
Calvino Noir Review | GameSpew

Harriet at GameSpew writes: "Aesthetically, Calvino Noir is the epitome of cool. It’s the lone figure standing in the shadows on a dirty street, the perfect glass of gin in a smoky jazz bar, the beautiful woman waiting for a train in a haze of fog.

However, this slow-paced stealth game, now out on PS4, PC and mobile devices, will have you feeling as cynical as its characters if you don’t have the patience.

In this mystery side-scroller by Calvino Noir Ltd, you initially play as leading man, Wilt. He’s appalled by what his city has become and is a master of the anti-hero monologue. He’s an eagle-eyed detective that can pick locks, find even the most miniscule of clues and take down guards. Wilt’s nothing new, but he fits into the noir genre perfectly. Across multiple levels, you play as three characters in total. Each one contributes a unique ability that will help you to uncover the city’s corruption, kick-start the revolution and fight for a better future."

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15 Minutes of Fame: Calvino Noir

EB: Visually this game feels a bit like This War of Mine, albeit with much less depression and despair. It features a 2D side-scrolling presentation with stark black and white visuals with dollhouse style buildings (one side cut out so you can see in) to explore. In terms of gameplay Calvino Noir features a mix of stealth and puzzle solving mechanics as you investigate a mystery that is very noir.

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Translating Traditional Story Genres

Analysis of archetypal story genres and how video games incorporate them. Uses FMV game Contradiction and 2D stealth game Calvino Noir as examples.

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3 Up, 3 Down – The Best (And Worst) Games From September 2015

Welcome back to our monthly installment where we give you the three best and three worst games of the previous month. If you’re curious what to pick up and what to avoid then look no further.

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Digital_Anomaly3170d ago

What a day to be alive! There sure was some great gaming last month!!

Cdn_Seahawks_Fan3170d ago

I can't believe you could narrow it down to just 3 good games, and it was only september. October and November are gonna be NUTS.

MercilessDMercer3170d ago

MGS:5 seems geared for a game of the year contention

GrapesOfRaf3170d ago

I think it's only going to be beaten by Fallout 4.

ThePope3170d ago

I think MGS was not a very good game, and I've beat every other MGS game. I just couldn't get into it.

Loadedklip3170d ago

Metal Gear Solid V and Super Mario Maker are both amazing.

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