
Super Mario Maker- Metro Review

Nintendo celebrates the 30th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. with a special level editor that turns you into your own game developer.

R00bot3175d ago

"Pros: An extremely easy to use level editor"
"Cons: No proactive attempts to teach you anything"
Uh. If it's easy to use then why would you need to be taught?

"Cons: Expensive, considering what's included"
Yeah okay. It's not like it has more on disc levels included than any previous mario games, or the ability to create your own, or the ability to download infinite more levels off the internet for free. If it had those things it'd totally be worth the price, right? /s

WeAreLegion3175d ago

I think it's because Little Big Planet came out in 2008 and outclasses this game in every single possible way. Amount of content. Creation tools. Story telling. Innovative mechanics.

I love Mario, but $60 for this? Are you serious, Nintendo? I'd gladly pay $20.

Pookandpie3175d ago

I don't have Mario Maker yet, but I've played each of the LBPs and I'm reluctant to say that *any* LBP outclasses Mario Maker.

Though, largely, as I played through LBP and made stages, I continually felt like there was something missing.

What would you say are the innovative mechanics in comparison to MM that LBP has? I can't think of any so I was just wondering.

3-4-53175d ago

WeAReLegion = You are delusional.

Please read back what you wrote.

You sound like a cult member.

Little Big Planet doesn't have better mechanics than Mario.....just ......no...just stop.

Your embarrassing yourself.

pcz3175d ago


as the review says

''The other main difference from LittleBigPlanet is that there’s no attempt to widen the scope to allow for game styles beyond a standard 2D Super Mario platformer.''

Picnic3174d ago

It's Mario. He and his games are iconic. He controls with just the right weight. He inspired the whole platforming genre. He's been the star of other genres. And, being in the US, you pay less than we in Europe do as well, so stop being from a rich country complaining about having what are the cheapest prices.

deafdani3174d ago

Gameplay-wise, which is the most important aspect of any Mario game, Little Big Planet still has a lot of catching up to do against old-school Mario.

And because of this alone, I suspect Super Mario Maker will be much more fun than any LBP game released so far, despite the fact that it's more limited creation-wise.

Now don't get me wrong: I had a lot of fun with LBP. Loved it, even! But I suspect Super Mario Maker will be much more fun, and loading times will probably be much shorter (if not practically non-existant), improving the experience further.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 3174d ago
PlayableGamez3175d ago

You have to have that one review.

pcz3175d ago (Edited 3175d ago )

that does what? tell the truth.

if you actually read the review, its very fair. metro (formally known as gamecentral/digitiser) have been around for a very long time and are highly respected among those in the know, they arent ones to pander to popular opinion, or jump on bandwagons, you can always guarantee an honest opinion, even if it is one you dont agree with.

i have bought many games on the strength of their reviews

3175d ago Replies(1)
Picnic3174d ago

What a bitter little review.

'Personally, we’ve never had any real interest in making our own video games, any more than an interest in cinema has made us want to make our own movies'.

Right, that's understandable. You're a journalist. You write diaries essentially and get paid for it.

'But then perhaps we have more insight into how games are actually made than the average gamer'.

So despite 'never had any real interest in making our own video games' you condescend to say that 'perhaps' Metro (and not just yourself) have more insight into how games are actually made than the average gamer?

I can tell that if I don't get the most out of this game, it will be due to my lack of willingness to put in time, not because anything was made harder than it need be. As such, it surely deserves 8 out of 10 at the very least for fulfilling the fantasies of many games players.

pcz3174d ago

the review was always going to get a lower score because that particular reviewer has little to no interest in making games. he even stated it. but that is what a review is, someones point of view. maybe if they searched their office for a mario fan to write the review, then it would have had a positive bias.

i think its a good review because it isnt afraid to point out the negatives. if you are mature enough, you will take on board that the reviewer wasnt particularly into the whole making thing, and then draw your own conclusions.

you could easily add another 2 points to the score taking that into account.

Picnic3174d ago

I just think some of their points don't stand up. 'the toolset is very restrictive'. If that's pretty much the same features that Miyamoto has worked with on those games, how is that restrictive?

To have included any more would have worsened one of their other criticisms- that they just weren't interested in creating stuff anyway.

They're not quite circular arguing but they're close. They admit it's easy to make levels- yet they still couldn't be bothered. And they had 100 levels to play with yet that wasn't enough for them so what did they want from the game? Blood?

marloc_x3174d ago

..like a vegan asked to critique Carl's Jr.

deafdani3174d ago

That's downright absurd. If you buy Super Mario Maker, you should at least have a minimal interest in the MAKING side of the game. It's even in the title.

Appointing someone who's not excited to make levels to review a game about making levels makes no sense whatsoever. It's like giving someone who doesn't care about FPS games a Call of Duty or Battlefield game to review.

Reviewers should have an affinity towards the kind of game they're reviewing.

pcz3174d ago (Edited 3174d ago )


so what you are saying is, its better to have a review with a positive bias, than a negative one?

all reviews will be bias in some way depending on the reviewers tastes. at least this reviewer was open enough to admit it.

they still gave it a respectable score. as i said, just add on a few points taking that into account. i mean, if a reviewer hates racing games but reviews grand tourismo, and still gives it a respectable score, that says a lot about the quality of the game.

i am still buying mario maker, i like the creative element, that to me is the main draw. so i know i will enjoy it more than the reviewer did. but its still good to hear criticism, rather than blind, wild praise by a fan. thats what a review should be... critical.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3174d ago

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iplay1up2646d ago

I hope Nintendo brings back real dungeons in BOTW 2!

deleted646d ago

Metroid certainly would be cool, but 100% Zelda dungeon maker should be the priority! It makes the most sense!

Jeriphro646d ago

The only issue with Zelda, for me, is that it won't have the same freedom of styles that Mario Marker has. Zelda 1, LttP, and the Game Boy ones could all possibly work, but Zelda also has a lot of 3D games. I guess if you limited the styles to Original Zelda, LttP, Minish Cap, and Link's Awakening, that could work. That's four different styles for a dungeon maker, but I think a Metroid Maker is closer to Mario and would probably be easier to make.

deleted645d ago

@Jeriphro Mario Maker drew mostly from its 2D roots, so I take no issue with a 2D only Zelda Maker. However, they also translated Mario 3D World elements into the 2D space, so I wouldn't mind that they do something similar with overhead Zelda games using more modern 3D elements too. A Link to the Past Remake shows how nice 3D elements can be implemented into the standard overhead Zelda view.

2D Zeldas were the games I grew up on anyways, A Link to the Past being one of my favorite games of all times! They halfway attempted a creator within the Links Awakening remake, but I'd like to see a fully realized creator. Of course though, Super Metroid was also once of my favorite games of all times so I'm dying to see a Metroid maker too. ;)

DethWish646d ago

Metroid Maker is a sweet idea

Knightofelemia646d ago

I'd go either for Metroid Maker a Zelda Maker would also be great even a Mario Kart Maker as well.


Super Mario Maker for Wii U Is Losing Some Features After March 31, 2021

Nintendo has announced that as of Jan. 12, 2021, the original Super Mario Maker game for the Wii U will not be available for purchase on the eShop.

Neonridr1264d ago

I mean there is a sequel available. My guess is Nintendo will want you to move towards a more current version.

1263d ago