other exclusive AAA's your talking about.

JRPG's sure but what about the games that EVERYONE will enjoy and not just the niche crowd.

Eiyuuou3178d ago

There is no thing as a game that everyone will enjoy. Though I do understand what you're getting at.

xKugo3178d ago

Pretty sure not everyone enjoys Halo(Halo 4 sold 5-6 million on an install base of over 80 million) or Forza( I really don't need to embarrass this series with sales numbers, do I?) You will never make a game that pleases everyone, so that statement is kinda null and void.

NewMonday3177d ago


you mean like Dragon Quest? a franchise that sold more games than Halo, or dose it still not count somehow?

Persistantthug3177d ago

No offense, AngelicIceDiamond,

but you kinda made your comment very moot when you said,"EVERYONE".

Not even XBOX fans can point to HALO as a series "EVERYONE" can enjoy.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3177d ago
fermcr3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

You don't know the meaning of AAA exclusive.
PS4 has a few AA exclusives for this holiday... not AAA exclusives.

BTW... the PS4 doesn't need big exclusives since it sells really well without them. Big (or AAA) multi-platform games are selling the console.

Magicite3178d ago

For many people Persona 5 is a reason to own PS4.

Haru3178d ago Show
warder243177d ago

Please list these AAA exclusives for this holiday season? Because I have both systems and I don't know which exclusives you are talking about. Please don't mention Uncharted collection or No Man's Sky because ones a remaster and the other is an indie.

Persistantthug3177d ago


I think you may have forgotten, that out of the 6 TOTAL XBOX One retail exclusives, that 3 of them are remasters of old games from systems of previous generations.....and if you were to discount them, then XBOX One will have only 3 exclusive disk based games for 2015. If you want to do that, then that's ok, because I'm not sure if I want to count those for XBOX or PS4 anyways, to be honest. *shrug*

2. GEARS OF WAR Collection (XBOX 360)


Sly-Lupin3177d ago

What are they?

Only big exclusive I see in the past is Bloodborne; only big exclusives I see upcoming (from the list of release dates on GameFAQs) are Disgaea 5 and Uncharted 4.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3177d ago
Eonjay3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Doesn't really matter who makes the game. Good games will move consoles.
And since some of the best rated games are 3rd party, they are the ones by and far driving console sales. Who would really say that a game is less worthy of purchase simply because it is multi-platform?

Bolts3178d ago

MGS5 is the top seller on Steam right now.

vanity293178d ago

Saw a post saying that MGS V sold 3 times as much on ps4 than xbox. This is a rough number im guessing, but its probably because of the fanbase is on Playstation since they did grow up playing MGS on PS.

wakeNbake3178d ago

I own both and I got it Playstation because its what Ive always played MGS on, oh and the extra P's of course.

3178d ago
Rookie_Monster3178d ago

I got the PC version. Great game.

LackTrue4K3178d ago

You probably got most XboxOne games on pc to then.

Rookie_Monster3178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Not really as Forza 6, Halo 5, Rare Replay, Gears Ultimate, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Killer Instinct Season 1 and 2, Sunset Overdrive, Forza Horizon 2 are all games I got or going to get that are not on PC for the remainder of this year. Great third party Games that are available on day 1 on all three platforms like Witcher 3, MGSV, and Fallout 4..PC is the way to go if you have a rig that can play it. It is just that simple.

LOL, again..what does this have to do the XB1 as this is a MGSV article and you are talking to a dual consoles and PC owner here. But since you'd asked, I politely replied.

MetalGear813178d ago

@Cookie Monster You make it sound like those games are great. All those games are mediocre at best. None of those games are on Witcher 3, Bloodborne, MGS 5, Fallout 4, and Until Dawn level. I own all those games except Rare Replay.

jmac533177d ago

@Rookie monster killer instinct, gears ultimate and rise of the tomb raider are all coming to PC shortly after.

Azzanation3178d ago

MGS5/Witcher3 are Multiplats and Until Dawn isn't anything special in terms of reviews and sales so really Bloodborne is your only argument here.

As for Rare's Replay, Killer Instinct, Horizon 2 (Best next gen racer to date) Sunset Overdrive are all great games while Gears is a remaster and Tomb Raider is Timed, and I don't count them.

Bolts3178d ago

Until Dawn is totally forgetable. This is the problem with Sony, they over spend on the cinematic experience when they really should be focusing on the quality of their story telling.

MetalGear813178d ago (Edited 3178d ago )

Actually Until Dawn is doing well in sales so far. Heck it's been getting good reviews from great gaming sites and I'm not talking about IGN



@Bolts Sony is so diverse with their games and I love cinematic experiences. So does million's of people and one of the reason's why the PS4 is selling so well.

DragonDDark3178d ago

Until dawn is better than any racing game. There. I said it

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The Metal Gear series has sold 60.2 million copies

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Nyxus200d ago

Now we'll have to see how much the Master Collection will add to those numbers.

Number1TailzFan200d ago

Too bad it was a lazy release. They could've updated the visuals and everything. Missed opportunity.

Stanjara200d ago

...and yet, they couldn't give more respect and effort into the collection.
What a terrible company.

Minute Man 721200d ago (Edited 200d ago )

Are they counting every game?

Edit: they did

Nyxus200d ago

Yes, these are total lifetime sales of the entire series.

ApocalypseShadow200d ago

.... mostly with the help of PlayStation.

Michiel1989200d ago

Get that Sony tramp stamp while you're at it. No one asked


Metal Gear Solid V: the Phantom Pain Review

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is another rollercoaster of a game in the Metal Gear Solid series. Here's what to expect and why you need to experience it.

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CrimsonWing69216d ago

Yea I don’t get why they’re allowing old reviews to be posted here. Someone did one on Soul Reaver and I got so excited thinking there was some stealth release of an HD Remaster, but no… it’s just someone who had a slow day posted an old review…

Cacabunga216d ago

I liked the game but for me it felt somehow like a military simulator rather than a proper MGS.. i got bored of that

micdagoat19216d ago

I do wish they would remaster all the soul reavers

micdagoat19216d ago

it was done this morning though

goldwyncq216d ago

The author was in a coma for 9 years and didn't get to play the game when it released.

Chocoburger216d ago

This review arrived just in time for launch. Perfect timing!

RupeeHoarder216d ago

Amazing how bad this game looks already. We keep acting like this gen doesn't feel like an update but I think we're starting to see it.

YourMommySpoils216d ago

Looks better than Starfield, Cyberpunk and most recent games out. Still fine.

RupeeHoarder216d ago

It most certainly does not lol.

andy85216d ago

Have you player Cyberpunk since the first day? It's absolutely stunning now

216d ago
1nsomniac216d ago

One of the worst games ever made. Absolute overhyped trash!

Snowb420216d ago

The gameplay was great. It was the tacked on open world and repetitive missions that messed the game up.

Shane Kim216d ago

The game started really strong in that hospital, but after a couple of hours I wondered if it was even an mgs game I was playing.

KyRo215d ago

The hospital section was the only bit that felt like a MGS game.

MGS4 was the ending for me. I totally ignore the fact 5 exists. It didn't need to exist tbh

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