
Tales from the Borderlands [Ep4] Escape Plan Bravo Review | WASDuk

"As the series’ penultimate episode, Escape Plan Bravo, quite surprisingly, left me with far questions than answers. As the layers of the tale continue to peel away, hopefully getting closer to the actual truth of the matter, Fiona and Rhys continue to recant their tale of a bungled vault key deal to the masked man that’s held them captive, in another fine episode of Telltale’s best adventure since that First Season of The Walking Dead."


Tales From The Borderlands: Episode Four - Escape Plan Bravo Review - The Digital Fix

The Digital Fix:
It’s hard to believe that we’ve already seen so much action, humour and canon-defining moments so far crammed into just three episodes of Telltale Games and 2K Games Borderlands spin-off. Nonetheless, we’ve still got a vault to find as Tales From the Borderlands embarks on an intergalactic journey for it’s somewhat calmer, more emotionally driven fourth outing, Escape Plan Bravo. Before you join on us a trip into outer space, please be aware of passing asteroids, lasers fired from overhead space stations, and of course spoilers.

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Tales From the Borderlands: Escape Plan Bravo Review | Entertainment Buddha

EB: The trouble is that “Escape Plan Bravo” should feel like the most epic entry in the series yet, as much of the episode’s plot revolves around a mission to steal an important Vault beacon from the clutches of Hyperion. The opening minutes set the stage for a heist that feels in line with the ne’er-do-wells that populate Tales From the Borderlands. After the glamor – manifested in a slow motion montage with the game’s cast launching into space – wears off, “Escape Plan Bravo” devolves into more sitting around and watching people talk to one another.

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Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4 – ‘Escape Plan Bravo’ Review (Invision Community)

Tales from the Borderlands is another game developed by Telltale Games in their line of Episode Point-and-click adventure games, following in the steps of The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us. With the companies rise to popularity of late they have taken upon themselves to create several different games within the same time span, with a Minecraft Telltale game being announced just recently people have seen a link to this and the quality of rushed products. Is Tales from the Borderlands affected by the increase in workload?

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Vaneriuz3189d ago


Personally i'll easily give this episode a 4.5/5. Maybe the best so far. I laughed so hard several times! When they're going up into space, when they walk out in slow motion with that theme song, and deffo when "Vasquez" takes down all those employees with his "hand"gun. :D Haha, it's so well done it's priceless.

And you gotta love Warburton as Vasques! The man's a god damn natural! Perhaps the funniest voiceactor. That voice and delivery... Haha.

coolman2293188d ago

I thought this was a terrible episode. Not as bad as episode 2 but certainly the most baffling one. It rarely had any funny jokes (a problem every episode after the first one has had) and was full of absurd padding and completely nonsensical plot points. I can't be the only person who was confused and a little bothered by the whole fake gunfight that was just a really bad joke stretched out too far. The writing of the game has been awful past the first episode and I'm prepping for disappointment with the last one. I was bored to tears in this episode.

Even the intro was bad. Bad song, boring overall. At least the intros have been good despite how bad the episodes are but episode 4 is just boring.